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Old 09-17-2003, 08:42 AM   #61
Anyone please feel free to go to my picturetrail site and check out the male coral i sold along with the female. I only have a pic of the male on the site because he is very nice. If need be, i may be able to dig up pics of the normal female for comparison.
Hello dummy. I was not born yesterday. In fact yesterday I was at work looking at your picture trail

yesterday the picture of the male coral albino on the orange looking newspaper was there. and he is still there.

yesterday there was a picture of a "normal" looking albino on "normal" looking newspaper..............Today she is gone.

it also seems that everything is still there except her picture. Seems to be the only one that has disappeared

This is a message from dqreps at FaunaClassifieds Forums ( ). The FaunaClassifieds Forums owners cannot accept any responsibility for the contents of the email.

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This is the message:

Ritchie, why do you hate me so much? I am a respectable biz man. I have a good history. Theo only thing you could say about me man is that i am not a icon on this BOI board that no one cares about anyway or i would not be able to make any sales. Just call me, i want to bother me. It disturbs me a bit that you have this hatred for me, calling me an idiot etc. I have refrained from all name calling etc. I have remained very professional in every way. What more can i do? I am NOT greedy. I dont think you get it. I "thought" i was getting a great deal and could keep some animals and sell some to make the money i needed. Anyone would have done the same, even you. Why is that wrong? You go on and on about things that dont matter, why. Ritchie, I KNOW that corals dont always show their true color till later one. But what the hell, it is a normal!!! Just stick with me for a sec and say it is a normal, like it is. Would i have been wrong since he promised me a coral? Yes, i would have been ripped off right. Well, that is what happened. Why dont i list all these names and bull[bleep]. Why? Because i am not gonna put this on any dealer. Why would i do that. Do you think they want to be dragged into this? It is just rediculous. I dont care what you or anyone on hear thinks so i am not gonna to through ANY trouble to prove anything to YOU or anyone else. As far as the pic of MY animal Chuck posted. I already said, if Chuck BS's everyone any further, i will post it. OK? I am not trying to go nuts on him, just let people be warned of what he has done and to be careful. If he decides to push the envelope, i will post that and also anything else, which of little i kept. I did not keep all my emails Ritchie because i do not care what you or anyone thinks. If someone wants to take my honest word for it, fine. I GOT A NORMAL ALBINO NOT A CORAL AND THE SNOW IS NOT THE POSSIBLE BLIZZARD HE CLAIMED. Do you understand, they were all misrepresented. Are you telling me if say.. Pete Kahl said this female was a normal, you would not believe me? Let me know, you say they change but if the man himself would say this, would you believe him? You just dont want to believei am telling the truth do you man? I wish you did not harbor these feelings towards me. I know it all goes back to the Upstate Exotics thing. Yes, i got [bleep] jumbled up a bit but i never lied about anything. Just because you believed their emails they posted that they adited. It was non sense and you keep bringing [bleep] up. This is a seperate issue. Like i said, i KNOW corals Color up later on down the road. I KNOW this Ritchie ok. BUT there is a difference when they are born, a color, the normal albinos dont have the color they have. Anyway, please email me back man to man, that means do not post this all over the board. There is nothing incriminating or i know you would, so dont bother. I am just trying to get to the bottom of this. I wish you would just call me. What are you afraind of? You could ask me all the questions you want and i would remain calm and be patient with you. You see, this computer crap sucks, as you dont answer certain stuff or overlook other stuff, it creats problems. Call me.


Dallas Quarles
I do not hate you. If you are a respectable buisnessman..... Then when I finally turn into a business....I will become a millionare. You are an icon on this bored. a really funny one. And you say no one cares about this bored. That is weird because there are over 5000 members. You do not care about this bored but came here and initiated a post. Thank you for admitting yet again that corals do not show there colors till later on. You are right. You should not drag any other breeder into this. But if you already did. YOU were the one who said...this breeder and that breeder wrote to me. Well if they wrote to you. lets see it. POST IT or SHUT IT. PUT UP or SHUT UP. You say you do not care what anyone thinks. So you will not go through the trouble of proving anything. In that case. I should start a post that says YOU RIPPED ME OFF. Because if you do not have to prove a thing.....then I do not have to prove a thing either. You already posted bad about the guy. Now lets see your so called available proof. You already bad mouthed him. He supposedly ripped you off. Now you want to be nice and say that you do not want to go nuts on him. You did not keep your e-mails. how convenient. But you want us to take your "honest" word. 1. you are not honest. 2. you did not keep the e-mails to back your claim. But you expect me to believe you kept his ads? On to the Blizzard thing. Jason says the female is a wild caught anery and looks to be a type 2. Do you want to know what that means? Once it is proven to be a type 2. Then your snow will actually be a blizzard. That is why he is calling it a possible Blizzard. Now you say Peter Kahl says this and that. WOW I asked him some questions a while back...he never responded. You expect me to believe that he took the time out of his day to e-mail the mighty Dallas? yeah right. ps.s I will post whatever e-mails I want. I will not call you. Because my word should hold no more weight than yours. And if I called you it will be a he said she said. If I post. there is no turning back. Everything is out in the open for everyone to see.

