Bad Guy Mike Matson (Mike's Phat Frogs) sold me a WC snake as CB - Page 4 - FaunaClassifieds
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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 05-29-2016, 12:28 AM   #31
Originally Posted by Black Adder View Post
I have to say I am a little surprised here Sabrina...this is the SECOND Mike Matson bad guy thread you are defending him in.
This makes me a little concerned on your possible motives and just who you may truly be.
Funny that Matson being banned cannot speak on here and he conveniently finds a supporter to speak for him
very funny that........
I agree 100%... It seems its being addressed by moderators in the other thread finally... I'm curious about her intentions/motivation behind her posts
Old 05-29-2016, 02:21 AM   #32
Sabrina, you need to go back and review all of the old posts about Mike. He is completely dishonest. Not if you will be burned, but when. I purchased an animal from him, he was using a old girlfriend's Fauna and paypal account to post the ad. I would never have spent $500 on the tortoise if I had known it was Mike. He was a known thief at an early age. He resold the tortoise and would not return my emails or calls. I finally tricked him in to meeting me by having someone else set up a meeting to purchase a snapping turtle which was illegal to sell in Washington State. He ran like a baby to a waiting getaway car before I could catch up with him. There is no way anyone should ever buy any animals from him. He really needs to go away for good. Defending him in any way without spending the time to review the numerous posts about how unethical Mike is just further prolongs the agony for anyone how makes the mistake of purchasing from him. Mike, I am going to forward all my numerous emails between us and Francine who you were using, like have used so many other woman, to Rich so he never considers bringing you back to life.
Old 05-29-2016, 08:02 AM   #33
David Scarboro
Originally Posted by Black Adder View Post
I have to say I am a little surprised here Sabrina...this is the SECOND Mike Matson bad guy thread you are defending him in.
This makes me a little concerned on your possible motives and just who you may truly be.
Funny that Matson being banned cannot speak on here and he conveniently finds a supporter to speak for him
very funny that........
Thanks Kevin, I noticed that also.
Old 05-29-2016, 08:31 AM   #34
I've known Mike a while. A few years actually and while we are not beer drinking buddies I have done business with him more than twice. He can be an absolute buttwad, but he's not one to misrepresent his animals. I've heard him at shows we both vended at, I've seen his childishness on various forums and his own pages, but I've never seen him say captive bred when he meant otherwise.

I have seen on more than one occasion where a heavy parasite load being treated has killed an otherwise good looking snake. It happens. Most shows require vendors to give receipts for all purchases. Was this not the case when you purchased this snake?
Old 05-29-2016, 09:31 AM   #35
Originally Posted by Wilomn View Post
I've known Mike a while. A few years actually and while we are not beer drinking buddies I have done business with him more than twice. He can be an absolute buttwad, but he's not one to misrepresent his animals. I've heard him at shows we both vended at, I've seen his childishness on various forums and his own pages, but I've never seen him say captive bred when he meant otherwise.

I have seen on more than one occasion where a heavy parasite load being treated has killed an otherwise good looking snake. It happens. Most shows require vendors to give receipts for all purchases. Was this not the case when you purchased this snake?
Sounds legit, Mike Matson says his Peppermints are also not misrepresented...
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Old 05-29-2016, 12:43 PM   #36
I've seen vendors like Mike.

They can spot a newbie a mile away and believe they can get away with misrepresenting animals.

I for one have no doubt he lied to her about it being CB … just read some of the other threads about him.

Also, vendors like him act different with other vendors … because we know better.

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Old 05-29-2016, 02:39 PM   #37
Originally Posted by Wilomn View Post
Most shows require vendors to give receipts for all purchases. Was this not the case when you purchased this snake?
I have purchased critters, in the past, from more than one show. My experience was that, while some did, most vendors did not offer, or give, receipts.
When I became a vendor, there was no requirement, from show management, to give receipts. Also, observed many vendors who did not offer/give receipts.

Old 05-29-2016, 05:24 PM   #38
I am going to address this here. No longer will I go back and forth with others who are not involved in the transaction. Also, those that find evidence I post on my Facebook and share it here were not asked too. Every fauna bio I have addressed on my Facebook because of my past ban. Everyone that post info that would support my side is attacked and ridiculed on fauna by other members then threatened to be banned.

The Madagascar hognose was a "farmed import" and she was told so at the show also. There is no documents or evidence supporting her claim that I told her this was a CB snake. My ads found on my Facebook back in April show that I listed them as farmed.

