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General Business Discussions This is a general purpose forum open to business related topics concerning Reptiles and Amphibians that are neither appropriate for the Board of Inquiry, nor sales, purchase, or trade solicitations.

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Old 02-11-2017, 04:29 PM   #11
Beyond GenetiX
Originally Posted by Jynxx25 View Post
This site is not for me with the membership trolling. Thank you for confirming that.
Membership trolling?
Old 02-11-2017, 05:13 PM   #12
As a seller -

I do not usually offer what I consider to be "introductory" animals as a matter of habit. I expect people to research the animals they are considering buying thoroughly and before contacting the seller. If a buyer asks me what the species eats or what other general care parameters are for the species, I question the commitment beyond punctuated enthusiasm. If the person asks me what my animal has been eating (and I was hit in the head with a brick and did not include it in my ad), I will happily provide that information (perhaps even with photos of the animal eating one or more items if requested or if I happen to have some handy). Also, many keepers disagree on how to keep some animals and there are cliques and politics involved that I do not want to be bothered with. If one wants to follow someone else's keeping style and it works, great, but I am not going to devote lots of my time describing mine only for it to be ignored, so I do not usually provide hand-holding levels of advice. Also, if a person follows someone else's advice and the result is not a desirable one, I may or may not offer assistance (it is a mess I did not make). Depends on my time and mood. I try to help more often than not, but I feel no obligation to repair another's damage. If a person does not know general care and wants to be spoon-fed that care instead of putting a little effort into learning under one's own power, maybe my animals simply are not the correct ones for that person. I include a lot of information in my ads in most cases. When people ask me for information already included in my ads, it sends me the message that they do not care about my time or about making the small effort to read what I provided. Questions about the specific animals in my ads beyond what information has been included in the ad are always more than welcome. Also, if a person does still ask me something that is mentioned an ad of mine, I will either restate what was in the ad, restate what was said in the ad and say it was in the ad, or refer the person to the ad (this all depends on how free I am and if I perceive some kind of entitlement-level laziness or not, but simply restating the information already provided is my default path). I specify to use email in my "for sale" ads because it means less hoops for me to jump through (no need for a browser if on a phone and no need for a second website with click-through steps if on a computer), a record of the discussion that we can both refer back to so that there is little to no misunderstanding, and I can respond when my schedule/workload allows me. Calls do not easily permit the second and third points, for example, and site-based PMs do not provide me the ease of the first point. I do not drag my feet if a person wants to pay me. If the animal is not spoken for or I do not need to hear back from someone else, I provide payment details as immediately as my availability allows.

As a buyer -

I may ask questions whose answers are implied, but not stated the same way, in an ad. Some sellers have radically different ideas of what constitutes reliable TSD, for example. I will ask questions for information that I need to make a purchasing decision if that information is not included in the ad. I dislike when sellers do not answer specific questions with specific answers to those specific questions. There are many instances where I have chosen to not buy from sellers because they answered vaguely or not at all in response to being asked a very specific question. That can be poor communication and that can be willful evasion, so it is something that may cause me concern. I understand some people want to protect sources for their animals. Sometimes that is okay and sometimes that is not. It depends on the situation. If I want a male of an unrelated bloodline for [species], then that is a showstopper if not answered to my satisfaction. I usually avoid guiding sellers into giving me tailored answers that are so tailored as to no longer be factual simply because they want to tell me what I want to read and make the sale instead of providing what I am looking for (or letting me know that I need to keep looking). I strongly dislike when a seller seems lackadaisical about getting paid. If I want your animal, I want you paid right away so that the animal is mine and the funds are yours. It is surprising to see how many sellers are apathetic about providing the means to pay them and simultaneously complain about people not paying them. Or when sellers outright say to not waste their time in their ads, but they will waste yours.

Reciprocation is important for a harmonious transaction.


