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Old 12-06-2004, 06:33 PM   #1
BriarpatchHerps - Self Explanitory

There's a new company out building its name and bank account on the mutilation of wild serpents. I'm not sure if Rich has a better place for this post or not but they instantly hit the bad guy list in my book.
Old 12-06-2004, 06:40 PM   #2
And right in my own backyard too....

Registrant Contact:
SnakeSnare, LLC
John Keyloun (
Fax: +1.6027283336
1201 S. McClintock Dr. #114
Tempe, AZ 85281

Administrative Contact:
SnakeSnare, LLC
John Keyloun (
Fax: +1.6027283336
1201 S. McClintock Dr. #114
Tempe, AZ 85281

Technical Contact:
SnakeSnare, LLC
John Keyloun (
Fax: +1.6027283336
1201 S. McClintock Dr. #114
Tempe, AZ 85281

Billing Contact:
SnakeSnare, LLC
John Keyloun (
Fax: +1.6027283336
1201 S. McClintock Dr. #114
Tempe, AZ 85281
Old 12-06-2004, 08:05 PM   #3
what a way to make money..

I wish i had a bogus credit card number so i could order 5000 of them and ship them to siberia of something and put them out of business.Needless to say I left them a nasty email to let them know how i feel about thier business.
Nick Bonn
Old 12-06-2004, 08:38 PM   #4
Tripple H Herps
All I have to say here is, "that I am speechless." Its disgusting to see this happening. I wish more people would get educated on how snakes help the environment and are not "evil serpents" as they are so stated. Maybe this John guy should sell snake grabbers and bags rather then death traps???
Old 12-06-2004, 09:12 PM   #5
The thread would not open so I went to the home page and here is what I got:

"Snakes are hibernating, see you next Summer. Thanks for your interest in SnakeSnare. "

What is all this about?

MIke Blackston
Old 12-06-2004, 09:18 PM   #6
Tripple H Herps
I don’t know maybe he received enough nasty emails. Got scared and hid in a corner. "or at least I hope"
Old 12-06-2004, 09:21 PM   #7
Tripple H Herps
Originally Posted by cavu
What is all this about?
If you had not already seen the website. It was a website based on a new "product" that killed snakes by removing there head in a wire like device.
Old 12-06-2004, 09:57 PM   #8
Here is an excerpt:

"SnakeSnare® is the least expensive engineered product in the industry for catching snakes. Perfect for neighborhoods, golf courses, and community locations where gunfire is impractical or illegal. SnakeSnare® can capture a snake for relocation but is designed for instant decapitation. Many neighborhoods feel that a good snake is a dead snake. Hunters use the SnakeSnare® to harvest valuable skins without damaging the snake by shotgun blast. The skin and meat are more saleable with instant decapitation."
Old 12-06-2004, 10:29 PM   #9
Tim Cole
Angry Snake decapitation device...

I saw the website before it went down. Due to all of our e-mails I'm sure. They are selling a device basically made of a cable, a handle, and a pipe. It is sold as a complete unit or you can supply the pipe and assemble it yourself. They promote it as a safe tool to humanely move snakes (venomous or not), or it can be used to decapitate the snake. Here is a copy of the letter I sent:

Your lack of concern for the environment is appalling. Most snakes are very beneficial and harmless ones which indirectly keep the venomous ones away by feeding on the same food source of rodents. To realistically rid the area of snakes, eliminate the rodents which are more harmful to us and the environment than the snakes! I would also expect there to be a liability issue with your product in the hands of the general public which has limited knowledge of snakes. To avoid getting bitten, leave the snake ALONE! The average snake bite in the USA comes about from someone trying to capture, molest, or kill the snake. Your device will injure a struggling snake so it is not a humane device as described.

In this day and age we try to educate the public about conservation and the environment which effects us all. YOU have taken this effort back to the Stone Age! When all of our food crops have been eaten by rodents who will you blame? This has happened to several third world countries already. Cleaning up the yard or property not only looks good but is the most effective way to rid the area of unwanted snakes. It's that easy! When I want to find snakes where do I go? Not to the woods, but to abandoned and occupied human habitation that has trash and debris which harbors the food source (rodents) and provides cover for the snakes.

Your device is a cruel instrument and will probably result in several bites with it's use. Using your device is cruelty and in Texas animal cruelty is a federal offense. Having been an Animal Control Officer I have dealt with animal cruelty and the courts. I expect you will be too in the near future!

Tim Cole
Old 12-06-2004, 10:36 PM   #10
Tripple H Herps
Very well done Tim. I sent them ane mail very similare to yours as well. I tried to be freindly so that they did not think I was just some crazy person. Below is my email:

I just thought I would tell you. Your product brings chills to my spine. At the whole thought of decapitating a living snake! Do you know snakes will feel pain for almost 3 to 4 hours after decapitation. There ability to process on low blood sugar causes this inconceivable thought to be reality. I am not telling you how to run your life but PLEASE stop selling these products. I am not an animal rights activist and infact I cant stand them but this is mindless killing of a creature that is in fact needed for this planets biological functions. Maybe you should sell snake grabbers with long pools and foldable bags so that people can redeposit the snake back in the wilderness. This mindless killing of innocent creatures needs to stop. The less people that do it the better. I hope you understand what I am saying and do not just brush me off as some sort of nut job.

Thanks, Jim
C/F Tripple H Herps

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