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FaunaClassifieds Site HELP & Feedback Forum Anything of a nature concerning this website, moderators, admin, or anything having to do with how it is being run, should go here. Criticism is welcome, but abusive antagonism is not. THIS IS NOT THE FORUM FOR FEEDBACK CONCERNING BUYERS AND SELLERS! Such posts are ONLY allowed as replies to classified ads posted by the specific member involved in a specific issue with you.

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Old 02-14-2005, 03:28 PM   #11
Tim Cole
Thumbs up Great idea...

I like the idea and I support it. Count me in.
Old 02-14-2005, 03:57 PM   #12
I decided to move the BOI Certification Forum to a subforum of the BOI. Just trying it on for size to see how I like it. I think that this may be a more appropriate place for it, as it will be working hand in hand with the BOI as another tool in the toolbox.

I have my programmer working on one of the last hacks I need done before I can implement this. Plus I am about ready to implement the paid membership program as well. I think the paid membership discussion is finished, and everyone is just waiting on me............

Old 02-14-2005, 04:45 PM   #13
BTW, if anyone wants to see this in actual use, I have put the Certification Banner on my SerpenCo site so you can see it in action.

I have not yet enabled the voting capability within the actual thread the banner links to, as that is going to be tied to the paid membership program.

But I figured you all might want to get an idea of what it looks like in action.

Old 02-14-2005, 06:57 PM   #14
In the graphic itself, it should say something like, "click here for this member's certification." The link on their web site should go to a page that YOU maintain and control, containing a list of the people who are approved to display the logo.

Otherwise, what's to stop anybody from grabbing the thing and plastering it on their site?
Old 02-14-2005, 07:09 PM   #15
What about people who do not have webpages? This would be for people who dont know about fauna, right? would you be able to post the banner on other sites ? like a kingsnake.com classified? or would it be deleted by them?

What about the voteing thing, would people be able to vote you as a bad or good guy even if you have not done actual transactions with them?
Old 02-14-2005, 07:44 PM   #16
Originally Posted by snakegetters
In the graphic itself, it should say something like, "click here for this member's certification." The link on their web site should go to a page that YOU maintain and control, containing a list of the people who are approved to display the logo.

Otherwise, what's to stop anybody from grabbing the thing and plastering it on their site?
The html link that will be provided pulls the graphic from my own server, and the link points directly to the thread in the Certification forum relating to this business/person. The Certificate banners are also serialized with a number that corresponds to the assigned number indicated in the voting thread about this business person. So, if someone sees a Certificate banner with the number #0013 and the website is for Joe Blow's Boas, and they come to this site to check it out and see that #0013 is actually assigned to Picky Pete's Pythons, then they will know immediately that Joe Blow's Boas is using a bogus certificate graphic. That right there should be enough warning for them to think carefully about doing business with such a business/person.

And yes someone can just grab the image and post it on their website without a forwarding link, but how long do you really think that will go unnoticed? If it happens, then it will be a simple matter to put up a forum or thread solely to call out those websites showing the bogus certifications.

No it's not perfect, but I think it may be effective.
Old 02-14-2005, 07:51 PM   #17
Originally Posted by Vince
What about people who do not have webpages? This would be for people who dont know about fauna, right? would you be able to post the banner on other sites ? like a kingsnake.com classified? or would it be deleted by them?

What about the voteing thing, would people be able to vote you as a bad or good guy even if you have not done actual transactions with them?
Well interesting point. If you don't have a webpage, then you probably have no need for the certification anyway. My suggestion would be to get a website.

It is not necessarily only for people who do not know about FaunaClassifieds. But how many people can you remember right off of the top of your head that have been mentioned in the BOI? Was the discussion good or bad? As I said at the beginning, this is a PROACTIVE method to help out the good guys, and help paint the bad guys into a corner.

I don't see any reason to post the Certificate banner on any other website. As a matter of fact, I would think it would be a negative thing to do, as it may make people think that the website carrying a Certificate assigned to someone else was trying to pull the wool over everyone's eyes claiming it was THEIR certificate being displayed.

As far as the Certificate being posted in a kingsnake.com classified ads, I guess that is up to Jeff Barringer. That would be his decision to make.
Old 02-14-2005, 09:02 PM   #18

I like the idea, as Kathy said, sorta like a good housekeeping seal. However in order for it to be full effective, I think it would need to be acceptable with Jeff @ Kingsnake. I dont think he is the be all end all to do with web sales, but if its not accepted there, it would be difficult for it to be fully effective.

I guess this would be a good test to yours and Jeffs ability to work together at this point for the good of the herp community. Maybe you should contact him in regards to this issue, and let everyone know what he says. If not I guess once I get my cert I can post it on a ks add, and see what happens.

Either way very interesting idea.
Old 02-14-2005, 09:11 PM   #19
I was thinking of makeing an account on kingsnake at the same time as fauna*when fee starts. but if kingsnake will delet ads with the link I will not be giveing them my money
Old 02-14-2005, 09:16 PM   #20
Originally Posted by Mickey_TLK

I like the idea, as Kathy said, sorta like a good housekeeping seal. However in order for it to be full effective, I think it would need to be acceptable with Jeff @ Kingsnake. I dont think he is the be all end all to do with web sales, but if its not accepted there, it would be difficult for it to be fully effective.

I guess this would be a good test to yours and Jeffs ability to work together at this point for the good of the herp community. Maybe you should contact him in regards to this issue, and let everyone know what he says. If not I guess once I get my cert I can post it on a ks add, and see what happens.

Either way very interesting idea.
This certificate banner was not really designed with the thought of it being placed on ads people may place on other sites, although that is completely up to them, within reason. It is intended to be placed on the actual website of the person or business interested in carrying this "Seal of Approval". What other novel uses people may find for it is up to them and how they wish to use it, as long as it does not violate my intentions of how it should be used. How it will be accepted on other websites that classifieds may be posted on showing this certificate within those ads is not really my concern. Nor do I believe it will influence the acceptance or rejection of this project as a whole.

Personally, what you may post on your ads in another classified site and how the owner responds to it is between you and him/her. I see no reason for me to get into the middle of that issue at all.

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