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Old 12-19-2004, 04:20 AM   #21
Originally Posted by IanV
(Though I am sure most of us are fine with it as long as it is not against the law in the area). With a little work, I feel the product could become as useful as a hook or tong. I also feel that they can be used by those who are scared of snakes to properly catch snakes to be released far away from their neighborhoods or homes.
[/ rant off]
Let's just keep it civil guys. Education is best in cases like this.

Ian van Natter
Dude.....What the hell are you talking about? I believe most of us don't eat snake or wear it for that matter. Defending this guy really makes you look like a snake killer yourself. He marketed this device to kill snakes. Nothing less.

Don't know what to say but you are wrong on posting this crap in here.

Old 12-19-2004, 06:12 AM   #22
To intentionaly seek out and kill animals for any reason other than self preservation or consumption is poaching regardless of the purpose or the legality of it.

Nowhere in any of these posts was it stated or insinuated people should threaten your friend so telling us here to "back off" isn't justified, do you see the irony in the two of you whining over threats of harm when neither of you have the slightest bit of concern for the animals his redneck contraption causes harm to? Be civil? What the hell do you consider civil about advertising the slaughter of creatures that have zero intentions of harming us?

And I seriously doubt anyone here is going to show any compassion to him after the marketing of that killing device you tried to pass off as a tool for capture or restraint. That POS was clearly posted on his website with full instructions on mounting iron scissor blades on it for the lone purpose of decapitation. Most serpents in the US fall under state or government protection, say for instance him, you or one of the twits that buys that junk lops off the head of an Indigo....will you have the right to cry then when the USFWS turns your ass inside out for committing a federal crime??

Animal lovers show sympathy to a poacher? lol Not in this lifetime chief.
Old 12-19-2004, 08:56 AM   #23
Reptile Locators
Lightbulb Education is the only answer!

[/quote]IanV (Though I am sure most of us are fine with it as long as it is not against the law in the area).

I live in a ranching community where devices like such are used to control varmints / predators and this device is not any different....IMO!
A reptile that gets caught up in it and if it is able to escape is not a lucky animal but yet another injured animal no different than a bobcat being caught in a snare! that suffers till it dies or the leg trap that it chews off it's own leg to escape! It is not a question of such devices being Legal within the area where it is used! but a question of the intent that it will be used is cruel! Where will it all stop?

[/quote]IanV With a little work, I feel the product could become as useful as a hook or tong.

I have not ever seen or heard of a snake hook or tong's used for handling snakes....when used correctly........Injury or decapitate a reptile.

[/quote]IanV I also feel that they can be used by those who are scared of snakes to properly catch snakes to be released far away from their neighborhoods or homes.

In most states and cities their are a number of herp societies with people that would come out and catch the reptile for someone who is scared of them their are usually numbers listed with the city/county of rescue people that specialize in the capture of wild life & reptiles that can be call upon to remove them safely.

Humans! Are the most cruel and dangerous animal on the face of the earth. it is sometimes the things people fear!...And don't understand that are the most beneficial to us all. "Snakes" with out them we could not exsist as a species.

Snakes don't hate people....people hate snakes! Again where will it stop!
Old 12-19-2004, 09:32 AM   #24
I think most people here Would have a problem killing a snake for no reason, so I disagree big time there. I don't know of many reasons to kill a snake. I own a wildlife control buissness and tell all I come in contact with let a professional take it out and then look at your habitat that attracted the snake in the first place. Sorry , going off topic here, anyway I agree, no reason to send hatefull Emails but the ones I read here explaining why they are against the product are perfect. From what I can see, this device as you also stated after test would not be useful in moving snakes without harm.
I didn't see the site this late in the game, but from the description, it's pretty clear this is not a trap or snare in the sense of a set left to catch the snake but a devive to be used by a handler.
Reptile Locaters,
With all due respect, Animals do not chew there legs in a attempt to escape from a foot trap. The only animal that could gnaw on it's leg is a raccoon IF the wrong size trap was used. Those days are over. Please allow me to explain. With the proper size foot trap and anchoring of that trap, the Raccoon does and cannot chew it's leg. I say this out of past practical,real, experiance. Furthermore ,these animals in said traps are usually sleeping when the trapper arrives in the morning to check the trap.
Did you know that foot traps are used by state Wildlifre agencys in order to relocate animals such as Otter? ( Pound for pound a very tough, fighting type strong animal) with no damage to the otter for relocation purposes? Caught in foot traps and released in areas that the otter were no longer present. Very sucsessfully. Other animals such as a Coyote can not be caught by any other cage traps. A rancher IMHO has the right to control Coyotes that are killing his stock and in fact if those coyotes are not controled, they will thrive,expand and some be out of control as they now are in certain areas.
Just wanted to state the facts, Thanks
Old 12-19-2004, 10:22 AM   #25
Reptile Locators
Lightbulb Hummm! things are a bit different here.

