Bad Guy BEWARE! Ken, the owner of Exotic Pets LLC is not a reputable dealer! - Page 10 - FaunaClassifieds
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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 10-02-2011, 11:32 PM   #91
I know I recently was ripped off very badly, but after reading thru many BOI threads, I chose not to start one bc of a pattern of what the threads turn in to ..
I believe alot of people feel this way... and in feeling this way and not posting, it allows scammers to keep scamming. Gojira1986, you are on the right track. Wish more of the regulars here would follow suit.
Old 10-02-2011, 11:35 PM   #92
Natalie, you might want to read over the BOI rules for posting. Located here
Abbreviated version....
This forum is designed to serve the purpose of giving anyone interested in the buying and selling of herptile related merchandise the opportunity to inquire about, or find already existing information concerning a person or business with whom they are considering doing business with. This is NOT the place for flame wars of any kind. Statements, rebuttals and clarifications of FACTS are what we are looking for. Personal slurs or heated discusssions about someone's ancestry will not be tolerated. Opinions are acceptable as long as it is PLAINLY stated that you are stating an opinion. Facts are: dates, value of transactions, actual quoted conversations, and the like. Opinons are: YOUR interpretations of motives, business practices or impressions of the person with whom you had conversations with. Keep these FIRMLY in mind when you are posting your message.
The purpose of the BOI is for discussion just like we are having in the thread. Good experiences listed are part of the discussion. It would be a rebuttal to the OP's postings basically.
Old 10-02-2011, 11:36 PM   #93
If the snakes have mites, and there still in your care. You must have taken pics of the mites on the snakes for proof, right? Please post pics of the mites on the snakes.
Old 10-02-2011, 11:41 PM   #94
this is one of the most idiotic thread starters in awhile.

i have received many, many, many pairs and trios of various snakes over the years from the most of reputable, well known breeders all the way down to flippers and such. i have never, every, not one single time received, nor requested sexed animals in separate bags or cups. thats just the most idiotic request ive hear in a long time. how would you have known if the bags were labled correctly. i mean, come on. the fact is, you bought a sexed pair, he sent you a sexed pair. its not rocket science, you either tust the seller/breeder, or ( and most recommended ), you take them and have them sexed to make sure ( if you dont know how, which you should learn if you are an avid keeper/future or active breeder)
Old 10-02-2011, 11:43 PM   #95
Originally Posted by ms_ramie22 View Post
I believe alot of people feel this way... and in feeling this way and not posting, it allows scammers to keep scamming. Gojira1986, you are on the right track. Wish more of the regulars here would follow suit.
Ramie, if you have proof of your dealings and post all of it, you should not have a problem . The only times things seem to get out of control with what I see is if proof is not there and the people posting in the threads don't handle things professionally.

Ken has been in the business a long time and when a bad guy thread is started and it has a possibility of turning off potential customers, he needs to have the other side (good guy info) stated. So a person can then make up their own mind on whether they should purchase or not.

It is so important when making a bad guy thread to have all your ducks in a row before posting! Not during. You want it all in order, easy to read and understand. Just the facts, no back talk or childish behavior...
It should never turn into name calling or everyone piling up on one person. If you see that you can report the thread....

I hope you change your mind and post your experience. It very well may help out another person.
Old 10-02-2011, 11:59 PM   #96
David Reid
Joe, if your snakes have mites, it should have been very easy to take a picture of the mites either on the snake, in the deli cup or on the bedding once you put them away at your place. So far, there is nothing backing up your claim, and along with how ridiculous you are coming off, you are going to have a very difficult time selling to or buying from anyone that reads this thread. Mites are not ok, but neither is claiming you got mites and not posting a picture of them. You come off very childish, not a good quality to have for supposedly a grown man and war vet. You are probably embarrassing a lot of people who have served.

