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General BS forum I guess anything is fair game in here. Just watch the subject matter doesn't get carried away too much.

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Old 12-05-2006, 09:59 PM   #91
Laura Fopiano
Originally Posted by Mike Greathouse
Wes, My first inclination was to send this via PM, but I know your preference to have everything out in the open. With that said:

Consider the source?

Wes, There aren't very many people that can be considered more credible then John Schmitt. True, he's taken a couple of pot shots at you, but in all honesty, they have been deserved.

In my opinion, you have the ability to be one of the leaders of this site. Those times when you use your knowledge to help others here, you are a very impressive individual. I have handed you karma points more then once for your efforts. However, you seem to go from brilliant posts to nonsense at the blink of an eye.

I agree with John that the ahahaha comments have run out of gas and I think that they diminish your credibility and do not accurately portray your intelligence. I would much prefer to see you lead others by example and pass on all of the knowledge that you have acquired in this hobby.

Don't allow yourself to be baited. Take the high road.

Shrap: It wont let me give you any more Karma, Mike.
Me either.
Old 12-06-2006, 12:08 AM   #92
Originally Posted by Chameleon Company
And if you continue to use the "Ignore" button to "silence" your critics, in time the only voice you hear will be yours ! And yes, you will finally believe you have achieved 100% approval ! Not typing this to provoke you Wes, but is there any better definition of being foolhardy ?
Originally Posted by Suncoast Herpetological
You see above you the Manifesto of the Self Centered Egomaniac with Delusions of Grandeur. Anyone here giving any thought to following his lead?.....Didn't think so. It is astonishing to me that someone can, in their own mind, elevate being an asshole 95% of the time into a noble choice as a life path.

I really have nothing else to say on this subject.
There it is there. What else could be said?
Old 12-08-2006, 08:45 PM   #93
What a fantastic thread. It started out with some pretty on point arguments about what has gone terribly wrong with Fauna and has progressed into once again exposing Wes for what he really is. A lonely old man that doesn't feel like his day is complete until he makes wild accusations or baseless character assassinations. Great assessments by John, Jim and Mike. I bow to you!
Old 12-08-2006, 08:50 PM   #94
Chameleon Company
Jamie, I can't give you good Karma twice in the same day, but if I could I would I'm laughing so hard it hurts ..... ouch !
Old 12-08-2006, 10:16 PM   #95
Originally Posted by jglass38
What a fantastic thread. It started out with some pretty on point arguments about what has gone terribly wrong with Fauna and has progressed into once again exposing Wes for what he really is. A lonely old man that doesn't feel like his day is complete until he makes wild accusations or baseless character assassinations. Great assessments by John, Jim and Mike. I bow to you!
My guess is you spend quite a lot of time on your knees, bowing or whatever you want to call it.

Ummm, by the way, you have a brown ring all the way to your elbows, you may want to wipe every now and then.
Old 12-09-2006, 07:51 AM   #96
Originally Posted by Wilomn
Guys, whoever said I WANTED to be a leader?

Wanting to be or not, and being, are hardly ever the same thing. People are going to see you as you fit into their perspective of things. You give pretty intelligent, and thoughtful advice at times. People read this and are going to develope an oppinion from it. Can't be helped my friend.

So, did we figure out who the original poser is? Err, I mean "poster". All this suspense.........Geeze. Don't you think coming here as yourself would accomplish more? From the get go, no one will take you that serious just because of the deceptive begginning of this thread. How can people take it that serious, when you don't even have the testicular fortitude to state who you truly are?

To me, this whole thread was mere entertainment, when it may have been taken more serious if you weren't so deceptive from the word go.

Just my $0.025
Old 12-09-2006, 11:56 AM   #97
Originally Posted by crotalusadamanteus
Wanting to be or not, and being, are hardly ever the same thing. People are going to see you as you fit into their perspective of things. You give pretty intelligent, and thoughtful advice at times. People read this and are going to develope an oppinion from it. Can't be helped my friend.

Just my $0.025
Let me address this a bit more, make some allusions, perhaps shed some light upon my stance.

