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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 02-02-2004, 09:09 PM   #91
Chris Kennard

Wendy, Wendy, Wendy. I knew you wouldn't be able to resist. I'm actually ecstatic that you are here on Dan's behalf. In any case, your agenda is so obviously the same as Gilas. What? No comments on the implications that Dan crossed Drys and misrepresented them? And what about...

"quote: by Chris Kennard
Well that's the important thing isn't it? Forget about the people who were misled, which is why this board exists.

You forgot to mention those "misled" people. What about them?

"The credibility of one of the main accusers/attackers is very important to this and any other thread. This clearly shows the deceitful nature of "Rob" aka Anaconda Al (Albert Applebaum) aka Elbird (Eleanor Golden) and makes any and all of "his" posts worthless. No credibility...non. Not a way to gain the respect of anyone, including this board".

If you say so, lol, it must be true. But was Rob being deceitful? I don't think there is one person here who didn't know who Elbird was. I know for a fact that if they didn't make it so difficult to pay the fine, he would have payed more than he owed. Isn't it funny how you waited to spew until after he was dismissed? And how much credibility do you credit Felice with? And please use references to answer that. Lastly, Rob and I aren't here for YOUR approval or to "gain the respect of anyone. We are here for something far more important, which is to keep people from being future victims of a dishonest person who who has no problems misrepresenting animals if he can make a few extra bucks doing so. Obviously that doesn't rank too high in your diary of ethics.

"That fact that this doesn't bother Mr. Kennard just increases the lack of credibility and respect he has already earned".

It doesn't bother me because we know the truth, unlike you. I think its funny that you, Gila, and Dan can't refute anything. Your only weapon is character assassination. What credibility have you earned with regard to this thread (not that it matters)? Let me remind you in case you forgot already. I'm not here to "earn" credibility and respect. I am here to alert the public and help newbies avoid being ripped off. What's your story. Never mind, I'm not interested.

"Inshort, Dan Felice doesn't have to post here as his accusers/attackers have managed to discredit themselves".

We finally agree on one thing. Dan doesn't have to post here. And to be perfectly honest with you, I am HAPPY to discredit myself to someone (you who sticks up for the bad guy...in short.

One last thing...

"yeah stupid, there was a fib told......to you about 2 years ago"

"and that is PRECISELY why you were never told anything in the beginning".

Hmmm. two statements made by Dan to me. Kind of contradictory, don't ya' think. How does that fit into your "credibility" agenda.
Old 02-02-2004, 09:20 PM   #92
Chris Kennard
p.s. Wendy

By the way, Rob (Anaconda Al) was one of the "main accusers" in the Fred Albury thread. Was his credibility an issue there. Even if Charlie Manson said the things that Rob said, it would still be just as accurate had the pope said it. Now does anyone care to sink there teeth into some of the many specific unanswered questions regarding Dan crossing Drymarchon?
Old 02-02-2004, 09:25 PM   #93
Dr Owens
Post Posts deleted

All posts made by ElBird were made in violation of the TOS and rules of this site. They have been subsequently deleted.
Old 02-02-2004, 09:42 PM   #94
My post wasn't on anyones "behalf" unless you want to attribute it to being on the BOI's behalf.

It is a shame that you just don't get it Chris. You may very well be right, but both you and "Rob" have gone out of your way to discredit yourselves so bad that no one here would put any credence into anything you say.

Just because the majority of us had a pretty good idea that Elbird was "Rob"doesn't make it any less deceitful. Circumventing his fine is deceitful as well and if using Paypal is difficult for "Rob" then maybe he should take some remedial internet/reading courses. Unless of course, his real name isn't "Rob" either.

Your excuses are lousy, your accusations not credible and your lack of respect shows with every post. It's becoming pathetic really. But then, maybe that is your goal.
Old 02-02-2004, 10:40 PM   #95
Chris Kennard

"My post wasn't on anyones "behalf" unless you want to attribute it to being on the BOI's behalf".

