Ed Braaten (Thomison) Flying W Reptiles - Page 10 - FaunaClassifieds
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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 12-27-2007, 12:15 AM   #91
Originally Posted by Wilomn
ed, if you said you'd pay him 700.00, then pay him.

jody, stop with the strongarm crap, it just doesn't work.
This was post #43.

Some of us who think jody is a bit on the whacko side do also think he's owed the 700.00 and we have not been silent about it.

The thing is, when you have an 800lb gorilla jumping in front of the crowd, they don't pay attention to what he's jumping about, they just watch him jump.

Stop jumping jody.
Old 12-27-2007, 12:19 AM   #92
I stated that I would not jump anymore

just answer questions.
Old 12-27-2007, 12:27 AM   #93

Please do as I asked and stop with the derogatory remarks regarding my mental state, of which you have no personal knowledge.
Old 12-27-2007, 01:03 AM   #94
Jody I've been following this thread and sorry to say I have to agree with the assessment of you that you so disagree with..

People have flown off the handle here many many times and one thing that always helps them when they come back to their senses is too apologize! Just say hey I'm sorry and stop with the asking people not to point out to you the way you are acting. Show us that you can act rationally and after a while we might believe it.

I agree that it sure looks like this Buttwheat owes you the money ! And I'd also point out that his recent post saying that he doesn't owe you, have followed your asinine post and the boards reaction to those asinine post. Seems he figured that hey Jody is pissing everyone here off and acting crazy so I bet they'll be more likely to believe my side of the story. And ya know what I wouldn't be to surprised if some folks believed him..

Rick mentioned some good advice to you, when your super pissed off and about ready to click the (Post Quick Reply) button ! Take a break have a cold one and then come back when you calmed down.. Randy
Old 12-27-2007, 01:05 AM   #95
Originally Posted by royalkreationz
Please do as I asked and stop with the derogatory remarks regarding my mental state, of which you have no personal knowledge.
Jody we have no personal knowledge of any of this deal we can only go by what we see posted here. Might give that some thought...Randy
Old 12-27-2007, 01:29 AM   #96

I have been honest here about exactly how the deal went down, and the actions that were wrong on my part. I have answered all questions posed to me regarding the deal. I have stated that I wish I would have done better on the email part or getting a contract through this site, but I didn't. All I know is this, I have been as honest as I can be.
Old 12-27-2007, 02:48 AM   #97
Am I reading this Right? A guy gets ripped off for 700 bucks, and people are finding fault with his collection methods?

I would not have been nearly so polite, had I felt the need to show up on his doorstep.
Old 12-27-2007, 06:41 AM   #98

I think most wanted me to pat him on the back and say it's ok that you stole from me. I'll just post on some forum what you did and maybe someday you will decide to make it right. WHATEVER!!!

This example of a desire for lack of consequence for criminal activity is why we have so much of it in our country today. People do drugs, drive drunk and kill people, cheat, steal and take advantage of law abiding citizens and people just want to give them a slap on the hand. I think it's high time that folks be held accountable for their actions. I have no problem with an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. People are so worried about cruel and unusual punishment and violating the civil rights of criminals, when they seem to forget about the fact that criminals disregard these things when they commit their crimes. Equality across the board is a good practice in my opinion.

While in law enforcement for 7 years, I watched this happen day in and day out. I can't tell you how many people I arrested for doing crack, burglarizing houses, and many other crimes only to watch them get a little probation and prolong the inevitable which was ending up in jail or prison. All the while costing honest tax paying citizens untold amounts of money to give them a "2nd" chance at freedom, which a large percentage squander away in a short amount of time.

Most of these people get jail house religion and you would swear that they were the next Billy Graham. They go to church, "coffee social," in jail is what we called it. They talk about doing this and doing that and when they get out, but when you see them back in a month or so you know they are full of crap like 9 Christmas turkeys. But, if the church sessions reach one person, then it is worth in my opinion to continue having them.

I guess for those who accuse me of going about this the wrong way, I would like to know why I should have been nice about it? What would you have done to take care of the problem?

I don't want to hear any pansy excuses or treat him with kid gloves suggestions either. Give a real solution to a problem to deal with people who pull this kind of crap over and over again without real consequence. Maybe if we do that, we can discourage people who might do this in the future.

Jody Barnes
Old 12-27-2007, 08:58 AM   #99
John E Dove
Originally Posted by royalkreationz
I guess for those who accuse me of going about this the wrong way, I would like to know why I should have been nice about it? What would you have done to take care of the problem?
I don’t know that “should have been nice about it” would actually fit but it should have been handled differently from the get go.

As for what I would have done differently;
First, I would have had everything laid out in writing before the trade would be made.
Second, I would have made an effort to keep the lines of communication open and settle the dispute via emails and conversations over time. I would not have made threatening phone calls nor would I have considered showing up unannounced on his door step.
Third, failing to settle the dispute between myself and the other person using lines of communication I would have made an attempt at collection using the legal system and presenting my evidence in a court of law, small claims most likely since $700 is not worth involving lawyers.
If the legal methods failed I would have written it off as a bad deal and posted everything about the deal here on the BOI as a warning to others.

Now that I have answered your questions I will post the PM and Email offer I sent to Mr. Braaten involving an attempt to get this settled with no loss to either party.
I pulled no punches and am posting this worded exactly the way it was sent so don’t get your panties in a bunch.

“I am rather hesitant to have anything to do with J. Barnes as he comes across as being mentally unstable but since I mentioned the offer in this thread I felt compelled to attempt to contact you.

If you would like to see this problem go away I would be willing to drive to Lubbock pick up the snakes you sent him and return them to you in exchange for the snakes he sent you which I would then drive back to Lubbock and hand over to him.

If this sound feasible let me know and we can work out the details.”
Old 12-27-2007, 09:12 AM   #100
Jody, You have my sympathy for the loss of your child, no person should ever go through that. I feel for you and your family and my prayers are with you as you come up on the anniversary of his death.

Now to the situation at hand. Being the daughter of a retired police officer of 20+ years from Cleveland, Ohio, I can tell you this, you are far from a seasoned officer. I'm not going to speculate why you're no longer an officer, but it's a good thing you are no longer. You're a civilian now and it's about time you start acting like one. You can no longer take the law into your own hand, that's not the way the real world works. You are no longer playing cops and robbers, so start acting like a man and not a punk.

Don't try blaming everyone's view of you on Dr. Owens, it's not his doing, but your own words and actions in this thread. I think that 99% of the people that have posted here believe you have been wronged and are owned $700 or a snake. I also know that once this situation is taking care of and you are paid your money or given your snake they will not be behind you any more. See you've alienated these people that were trying to help you, but they dislike a thief that gives us in the reptile community a bad name, more than they dislike someone that acts like you.

You keep saying we don't know you, and you're right I don't know YOU, but I know your type. I've seen many of them come a go thinking that badge they hold or held at one time gave them the right to be judge and jury. Do this the right way, without threats and through the courts and you may just end up getting what is rightfully yours. Deal with this in the mannor that you have been and I see you loosing in court and even possible jail time.

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