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FaunaClassifieds Site HELP & Feedback Forum Anything of a nature concerning this website, moderators, admin, or anything having to do with how it is being run, should go here. Criticism is welcome, but abusive antagonism is not. THIS IS NOT THE FORUM FOR FEEDBACK CONCERNING BUYERS AND SELLERS! Such posts are ONLY allowed as replies to classified ads posted by the specific member involved in a specific issue with you.

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Old 11-22-2006, 02:45 AM   #91
Laura Fopiano
Jim,why you feel the need to engage me in this discussion is of no relevance to the topic at hand.

I made what I thought was a good point. I have been accused of not letting others state their opinions that differ from mine, so be it.

Originally Posted by Mike Greathouse
I, for one, would like to see a return to a more "moderated" Board of Inquiry.
This site-wide "Hell" forum does not appeal to me, and I feel that it detracts from the dignity and original purpose of this site.
just venting....
Originally Posted by WebSlave
Well it proved to be too much work, not enough pay, made me the target of untold numbers of hate emails and PMs, and in the end proved to be detrimental to the BOI in general by not allowing people's TRUE personality show through.
Originally Posted by Chameleon Company
As a last point, there is no argument by most that the tit-for-tats that prolong a thread for dozens if not hundreds of posts serve little function. But the first 20 posts of the thread usually frame things up enough for anyone doing research to get an idea. People need not subscribe, read, or participate once they feel it no longer productive. That's probably the toughest discipline mastered here.
In theory yes, it's the aplication that becomes distorted when some feel the need to have the last word.
Originally Posted by Chameleon Company
. Laura, are you not going to admit that you at least have an opinion, regarding the "flame wars", of who the regular fire-starter(s) are/is ? Anyone in particular come to mind ? C'mon girl, it ain't a long list ! Any day in the BOI, you don't have to look long or hard. Some dazzle with intellect, some baffle with BS, and some just throw it.
If Rich is choosing to not enforce some order, for whatever reason, then how about just posting when you see someone light the match, with the name calling and other stupidities ?
I think that the drivel will just have to be tolerated though.
I don't recall Rich asking me to do so. It's not my job to call out the antagonist's on this forum or any other for that matter. I state my opinion and then try to move on.

Rich has made it very clear that he no longer wants to work that hard and I agree with him.....way too many head aches and baby sitting.
Old 11-22-2006, 02:58 AM   #92
It's too bad. This really was a great place to hang, learn and work to clean up the community.

Like I said before - all the worst stereotypes a person can come up about herpers are just getting reinforced by the lack of monitoring.

It was a good deal while it was going Rich - at least you get an "A" for effort.
Old 11-22-2006, 08:55 AM   #93
Chameleon Company
I guess we each will have a differing view of what the "topic at hand is", and then can tell each other that "you aren't talking about the topic at hand". So deferring back to my view of TTAH, I thought it had to do with improving civility here. My solution was for more people to step up and be active in trying to maintain it. Right now, the insults not only go unchecked, but often are applauded. Generically speaking, by doing nothing except expect someone else to do something, Fauna members have got the Fauna that they deserve! Happy Thanksgiving !
Old 11-22-2006, 09:32 AM   #94
Originally Posted by Chameleon Company
Had dinner to kick some thoughts around. Blame me, blame whoever. Blame won't fix things. As the old quote goes "the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil in America is for good men (and women) to do nothing" ..... Edmund Burke, Irish politician and philosopher in the late 1700's. Everyone who posts with any regularity, and that includes many who have posted in this thread, know the flare-ups when they see them. So do something about it !! Lets use a football analogy. Boys will be boys, and those of us that enjoy the game like it when the ref's let us play a bit. But there are fouls that have to be called. Let people disagree, even if they are adamant about it. But when the name calling starts, to include all the "cutesy" spelling, then jump in ! If for no other purpose than to throw the yellow flag. Throw some negative karma if you will, which is behind the scenes, but make a post, pointing out the foul. [SIZE=3]I'm not saying to join the "play", but if you see a flame war starting, and lament it, then do something. And I don't mean just saying "stop it boys". Go right to the first entity that threw the insult, or took it to the gutter. Smack them.[/size]

