1,000 Birds Fall from Arkansas Sky in Hitchcockian Scene - Page 3 - FaunaClassifieds
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General BS forum I guess anything is fair game in here. Just watch the subject matter doesn't get carried away too much.

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Old 01-05-2011, 06:05 PM   #21
Originally Posted by SERPENTS DEN View Post
It seems to me that "the powers that be" are doing all they can to fulfill biblical prophecies from behind the curtains.
I assume that by "TPTB", you mean a Higher Being??
Old 01-05-2011, 06:35 PM   #22
Originally Posted by SamanthaJane13 View Post
I assume that by "TPTB", you mean a Higher Being??
I'm talking about the people who control things from behind the scenes.
Old 01-05-2011, 06:55 PM   #23

Maybe the Illuminati??
Old 01-05-2011, 07:51 PM   #24
Originally Posted by SamanthaJane13 View Post

Maybe the Illuminati??

Illuminati/Secret Societies the Vatican etc.
Old 01-05-2011, 09:25 PM   #25
Or...it just might be...nah. Don't want to ruin it for anyone.

Meanwhile-at Time!!

Why Did Thousands of Birds Drop Dead in the Arkansas Sky?
By: William Lee Adams

New Year's Day should be about turning over a new leaf. But for residents of Beebe, Arkansas, January 1, 2011 meant turning over thousands of bird carcasses that had fallen from the sky.

In scenes befitting an apocalyptic thriller, residents woke to find the corpses of at least 1,000 red-winged blackbirds strewn across their lawns, streets and rooftops. An aerial survey revealed that all the avian casualties dropped within a one-mile stretch of town. The bird remains were so concentrated that motorists passing through the area struggled to avoid crushing them.

The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (AGFC) began receiving reports about dead birds at 11:30pm on New Year's Eve. "I thought the mayor was messing with me when he called me," Milton McCullar, a town street supervisor, told local television station KATV. "He got me up at 4'oclock in the morning and told me we had birds falling out of the sky."

The AGFC dispatched wildlife officer Robby King to the scene as birds continued to drop. He collected 65 corpses which he then sent to the Arkansas Livestock and Poultry Commission laboratory and the National Wildlife Health Center in Madison, Wisconsin for analysis. Necropsies—autopsies for animals—begin January 3.

Theories to explain the sudden death of the blackbird flock have come thick and fast. Speaking to CNN Radio on January 2, Karen Rowe, an ornithologist for the AGFC, said that the incident isn't that rare, and is often caused by a lightning strike or high-altitude hail. Initial examinations of the dead birds showed trauma, including head injury. Such trauma could have resulted from something contacting them in the air—or from impact with the ground.

Rowe ruled out poisoning. "It's important to understand that a sick bird can't fly. So whatever happened to these birds happened very quickly," she said. "Something must have caused these birds to flush out of the trees at night, where they're normally just roosting and staying in the treetops ... and then something got them out of the air and caused their death and then they fell to earth."

Officials speculated that fireworks set off by New Year's revelers could have startled the birds from their roost, and caused them to die from stress.

According to the Press Association, workers from the U.S. Environmental Services removed the final bird at 11am on Sunday morning. They estimated that they had collected around 2,000 of the animals. The town's mayor said that workers wore protective suits as a matter of course and not because they feared contamination.

In Arkansas, death isn't merely for the birds. On Dec. 30, in an unrelated incident, a tugboat operator discovered a bevy of dead fish along the Arkansas River in Franklin County, around 125 miles northwest of Little Rock. Officials now estimate that around 100,000 drum fish have died along a 20-mile stretch of the river. Disease—not fireworks or stress—appears to be the culprit.

Old 01-05-2011, 10:04 PM   #26
Scientists say fireworks caused mysterious mass bird deaths

Scientists say fireworks caused mysterious mass bird deaths


Mystery solved.

It wasn't poison, or lightning, or the end of the world. The thousands of birds found dead on the streets of Beebe, Arkansas, on New Year's Day were killed by... fireworks.

According to USA Today:

It was someone shooting off professional grade fireworks in a residential district, scaring the night-blind birds out of their roost into a 25-mph flight that ran them into houses, signs and even the ground, says Karen Rowe, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission ornithologist.

Rowe confirmed the cause of death after getting back results from extensive necropsies done on the animals and examining the pattern the birds were found in. Both were consistent with their theory that a startled flock flew up, then quickly back down to find safety and, unable to see at night, hit the ground and other objects at full speed.

The relatively straightforward explanation will likely disappoint some who speculated -- jokingly and not -- that the massive bird death was related to something more sinister.


ps - freemasons
Old 01-05-2011, 10:07 PM   #27
Originally Posted by AbsoluteApril View Post

ps - freemasons
LOL-that's the ticket!!
Old 01-06-2011, 12:49 AM   #28
Red winged black birds have a range that pretty much covers the entire continental USA and into much of Mexico. In the summer months that range extends into quite a bit of Canada. I know that for at least as long as I have been around, fireworks have been set off every Fourth of July and every New Year in nearly every locale within the USA.

So if this simple fireworks cause is the answer, where and when else has it happened when fireworks have been involved?

Apparently mysterious bird deaths completely unrelated to fireworks has happened before....


Does anyone know why miners used to take canaries into the mines with them?
Old 01-06-2011, 12:56 AM   #29
Interesting other stories, a couple of those popped up when I was looking around as well. Just seems fishy (pardon the pun from the other story), it seems like we'd be seeing mass bird deaths every year a heck of a lot more often if fireworks did this.

One of the other things that I was wondering about although probably totally unrelated.. but the recent massive die offs of honeybees... wondering if somehow they could be related via a toxin introduced into the water or something (although I believe the prevailing theory for the bees currently is a virus).

Originally Posted by WebSlave View Post
Does anyone know why miners used to take canaries into the mines with them?
wasn't it to test the air so they'd know if it turned bad?

I'm going to go research that real quick...

edit: a-ha!

"detecting harmful gases which may be present underground"
I am so smart. S-M-R-T
Old 01-06-2011, 02:11 AM   #30
I'm sure you all have read stories about die offs of amphibians as well. Then there were stories about sea turtles showing up with all sorts of tumors and lesions.

I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to have the thought pop into their mind that perhaps WE are the generation witnessing the unraveling of the Earth's biosphere. IF that was happening, which classes of living things do you think you would see such effects in first? And consider the ramifications if the low levels of the earth's food chain starts to break apart.

Just out of curiosity, how many people have large numbers of people in their area suffering from a flu or cold right now and in the recent past?

A LOT of people are sick around here. Connie and I haven't been sick in years, and we both came down with something recently. Connie got it much worse than I did, but I've been pumping up on vitamins and minerals for a while now and I think my immune system is just running at a better efficiency.

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