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Old 08-04-2004, 03:24 AM   #1
Hatchling Breadies Questions

I'm new to breeding dragons. I posted a thread here awhile ago about how to incubate the eggs. Well, Out of the 16 or so eggs, only 1 egg survived. The others got mold and fungus and died. I checked the incubator about 30 minutes ago and to my surprise there was a baby beardy laying next to the egg shell in the fetus position. I noticed that it wouldn't open it's eyes or move at all. So I figured it was dead.
So my questions are:

Are hatchlings born with their eggs closed?

When do I start feeding them?

I know they live off their egg yokes for about 3 days or so right?

How long can they stay in the incubator before I move them to a ten gallon tank?

I picked it up ,was looking at it and started to wonder why it died. The little umbilical cord was still attached to it's belly and the egg shell. I last checked the incubator about 2 - 3 days ago and it hadn't hatched yet.

While I was handling it, it suddenly moved, but I thought it was just my imagination. (3:00am) So I put it back down on the perlite and got a spray bottle with warm water. I spayed it and it jumped !!! So now I know that it's somewhat alive.

Is this normal? Eyes closed, won't move even when touched.

It's still in the incubator. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

I was also wondering when it is safe to handle them? What age?

By the way. I have the incubator temp at about 80 - 82 degrees.

How long does an egg take to hatch at these temperatures?

I swear that egg has only been in the incubator for about one month. I'm not sure cause I never wrote down the date when the eggs were laid.
Old 08-04-2004, 02:19 PM   #2
its a damn shame, there are tons of people on this site who breed bearded dragons, and no one helped you out, goes to show if your not talking about leopard geckos or corn snakes, usely no one shows any intrest.

usely when your bearde comes out of the egg it is very active and will eat within the week if not immediatly after hatching. im sorry for your loss, but your problem with the incubation was probly to much humidity , not anough fresh air, and maybe to hot. I hope you have better luck next time.
Old 08-04-2004, 05:18 PM   #3
It's ok. I have more eggs in the incubator that she laid on 7/22/04. So far they all look good except for two of the eggs. One has fungus and the other just looks alittle shrunken, but the rest are in perfect shape.

As for the little hatchling. I've been checking up on it every 3 hours or so. Everytime I open the incubator it's in a different spot, but it's not very active aways has it's head down and still hasn't opened it's eyes.

I just need to know if that is normal or not? Like kittens and puppies are born with their eyes closed.

Could it be a birth defect?

I better post in other forums just incase no one here helps me out.
Old 08-05-2004, 01:43 AM   #4
Well the baby seems to be doing alot better. I removed it from the incubator and I put him in a 10 gallon tank with paper towel as subtrate and a 60watt light bulb. It opens it's eyes now! But still not very active, it sleeps most of the time. It did run around for a bit when it felt threatened, puffed up and tried to bite me. It also drank about two drops of water. I just hope it becomes more active soon.
Old 08-05-2004, 11:29 PM   #5

Glad to hear that little one is moving about. I did a search and could not find your original post about incubation tips. But thats besides the point. I am glad one of them made it. The first couple of months with hatchling beardies can be touch and go. Sounds like yours is getting off to a little bit of a rough start. But by all means if he is running around thats a good sign. Remember that the prey size is a great concern when dealing with hatchlings. Any large than the distance between his eyes and you run the risk of hind limb paralysis. So keep those crickets nice and small. I would also try and get that one started on a good Green Leafy diet as soon as possible. Actually immediately. A few minutes ago all 20 eggs of a clutch from one of my females just hatched. Sorry if nobody answered your original post but I never saw it personally. Let me know if you need any more help with the new little one. Oh I almost forgot. Keep that new guy well hydrated. I would mist him a few times a day.
Old 08-07-2004, 07:15 AM   #6
I just checked up on him alittle while ago. It doesn't look to good. Still sleeps way too much. Basicly all day. Yesterday I tried feeding him pinhead crickets. He was not interested in them. He tried biting me insted so I put the cricket in his mouth. He then closed his mouth and eventually realized it was there and chewed and swallowed it. I tried it a second time and he ate the cricket immedietly. I tried it a third time but that time it didn't work. Now he looks like he's almost dead. Barely opens his eyes or moves at all. All he does is sleep. What should I do?

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