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General BS forum I guess anything is fair game in here. Just watch the subject matter doesn't get carried away too much.

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Old 06-12-2010, 05:47 PM   #31
Originally Posted by serpentsden View Post

Hmm, well that is interesting. If in fact that oil plume IS on fire a mile underneath the water, how did that happen? Was it ignited from the top and worked it's way down, or is it in flames beneath the ground? If the latter, then there is no way they can cap it off, because then PRESSURE would build up. Also, how are they going to draw off the oil to tankers if it is in flames? Suppose the entire oil reservoir underneath the ground is in flames right now?

I think there is a WHOLE lot of information that is being withheld about this situation. And none of it is likely good news.
Old 06-12-2010, 06:28 PM   #32
Originally Posted by WebSlave View Post
Hmm, well that is interesting. If in fact that oil plume IS on fire a mile underneath the water, how did that happen? Was it ignited from the top and worked it's way down, or is it in flames beneath the ground? If the latter, then there is no way they can cap it off, because then PRESSURE would build up. Also, how are they going to draw off the oil to tankers if it is in flames? Suppose the entire oil reservoir underneath the ground is in flames right now?

I think there is a WHOLE lot of information that is being withheld about this situation. And none of it is likely good news.

With the transparency of our government along with media lies and blackouts you can only hope for the best.

It was stated on MSNBC it may leak for 30 years!
Old 06-12-2010, 06:45 PM   #33
Originally Posted by brd7666 View Post
The reason is because there was no plan in place if something like this should happen.
It is scary that there was no plan for this, since blowouts have happened from the earliest days of drilling. Scarier still are those companies who are still all gung ho to go ahead with plans for offshore drilling, whether or not they have plans or enough financial resources to cope with a blowout of their own.

The problem is, when the SHTF, the companies can bankrupt, the execs can fly away and live in luxury on their Swiss bank accounts, and the ordinary guy is left with the damage. Fixing just this blowout will increase a national debt that is already totally out of control and there is no way out, you can't have 30, 40, 50 percent of a whole state unemployed.

And that is just 'as-is', without a hurricane to spead the oil inland, or, God forbid, a massive explosion with possibly toxic gas.
I'm hoping that people are thinking along the lines of moving if the situation suddenly has a direct affect on their lives. Right now that would mean fishermen, shrimpers, and so on, but a hurricane spreading oil inland would make life untenable for many.
Old 06-12-2010, 08:16 PM   #34
Originally Posted by lucille View Post
And that is just 'as-is', without a hurricane to spead the oil inland, or, God forbid, a massive explosion with possibly toxic gas.
I'm hoping that people are thinking along the lines of moving if the situation suddenly has a direct affect on their lives. Right now that would mean fishermen, shrimpers, and so on, but a hurricane spreading oil inland would make life untenable for many.
Imagine an evacuation from a landfalling hurricane with roadways covered with oil.........
Old 06-12-2010, 08:45 PM   #35
Originally Posted by WebSlave View Post
Imagine an evacuation from a landfalling hurricane with roadways covered with oil.........
If that happens, it will really hit the fan.

If interstate commerce is interrupted by highways covered in oil, no food can come in. And likewise, fields soaked in oil will not sustain homegrown food. No fish, they'll die. A recipe for statewide hunger. Things could get pretty challenging.
People who think they need to go, eventually, should make plans now. People who choose to stay should lay in a supply of canned food, water, guns.

Inevitably, even though one can see the possibilities now, many will wait until the last minute. But if there is no food coming in, and resurfacing of the highways with dry clay-like kitty litter stuff to absorb the oil can only be done so fast, what then?
Old 06-13-2010, 12:06 AM   #36
Man, listen carefully to this one....

I was watching the live feed for several minutes. I know it's not very manly for a man to admit he almost cried, but damn.....
Old 06-13-2010, 01:03 AM   #37
You know, after watching that it really makes you wonder if they will stop the leak. I think Florida is going to go right down the toilet. I will never find a job once that crap starts washing up on the shores. Florida will go bankrupt in a matter of no time. Housing market will plumet even more. This really sucks, I think the worst is yet to come. And if it is on fire like the other video. How could they possibly stop that. There's no way. This is going to be the worst oil disaster in the world before it's over.
Old 06-13-2010, 01:21 AM   #38
Check out figure four (4) on this page ->

Obviously that oil field was under tremendous pressure when that oil rig tapped into it. My guess is either they CAN'T contain that much pressure to cap off the well. Or the entire area is no so unstable that leaks are coming up everywhere and they are afraid of what might happen if they put the cork back in and the pressure spikes.

Evidently there was a 6.0 earthquake in the Gulf back in September of 2006. Anyone think setting off a nuke (yes, I have seen suggestions to do just that!) in that compressed and stressed strata is going to be a real good idea? Why didn't the engineers know about the stress that area is under after Katrina dumped all the sediment into the Gulf? It probably was like drilling a hole into a soda can after you shook it up for several minutes.
Old 06-13-2010, 01:31 AM   #39
Wow, if that's the case, I don't see how they will ever stop it. The pressure must be insanely high. I think all of the Gulf states are going to get screwed. Better get to the beach while we still can.
Old 06-13-2010, 02:59 AM   #40
You never want a serious crisis to go to waste

My believe is this is just another crisis to bring in the New World Order.

First you have 911, wars, Patriot Act, bailouts a failing economy heading towards a total economic collapse and now this, what's next?
"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis..."[1] David Rockefeller

"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. 'This crisis provides the opportunity for us to do things that you could not do before." President Obama's Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel

"I see a world of open borders, open trade and, most importantly, open minds; a world that celebrates the common heritage that belongs to all the world's people.... I see a world building on the emerging new model of European unity. ... [T]he United Nations is the place to build international support and consensus for meeting the other challenges we face.... the threats to the environment, terrorism... international drug trafficking... refugees.... [W]e must join together in a new compact -- all of us -- to bring the United Nations into the 21st century."[2] Former President George H. W. Bush

"Globalization is not a random-walk process. It moves forward according to a tangible, coherent and well-planned strategy." Patrick Wood, The Globalization Strategy


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