Regarding Pothos, it is safe and it is not safe. It depends on the species of animal you are working with. Some types of animals may develop a kidney ailment rapidly and others may be able to deactivate things like oxalic acid rapidly with their digestive processes. Dichotomous thinking on such things does no favors. I have species in one pen that could eat a primarily Pothos diet if I felt like providing it and do well, while another three animals of other species in the same pen would find that diet fatal in around a month. Then there is the matter of dose. If those three animals took a nibble of Pothos here and there, they would be okay (although I still would not like that), but controlling that is a pain, so I have no Pothos in the pen. Some people can also use Pothos safely as part of a biological filter in systems housing species that would find it toxic to consume. It is good and it is bad, but the application determines which category it fits into.


For the BOI, if you find nothing, you can always start a thread (with the proper format) asking for feedback on experiences with a particular seller. You can ask specific questions, of course.


Regarding this membership trolling thing, if a person only welcomes his/her own positions on matters, a tape recorder is maybe better suited than a discussion post. Many of us are happy to find time to engage with a person and lend our perspectives. They will not always align and there is nothing wrong with that.
Old 02-15-2017, 02:15 PM   #13
Snarky soap box rant coming on... *Beware as I am ENTIRELY beyond snarky today. *

Originally Posted by Jynxx25 View Post
This site is not for me with the membership trolling. Thank you for confirming that.
So because you were told that your interactions on the site thus far have been less than stellar, you're choosing to put your tail between your legs and run. Cool...

Your profile says you're 41, yet you're acting like a damn teenager. Grow up. It doesn't take a genius to understand how this site works. I don't care how long you've been doing other crap on the web, it's how you act on each individual site that matters. On this site, you're acting entitled, so you've been treated as such *which means you get told to read, understand and THEN interact.*

If you can't handle that, then I don't know what to tell you Mr. IT Desktop Support for 22 years, and Ebay seller since 1998. Woohoo...No one asked for your resume, and it doesn't apply on this site as this site doesn't operate in the same manner.

Since you've been in Customer service for SOOOO many years, then that means you've been dealing with pain in the rear customers for the same amount of years. Which means you should be able to recognize when you're being one of those. But Nope, let's complain instead about how I don't like the way things are going, and then throw a tantrum when I don't get told what I want to hear. Good luck out there to you. You obviously are going to need it.
Old 02-15-2017, 03:22 PM   #14
Originally Posted by Mistyck View Post
Snarky soap box rant coming on... *Beware as I am ENTIRELY beyond snarky today. *

Your profile says you're 41, yet you're acting like a damn teenager. Grow up. It doesn't take a genius to understand how this site works. I don't care how long you've been doing other crap on the web, it's how you act on each individual site that matters. On this site, you're acting entitled, so you've been treated as such *which means you get told to read, understand and THEN interact.*

If you can't handle that, then I don't know what to tell you Mr. IT Desktop Support for 22 years, and Ebay seller since 1998. Woohoo...No one asked for your resume, and it doesn't apply on this site as this site doesn't operate in the same manner.

Since you've been in Customer service for SOOOO many years, then that means you've been dealing with pain in the rear customers for the same amount of years. Which means you should be able to recognize when you're being one of those. But Nope, let's complain instead about how I don't like the way things are going, and then throw a tantrum when I don't get told what I want to hear. Good luck out there to you. You obviously are going to need it.
Grow up? Brandi, why don’t you look into the mirror and ask yourself. I was just making an observation until everyone in this discussion jumped on me, aside from one member.

No one asked for my resume? Yes they did as soon as you all assumed I was inexperienced as stated earlier. So don’t make statements and then complain when someone backs up their credentials. Just proves you do not know what you are talking about or who you are talking too.

Yes, I had customer service in all my years and professions. If you do not like the repeated questions or stupid question even, then don’t breed and sell. You are a seller, you are going to get those inquiries. All I see from the majority of sellers is read the description or “I am a patient person, but I do not like being asked questions I had already answered.” If you are too busy for repeated questions, then don’t sell, obviously if there is not enough time to check the forums and answer repeated questions; then how to you have time to breed snakes?