Old 10-03-2011, 12:08 AM   #97
Originally Posted by Gojira1986 View Post
I know I recently was ripped off very badly, but after reading thru many BOI threads, I chose not to start one bc of a pattern of what the threads turn in to .. And if I were to post my experience I wouldn't want a bunch of ppl standing up for the other person and demanding things that can't be produced or proven
Are you really likening getting ripped off badly to receiving two snakes packed in the same container??
From what you posted, yours is a thread that should be posted (not making any comment about this one - the OP has every right to post his experience and his opinion). The simplest way to avoid the majority of the posts is to simply provide everything right from the start. Post the facts, post the proof of the facts, and any applicable emails regarding the transaction and the attempts at resolution. While there may be some defense of a known person...a one's reputation is only as good as the last transaction - those of us that have been around long enough are aware of that.
In many cases, it is the statements of opinion that cause the problem - in this case, had the OP kept to the facts, rather than letting his feelings about the situation color his statements, he might have fared better. Blanket statements just beg to be argued, and paraphrasing something to skew the meaning doesn't go unnoticed (once the original quotes are provided).

While I may not agree with the heart of the OPs complaint, I respect his right to his opinion. I wouldn't try to change his mind about it....but that doesn't mean I won't point out inconsistencies in his statements. Whether one considers that fair, or antagonistic may be a matter of perspective...or what other posts they've read recently.
The OP is unhappy with his experience with Ken at Exotic Pets LV. Nobody is going to convince him that it isn't as bad as he thinks it is....but by pointing out some problems with his statements, and offering different perspectives, it gives inquiring readers a better ability to consider things for themselves. Not whether one person's, or another's, opinion/experience was more valid - but how they feel about the cumulative impact of the information.
Old 10-03-2011, 12:16 AM   #98
I just sent an email to Ken Foose, notifying him of this thread.
Old 10-03-2011, 12:42 AM   #99
Ken may have shipped the snakes in the same container to lower the buyer's shipping costs. Since shipping rates are primarily based on package size rather than weight, a smaller package can mean savings. That IS good customer service in my book.
Old 10-03-2011, 12:43 AM   #100
I had intended on not getting involved in this thread, but since there seems to be some confusion as to people "attacking" the OP, I felt the need to put points of criticism together in a neat little package to drive a few points home.

But before I get into that ... you bought animals from someone who runs an "exotic animal market". Not a private breeder. Not a private hobbyist. If you are unaware of the risks involved in that, you may want to do further research on the industry as a whole.

This is not me defending Ken, as I know nothing about him on a personal level nor have I bought anything from him, I am stating a simple fact. If you want the private breeder experience, buy from a private breeder. End of story.

Originally Posted by TakinANapster View Post
I bought what was supposed to be a "sexed pair" of Rosy Boas for $357.
That is exactly what you recieved.

Originally Posted by TakinANapster View Post
When they arrived, they were in the same container with no indication as to the sexing of the snakes.
It is not uncommon, in this industry, for smaller snakes to be shipped together either in the same container or the same bag. I have recieved animals this way as I am sure many others have. Is it the way I would ship them? No. Does it work? Sure.

Originally Posted by TakinANapster View Post
When confronted, Ken said he would not pay my Vet bill to have the snakes sexed. He went on to imply that I was ignorant because I could not probe them myself.
In anticipation of breeding, at some point, yes, you should have this knowledge. Otherwise, you are at the mercy of Murphy's Law, which is never something anyone wants to be subjected to without any form of control.

That aside, I would to point out the fact that you state you "confronted" Ken. While this may simply be just a poor choice of words on your part, in seeing how quick you are to anger and how emotional you are in this entire mess, I would have to surmise you approached Ken in an aggressive manner. No one ever wants to be approached this way and often times it makes sellers have no desire to deal with the buyers. On top of it all, you called a man specifically to tell him you do not trust his ability to sex his animals. I would not have offered to pay your veterinarian's overpriced sexing fee either.

I will state, what he did offer you is industry standard. Unless you can prove that the animals are not the proper sex or that something is wrong with the animals and it is the fault of the seller, then you must pay return shipping if you are unhappy with the product. That's how it is for everyone.

Originally Posted by TakinANapster View Post
Let me state, "I admit I am no expert". However, I have bought "sexed pairs" from 17 other breeders around the USA and every single time....they were shipped in seperate containers and clearly marked by sex. This is common practice among suppliers. I believed I had 4 years, until my babies grew upo and had babies, before I needed to learn how to probe....and even then I was planning to have the Vet do a Clutch at a time since she charges no more for a Clutch than for 1 snake.
In having purchased from 17 other breeders, you know how 17 other breeders package their animals. That does not make it the industry standard or the norm. Packaging varies from person to person. Now, as for waiting four years to learn to probe or sex the animals, that is just bizarre too. Most exotic vets. know the bare minimum when it comes to snakes, so it is possible for the sexing to be inaccurate there. That aside, very few vets. know how to pop, so trying to prob babies is a very risky and very dangerous thing. Learning how to pop them from a breedder that has the experience would be a better route for you to have gone.

