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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 01-28-2003, 02:54 PM   #91
Adam Block
That just posted itself.

My closing thoughts were let's consider this issue closed!

You're all assuming things. My intentions, Kevins, other people and that is going no place. Kevin is here, I am here and there is no reason to assume either of our intentions.

A far more constructive course of action would have been to play neutral and ask for both parties to provide information and stat the facts. Each story has two side but the consensise seem only one should be probed as the others reputation speaks for itself.

Adam Block
Old 01-28-2003, 03:12 PM   #92
My reason for not replying to you here...

Adam you suffer from several major flaws.

- You are incapable of telling the entire truth regarding this event.
- I have a business to run and many animals to care for.
- This is the only place that will have you.
- You are incapable at facing that you may have been the only one at fault here.
- You NEED this, you have nothing to offer and more importantly your claim to fame is all negative. You are not an accomplished breeder and seem only to inflate your capacity.
- Your latest attempt regarding the Spider ball price drop is incredible. Where do you come up with these things?
- As you stated you are not a breeder and have nothing to lose, only I have much to lose because of the "way I handle things." Why tell me that you are a great breeder and then tell me you don't breed anything anymore? This is just the slightest in examples of your lies.

Frankly the point here is moot. I'm sure anything I add to this will be twisted even have made up your mind on how I handle things largely based on rumor, proving you do not know me very well at all.

You are endless in your shortcomings and I am sure you have more to prove, don't you?

In the mean time, like I said before, I have a business to run and many animals to care for.

Kevin McCurley NERD
Old 01-28-2003, 03:50 PM   #93
What I would like to know is how Adam got the ball python. Was it being driven around in some truck for three days?
it seems this question is overlooked or is purposely being avoided. You brought the go ahead and post your facts. Like I said before....if you can prove that a great many number of his ball pythons die....then so be it.

My basic objective of this post is to find out if the situation I’m about to outline is an isolated occurrence or if it has happened to others as well. If in fact this is an isolated occurrence then I feel it should be handled in a totally different non-public manner, however if others have had the same thing or something similar happen then I feel it should be publicly addressed.
We know what your basic objective was.....if your basic objective is as you said it was....then why the mention of blame and 65% refund?

I was all for discovering what is up....I was formulating ways to find out other peoples experiences.....did their pytho die after a couple months? etc etc. then you started talking about refunds and blame...then went back and forth. then we (I) ask a question and you completely ignore it.....only to say that everyone's post is totally way of topic. My question is not way off topic. as a matter of were talking blame and other things. If you want to talk about blame.....then answer the question. Who had care of the python from the day it was bought until it got to you? How was it delivered to you? Was it being driven around in some truck in a little tuperware for three days without water?

what about this "other" person who bought a python and it died after a couple months.....where is this person?
What about the person who had a 1-2 year old animal that only weighed 200+ grams......where is this person? by the way.......exactly how smart is this person to buy a 1-2 year old animal that only weighed 282 grams?

You say we should not "grill" you and that we should grill Kevin. well if Kevin's story was not straight.....Trust me I would be grilling him. I have no problems grilling anyone. the reasons these questions are being put to you is because your story seems to be missing some very important parts.
Old 01-28-2003, 04:10 PM   #94
Let's also not forget that the burden of proof lies with the accuser. So, get to proving.
Old 01-28-2003, 04:13 PM   #95
Rob @ RK Reptiles

Your a real piece of work. Now your trying to make it sound like there is something wrong with Kevin not posting anything else. Hell you have not shown, proven anything and to me and probably many else on here would be and are a waste of Kevin's time to even respond to your accusations. I would not have wasted my time with you if I had been him either. I would highly suggest that next time you want to present a case like you tried here that you do your homework first and present proof (if there is any unlike this thread) You have wasted Kevin's time, have burned a bridge with one of the most well respected breeder/dealers in the industry and shown us how you really are once again. You spout off that he will not respond to your questions but have you answered the questions put to you?? NO YOU HAVE NOT Again I will suggest that you use this entire situation as a learning tool in many aspects from the animal perishing from gout for an unknown reason to your way of making statements without FACTS. Your latest pitiful tries at making Kevin look bad are ridiculous. Those accusations (Whether true or not) were uncalled for and were and are not proven. Once again you can not provide proof but rather stories that can not be substantiated. All this has done is show everyone what kind of person you really are. Thanks for ensuring that some will never do buisness with you in the future.
Old 01-28-2003, 04:24 PM   #96
Adam Block
As I thought Kevin hasn't addressed any of my questions when that in fact is all they are, I’m not pointing the finger at his stock or care. It's easy to skirt things when the public is on your side. Nobody has asked you to account for what you have done and because of this it’s very easy to sweep under the carpet

I once called Rich because I'd heard things about him I didn't like and felt the right thing to do would be to confront him about them. I called and he shocked the hell out of me when he admitted them. Kevin, the way to address rumors is to address them by either admitting or denying them. You've done neither and avoidance is no resolution.