The person I purchase my first reptile from this site (which died 8 days later by the way) was no different. I asked him when he fed it last, he stated I already told you a week ago. No he did not state he fed it a week ago. He stated he fed it every 7-10 days. So was the 7-10 days yesterday or last week?

Believe me, I tried to get my profile removed, but have not heard anything. In addition, I researched but there is nothing.

This is the forum environment that is just bad. As I stated before, this is a hobby, not an elitist club. People are going to learn by asking questions, Internet research alone is not enough with all the misinformation out there.

But since you and many others had expressed their opinions, perhaps I need to give examples of good… well actually basic customer service.

Rock Shop:
I needed new basking rocks since my reptiles have grown. Went to a Rock and Mineral shop not knowing anything about those things. Looked around the big warehouse. I then asked the owner, what he recommended. I stated that these will be for reptiles and the rock needs to be flat and absorb/radiate heat from a light source. He took his time to show me some samples. I asked if the samples were toxic in any way, he said no. I asked how does he recommend sterilizing the rocks, he said to boil them. I then asked for cleaning can I use soap, he stated soap is fine it will not be absorbed into the rocks.

He did not view me as a needy customer. Nor did he tell me to do my research first before coming in asking questions I am sure he heard many times before. He provided support to my questions.

I just recently purchased a male Purple Passion Ball from XXXReptiles. I first called them asking if I was to purchase a female Potion Ball if I would need to be wary of inbreeding. He assured me that it won’t be an issue. He even stated the breeds I need to be cautious of because of genetics.

I then asked him the parameters he kept the Ball in, he stated 80-82 with no hot spots. Nice to know since the White Diamond I purchased from XXX Reptiles two weeks prior was at 80-82 with a hot spot of 90-92. It was nice that I could adjust the terrarium I had setup for the new arrival.

  • Two different breeders (XXX and XXX) and a rock shop took the time to answer questions
  • XXX made a sale of $500. XXX made a sale of $450, and rock shop made a sale of $100
  • No one accused me of being inexperienced, told me to do my research first, or stated read the description
  • (WARNING: RESUME STATEMENT): Experience as a seller, yes I keep telling people how much the shipping is even through I have it listed, but I tell them anyways. It is much easier, faster, and more professional to respond, “USPS Priority shipping is free.” versus “Please look at the description, I try to be patient, but I do not have time to be bothered with questions that is already stated in the description!”
  • (WARNING: RESUME STATEMENT): Experience in IT, yes there are customers/users that need constant repetitive support and/or hand holding, but that is the nature of the business. You just can say they need to get out of the business, if they are an accountant in Finance, they need to use a computer, they are an account, not a technician; they are going to struggle.

Yes I get it people. You can treat anyone any way you like. That is your choice. For me being a noob, newbie… whatever; I am just making a statement from my experiences on this forum. You don’t like it, cool; You like it, that’s cool too. There is truth to what I am saying, be in denial all you want. But just look at the sale and trade sections. I see a lot more for sales than I do see sold (when I was in the market for Ball Pythons on this site).
Old 02-15-2017, 04:08 PM   #15
Originally Posted by Jynxx25 View Post
Believe me, I tried to get my profile removed, but have not heard anything. In addition, I researched but there is nothing.
Profiles aren't removed. If you no longer want to be here, simply don't navigate to the website. A bit of self-control is all that's required.

I'm pretty liberal about going along with the idea that there's not much of an excuse for a seller to be out of contact; that reasonable questions should be thoroughly answered in a reasonably timely fashion. That being said, having read the tone of your replies and noticed how you're quick to read into a statement to find things that aren't actually there, I can't help finding myself wondering if maybe you are the common denominator in whatever communication issues you may be having with people.

