Fauna, the BOI, and Favouritism... - FaunaClassifieds
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FaunaClassifieds Site HELP & Feedback Forum Anything of a nature concerning this website, moderators, admin, or anything having to do with how it is being run, should go here. Criticism is welcome, but abusive antagonism is not. THIS IS NOT THE FORUM FOR FEEDBACK CONCERNING BUYERS AND SELLERS! Such posts are ONLY allowed as replies to classified ads posted by the specific member involved in a specific issue with you.

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Old 05-06-2005, 08:01 PM   #1
Fauna, the BOI, and Favouritism...

I must say from the get go, that I am kind of pissed here...in really believing that the other people who post on this forum were unbiased, I am coming off somewhat disappointed. I see people getting trashed, while others (obviously friends or compatriots) get the nod as being "ok"...

Seems to me that this was supposed to be an impartial jury, so to speak, of somewhat educated animal dealers having to hash out issues, both good and bad, in a PUBLIC forum.
Since the BOI has gone private (pay to post), there seems to be an enormous turn towards a sort of "good ol boy" click...

I don't understand how the rules seem to apply to some, and not to others!!!

Old 05-06-2005, 08:14 PM   #2
Do you have any details and facts to share, or do you just want to post generalities?
Old 05-06-2005, 08:34 PM   #3
I don't know if I feel that this is a "sir A did such and such at time B" sort of thing...just in the passing months, there seems to have been a closing of the ranks on Fauna that I find disturbing.

If someone "higher up" says something, everyone agrees ...any sort of dissent is met with skepticism. Wes and I agree on some things, and violently disagree on others...which is fine...this is a place to air your viewpoints. I just don't like the feeling that there is some sort of brotherhood out there of fauna members, who guard each other's backside...

It is entirely possible that I am mistaken...but, there does seem to be a trend in this direction, and it has been voiced in a myriad of emails on other sites as well as personal.

Just thought I would air the laundry...didn't mean to step on any toes!!

Old 05-06-2005, 08:39 PM   #4
I am a brotherhood of one.

We do see eye to eye and sometimes eye to ass, going both ways and it is NO problem for me.

I do sort of see what you mean but I suspect it will mellow out in the coming months. I certainly hope so anyway because I prefer to be the Lone Ranger as opposed to 5 of 9, although if I recall correctly SHE was pretty hot, but I digress; ranks form and unform as the structure modifies itself.

I think, really, that more time will change the "solidifications" that are somewhat apparent as of now.
Old 05-06-2005, 08:45 PM   #5
Close ranks? How many people are we talking about in this case? Two, six, fifty, one hundred?

And who is this "higher up" you mention? I don't see more then 50 percent of the people here every agreeing with anything anyone says, not matter what it is.

So whose "backsides" exactly are being protected? And whom are they being protected by?

You must have some details you can provide?

And yes, people, this thread is another violation of the rules, and NO I am not protecting Greg's backside by allowing it to remain and not assessing him warning points......

Sometimes I just have to be flexible and do what I think is best based on the individual circumstances. I mean, how many people would start screaming bloody murder if I just deleted this message or moved it into the limbo of the Feedback Forum?
Old 05-06-2005, 08:49 PM   #6
Kind of like giving a black guy ten acres of land???

Honestly, I am wrong here...I thought I had clicked on "hell" when I started the thread....perhaps that is where this belongs? I have no issues with any one person at all here...but to deny the way trends are going is to be an ostrich in the sand...I hope that Wes is correct, and that things will stabilize.


Old 05-06-2005, 08:57 PM   #7
Well, from my perspective, I feel that it is "jump on Webslave" week around here. If anything, I feel like people are lining up to take potshots at me, so if there is a "closing of the ranks", it appears to have left me on the outside.

So again, Greg, details. If all you are going to say are general "feelings", "trends", and other nebulous vibes, then there is really nothing to address and try to take a hard look at.

But from what I have seen, there has ALWAYS been a subset of people here who thought there was a clique or core group of people that acted as one in a conspiratorial manner. No, that has never really been the case. Often what you are seeing are a number of people who just happen to think roughly the same about things that have gravitated to this site and tend to remain here simply BECAUSE they find a group of people here who DO think like they do. That is just a natural thing to have happen, and I don't see why anyone should be surprised at it happening here.
Old 05-06-2005, 08:59 PM   #8
Greg, can you say more about the trends, and talk more specifically about what is bugging you? I would like to hear more exactly, what you think?
Old 05-06-2005, 09:10 PM   #9
Originally Posted by WebSlave
So again, Greg, details. If all you are going to say are general "feelings", "trends", and other nebulous vibes, then there is really nothing to address and try to take a hard look at.

Hmmm. Message received.

Lucille, I think all you have to do is overview posts that have been made to see my point...but I can tell this is going nowhere...and I certainly never meant to "bash" on the site at all...just noticed a disturbing trend...ah well...

Old 05-06-2005, 09:11 PM   #10
The BoidSmith
I must say from the get go, that I am kind of pissed here...in really believing that the other people who post on this forum were unbiased, I am coming off somewhat disappointed. I see people getting trashed, while others (obviously friends or compatriots) get the nod as being "ok"...

The problem is that if one sees bad guys everywhere the power of detecting the real threats gets numbed. If you feel that giving the chance to rectify a transaction to a person that has earned a reputation over time is being biased, that is your opinion and as such we should respect it. Those people generally learn from their mistakes and grow from them. But what about those individuals that over the years had been scamming left and right. Then all of a sudden they find the new “self”, they have reinvented themselves and want to start clean. With those you will notice that there is less mercy. Why? Because we have seen that happen over and over again. Those were no “mistakes” they were very well planed actions. Are there friendships here in Fauna? You bet there are. It would be very sad if after all these years of knowing each other there were none. Have we e-mailed privately every now and then? You bet, and we will continue to do so. That’s what friends do, they communicate with each other. A clique? I thought that concept had faded away but maybe the virus has been reintroduced. What puzzles me though is your “friends or compatriots” statement. It sounds quite ethnocentric. Could you expand on what you meant by that?


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