How often should I use the reptical? - FaunaClassifieds
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Old 03-21-2009, 08:05 PM   #1
How often should I use the reptical?

Not for every meal im sure...
Should I also get some vitamin powder or something like that?
Old 03-21-2009, 09:22 PM   #2
Ed Clark
A growing baby needs calcium, everyone you ask is gonna have different ideas on this. I use it evey day on the insects and about every third day on the veggies.

A good UVB bulb is important, I like the zoo med 10.0 reptisun....there are many other brands out there also.
Old 03-21-2009, 09:57 PM   #3
Have you read some good care sheets? Here is a list of foods and their nutritional value or lack thereof for beardies, and there is a vit and cal. dusting schedule on this page as well

What kind of UVB bulb are you using? What are your basking and cool side temps? Do you use a temp gun, a digital therm with probe or a stick on therm?

How old is your beardie?
Old 03-21-2009, 10:06 PM   #4
Im not exactly sure how old she is, heres some pics:

I chose her specifically because of her color and the stump on her tail but shes awesome!

She ate just 1 cricket today and im guessing its cause of relocation stress and also ive been fiddling with her lamp the whole day cause I cant get it to exactly what I want (105 F). Im using a regular wall thermometer cause I ran out of $ for one of those digital ones with the laser. This makes taking a correct and quick temperature read a pain...

Her cool side is around 80 F and overnight my room stays at 75 F which is fine I think.

I read several care sheets before getting my beardie, her enclosure is around 30'' long and not very tall but tall enough. The breeder I got her from told me Ill need a new one in a few months.

She is around 5 to 6''.

As for the UVB tube im using im not very sure what kind it is or what voltage or all that only that its 7% UVB and thats what the breeder gave me for free(literally: "hey I dont need this if you dont have a UVB bulb for her use this").

Anyways thanks a lot for the replies!
Old 03-21-2009, 10:08 PM   #5
Oh i forgot to ask...
Today I tried a waxworm with her and she chewed it and then spat it out and I guess she was disgusted by the taste, should I keep trying or did she just tell me that worms are gross?

I also gave her a mix of collard greens, romaine lettuce and hard boiled eggs which she hasnt touched (the cricket she ate before was nibbling on her salad for a while too).
Old 03-21-2009, 10:28 PM   #6
How long have you had her?

That bulb is probably okay, but since florescent bulbs lose their effectiveness after 6-8 months or so, it would be a good idea to get a new one soon, and the one that Ed mentioned is the best florescent tube.

You really need to get those temps straight or she can't process her food. If you can't afford a temp gun right away, can you afford this?

These sell for around $10 locally. You mount the thermometer on the side, then lay the probe directly on the basking spot, wait thirty minutes and read it. They are not as accurate and fast as a temp gun, but they are loads better than analog or strip therms that can be off by as much as 20F.

Wax worms are not a good feeder for beardies, especially babies. They are high in fat and have little nutritional value. Stick with the small crix or roaches, or if you can afford them, horn worms, pheonix worms, and silk worms are great, but you have to buy them on line. Are you making sure the crix are no bigger than the space between her eyes?

What are you using for substrate?
Old 03-21-2009, 10:32 PM   #7
Paper towel, the crickets seemed pretty big to me but I spoke to the breeder and he assured me she can handle them and as soon as I hung up she chowed one down(the only one).

Ive had her since last night 7pm.

Ill try to get a temp gun, I have something like this( for my Tarantulas enclosures is that any better than the one I got? I have one of those simple ones that you hang on the wall.
Old 03-21-2009, 10:38 PM   #8
I tossed 2 crix in her enclosure at around 8PM (had to run errands before, I got 500 crickets today. I hate them I use gloves and tweezers, takes me 30 mins to grab 5 but idc).

Like I said, she ate one and the other is just chilling there, Im gonna take the other one out (omg ) before I turn off her lights.
Old 03-21-2009, 10:55 PM   #9
Those therms are okay for some animals/creatures, but they just aren't accurate enough for beardies. If you are reading the temp from the side of the tank, then you do not want it to get to 105. The basking temps need to be measured directly from the basking surface. The hot side of the tank should stay in the upper 80s/low 90s.

If she hasn't eaten more than two crix, then she might be getting dehydrated. Try soaking her in a shallow warm bath, no deeper than her arm pits, and see if she will drink or poop. let her soak for 10-15 minutes, then be sure to keep a shallow dish of water in the viv. For babies, I keep it at the cool end so that it doesn't raise the viv humidity.

If she doesn't start eating better by tomorrow, you might need to hand feed. I use soy yogurt with rescues, and it works great. If you can't find that, then you can get baby food chicken and veggies, or baby food banana or fruit and BF chicken and mix them. You would just put a dab on the front of her nose to start and she will probably lick it off. Then try another.

She should be consuming between 30-50 wsmall crix a day, so we need to get those temps straightened out and get her to eat soon!

Are you feeding the crix?
Old 03-21-2009, 10:59 PM   #10
I was trying to feed her crickets but I go 1 by 1 cause I dont want to have to take 15 of them out at the same time, she ate that 1 and the other is still running around and eating her salad.

Im gonna try giving her a bath tomorrow and if she doesnt eat the salad or any crickets tomorrow ill try the baby food.

Ill try to get a proper thermometer for her tomorrow. I placed the one I have in 2 spots to get the readings. 1 on the paper towel right next to her rock and the other on her rock in her basking area.

The rock said 103-104 and the paper towel was a few degrees lower, the other end of the tank is at around 80.

Thanks a lot for the replies! Really helpful.

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