Bad Guy Beware of Jerry Kruse - Page 11 - FaunaClassifieds
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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 03-01-2012, 12:19 AM   #101
"if I refund Stu his money, can I save my reputation?"
I agree. It's either that, or "If I refund Stu his money, can I resell these snakes?"

Refund. Return. Done. In that order.
Old 03-01-2012, 12:26 AM   #102
Holy moly, Jerry! There are some SERIOUS names watching this thread right now. While I respect your wish for the dust to settle before jumping in, I agree with others who have said that your patience could be construed in many ways. In looking at the interest of those heavy-hitters down there, I'd say it may be time to rethink your plan of attack (defense) here.

Forget the have an unhappy customer. Will you or will you not refund his purchase?
Old 03-01-2012, 12:26 AM   #103
Originally Posted by StuTennyson View Post
I just want to know how Bobby and Snake Queen got my pics up here and so big too! Did you guys use the pics I uploaded to Fauna or
I used the pictures you had here :



Sometimes it helps to have visual instructions.
Old 03-01-2012, 12:28 AM   #104
Oh and Jerry... Man up and refund his money.
Old 03-01-2012, 12:29 AM   #105
Jerry Kruse's response was hilarious! He states he did not intentionally respond back! Because he is not on the computer all day.. but interestingly enough when I scrolled down at the bottom of the page to see who was viewing it in it's infantile stage guess who was lurking?? Yep.. Jerry Kruse. And then to say he will respond at a later time when he has time.. LOL are you kidding me?! Check the facts: He sold sick animals, for a high price. He does not back them up and refund the money. He does not reply back in a timely fashion. He basically doesn't want to assume liability and responsibility. For me it's a no brainer... DO NOT PURCHASE FROM JERRY KRUSE
Old 03-01-2012, 12:29 AM   #106
That girl, there....that Melissa Wiley...she's got mad skillz. I know if I ever sold her something she wasn't happy with, I'd refund HER money.....
Old 03-01-2012, 12:31 AM   #107
Originally Posted by laterob View Post
That girl, there....that Melissa Wiley...she's got mad skillz. I know if I ever sold her something she wasn't happy with, I'd refund HER money.....

I am used to doing instructional posts & FAQ.

I know off-topic I am sorry.
Old 03-01-2012, 01:31 AM   #108
Originally Posted by StuTennyson View Post
I just want to know how Bobby and Snake Queen got my pics up here and so big too! Did you guys use the pics I uploaded to Fauna or
I just created a step-by-step on uploading photos as file attachments that should help ->

Please bear in mind that when you want to show photos as evidence that you want to be here 5 years from now, using a photo hosting site and linking from it to here is not the preferred method to do this. MANY photo hosting sites go belly up or suddenly end remote linking to those files, which then leaves your evidence here as nothing more than a small box with a red "
X" in it. That could even happen tomorrow.

So please ATTACH photos to your messages, which stores them on my server which will HOPEFULLY be a more permanent repository for them. Linked photos are fine for classified ads and even general discussions, but I think we would all like to think photos posted as evidence in the BOI will be a bit more long lasting.
Old 03-01-2012, 02:28 AM   #109
Paul Lynum
My Experience...

This has been a long time coming. This is also going to be long. I’ve been working with zonata for over 25 years. I breed many every year and have spent more time in the field working with these snakes than just about anyone. When I moved to AZ in 2005 I sold my offspring for a few seasons. In 2008 I learned of California’s “Non Commercial Permit”. I figured I would apply for it and even being an AZ resident, I also had built a good relationship with the Dept of Fish and Game. I was granted the permit and have had it ever since. I also decided that I would no longer sell any of the zonata I produced including the ones from Baja even though being in AZ I could. I’ve held this giving away baby zonata ever since.

I first met Jerry around the same time I received my permit. Jerry and I both being zonata enthusiast we hit it off. Jerry was interested in many of the zonata I had. He offered doing trades or even being able to buy babies. I told Jerry that I don’t sell them but would be happy to give several localities he didn’t have. Jerry offered babies from his collection and I said there was no need as I already had what he was working with or didn’t have interest in keeping the other locales he had that I didn’t. Communication was good and he was someone I considered a friend.

When Jerry and Mitch had their falling out I stayed out of it. I had nothing to do with it. I heard both sides of the story and as much as I agreed with Mitch I didn’t chose sides and it was dropped. Except on Jerry’s side. Jerry would call me and rant on and on about how Mitch is a “#$%^ %$#%^^. These rants would go on for over an hour. I had to constantly remind Jerry I had no interest in their feud. At the same time Jerry would then ask me to put in a good word for him to Mitch and help mend their relationship. I found extremely odd that a guy who wants to heal a relationship did nothing but tear Mitch down. Mitch on the other never said anything to me about Jerry and what caused the problem. I told Mitch about the conversation and was warned that Jerry was bad news and very unstable. I should have listened a little better.

Around this same time Jerry found out he was sold some bogus locality Baja Mountains Kings that were to be Sierra San Pedro Martir. Martirs are a specially I work with and not only breed them but have found several. These snakes are physically and DNA wise different from the Baja Mountain Kings (As well as the rest of the zonata group) to the mountain range to the north. Martirs instantly stick out when compared to the northern ones. When the two localities are crossed it can be difficult at times to tell if the snake is a mutt. It’s not until about after the first year of life the Juarez characteristics come out. There was no question his snakes were mutts. Jerry was really hurt and felt for him as I had been burned by the same breeder he got his snakes from. I offered to give Jerry a pair Martir zonata that summer when they hatched. You can say it made his day.