I do not know you. I do not know Chuck.
I only know you were caught lying.
And I know Chuck has nice animals and has never cheated anyone. NOT EVEN YOU
Old 09-17-2003, 08:42 AM   #62
kim felts

and it was chuck that was the greedy one right? lmao..
oh good lord..does this poor kid realize what he is doing to himself yet i wonder?
Old 09-17-2003, 08:55 AM   #63
kim felts
I am a respectable biz man. quote dallas
sigh..........i ( kim ) will refrain from making comments in response to that quote.

can you conceive this concept?

we all have a choice..remember..god gave us that ability.
that was bible study class 101..remember?
Old 09-17-2003, 09:48 AM   #64
Just in case anyone missed it

Anyone please feel free to go to my picturetrail site and check out the male coral i sold along with the female. I only have a pic of the male on the site because he is very nice. If need be, i may be able to dig up pics of the normal female for comparison.
Hello dummy. I was not born yesterday. In fact yesterday I was at work looking at your picture trail

yesterday the picture of the male coral albino on the orange looking newspaper was there........ and he is still there.

yesterday there was a picture of a "normal" looking albino on "normal" looking newspaper..............Today she is gone.

it also seems that everything is still there except her picture. Seems to be the only one that has disappeared

So Dallas,
YOU were the one who calimed to have breeders e-mails.
where are they?
You claim to not have a picture of the normal.
Why did you erase it?
why all of a sudden pretend it was not there when it was clearly there two days ago.

you respond to everything except to these questions that you say does not pertain to anything.

1. What happened to all these e-mails you say you had?
2. What happened to Chucks ad you say you had?
3. Why is that coral on an orange looking newspaper?
4. What happened to the picture of the albino that was there yesterday?
5. Why did you all of a sudden decide to delete it?
6. Why did you all of a sudden delete all your ads that make you look GUILTY.
7. why did you not return the animals if you were not happy with them?
8. Why did you sell the animals if you were not happy with them?

But we know you won't respond to these questions.

If his anery proves out to ba a type 2. Then your poss blizzard will be a true blizzard. Go ahead and ask your jeremy Stone about that. Because I know that he too has a wild caught poss type 2 anery. (Which might be proven already)
Old 09-17-2003, 10:19 AM   #65
Charles Escoffery
I don't understand why you guys are attacking Dallas. He was unhappy with the trade and posted his experience here in hopes of some resolution. It doesn't matter how much the trade value was worth, it doesn't matter how much he sold them for. The only thing that matters is he was unhappy with the initial trade and feels the animals were misrepresented. Yes, he is guilty of presenting the issue at hand in a bad manner. Maybe he should of posted the thread with calling Chuck a scam artist. I have done business with Chuck and have no complaints. I would have to agree with Dallas on a few points. If I were to buy a coral female or receive one in trade it should be a visible coral. When Chuck sold the animals from the litter he sold the non visible corals for 1100 and that should be the value of this female. He has every right to be upset about this, and has every right to work it out with Chuck. Chuck sounds like a fair guy and maybe these guys should of worked it out before wasting time on the BOI. As for the snow (possible blizzard) Dallas should of done his research before agreeing to the trade, but he is not the only person at fault. Both parties deserve a little blame here, but Dallas.. you got more then the asking price for your pair of sharp's .. it really isn't worth the fight. You made what you asked for initially and a little extra so why bother with the BOI? WEbslave should close this thread and move on.... nothing good is gonna come of this one.
Old 09-17-2003, 10:29 AM   #66
you forget

Dallas here has been caught in the past.
he supposedly got these sick and dying animals....only to sell them as PERFECTLY healthy.

And now he is AGAIN unsatisfied in yet another deal.
If he was so dissatisfied...why did he not send the animal back?
Why did he sell them?

If you and I did a trade and you were not happy.
Would you send the animals back to me or would you turn around and try to sell them?
Old 09-17-2003, 11:56 AM   #67
Classic Dum's
Look what I found this morning

1.0 2003 Exceptional SNOW Boa!
I have this baby snow boa born in July 2003. He is a very exceptional animal.He is very white and does not have the yellow that most baby snows do. I am moving to FL in a couple months so i have decided to sell off some animals to pay for the trip. This guy is eating F/T pinky rats with no problem and i can email you pics of him eating with the dates from my digital camera on the pics. He is a solid animal and a great feeder. He is in perfect condition, inside and out. I am selling him for $5,000 plus shipping. Please dont email me for trades unless you have Sharp Strain Albinos.
If you would like him shipped to you by US Airways delivered same day, it will cost $80. If you want him shipped overnight, next day delivery, it will cost you $50. This is a great price considering the going price for male snows is a cool $5500. The only thing that could match it would be a Leucistic. Anyway, who knows if it will prove to be a Blizzard boa, only time will tell. All i can say is this is the nicest one i have seen, all white, no yellow like his siblings had. I wanted to shave $500 off the normal $5500 for a quick sell. Please go check out my picturetrail site too see pics of this animal. Email or call wtih any questions. Serious inquiries only please.