I emphatically beg to differ! Not that your post matters. To the people who count on this thread to avoid being ripped off, my posts do matter.

"It is a shame that you just don't get it Chris. You may very well be right, but both you and "Rob" have gone out of your way to discredit yourselves so bad that no one here would put any credence into anything you say".

No, you don't get it, and I am right! Your statement that myself and Rob have gone out of our way...blah, blah, blah is ludicrous and nothing more than your opinion, which I might add, is totally biassed and based on your personal feelings (anger and dislike), while my posts are based on personal first hand knowledge and experience on this matter. All you have are opinions. Like I told Gila, I was there, you weren't. If you think I'm lying, then you think Dan is honest. If you believe that, after carefully reading his posts that I have submitted as well as his own submission here (his one and only post), then I have to question your motive, agenda and credibility here. Perhaps you can share what you see in this thread that lends "credence" to the claim that Dan did not cross Drymarchon and misrepresent them. Isn't that the important thing here. You're so hung up on defaming us that you seem to have lost sight of what's important. That is protecting people from being ripped off and misled, in case you've forgotten.

"Just because the majority of us had a pretty good idea that Elbird was "Rob"doesn't make it any less deceitful. Circumventing his fine is deceitful as well and if using Paypal is difficult for "Rob" then maybe he should take some remedial internet/reading courses. Unless of course, his real name isn't "Rob" either".

We get it already. You hate Rob (yes that's his real name), blah blah blah. Get over it. You can discuss that with Rob. Since you seem to be so passionate about your cause, how bout explaining to the people, who this board is dedicated to protecting, why they should trust Dannio.

"Your excuses are lousy, your accusations not credible and your lack of respect shows with every post. It's becoming pathetic really. But then, maybe that is your goal".

Be careful, your anger is showing. Did I strike a nerve? Again all you have is slander. What does that say about you? In any case, I'm sorry if my "lack of respect" for people who scam and lie and for people who support scammers doesn't suit you. I wonder why. My goal is obvious, and much like the thread on Fred Albury, is to expose a creep for lying and misleading buyers. What exactly is your goal? Never mind, it doesn't matter. What do ya' say we get right to the heart of the matter and perhaps you can answer the question that Gila would not.

How do you know the snakes in question are Texas Indigos and not crosses?
Old 02-05-2004, 07:48 PM   #96
Chris Kennard
Totally baffled!...

I have seen Dan "browsing" the forums everyday here without lending a single thought here and without refuting anything. I have endured suffocating posts from a few of Dan's spokespersons who have spewed their condescending views about my "credibility", yet Dan remains a no-show. Then I find out that he submitted this post on KS...

RE: Breeders speak up...who's got what gravid??

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Posted by: dan felice at Thu Feb 5 17:04:32 2004 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ]

nothing here dean, i took the year off so i could concentrate on other species particularly pituophis......gonna have a ton of bulls, sonorans and pines this summer instead.......oh! i almost forgot, i did cross a yt w/ a rubidus in hopes of producing what i'm gonna market as a 'christmas cribo'. place your order quickly cause they're gonna go like hotcakes!! whatever you do though, don't tell kennard or his sweetie rob'erta' because i don't think i'm gonna have enough to go around.....mums the word. tia!

WHAT GIVES DANNIO??? Is this the image you want to portray after the lengths that people here have gone to discredit me while trying to protect whatever image they think you have? You owe them better then this! So please, stop hiding behind your bodyguard (KS) and let's debate this and let the people decide who's right and who's wrong. You obviously have the energy to be quite vocal about me, so let's rock bro!
Old 02-09-2004, 02:37 PM   #97
Anaconda Al
Let's focus on the facts people!