There was this guy looooong ago in England (whether he was real or fictional is of no account as everyone has heard of him and I am in NO way whatsoever saying I am ANYWHERE near what he was, not as good, not as kind, not as caring, just so we're clear; just using a subject that everyone should be familiar with) who went by the pseudonym of Robin Hood.

HE was the leader of quite the merry gang for which HE was responsible. If they ate well, it was because of him. If they got along well, it was because of HIM. If they busted some bad guys, outed some theives, got some booty, it was because of HIS leadership. HE was also responsible for his band of merry lads and lasses and when they stepped out of line, HE admonished them as necessary. It was HIS responsibility to do so, he HAD to in order to not only remain in power but to continue his standing and reputation with those merry men as well as the people living in the country around him.

Now me, I don't mind being in the forefront, I'll lead the charge, I'll make accusations based on what I, just me, think and IF YOU choose to follow, I will generally welcome the company and shared sense of adventure BUT I will in NO WAY be responsible for what YOU may or may not do, I do NOT want that responsibility.

I know it's a stretch, but it's not that far a stretch.

It's not that I don't have enormous respect for some of you, and absolutely none for many others, it's just that no matter what happens, the guy who is leader is in the end responsible for whatever outcome occurs when his "group" have done whatever it is they have chosen to do.

I may well stand side by side with you, but if I step up and move out, it's because I feel the need and I am not in any way saying to anyone, "follow me." The fact that so many have is sincerely flattering but not why I do what I do.

To be clear, I have NO problem taking point, sniping the bad guys, following my gut and I have no problem if anyone wants to tag along. I may well follow you for a time as well. But, I am neither the guy to tell you what to do, though it may seem that I do that it's really more a VERY strong suggestion as there is no way for me to force anyone to do anything, nor am I a guy to do what you tell me to if I think I should do otherwise.

I don't mean to slight anyone by what I am saying, just trying to clear up how I view myself here on this site. There are a lot of teams, everchanging membership on those teams, often taking different views depending on who is percieved to be in the wrong and frankly, I'm not much of a fulltime team player. I like to join in for a round or two and then move on, on my own, to whatever has captured my interest.

Yes, I do know a lot, I do have a fair sence of who's good and who's not, and obviously I have NO problem expressing myself. I say this not in arrogance, though I am arrogant as well, but because I, as well as many of you, know it to be true. Why deny the truth? I don't harp on it, I just use it as I see fit. It's taken me MANY years and MANY times being on the crappy end of the stick to become what I am and able to do what I do. There is NOTHING special about me, which I know full well. It's some of you who forget that from time to time for which I must say, "thanks for the laughs."

So then, I'll scout around, lead an occasional charge, bring up the rear when necessary, go tooth and nail right beside you, or all alone if need be, but really have no desire to be "leader" of anyone.

As far as who the coward is, who cares? I mean really, if you're too chicken to put name to a thread like this, how can you expect anyone with even a modicum of self respect to take it seriously? Just another bandwagon with the usual dimwits hooting and drooling, making a spectacle of themselves as is ever the way of those who follow blindly, those who I REFUSE to lead and want as little to do with as possible.
Old 12-09-2006, 12:15 PM   #98
Mike Greathouse
Be honest - it's really all about those silky green tights and that cool feather in your hat - right!

I can't wait to see the pictures....
Old 12-09-2006, 12:18 PM   #99
Originally Posted by Mike Greathouse
Be honest - it's really all about those silky green tights and that cool feather in your hat - right!

I can't wait to see the pictures....
Mike, I LOVE the tights. I have quite the well turned ankle you know.
Old 12-09-2006, 01:42 PM   #100
Chameleon Company
Robinhood ? A little bit of a stretch ? Ebenezer Scrooge is less of a stretch. How about Caligula? Wes, it doesn't take much talent or experience to identify the "bad guys", as many have shown the ability to do it in short order. As discussed here in this thread, and demonstrated in several other threads almost every week, it is your inability to restrain yourself from rushing to insult those who many of us do not feel are bad, or have been unethical, or where at least further explanations are warranted. To be quick to label many that way, and then claim kudos for being right some of the time, is also to ignore the many times that you are wrong. Maybe its an Oedipus Complex, but the above self-flagellating manifesto is one more example of a point-of-view that defines your shallowness.

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