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Genetics, Taxonomy, Hybridization General discussions about the science of genetics as well as the ever changing face of taxonomy. Issues concerning hybridization are welcome here as well.

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Old 02-24-2006, 01:56 AM   #21

Granted everyone has their opinions on the subject matter. Some people like hybrids some don't bottom line. Some say that it proves the theory of evolution. Some says it doesn't. I have thought of this alot. Probably what I am about to post will cause a bit of a stir, but hey I am feeling froggy.

Think about this. You have a rat snake from America and you could probably breed it to a rat snake in Asia. Now both snakes are compatible enough to succesfully breed but look different right. Now snakes are called different names depending on the region and bunch of other stuff. I live in Southern GA. I can go out this summer and find a corn snake and I can find a grey rat and I can find a cross of the two. Now as I read in an earlier post that is wrong and should not happen, but it happens every year down here.

Now lets apply this to humans. I decide to marry a woman from Asia. Now we both look different but can breed and we have children. Scientific name we are still Homosapiens. But yet we do not share alot of common characteristics with our body (ie hair, skin color, height, eye color).

My point is we are all classified under the same scientific name, but there are very noticeable differences between people of different regions. I know I am 1/8 Native American there is some Scottish in me and Irish. Isn't that hybridization. Yes there are some similarities with my parents but not many. I have a different eye color, and different hair (mine is thicker and different color) I can grow facial hair where my father cannot and he can grow where I can not (really strange I can grow side burns and he cant and he can grow a full goatie and I can't) Plus, according to my dentist, I have molars that are only found in Native Americans, I have an extra piece of tooth on the inner side my top molars.

Now with all that said, maybe we have classified ourselves wrong and instead of all being homosapiens we are Homosapien Americanus and there is Homosapien Africanus, H Asiantic, etc. Maybe what people are doing with reptiles is wrong, but you have to wonder.... If we can do it, is it wrong. Now I totally believe in evolution and I believe in God. What if this is the plan. What if we are supposed to do this and by doing this trigger the next big era and new animals start showing up in rapid numbers and older ones become extinct.

I am glad I am H Native Americanus x H Scotteus and x H Irish.

Like I said, something I have been pondering for 2 years now. And it is just an opinion. I hope that what I have written is legible, if not please excuse me, it is almost 2:00 in the morning here.

Please don't blast me for my opinion but I would like to hear others
Old 02-24-2006, 07:55 PM   #22
The snake in the picture is still alive. It turned out te be a man.

He copulated in 2005 with a creamsicle and gave a litter of six pretty young snakes.

This is how he looks now...

The young...

I do not own him anymore. He moved to one of my brothers, so I still can follow him.
Old 02-28-2006, 03:16 AM   #23
Originally Posted by scalesnstuff
My point is we are all classified under the same scientific name, but there are very noticeable differences between people of different regions. I know I am 1/8 Native American there is some Scottish in me and Irish. Isn't that hybridization.
Hybridization, by basic definition, is the act of mixing different species...by that definition, No, the example you gave would not be hybridization. However, (this may not be the clearest, so please try to follow) consider the concept of intergrades. This is the natural intermingling of subspecific animals in areas of range overlap. What about when subspecies that would never encounter each other in the wild are crossed in captivity? This is not a true intergrade, but would it be appropriately termed a hybrid?? There are those that would answer yes...and as such, perhaps the mixing of races could/should also be considered in the same light. Others would argue strenuously that it is not hybridization...that since Homo sapiens is the classification for humans, there is no substantial genetic difference that would justify the terms. The differences in appearance do not justify separation of species...if they did, Elaphe guttata would have to be reclassified into who knows how many species - solely based upon the many different looks (how many cornsnake "morphs" are there these days, anyway??)
Originally Posted by alphonzo
The snake in the picture is still alive. It turned out te be a man.
He copulated in 2005 with a creamsicle and gave a litter of six pretty young snakes.
Interesting...back in post #6, you stated that this snake would not be bred. I know, I know. What you actually said was:
you assume I will breed with this snake. That is not the case.
But since you don't own him any more, its not your fault/problem/whatever...
which just gives credibility to Seamus' comment about future owners. I'm really not giving you a hard time, because the hybridization of NA colubrids has gone on so long as to be commonplace. That doesn't make it right, it just means that it isn't worth the finger flexion it would take to argue about it. I was just pointing out how quickly the story can change.
(and for the record, I wrote all that at 3 in the morning )
Old 02-28-2006, 03:19 AM   #24
WHOA!! I just took a look at that one quote -
you assume I will breed with this snake.
. now THAT would be hybridization.
Old 05-09-2006, 08:48 PM   #25
Originally Posted by DragonCharm
Nice looking snake........BUT......not a big fan of creating new hybrids.
I am not a huge fan of hybrids, however, nature is so chaotic and variable, that it is difficult to say whether or not something is truely "unnatural."
People tend to put ethics onto something that is not so clear cut "good" or "bad" ie. humans being able to marry their cousins. Plenty of people allow certain marriages that would be considered inbreeding by our standards, but are perfectly ok by their own.
This said, I feel something like the corn snake registry ought to used for hybrids, and that breeders should responsibkly record their breedings if they want to do something that is messing with the species' genes. I know people we don't need to worry about would register, while those we should worry about would probably not bother, this said, I'm not a fan of hybrids mostly for that reason, irresponsible people not taking care of their own messes.

hhmoore, lmao!!

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