Info Ashley Caspillo-SakaraGT4/Sakara *Possible Buyer Beware!* - FaunaClassifieds
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Old 12-01-2010, 04:00 PM   #1
Exclamation Ashley Caspillo-SakaraGT4/Sakara *Possible Buyer Beware!*

Sorry! My apologies, I left off the name in the title**

This thread is about Ashley Caspillo (aka Sakara, aka SakaraGT & CaspilloConstrictors)and the possibility of IBD carrying snakes sold both here, elsewhere online, and offered for donation in a fundraising thread on another site.

I have provided the following links, and I have accented remarks made that support/contradict important statements made, my thoughts/opinions are in blue. I realize it's very long, but I've tried to make it as easy to follow as possible.

#1: Fauna BOI Bad Guy post found regarding Sakara (Ashley Caspillo's) claim regarding an IBD infected snake Dated: 11-19-2009

Originally Posted by SakaraGT4
This is my official statement on this matter:
This is the email that I just sent him... for the record....

James,I got the results back from the vet today. The male BCL tested positive for both IBD and Pneumonia.
When I got him in September,(2009) I kept him away from the others with standard protocol. The only time he had contact with my other snakes at all was when we were moving to the new house. He was near the other snakes for maybe 2 weeks while we were getting everything set up, then moved back into his isolation.

The snake appeared fine during this time, but refused to eat for almost 4 weeks. I did not think much of that because I have had snakes refuse food before with no problems. This snake has never had any direct contact with any other snake in my collection. It is possible for this disease to spread through the air, but it is unstable, so there is a possibility that it may not spread through the air. It is typically spread through mites and feces/urine. This snake has never had that sort of contact with my other snakes and I do not have a mite issue. It is possible that this disease may spread to my other snakes and if it does my pythons will be the first to die due to the disease. As I stated before, I came home on 12November2009 to find him on his back Then he passed away early morning on 13November2009.

I have professional documented proof that this animal has had IBD since before I acquired him.

If any of my animals have contracted this disease and I lose my collection, I will be seeking representation for collection of my losses......

To replace my entire collection it would cost me approx. $16,860 using average prices.
I am requesting a refund for the sick male BCL that I purchased from you of $196 for the animal, shipping and paypal fee. I have all documentation as well your information. If I do not receive this refund I will contact paypal. If paypal does not help I will locate your local police and my connections with other agencies.Thank you,Ashley Caspillo

* If you read the actual thread posted, She CLEARLY states she has a snake with IBD in her claim on Fauna.
She also ADMITS said snake COULD have possibly infected some het albino boas she currently had up for sale. Why the sale ads for the babies were NOT IMMEDIATELY pulled I do not know.

#2 Here's where she talked about the death of said boa on another forum

Originally Posted by Sakara
went to scoop him out and he went into another "seizure" flipping around and opening his mouth...
He is in isolation and hasn't been around my collection in a while..
yea... we have a necropsy appointment today with the best herp vet in Austin....They said that they do the process there and then if they need to send off tissue they have a place that does that as well... So I'm fairly confident with these ppl... Iv'e heard good things about them...
#3: Necropsy results from, her vet "Suggesting Inclusion Body Disease"

#4) ON another forum her STORY CHANGES Posted 12-04-2009
here is the issue. the tests showed that the snake had pneumonia, a parasite, a blood infection and something else but showed inclusion bodies in some areas. do I think he had IBD? honestly I don't know what to think.
is my collection in jeopardy? I highly doubt that considering this snake was isolated in a seperate room all but the move date.
have talked to many ppl about this and done so much research about diseases and stuff since he died. I also have a slight issue with the doctors that did the tests. look at the test dates on the reports... they didn't do the testing for like 4 or 5 days after the animal had passed. I am a tad bit skepticle that the test results were accurate consideing they didn't preserve the tissue other then in a cold environment.

why did I post the info over there? to try to shut that idiot out of 'business' and make a case against him with others' info if it comes to that.

why I didn't say anything over here about that possibility? because I'm not about to say my snake is sick and kill off my collection to find out that no one is sick because unlike that idiot, I actually take proper precautions with my animals.

I do not think my animals are in danger.

i see no reason in raising a flag where it doesn't need to be. that snake was in his own room in our house. the main collection is in the snake room, the babies are in the 2nd empty bedroom and he was in the 3rd, by himself and that is where he passed.

