Beware Of Steve Smith Of Southern States Exotics!! - Page 8 - FaunaClassifieds
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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 08-28-2003, 03:44 PM   #71
I hope that Upstate gets their money, since the letter was apparantly sent. That will be a good thing that the BOI has done.

PS. Alison... you owe Tony a HUGE apology... gonna give him one?
Old 08-28-2003, 06:26 PM   #72
Well upstate, you did everything Steve has requested of you, including taking a loss, a rather tidy some I might add. Let us see what kind of person he is by sending you all the money he owes you. AND not in payments, that wasn't the agreement. He made such a big deal here, so now he can just pay up!!!
I also agree with Sasheena, you owe Tony a huge apology!
Old 08-28-2003, 07:18 PM   #73
Darin Chappell
I have to say Alison, you certainly are capable of coming up with actual, verifiable PROOF of stuff when it benefits you, can't you? I wish you were as meticulous as this in all of the issues you have faced here on the BOI.

But, the fact is that Upstate has done as was requested of them by Steve. Now, he owes them the money to which he agreed. Pay up Steve; it's now time.
Old 08-28-2003, 08:18 PM   #74
No problem

I have no problem paying the money. As soon as I get the letter I will take it to get it approved and the money will be on the way. All I wanted is for them to do what they said that they would. I can say that I have learned a lesson here as well. So now everyone can go about their own business knowing that the BOI worked for me as well.

Allison if you release the web domain you can get paid for that as well.

The issue here was never the money, but doing what you said that you would.

Steve Smith
Southern State Exotics
Old 08-28-2003, 08:38 PM   #75
Allison if you release the web domain you can get paid for that as well.
I don't think so Steve, the last time I gave you something first without you paying for it, we got screwed.

The issue here was never the money, but doing what you said that you would.
No the money is exactly what the issue was, besides bringing to light how you like to screw over your wholesalers. If you didn't owe us money, THEN this would be an issue at all.

And it's not about US doing what we said we would. We have not done anything wrong. YOU'RE the one who has to prove that they are going to "do what you said that you would"
Old 08-28-2003, 08:49 PM   #76
So Sad

Allison you are so sad it is almost a pity.

You are going to get your money as soon as I get the letter, but it will not be via pay pal. I will send you a certified check from my bank. I want a record of it.

I really dont care about the domain. I just thought I would be nice and make the offer again. But oh well.

If you call yourself a wholesaler you really should consult Webster on what the word means.

What you are is on the boarderline of being illegal in all 52 states. It is considered animal cruelty. You should really give the animals a break and concentrate more on one of your many other internet scams.

Steve Smith
Southern State Exotics
Old 08-28-2003, 08:59 PM   #77
52 states?
Old 08-28-2003, 09:03 PM   #78

Sorry must have hit the wrong key..Believe it or not I did take geography in school. They even teach that down south...

Steve Smith
Old 08-28-2003, 09:35 PM   #79
It is considered animal cruelty. You should really give the animals a break
Please Steve. I love how NOW you are claiming these animals have been in such terrible condition. But only now when you owe money have they become in this's not called animal cruelty (although I can only image the care they have received from you), it is called "Steve trying to get out of paying for animals he received."

If you are going to continue and lie about what horrible condition these animals were in when they were shipped to you, how about backing that up with some proof?? Although this many months after the fact I can only imagine.

If you call yourself a wholesaler you really should consult Webster on what the word means.
I know they teach you this down south, however here's the exact definition taken from Merriam Webster herself:
Main Entry: whole·sal·er
Pronunciation: 'hOl-"sA-l&r
Function: noun
Date: 1857
: a merchant middleman who sells chiefly to retailers, other merchants, or industrial, institutional, and commercial users mainly for resale or business use

I sold to you at a discounted (or wholesale price) for you (the retailer) for resale.
Old 08-28-2003, 09:39 PM   #80
52 states?
Sorry must have hit the wrong key..Believe it or not I did take geography in school. They even teach that down south...
Main Entry: ge·og·ra·phy
Pronunciation: jE-'ä-gr&-fE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -phies
Etymology: Latin geographia, from Greek geOgraphia, from geOgraphein to describe the earth's surface, from geO- + graphein to write -- more at CARVE
Date: 15th century
1 : a science that deals with the description, distribution, and interaction of the diverse physical, biological, and cultural features of the earth's surface
2 : the geographic features of an area
3 : a treatise on geography
4 : a delineation or systematic arrangement of constituent elements :

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