Hello everybody! It's nice to be back! I'd have been back sooner, but I couldn't move any faster than the cumbersome Paypal registration and confirmation process would allow me. If Wendy Wedeking was the type of person who spoke only when she "HAD A CLUE", she would know that Paypal deposited two amounts in my personal bank account, which I had to wait three business days to verify in order to activate my Paypal account. She would know that I then had to wait four more business days for the funds to be transfered from my checking account to my Paypal account. So, WRONG AGAIN WENDY (!), "computer literacy" had nothing to do with the delay! But, CONGRATULATIONS anyway, you've managed, yet again, to expose yourself as the childish and irrelevant troll that you are! Even if I were not "computer literate", that wouldn't change the fact that Dan Felice is still a Fraud! It's still true that Steve Fuller and Jeff Nichols were swindled into thinking that they bought Texas Indigos from Felice, REGARDLESS OF WHO I HAPPEN TO BE.

So, now that I'm here under my true name, I'd like to note that the following facts, of course, remain true, and have yet to be refuted, whether I am "Albert Applebaum", Eleanor Golden" or "Rob Dunleavy" (or the Pope for that matter):

1) Felice crossed an Eastern Indigo with a Unicolored Cribo.

2) Felice sold two of the offspring, and did in fact represent them as the crosses that they were to Chris Kennard and his brother Joe.

3) Chris Kennard and Dan Felice were friends, and Felice laughed when Kennard named Felice's dirty little secret of crossing Indigos "Project Blue Book".

4) Felice sold and misrepresented some of the offspring to Steve Fuller and Bobby Lee. He lied, saying that the offspring were Texas Indigos. He told Chris Kennard that he hoped Steve Fuller would not find out (How's that for "DECEPTION" Wendy?).

5) Steve Fuller, in turn, sold, and, most likely, unknowingly misrepresented, two of those offspring to Jeff Nichols and his wife.

6) After Nichol's wife bragged on the KS Indigo forum the day they received what they thought were "Texas indigos" from Steve Fuller and Bobby Lee, Jeff Nichols refuses to say whether or not he still has those snakes. Nichols also refuses to post pictures of the snakes.

7) Chris Kennard received five death threats in the mail following his comments on this thread about Felice.

So it's plain to see that Dan Felice remains deceptive and a "Bad Guy" who misrepresents what he sells, and the silence coming from the Felice Defense Team (Dream Team), aka Raden and Wedeking, remains deafening IN REGARDS TO THE ABOVE FACTS! How can you defend the guy without asking questions about those facts? My guess is that the Dream Team, having no morals of their own, know more about Felice's seedy ways than they care to admit, and they accept Felice for the guilty scoundrel that he is, and have NO interest in the facts, judging by their zealous and lame efforts to focus ONLY on attacking the character of Felice's accuser's while ignoring the "nuts and bolts" of the matter (ie: the accusations).

Notice how they show no concern for potential unsuspecting buyers who may eventually find themselves in a mess, resulting from a deal made with Dan felice, as Jeff Nichols and Steve Fuller have. Eventually, someone who is thinking about buying a snake from Dan Felice will consult this thread, and they might wonder why Felice couldn't get Steve Fuller and/or Bobby Lee to come here and say what a "great guy" he is (LOL!) and prove that Felice didn't deceive them. They might wonder why Felice mysteriously "took the 5th" (although he has been quite the "lurker") and conclude that he obviously has something to hide. Sorry Felice, but Raden and Wedeking (your mouthpieces) are certainly no substitute for Steve Fuller and Bobby Lee. A potential customer of Felice's might check this thread out and wonder why Raden and Wedeking have done nothing except rally to get information, that might prevent a potential customer from getting screwed, removed from this thread. He/she might wonder why Raden and Wedeking focused only on attacking the credibility of Felice's accusers (we are not liked on KS, we post under different names, blah, blah, blah), instead of trying to get to the bottom of the actual allegations ("Project Blue Book", what Steve Fuller and Bobby Lee think of Felice now, where the Crosses are now, whether or not Felice was behind the death threats, etc.). Hopefully he/she will take a look at Raden's attempt to discredit the accusers in the Fred Albury thread, rather than address the issues. Gee, what a coincidence Raden! Oh, and by the way, how do you like me now? Have you noticed that absolutely nothing has changed in my posts except my name? If I was deceptive and I hurt your feelings, I'm very sorry! Maybe you could "show up" and answer some questions like you promised now that I'm using my real name ?????????????????????????????????????
Old 02-09-2004, 02:49 PM   #98
Anaconda Al

