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FaunaClassifieds Site HELP & Feedback Forum Anything of a nature concerning this website, moderators, admin, or anything having to do with how it is being run, should go here. Criticism is welcome, but abusive antagonism is not. THIS IS NOT THE FORUM FOR FEEDBACK CONCERNING BUYERS AND SELLERS! Such posts are ONLY allowed as replies to classified ads posted by the specific member involved in a specific issue with you.

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Old 05-07-2005, 05:08 PM   #91
I empathize, Xelda. Last night, Robin hit my rep points and sent a graphicly nasty note criticizing my threads. It seemed unprofessional; others have disagreed with me (as is their right) in a manner that allowed growth and dialogue, but nastiness and vigilantes, IMHO, do not encourage positive change.
Lucille, I have seen Robin get angry and nasty and, trust me, she is holding back. She may have been blunt, to the point and probably rude too but graphically nasty? Vulgar? I rather doubt it. All in all, Robin is most likely quite entertained and amused by all this, and I must admit, so am I (just a little bit
Old 05-07-2005, 06:46 PM   #92
Originally Posted by WebSlave
So just how long have we been hearing that "clique" tune? (ps, it's NOT CLICK people)
Lol, I am well aware how it is spelled. Just being a smart ass and showing how much I really care about peoples clicks.
Old 05-07-2005, 06:56 PM   #93
Originally Posted by shrap
Lol, I am well aware how it is spelled. Just being a smart ass and showing how much I really care about peoples clicks.
I knew this chick once who just loved to be clicked. Or was if flicked? Or maybe nipped...hmmmm so long ago. Ah well, such mammaries, er memories.

Time to nick, er nip, er stop, this one, in the bud.
Old 05-07-2005, 07:13 PM   #94
Rebel Dragons
Originally Posted by wilomn
Time to nick, er nip, er stop, this one, in the bud.

I couldn't agree more.
Old 05-07-2005, 07:15 PM   #95
Of course it is...Wes. You have your gaggle of "yeswes'rs" all lined up...so shall we end it now, since YOU say it should??? (just jabbing at you a bit, my friend...I understand where you are coming from, and respect your position.)

I still feel the same way as I did initially...I actually thought that some of you would maybe take a hard look at what has been done...guess I was totally wrong. This seems to be a headhunting gallery now...unless, of course, you know somebody....

Old 05-07-2005, 07:27 PM   #96
Perhaps if you are not winning an argument or discussion, then your argument is just weak.
Old 05-07-2005, 07:32 PM   #97
Wow. That was quite the riposte. I am reeling (no really) from the damage.

what ever made you think that I was somehow attacking you about this site, WS? I simply pointed out an issue as I saw it...and yes, I may certainly be wrong...but weak? Don't think so. Them's fightin words....

Old 05-07-2005, 07:33 PM   #98
Jim O

I have resisted posting in this thread, that is until now, though I have been following it. I know you feel that someone got a "free pass". But he didn't. It's all there in black and white. The accusation, the outraged responses, the acceptance of responsibility (which incidentally I felt was a bit sub-par) and resolution. There isn't much else to say. That thread will always be here for anyone doing a search. And I guarantee that it will cost a sale or two or ten.

That thread got hijacked by someone's post who seemed to many of us (though he claims otherwise) to have minimized the problems. That got many of us pretty upset, but it was directed at that poster, not at the seller. We were all waiting for the seller's response. It came and he offered restitution and took responsibility. There was nothing more that he could have done. That he may have been let off a bit easy may have something to do with the fact that he previously had a good reputation and that he did take care of the problem. As I said in my post, he could have done better after the fact (by arranging the return during his absence) but he could have done so much worse. Had he come on and said "tough luck" or something of the sort, he would no doubt have been crucified. That he was not was not so much a matter of favorites as an acknowledged "good guy" owning up to his mistake and getting the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps also the blood had already been shed in that thread, directed at one of his defenders, and the vultures (like me) were satiated.
Old 05-07-2005, 07:36 PM   #99
Guys, lighten up. I was referring ONLY to my post alluding to nip, nick and mammories, er memories and THAT line of thought.

This thread is just fine and will wind its way where it wants. I don't see any bad guys here, just, to refer back to my Chop Saki analogy, differing schools.