Here's an example:
Originally Posted by Jynxx25
No one asked for my resume? Yes they did as soon as you all assumed I was inexperienced as stated earlier.
At the point where you felt the need to go into your credentials, no one had assumed or even suggested that you were inexperienced in anything other than this particular website.
Here's what was actually said:
Originally Posted by snowgyre
I think you're making a mountain over a molehill. You're new to the site, so you probably are not aware that most people do not check threads frequently for updates, but instead rely upon notifications from the private messaging system or direct contact through emails.
There's nothing in her statement that would necessitate the wall of rhetoric you used in reply. As I'd said, your problems may boil down to mostly you.

If you're not getting the level of communication you want, prior to the sale, move on to greener pastures - you're free to draw whatever inferences you may from their communication habits. If you do make a purchase and end up having issues with what you received, take it to the BOI if you feel you have a righteous gripe about the transaction. Coming to a discussion forum and making sweeping statements about how common it is for sellers on this site to have poor customer service seems like the least productive way of accomplishing anything other than calling a lot of the wrong kind of attention to yourself.
Old 02-15-2017, 04:29 PM   #16
Originally Posted by Jynxx25 View Post
Grow up? Brandi, why don’t you look into the mirror and ask yourself. I was just making an observation until everyone in this discussion jumped on me, aside from one member.
I have, (Thanks for the tip of looking in a mirror...was a good view... ) I prefaced my statement with the fact I was going to be snarky. Don't like it, don't read it dude. Technically, we didn't jump you...We gave our opinions on the way you acted and presented yourself from the get go.

Originally Posted by Jynxx25 View Post
No one asked for my resume? Yes they did as soon as you all assumed I was inexperienced as stated earlier. So don’t make statements and then complain when someone backs up their credentials. Just proves you do not know what you are talking about or who you are talking too.
No she did NOT. She said you were new to THIS site. Not to the internet. So why don't you learn to read?! If you think it was implied, that's on YOU. I can make statements because we never asked for your bs background dealing with the internet. But now that we have it further proves our point...

Quite frankly, I don't give a damn who you are. If you act a certain way, you're going to get treated a certain way.

Originally Posted by Jynxx25 View Post
Yes, I had customer service in all my years and professions. If you do not like the repeated questions or stupid question even, then don’t breed and sell. You are a seller, you are going to get those inquiries. All I see from the majority of sellers is read the description or “I am a patient person, but I do not like being asked questions I had already answered.” If you are too busy for repeated questions, then don’t sell, obviously if there is not enough time to check the forums and answer repeated questions; then how to you have time to breed snakes?
As stated BEFORE, they do it as HOBBY, or even as a BUSINESS, does that mean that they have to deal with imbeciles asking the same questions over and over? No, because they can choose not to answer, and to not deal with that person. If YOU chose to do that in your profession then, that's on YOU, and no one else but YOU! Nice of you to tell sellers what they CAN and CANNOT do if they're going to be sellers. Let me know how that works out for you as you move forward.

Considering that the reason most sellers/hobbyists don't answer questions is because they're dealing with their animals...But NOOOO, let's be a little know-it-all and say that they don't have time to answer my piddly little questions so they obviously don't have time to breed their animals either...

Originally Posted by Jynxx25 View Post
Believe me, I tried to get my profile removed, but have not heard anything. In addition, I researched but there is nothing.
No one's profile is removed just because they want it done. PERIOD. If you don't want to participate here, then there's a nifty little link that you can click labeled, "LOG OUT" and then when you LOG OUT, you can choose to not come back on this site again. Presto, no more having to worry about this website or your profile!

Originally Posted by Jynxx25 View Post
This is the forum environment that is just bad. As I stated before, this is a hobby, not an elitist club. People are going to learn by asking questions, Internet research alone is not enough with all the misinformation out there.