Originally Posted by CTtrapper
Reptile Locaters,
With all due respect, Animals do not chew there legs in a attempt to escape from a foot trap. The only animal that could gnaw on it's leg is a raccoon IF the wrong size trap was used. Those days are over. Please allow me to explain. With the proper size foot trap and anchoring of that trap, the Raccoon does and cannot chew it's leg. I say this out of past practical,real, experiance. Furthermore ,these animals in said traps are usually sleeping when the trapper arrives in the morning to check the trap.
Did you know that foot traps are used by state Wildlifre agencys in order to relocate animals such as Otter? ( Pound for pound a very tough, fighting type strong animal) with no damage to the otter for relocation purposes? Caught in foot traps and released in areas that the otter were no longer present. Very sucsessfully. Other animals such as a Coyote can not be caught by any other cage traps. A rancher IMHO has the right to control Coyotes that are killing his stock and in fact if those coyotes are not controled, they will thrive,expand and some be out of control as they now are in certain areas.
Just wanted to state the facts, Thanks
CTtrapper,No disrespect to you But!

I will not dispute the proper use of the proper trap or size!
But not all are used in the right method and i have not yet seen or heard of a state trapper relocate any of the above mentiond most are just killed in the traps if they are found alive in it Here! with the exception of the otter i don't belive they are native here, But I do not want to get in to what I have seen in person from the improper use of traps. and i am not saying that you are wrong in any way just that things are different here. and not all here are state trappers with proper training of the use of such traps nor am i saying that a person does not have the rite to protect his live stock. and it all falls back to the education issue.
Old 12-19-2004, 10:46 AM   #26
I havent seen a snake snare trap, but is everyone also against rat traps? some times snakes get places and they need to be removed, like basements attics tool sheds ect. think about this, no matter how much people here love snakes, others go out of there way to remove snakes by useing fire arms, and I think there is a real need for a safe way to remove snakes that are nuisance animals. I am 100% for this thing being used as pest control , but 100% against its use for harvesting skin. ya just gotta look at it from both sides, take care everyone.
Old 12-19-2004, 10:53 AM   #27
by the way, instead of badgering this guy with hate e-mail, did anyone say you might do well if you also made a Have-a-heart style live trap for snakes?
Old 12-19-2004, 11:32 AM   #28
Wow what a view...

Originally Posted by Vince
I am 100% for this thing being used as pest control , but 100% against its use for harvesting skin. .
Then your saying you are for people killing snakes to get rid of them? You will find that most of the people here are against killing snakes for any reason what so ever. Why kill something when you can just relocate it or call someone to relocate it. There are lots of herp societies and such out there more then willing to come get a snake from someone rather then that person killing it. Destruction of habitat, wild collection, disease and other reasons take a big enough toll on reptiles, why should we knowingly kill a reptile just because of the fact we built our house on its habitat and it wondered into our house?

Does't make sense to me.

Nick Bonn
Old 12-19-2004, 11:36 AM   #29
Yeah I would never kill a snake that has come into the house, because I have the basic knowledge on how to catch and relocate the animal, and also know that they are beneficial animals. But most do not care and will blast away with guns and what not. I mean would you rather see them use a trap then to discharge firearms?

didnt I just read about someone who shot a snake and it ended up killing his brother who was home from the army?
Old 12-19-2004, 11:39 AM   #30
Vince, after reading the beginning of this thread, I cannot believe that you think this device was marketed or intended for anything but the killing of snakes.
the quotes from the defunct (HOORAY!) website say that it was designed for instant decapitation.

there are other ways of getting snakes out of a tight space, luring works sometimes, and seriously, if a snake is so well entrenched that a person (wildlife control or otherwise) can't retrieve it, then it is probably not even detectable by the resident in the first place.

For Chuck's sake, we're not in Africa, it's not like anybody's attic is infested with Mambas.

Any jerk who would put up quotes about "the only good snake is a dead snake," is a creep and should be run out of business with no mercy, in my still-enraged-even-though-his-site-is-gone opinion.
Down with Snake Snare.
I feel guilty about feeding rats, but not mice, so I am a hypocrite too...
Identifying one's own hypocrisy is liberating.

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