Right here I'll interject with a link to a picture of her snake room posted 5 days AFTER her move

#5) Link to pictures showing the snake IN the room with the others on 10-3-2009
(2nd pic from top "MALE BCL")

Someone mentions the "Moving day" was around Sept 28th, the pics were EXIF dated Oct. 3, so at LEAST 5 days that snake was with those others.

Originally Posted by Sakara
so like I said, I'm not worried about my snakes and I didn't feel the need for anyone else to be worried when I don't know if the test results were true or false and at this time I honestly do not feel any threat from said disease. y'all know my collection and know that if I thought I needed to be worried I would be kinda flipping out about this, lol
#6) The het albino boas she mentions as being in danger of IBD are the SAME boas listed for sale on Oct. 30th

Sold at least ONE Nov. 17th, 2009

#7) SAME snakes mentioned after questioned about possibly selling sick snakes:
I was devastated when I heard IBD... The snake never even exhibited IBD type symptoms... Even until the time that he passed away, he could still completely right himself if flipped over, climb up himself if I held him by the tail and as I said, he never showed any signs of IBD... I have been told that IBD tests can show false positives if a snake has other neurological issues or something... But as I said in my paragraph, the only true way to know is, unfortunately, if my other snakes start dying.
As I stated, all the animals are here and are not leaving. Does it suck? yes...
But I'm not going to sell possibly sick animals to people. Especially with the babies possibly having IBD. At least I am honest and will not let any of them go.

#8) SAME boas offered for auction in a fundraising thread for TammyJamaica on as of CURRENT (12-01-10)

Ashley has admitted
i've had 3 snakes, a burm, retic and a boa all tested after passing from unrelated causes tested by toxicology on brain, liver and intestine tissues and none had any issues...

It is my understanding that the absence of inclusion bodies does not necessarily mean the snake is not affected with IBD

I get that information from Dr. Jacobson's site
Thus, inclusions may be missed by pathologists in cases having few inclusions in the brain or other tissues. While the presence of characteristic inclusions is diagnostic for the disease, the absence of inclusions does not necessarily mean the snake is disease or IBD virus free.
From her own admittance, she has lost 3-4 snakes SINCE the death of the BCL, but has NOT provided any necropsies regarding said deaths.

NOW when confronted with the findings, and the possibility of losing sales, she's retracted her confidence in the first vet's findings and has claimed a 2nd vet has discredited the initial findings, but has yet to post proof of that as well..

There's more links to snakes she's sold, and snakes she has bought. If need be, those links can also be provided.

I'm of course, NOT saying she HAS IBD.

I'm saying based on HER CLAIMS her snake DIED of VET PROVEN IBD. She alleged IBD all the way up to the last post made January 2010. (reference the first thread posted)

Based on the photographic proof and her own admissions, she has NOT taken proper steps in quarantine to preserve the health of her collection or others, and, IMO should NOT be offering snakes for SALE or DONATION without these facts being available somewhere for review by potential buyers.

She has NOW stated she won't sell any snakes, but I'm concerned about snakes she's ALREADY sold and the fact that she sold them after such questions were raised and never cleared regarding the death of the boa to suspected IBD
Old 12-01-2010, 04:09 PM   #2
thats what is so tough about ibd, even if a slight or tissue sample doesnt reveal any inclusion bodies, it doesnt mean that snake is free of it. its such a nasty tough disease, especially in the python/boa world
Old 12-01-2010, 04:18 PM   #3
Thank you for this information... From what I can see based on what you posted, it seems like she is not a person I'd like to work with. The moment she decided to sell her snakes, suddenly it wasn't IBD even though she openly accussed another breeder of selling her an IBD positive snake and demanded a refund.

I don't like people who operate like that.
Old 12-01-2010, 04:38 PM   #4
Sounds pretty shady to me. Does she know of this thread? I didn't know IBD was such a nasty disease untill I recently researched it. I would die if my collection got something like this. I've always had really good quarantine procedures but that puts a whole new motivation to it. Plus I typically only buy from people I know.
Old 12-01-2010, 04:46 PM   #5
ibd is nasty. if you have never seen an animal deep into ibd, you are lucky. if you are curious, youtube as a video or two of boas (i believe) that has ibd (neurologically affected ibd), it is a very sad site to see
Old 12-01-2010, 04:53 PM   #6
Yes Dustin, I did link her to it.
She also copy/pasted a reply on another thread where IBD had been brought up on my first attempt at this thread (forgot the name in title).