You want to attack me, that's fine with me. I feel you are at least 35% at fault in the snake’s death and 100% at fault for selling an animal too young without mentioning it. So young I doubt many other non-money motivated breeders would do so in good faith. Those are however your ethics and not mine. I don't have to walk a mile in your shoes and that fact that you do is good enough for me.

As for the trip, the snake was without water from the time of purchase to the time it got to AZ, remember my partner is a truck driver and did drive straight through (24-36 hours).

There are faults on my end, trusting a big name breeder to sell accurately represented animals. Not asking for something in writing because of the persons reputation. Assuming a big name breeder provides big time customer service. I know when I attack people the way Kevin did me just now. The way he brings up my partner is a truck driver and says I'll just leave it at that. I know that when I do this it's because I am wrong, when I'm wrong I avoid those questions just as Kevin has.

So I will do this. I will leave this post to die, I will collect the information that I have and get it scanned. When I'm finish I will post this information and let it speak for itself.

Hey Kevin, ever figure out what makes those Coral Glows? God those are great looking snakes! I bet you'd pay a big junk of change to know who the dad was! From one breeder to another, shhhhhhh (In a whisper) record keeping is the key my friend.

Adam Block
Old 01-28-2003, 04:28 PM   #97
Adam Block
Proof would be used in an accusition. In this case I'd accused Kevin of nothing. I was asking for others who've had the same thing happen. My first post is clear in the direction I wanted this post to go. Now that Kevin is here there is no reason to assume. If he didn't want to follow through with questions and clear this up why post?

Adam Block
Old 01-28-2003, 04:49 PM   #98
Heck if I know. Maybe because he's not the one who has to prove anything. Maybe because the tone of your most recent posts were stooping to personal attacks and didn't have anything material to say about the subject at hand.

Are you seriously telling me that your post with the questions doesn't carry an accusatory tone? It sure looks that way, regardless of your intent. You can't fall back on your first post in the thread to show your intent at this point, that tactic is getting old. No, you opened several cans of worms questioning Kevin's integrity, so I think the burden of proof lies with you.
Old 01-28-2003, 04:53 PM   #99
And now for something completely different...

Originally posted by AdamBlock

Hey Kevin, ever figure out what makes those Coral Glows? God those are great looking snakes! I bet you'd pay a big junk of change to know who the dad was! From one breeder to another, shhhhhhh (In a whisper) record keeping is the key my friend.

Adam Block
I speak for Kevin, myself, and the rest of the NERD gang when I tell you that we know EXACTLY what made the Coral Glows. They are perfectly exquisite snakes - glad that even you were able to see the beauty in them Adam. Snakes like the Coral Glows are a big reason why we spend so much time working instead of posting all over the Board of Inquiry. We know exactly who both Mom & Dad are (which is a big reason we haven't let the secret out yet) and eagerly anticipate what they'll be producing for us again in 2003. Think Adam, if we didn't keep some sort of record of what we produce, how on earth would Kevin be able to accomplish all he has?

And that's all I have to say about that.

Kara - NERD
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Old 01-28-2003, 05:12 PM   #100
Seamus Haley
Now... I'm hardly a bigtime or high profile purchaser but I have bought a few animals from NERD in the past... and I did just make a few calls to some friends back east who I know have as well and...

I can't recall ever being given specific feeding records with any purchases and neither have any of the people I contacted when this occured to me...

I was told animals were feeding... and when the last feeding was... and the word of Kevin or the NERD crew was always trustworthy so I never requested more specific notation on what was fed when...

So I ask now... has anyone other than Adam gotten an animal with specific feeding records from NERD?

What's the likelyhood that Adam got the records for the other albino that was purchased confused with the records for the ball from NERD?

The animal itself is very distinct but the record might not include a picture... this would explain Adam's confusion about the age and weight of the animals and the claims that it hadn't fed well... I have never personally known NERD to sell an animal that was less than 100%, even going to far as to refuse an offer on an animal they had picked up at a show because they were unwilling to offer a guarantee on the outwardly healthy animal (GTP) because it had not been verified and quarantined, even when offered double their purchase price.

And Adam, I asked how old you were awhile back, because you were claiming twenty three years of experience, that was never answered, please just take ten seconds to put down a number.

The questions that Ritchie raised were important to the issue as well... Please answer them as you have been directed to several times.

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