It's not worth my time to lie for a $20.00 profit about an animal being CB vs farmed or imported. When emailed a month and half later for the first time she informed me that the animal passed away and she wanted a refund or she will post a fauna bio. That is not the way to approach me especially when messaging me 40+ days after the sale for the first time.

I denied that refund as she was fully aware of this animal being a farmed import.

There were a few other species on my table that were either wc or farmed imports. Everyone that purchased either a Malaysian mangrove, red tail green rat snake, golden or giant hognose, leaf nose snakes and the various geckos were made aware of their wc or farmed status.

Originally Posted by jaggyinn View Post
I met Mike at Phoenix Repticon on 4/2, where I purchased a female Madagascan Giant Hognose snake from his table for $170. I asked him directly whether it was captive-bred or WC, and he said CB with no hesitation. My boyfriend was with me at the time of purchase and can attest to that.

A month after purchasing the animal showed bumps and lumps on her body. The vet diagnosed her with a heavy intestinal and subcutaneous parasite load, and that she was most likely WC. On that first visit he removed 6 adult worms from under her skin, and we started deworming treatment. I took her back two weeks later for another round of dewormer.

Unfortunately she passed away on 5/19. The necropsy showed that she had eleven adult parasitic worms in her body. These worms caused systemic inflammation and fluid buildup around her heart, finally causing her heart to stop. The vet said she must've been pretty heavily infested when Mike sold her.

She was my first and only reptile, if he’d been honest with me regarding her WC status I would not have purchased her. I did roughly 6 months of serious research before going to the show and was not looking for a WC animal.

After her death, I emailed Mike to explain what happened, and to ask for a refund since he had lied to me about her. He denied having ever said she was CB, even insisting that he told me of her WC status. I can guarantee that did not happen; he was quite happy to say the snake was CB to make a sale.

Regarding his statement that no Malagasy Giant Hognoses are produced in the US, there are a couple of ads for CB snakes on this forum alone. There was no reason for me to not believe him at the time.

I only had Skittles for 1.5 months. I did what I could to bring her health up. I've attached her vet reports, the necropsy report, and the email convo. Hopefully this serves to warn others looking to buy "CB" snakes from him.
Old 05-29-2016, 05:50 PM   #39
Originally Posted by jrsexotics View Post
The Madagascar hognose was a "farmed import" and she was told so at the show also. There is no documents or evidence supporting her claim that I told her this was a CB snake.
Incidentally, there's the very same lack of evidence to support your own contentions. You have a very well-documented history of lying when it suits you, even about something as simple and fundamental as the names you've chosen to post under. The OP presented an extremely plausible scenario, which is given even more credence by your aforementioned utter lack of credibility. Personally, I think Rich made a mistake by even lifting your ban; your removal was a clear case of addition by subtraction.
Old 05-29-2016, 06:26 PM   #40
Evidence from April 7th of hognose being advertised as farmed imports.
In the pic attached.

I will also address this once. For the thousands of orders that have been placed I have a handful of bad guy threads. That is bound to happen with so many transactions as not everyone can be made happy. Seeing as I was not able to defend myself at those times others near me argued on my behalf. Also, made accounts to bypass the ban to argue the nonsense. That was not the way to go about it.

Misunderstandings, errogance and self pride take place and those few bad transactions get out of hand.

I am glad Rich allowed me to post and defend myself as others who share the other half of the story found on Facebook are bashed and attacked.

I supply frogs all around the world and am 90% on the way to 3 new morphs that I have created being released for sale next year.

If I am so bad why do I vend shows consistently and as far as Texas? I am out in the public eye and have nothing to hide.

A few of you in these threads that are not related to any of the transactions will stir the pot for hits. You can try and make me out to be this horrible monster when in reality Those that know me don't have the same view. . I do have my frustrating times and get worked up which I have learned to stop doing. Also is the reason why I am not responding past this post to anyone but the poster in these threads.

If the OP would have kept me involved in the snakes "issues" I would have gladly made an effort to fix it. However, seeing the Instagram pics of the animal doing well over the last few weeks led me not to work anything out past the original email which wanted a instant refund of the snake or she would make a bio post.

Originally Posted by Fangthane View Post
Incidentally, there's the very same lack of evidence to support your own contentions. You have a very well-documented history of lying when it suits you, even about something as simple and fundamental as the names you've chosen to post under. The OP presented an extremely plausible scenario, which is given even more credence by your aforementioned utter lack of credibility. Personally, I think Rich made a mistake by even lifting your ban; your removal was a clear case of addition by subtraction.
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