But since you and many others had expressed their opinions...
Oh dear, someone can't take it or leave it. And when others express that HE is being the common ground in the situation, he feels the need to continue showing that HE did nothing wrong. Though we're not saying you did, you just can't chalk it up to those sellers not wanting to deal with you, and make a childish post about it instead of walking it off.

Originally Posted by Jynxx25 View Post
Yes I get it people. You can treat anyone any way you like. That is your choice. For me being a noob, newbie… whatever; I am just making a statement from my experiences on this forum. You don’t like it, cool; You like it, that’s cool too. There is truth to what I am saying, be in denial all you want. But just look at the sale and trade sections. I see a lot more for sales than I do see sold (when I was in the market for Ball Pythons on this site).
Glad you stated your experiences. I still see one common ground with this whole "issue"...YOU. YOU get defensive, YOU decided to be a Right-fighter, YOU chose to continue in this thread, YOU chose to say that you couldn't get your profile removed, *which btw, it's in the TOS Mr IT guy.* So common theme with the issue is...YOU!
Old 02-15-2017, 05:04 PM   #17
Man Brandi, with those response I can only think you are home schooled and/or lack the socialize maturity, but that is cool.

You are answering your own questions. Yeah I can leave, but when some one challenges me and/or bullies me, you bet I am going to respond. Call me inexperienced, you bet I am going to give you my expertise in the hobby and professional.

Don't see anyone responding on this discussion with their experiences, especially with highly needy customers.

You are right, I could leave. But so could you. I started this discussion on this topic. If you keep responding then great, I don't need to leave because it is recommended. Unless I get banned.

Now hurry along Brandi, I am sure you have errands to complete to earn your allowance.
Old 02-15-2017, 05:38 PM   #18
Originally Posted by Jynxx25 View Post
Man Brandi, with those response I can only think you are home schooled and/or lack the socialize maturity, but that is cool.

You are answering your own questions. Yeah I can leave, but when some one challenges me and/or bullies me, you bet I am going to respond. Call me inexperienced, you bet I am going to give you my expertise in the hobby and professional.

Don't see anyone responding on this discussion with their experiences, especially with highly needy customers.

You are right, I could leave. But so could you. I started this discussion on this topic. If you keep responding then great, I don't need to leave because it is recommended. Unless I get banned.

Now hurry along Brandi, I am sure you have errands to complete to earn your allowance.
Blah blah blah blah. Anything else you want to say mr. mature man...NO ONE CALLED YOU INEXPERIENCED! They called YOU a NEWBIE on this site. Freaking read it, you immature little plebeian. No one has BULLIED you or CHALLENGED you. YOU have acted like a real idiot, yet WE'RE the ones being bad. You tell me to go run errands to earn my allowance...well hate to tell you, but I'm older than you think. You can have any misconceived notions you want, but truth is, you just don't like being told that you're wrong.

So, you're right, you don't NEED to leave. You're the one that was looking for that option. Don't like it go kick rocks. Or as I tell my kids, "You are NOT entitled, and you will not be treated as such."
Old 02-15-2017, 06:09 PM   #19
I am removing the specific breeder/business names (changed to XXX) so this thread does not veer into BOI (Board of Inquiry) territory.

Reminder to all to watch the name calling please.
Old 02-15-2017, 06:17 PM   #20
Originally Posted by Jynxx25 View Post
The common issue I realize on this site is the lack of customer service to almost being downright rude behavior.
On a personal note - I see nothing wrong with wanting questions answered and more specific details provided. If the seller doesn't provide the info I want, I move on (assuming it wasn't already in the description or other replies and I missed it).

Sometimes I think my ads are too wordy but I'd rather provide as much information as possible.

I guess my question is your comment about the issues being specific to 'this site'. I have dealt with plenty of good and bad buyers/sellers on this site and other sites as well. I haven't noticed anything specifically bad about sellers only on this site as compared to others?

I also have no idea what you meant by the 'membership trolling' comment either.

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