Here is her copy/paste reply from the other thread:

And I, obviously, understand the concern about the health of the animals... As I stated, I do not believe that there is anything wrong with any of my animals and that there hasn't been since that one, hopefully, isolated incident with the BCL...
Already contradicting her statement admitting she lost 3 to 4 other snakes since that death.
But, I have decided to hold off on my projects for this year simply to INSURE to the community that there is no issue... By next season, it will have been 2 years since the BCL incident and provided that there are no issues with ANY animal until then, then there should be no issues... .
It's good that she has decided to hold off, but I think it's a little late for anyone who MIGHT have received a snake that was exposed, and to the new additions she has added since the IBD confirmation.
I have a friend, whom I hope will speak up, who has had 6 deaths (2 were voluntary euthanasias) in 2 years from IBD slowly eeking its way through her collection.
So I disagree that no symptoms means no disease.
I also disagree that one year would make 2 years free of issues, since she admitted she lost the others.

And even though I believe that there is no issue, NOW, I would rather wait and INSURE it to everyone else then have a bunch of babies that no one wants due to "possibilities"..
My opinion is I would expect someone who cares about the welfare of their animals AT THIS POINT, to be more worried about the "possibility" being IBD infecting people's collections, not whether I was stuck with babies people didn't want..

I feel that that is the best thing I can do as of now... well, including not getting anymore animals, but the hubby already told me I can't anyway because we don't need anymore, but that's besides the point... IF my vet can find someone around here to do the live tissue biopsy that isn't like, several hours away, I will look into the live liver biopsies as well... I believe there may be one about 45 mins in Salado that will do it, but if not I will have to look into College Station...
I think that would be a good idea. However, as mentioned above the LACK of wouldn't automatically mean a clean bill of health, but it would give you a little more piece of mind. Then I would have another testing done next year before I even considered adding/selling any snakes.

I still do not feel that my collection, Yvonne's collection or any animal that has been around any of them are in danger... But I would rather prove that to y'all then get harassed about it this season.
I don't care if you prove anything to me or anyone else. They are your snakes, I'd feel bad for someone that gets a sick snake from you that wipes out their collection, but unfortunately it wouldn't be the first or last case of THAT happening.

You should want to prove the well being of your snakes to yourself, IMO.
Old 12-01-2010, 05:47 PM   #7
well you already posted my reply but here it is again...

I, obviously, understand the concern about the health of the animals... As I stated, I do not believe that there is anything wrong with any of my animals and that there hasn't been since that one, hopefully, isolated incident with the BCL...

But, I have decided to hold off on my projects for this year simply to INSURE to the community that there is no issue... By next season, it will have been 2 years since the BCL incident and provided that there are no issues with ANY animal until then, then there should be no issues... And even though I believe that there is no issue, NOW, I would rather wait and INSURE it to everyone else then have a bunch of babies that no one wants due to "possibilities"...

I feel that that is the best thing I can do as of now... well, including not getting anymore animals, but the hubby already told me I can't anyway because we don't need anymore, but that's besides the point... IF my vet can find someone around here to do the live tissue biopsy that isn't like, several hours away, I will look into the live liver biopsies as well... I believe there may be one about 45 mins in Salado that will do it, but if not I will have to look into College Station...

I still do not feel that my collection, Yvonne's collection or any animal that has been around any of them are in danger... But I would rather prove that to y'all then get harassed about it this season.

I've already stated this and if you so choose you can tear it apart as you please, as you already have...

And if you want to bring this up in it's own thread, the community should know that Yvonne's snakes were also housed with mine for breeding and some in the same room as hers... So IF I did have any IBD issues, then that should throw up a red flag for her collection too... Although I'm sure it won't because someone will come up with an excuse there...
Old 12-01-2010, 06:02 PM   #8
No, I agree, Ashley you are correct.. I hadn't even thought of that.
Old 12-01-2010, 06:16 PM   #9
Bring about proof that they were housed with your animals at the time of possible infection and something should and will be posted.
Old 12-01-2010, 06:31 PM   #10
Ashley, sounds like you are on the right track. From what I've read about this disease it can take quite a while for it to become apparent that an animal has it and it would only lead to more problems if it was passed on to someone elses collection. The only thing that everyone wants out of this is to not let this pass on to others. No one is looking to tarnish your name there just needs to be insurance that the infection is contained, if in fact your animals did somehow contract it. Furthermore if this other person, Yvonne's snakes have come into contact with that snake then you should probably make a thread letting people know about this as well and she needs to take the same precautions that you are taking. This seems like the HIV of the reptile world, is there anyone trying to find a cure for it at all? or at least doing extensive research on this disease?

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