Rob Dunleavy
Old 02-09-2004, 05:05 PM   #99
Anaconda Al
Wendy Wedeking................

You made an appearance on the Fred Albury thread just so say that you thought Chris Kennard and I were "a disgrace to this site". Fred Albury turned out to be exactly what we said he was/is. In other words Wendy, our CREDIBILITY was and is as good as it gets, and YOU looked pretty bad by attacking some of Fred's "main accusers".

In this thread you came on to attack Felice's "main accusers". So far, none of the facts listed in my previous post have been refuted. Felice ran away, making him look as guilty as it gets, and the only thing that you managed to comment on was the CREDIBILITY OF FELICE'S ACCUSERS. What a shocker!

You Say:

"The credibility of one of the main accusers/attackers is very important to this and any other thread. This clearly shows the deceitful nature of "Rob" aka Anaconda Al (Albert Applebaum) aka Elbird (Eleanor Golden) and makes any and all of "his" posts worthless. No credibility...non. Not a way to gain the respect of anyone, including this board.

That fact that this doesn't bother Mr. Kennard just increases the lack of credibility and respect he has already earned.

Inshort, Dan Felice doesn't have to post here as his accusers/attackers have managed to discredit themselves"

I say: You need to understand that Chris and I are members of "this board", just like you. You need to understand that we were right in the Fred Albury thread and you were wrong. And you need to understand that we are right about Felice and you are, well I don't know. You came on here without showing the slightest concern for whether or not someone is ripping people off. What do you think about Dan Felice Wendy????????????
Old 02-09-2004, 09:16 PM   #100
Chris Kennard

Nice to see ya' back Rob! This paticular thread seems to lack the level-headedness that you bring. That being said, lets, as you so adequately put it, "focus on the facts". Here are a few...

1) I was a frequent visitor and friend of Dan's at the time he was breeding those snakes and incubating the eggs.

2) I never once saw a Texas Indigo at his house and neither did his buddies from the Indigo forum who visited his house that year.

3) Dan never claimed to be incubating Texas Indigo eggs for anyone else at the time.

4) Dan himself announced (to me) the successful crossing of the Eastern Indigo with his "calico" Unicolor Cribo upon the laying of the eggs.

5) I saw the parents, I saw the eggs. Still never saw a Texas animal at his house and still no mention of those eggs being the product of someone else's efforts. Quite the contrary! The name Project Bluebook is born. Dan heartily agrees.

6) Dan hatches the babies that he now claims were hatched for someone else, yet labels them as "Dan Felice's" stock. I aquired one from him represented properly as the cross it was and at the same time Dan sells one to my brother...as a cross. I gave Dan back the one I got, which was the smallest of the litter. My brother's died.

7) Dan sold some babies to "Steve" and on several occasions expressed (to me) concern that "Steve" might suspect that they were crosses and reveals to me that "Steve" wanted to buy the whole batch. Hmmm, how would I know that? Any comments from Steve on that issue would be interesting.

Now those are facts...period! I challenge anyone to refute them!!! As for Wendy and Gila, you have made your agenda obvious. Why did you both disappear without answering any questions? I know they were toughies, but since you consider yourselves to be such pillars of the community here (even though your venomous posts display otherwise), perhaps you could share your thoughts with those who would view this thread in the future in an effort to gain FACTUAL information from your side as well as ours. Surely the unfounded slander isn't all you have to submit here. I don't want to argue with either of you, so let's debate and do so civily.

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