Originally Posted by TakinANapster View Post
When I did take the animals to the vet to be sexed, I found they were also infested with mites!!! Ken just blows this off as being "typical when you buy a snake and you should have the common sense to know how to treat for mites". This is the quality of animal, customer service, and feedback you get from Exotic Pets LLC.
I've had mites. I've had them in a mild case and I have had them in an extreme case. How in the world did you notice the mites four days after you recieved them and only when you vet. told you about them? That just seems beyond absurd to me and the fact you refuse to provide proof of this supposed infestation leaves much to be desired for your credibility as well. A simple picture will suffice. If it is as bad as you say, the mites should be easy to spot.

Now, do not misconstrue this as me stating it is okay if they do have mites because under no circumstances is it acceptable for CBB animals to be sold with mites, but yes, sadly, sometimes, it does happen. Still, why you refuse to post proof leaves doubt.

Originally Posted by TakinANapster View Post
I, personally, will never buy from Ken again....AT ANY PRICE!

Best regards to you all,

Denny Joe Hatcher
And you shouldn't, especially after this little fiasco, but I do feel you have made mountains out of mole hills.

A few more points to offer ... I understand you are on a fixed income and disabled, but I do have to wonder the logic in being in this type of hobby on a fixed income. What happens when an emergency arises and an animal needs immediate attention? What happens when something happens to you that you need to shell out their food money on? Really, these are things for you to consider.

I appreciate your service, but throwing it in the faces of others is not honorable nor is it endearing. Please, out of respect for yourself and others who have served and are serving, do not do that.

Originally Posted by Gojira1986 View Post
I truly believe that everyone is entitled to post a thread about a transaction with a buyer or seller and if the believe the person they delt with is a bad guy, they reserve the right to post a bad guy thread wout ppl jumping down their throat. I for one learned that should I decide to do business with Ken, I must be very specific in how I want my animals shipped and have a bottle of p.a.m ready bc if Ken shipped animals with mites and didn't know they had mites, chances are a goo portion of his collection have mites.. IF they did come w mites bc I still have seen no proof of the mites.
I just see a very distinct pattern of behaivor in the BOI and it really has alot of bullying and immature badgering and prodding. I am not taking sides, but the poster did not get frustrated and arrogant until ppl started telling him he never should have posted this bc it's not "bad guy" worthy and that he should be able to probe and that he's on their "pntbfost" list and etc.. Let's try to take a step back from the insults and remember why the BOI is here - not to insult ppl or judge them, but to read about ppls experiences and to use the knowledge when entering into future transactions. I really think the side banter about whether this is a valid bad guy topic or whether certain ppl would buy or sell to other certain ppl is childish and ultimately is tarnishing the whole meaning and purpose of the BOI. I know I recently was ripped off very badly, but after reading thru many BOI threads, I chose not to start one bc of a pattern of what the threads turn in to .. And if I were to post my experience I wouldn't want a bunch of ppl standing up for the other person and demanding things that can't be produced or proven.. In this thread numerous ppl posted they had excellent transactions w Ken and he was a great breeder - well that's all well and good but start a good guy thread for Ken then - don't take away from this threads importance by voicing your experience on someone elses thread. This is how I feel and I hope that in the future the BOI can become a place where both sides can voice their story, and ppl can read and base their decisions to or not to deal with those ppl on their own privately and not in a vicious back and forth with the original poster.
As for this post ... please, get off your high horse. You seem to have an issue with the BOI simply because people disagreed with you and poked holes into what you thought to be infallable logic. I have seen nothing from you but automatic assumptions of attacking, degredation, berating and rudeness. While I will be the first to admit the BOI has its moronic moments where it gets out of hand, I have also seen it fix many, many things that otherwise would not have been fixed.

If you have an issue with it, stay away from it, as I have offered before.

People who do not post their bad experiences here for fear of being attacked are either lacking in confidence or are not as sure about their bad experience as they thought they were. This experience was

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