Buy the Female Pro Exotics has for sale and this unrelated Male and you will have yourself a killer pair!
Now lets look at a couple things here, Dallas swears up and down its not a blizzard but keeps throwing that word around

Anyway, who knows if it will prove to be a Blizzard boa, only time will tell.
IMO a little missleading. Dallas if you are so sure its not a blizzard why keep throwing that word around??? I can tell ya why you are trying to intise peoiple to buy it.
All i can say is this is the nicest one i have seen, all white, no yellow like his siblings had.
These words really sound to me like the words of someone who was not happy with what they got.

And here we get into the FACTS of why you are so torked over this
I wanted to shave $500 off the normal $5500 for a quick sell.
Your pissed because you wanted a quick buck. Well that super fast buck didnt equal up to what you could have gotten out of them.
Please dont email me for trades unless you have Sharp Strain Albinos.
Or maybe its just that your upset because you now regret giving up your RI infected SS Strains because now your looking for more.

As I said before the header of this ad should be "Dallas whatever a real pain in the rear costumer, dont sell anything to him or youll be sorry"
Oh one last thing Dallas, now this is just the impression I get from Gilberts post. If he your expert witness to all this. It sounds to me like he is the one who advised you the snow wasnt a blizzard and that the coral wsnt a coral. If your taking advise from Gilbert I truely feel for you. Wasnt it Gilbert who got the first time ever bad costumer post on this board? Because if my memory serves me right it was him last year that had myself and several other breeders tied up into thousands of dollars worth of deals only to tank on them all after he strung us along for several weeks without payment. I think he was the one who the barkers sent several grand in balls pythons to because they took his word he was good for it becuse he was claiming to be a dea agent or something like that only only to send them back in poor condition or resell them prior to being paid for or something like that. I dont rember exactly what happened but before you take his word for anything you may want to do a little searcvh on here about him.
Old 09-17-2003, 12:01 PM   #68
1.0 2003 Exceptional SNOW Boa!
Posted by Dallas Quarles Reptiles (Contact Me!) on September 17, 2003 at 00:44:46
Registered PetHobbyist User since 2002-09-10

I have this baby snow boa born in July 2003. He is a very exceptional animal. He is very white and does not have the yellow that most baby snows do. I am moving to FL in a couple months so i have decided to sell off some animals to pay for the trip. This guy is eating F/T pinky rats with no problem and i can email you pics of him eating with the dates from my digital camera on the pics. He is a solid animal and a great feeder. He is in perfect condition, inside and out. I am selling him for $5,000 plus shipping. Please dont email me for trades unless you have Sharp Strain Albinos. If you would like him shipped to you by US Airways delivered same day, it will cost $80. If you want him shipped overnight, next day delivery, it will cost you $50. This is a great price considering the going price for male snows is a cool $5500. The only thing that could match it would be a Leucistic. Anyway, who knows if it will prove to be a Blizzard boa, only time will tell. All i can say is this is the nicest one i have seen, all white, no yellow like his siblings had. I wanted to shave $500 off the normal $5500 for a quick sell. Please go check out my picturetrail site too see pics of this animal. Email or call wtih any questions. Serious inquiries only please.

Buy the Female Pro Exotics has for sale and this unrelated Male and you will have yourself a killer pair!

Dallas Quarles Reptiles

Home - 207-947-9233
Cell - 207-299-5303
Interesting. you are so sure it is not a blizzard boa. But yet here you are insinuating that it could be.
Old 09-17-2003, 12:03 PM   #69
Classic Dum's
[quote]If he was so dissatisfied...why did he not send the animal back?
Why did he sell them?
QUOTE] So very true Rich, I am sure had he contacted Chuck within a couple days and told chuck "hey these arent was I was expecting" chuck would have done something about it. Instead he lists them all for sale, dumps them fast for the "quick sell" as he put and then once some are already gone turns around and slams Chuck because he couldnt get top dollar with his "quick sell". How long did you have those animals Dallas before they got listed for sale? 3 days? maybe 5? Its not like he had them for weeks, I think he has had the animals in his possesion less then two weeks to this day.
Old 09-17-2003, 12:05 PM   #70
whoops looks like Jason is quicker on the draw than I am

I am wondering why the guy was so unhappy with all these so called "misrepresented" animals.

But he is selling them as 'EXCEPTIONAL"

I guess I am finally seeing a pattern

Dallas buys animals.
Complains about them being sick, poor quality, Dying and misrepresented.

Then he turns around and starts selling them as EXCEPTIONAL, the best there is. The nicest there is.

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