In Greg's, there are no leaders, no one to whom authority is granted/given/acknowledge, or so it seems, while at Rich's he is the leader and no doubt is allowed to exist.

I like working out at both dojos, kicking ass and taking names as I see fit. I can't help it if some like my Wesway style and I certainly do NOT recommend it over any other, we must all do as we see.

Is THAT part of the problem? Is it that there is a seeming, a perception, a suspiscion if you will, that some, or in this case, I, have a following of yeah-sayers? If such IS your suspiscion, it is on NO account due to anything I have done. In fact I have gone out of my way to insist that I do NOT want to be any type of......... I don't know the word, because leader is SOOOOO not right, and on top of that I have no desire to be in such a position and I am hopeful that you understand what I mean. It really is more of a felt type of thing than one that can be easily stated.

I can see where you may think that there is, but ponder this. Do I, or anyone else for that matter, have a knack for being right? And, if so, are not the yeah sayers not ALSO being right in their affirmations? I think I'm pretty good as a keeper and a ferreterouter of bad guys and as a person in general and if others think so is there really a problem with them going along with what I say if they truly agree with it?

What is the base problem you have? Do you even have a base problem? I am NOT being a smartass here, just trying to figure out what the problem is, if there is one, and fix it if it can be fixed.

If a bunch of people agree and one of them is more outspoken than the others they can be seen as followers and that one as a leader when in fact none of them are either followers or leader, but loud and quiet. Does this come closer to the crux of your problem?
Old 05-08-2005, 09:14 PM   #100
Suncoast Herpetological
Originally Posted by cthulhu77
Of course it is...Wes. You have your gaggle of "yeswes'rs" all lined up...so shall we end it now, since YOU say it should??? (just jabbing at you a bit, my friend...I understand where you are coming from, and respect your position.)

I still feel the same way as I did initially...I actually thought that some of you would maybe take a hard look at what has been done...guess I was totally wrong. This seems to be a headhunting gallery now...unless, of course, you know somebody....


I find myself in an unusual position. As was stated earlier by someone else, I generally find myself in agreement with you on most topics so I guess that makes us "cliquemates". (Please forego the obvious jokes guys)

I think the reason that this thread received so much negative feedback initially is that you didn't voice your opinion....you stated it as if it were fact. The text is shown below

I must say from the get go, that I am kind of pissed here...in really believing that the other people who post on this forum were unbiased, I am coming off somewhat disappointed. I see people getting trashed, while others (obviously friends or compatriots) get the nod as being "ok"...

Seems to me that this was supposed to be an impartial jury, so to speak, of somewhat educated animal dealers having to hash out issues, both good and bad, in a PUBLIC forum.
Since the BOI has gone private (pay to post), there seems to be an enormous turn towards a sort of "good ol boy" click...

I don't understand how the rules seem to apply to some, and not to others!!!


In no way is this worded as an opinion. You tossed out a bomb and waited for the explosion.

Please don't take this to mean that I am against that particular tactic. Sometimes it can be extremely effective. However, if that is the tactic you want to use, you then, by necessity, pretty much have to provide proof or examples to back up your hypothesis or what happened here occurs...your hypothesis is dismissed as having no weight. You repeatedly refused to offer any examples to lend credence.

Personally I have been an active member on this site longer than most and I would be hard pressed to find an example to back up your theory that did not fit into the following parameters.

Category One: Cutting Someone Slack

1.) The individual has a long term good reputation

2.) The individual immediately takes responsibility and makes every effort to right the deal

Category Two: Going For the Throat

1.) The individual has no reputation to aid him in initial public opinion

2.) The individual takes a defensive stance and denies any responsibility

3.) The individual immediately becomes a raging ass and tries to make the incident into a joke.

4.) The individual has such a crappy rep already that he is fighting a difficult uphill battle

I would seriously like to see a couple of definitive examples Greg but I am not going to hold my breath. I genuinely don't think you can produce one.

Cliques will always exist in a community of this sort. As someone stated earlier, likeminded people tend to gravitate to one another. Well known individuals with a long positive history will, of course, receive a bit more benefit of the doubt than an unknown. Is it fair? No. Is it inevitable human nature? Of course

However, it is almost always the way someone responds to a bad guy post about them that dictates the way they are received and treated on the BOI.

The measure of a "good guy" is not that he never has a problem, it is in how he deals with and repairs the problem

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