The BOI, and other parts of this forum, are great places for disagreement. If it ends up in the gutter, then blame yourself for letting it happen.
Jim this is exactly why threads end up being drawn out. Who is guilty of starting "smack" is subjective and usually ends up in a pissing match, which would explain why you happen to be involved several more than the average. I think this stance is why I get so irritated as this is more gasoline to the fire, but then again you know that.
Old 11-22-2006, 09:44 AM   #95
Chameleon Company

Jim this is exactly why threads end up being drawn out. Who is guilty of starting "smack" is subjective and usually ends up in a pissing match, which would explain why you happen to be involved several more than the average. I think this stance is why I get so irritated as this is more gasoline to the fire, but then again you know that.
Unless management wants to initiate an automatic limit to a thread, then some threads going long will be a fact of life. If some folks want to claim to be unable to tell the difference between "smack" and "disagreement", then such will have to be their ignorance in life. Its not hard to figure out IMO.
Old 11-22-2006, 10:20 AM   #96
I guess we each will have a differing view of what the "topic at hand is", and then can tell each other that "you aren't talking about the topic at hand". So deferring back to my view of TTAH, I thought it had to do with improving civility here. My solution was for more people to step up and be active in trying to maintain it. Right now, the insults not only go unchecked, but often are applauded. Generically speaking, by doing nothing except expect someone else to do something, Fauna members have got the Fauna that they deserve! Happy Thanksgiving !
Jim(the Florida one), I have to disagree with you on this issue. There really is only a handful of the usual suspects that get into the pissing matches. Yes occasionally there's some new blood. The regulars know who the handful are. For others to step in would only bring more on. The real solution is for the participants to grow a thicker skin and realize that most of these pissing matches are started either to bring the thread off topic or simply to aggravate someone. Either way the respondant is just playing into the poster's hands.
I think a better tact is to simply ignore the player's, always post on topic and let them make their own bed.
Old 11-22-2006, 10:49 AM   #97
Chameleon Company
I think a better tact is to simply ignore the player's, always post on topic and let them make their own bed.
I don't know that we really disagree. If folks have a problem with the way things currently are, I am of the opinion that it will not change to their liking unless they are active in compelling it. To do nothing is to let it stay the same, evolve as it will, etc., which would likely still leave those folks wanting of better. So far, the "evolution" has not gone as some who wanted more civility had hoped for, but I too wouldn't mind being able to post in a good debate without getting this:

blah blah blah blah blah idiot blah blah blah blah blah blah dumbASS blah blah blah blah ASSume blah blah blah blah blah embarrASS blah blah blah blah blah Spokane Lizard Lady blah blah blah blah blah blah ASSumption blah blah blah blah blah scumbag blah blah blah blah blah like me.
Couldn't resist ...... Happy Thanksgiving !!
Old 11-22-2006, 11:03 AM   #98
Originally Posted by Chameleon Company
I am of the opinion that it will not change to their liking unless they are active in compelling it.
A vision of you, Jim, just popped into my head...... of you standing over the out of control threads flinging chameleon poop on them and repeating "the power of JIM compels you", "the power of JIM compels you", "the power of JIM compels you"......

Sorry Jim, if I did not let at least some of the odd things that pop into my head out I would most likely go mad.... or madder depending on who you talk to.
Old 11-22-2006, 11:21 AM   #99
Old 11-22-2006, 11:26 AM   #100
Chameleon Company
Well Sammy, my understanding is that the job is still open ....... and you seem qualified to fill those shoes. I would present your post as illustrative of the topic at hand though. Happy holidays to you Sammy.

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