That same year Jerry claimed to have had a San Mateo Coast Mountain King that Mitch caught and gave to Jerry on the spot right after capture lay eggs and he would be producing this pure locality. That was the first red flag. Mitch explained the situation at top so I won’t go into the details other than it was pretty much scientifically impossible for this snake to have laid eggs from a wild breeding in the time frame the eggs were laid. Mitch is an authority on the anatomy and natural history of zonata and the snake was not gravid when found. Jerry claimed it was retained sperm. Both with my years of work in the field (I’ve found over 1400 zonata in the wild and have never seen this happen) and Mitch’s years of work we both knew 100% this was not the case. Jerry later said that rattlesnakes have done it and so did this zonata. Apples and Oranges Jerry. Crotalids and colubrids are completely different animals. Zonata are much different than pretty much all other colubrids even. Not to mention that several species of rattlesnakes breed in the fall and not the spring so it a common occurrence (Normal) for rattlesnakes to retain sperm. Not zonata. When confronted on this with all the scientific proof Jerry attacked Mitch and tried to discredit his expertise. I also questioned Jerry and it wasn’t long after that we stopped talking. After jerry hatched the so-called San Mateo snakes the babies showed classic Santa Clara Co. traits which Jerry already had Santa Clara snakes at home plus a fresh wild caught male that was found on the same trip jerry took to CA Those two snakes were cycled in the same wild weather pattern.

A few months later Jerry and I started talking again. Jerry wanted to know If I was going to still give him baby zonatas I produced (Especially the Martirs) and I was still more than happy to give them to him. Jerry then started selling the mutt martir stock he had at home which he had been raising for a few years. One day on the Kingsnake Forum on Kingsnake.Com a gentleman posted a picture of a what he called a “pure Martir” snake he bought from Jerry. It was one of Jerry mutts. Many herpers that knew Jerry’s problems with the mutt problem posted and were asking if the snake was sold as pure and the buyer said yes. Jerry started being questioned about this ordeal and online Jerry posted that he sold the snake as probably being pure but not sure. With my experience with the Martir locality the buyer called me and wanted to know the history of those mountains snakes and the lineage. Jerry mentioned nothing about the snake being a mutt and sold it for top dollar. The buyer was cautious about what I was telling him and I told him to go back to the thread in he will see in Jerrys own words it was not pure.

This is were it gets good. Jerry started sending me vulgar text about how I’m trying to ruin his business and I was contacting his customers not buy from him. I told Jerry all I told the buyer is what he said himself and I never had contacted anyone nor did I care what he did with his offspring. Jerry then completely spun everything around (This is what he does when he’s been caught doing something shady or illegal) and began telling me my Martir stock was also mutts. I told Jerry if he thought my stuff was not real then I wasn’t going to give him any of the babies I produced. Why would he want more mutts? Jerry went fanatic and started screaming how he was the victim here and not to punish him. I asked him again why would he would want snakes from me that he thinks are not pure? He never ansewered the question. Instead he went on an insane rant about how his life was perfect before Mitch and everyone was against him and now I was. Jerry became obsessed with the Martirs. I explained to him the history of every snake in captivity and their origins and were the offspring went at least a half dozen times. It was easy to trace, as there are not many of that locale in collections. I sent him pictures of captive ones as well as wild ones. During this ordeal there was still problems with the buyer and his mutt snake. jerry would not accept any responsibly for what he did. Jerry did the same thing to this buyer that was done to him. Whenever Jerry was asked about this problem he created he did everything to take the spotlight off him and would come up with personal attacks and change the subject which always consisted of how he always has problems with herpers and he has never done anything to anybody. Jerry started sending out emails and making phone calls to anyone that would listen to him about how terrible of a guy I was. One of the things Jerry screamed about is how my stuff was bogus and I never sent him pictures or explained to him the Martir Zonata. Of the several pictures I did send Jerry of one my snakes in my collection is on his website right now as one of his!

I was not aware of the things Jerry was saying to people behind my back. Still communicating with Jerry at that time I finally found myself engaged with a very sick individual. All he did was complain and throw tantrums like a child. I decided doing any business with him or just giving him snakes was a bad idea. Jerry always expressed the importance of friendship. I agreed with Jerry and also said that we probably should not do business (Me give him zonatas) so there would be no sour grapes in any transaction we did. I then once and for all discovered the real Jerry. Knowing that getting snakes from me was over he did so was our friendship. Jerry has stated many times he would not kiss myself or Mitch’s to obtain free zonata. However, I’ve NEVER had anyone ever (Practically) beg for these snakes like he did. It was so old hear him constantly wanting snakes. When people received gifts from myself or Mitch and Jerry got word of it he would call them A$$ Kissers and tools. He would completely rip them up and ruin yet another friendship. What is you problem Jerry? Talk about being a complete hypocrite.

On Facebook Jerry posted a group of illegally obtained Oregon Zonata. I myself who had obtained illegal snakes before and had to deal with it with the USFWS in the past for the same thing immediately told Jerry to take the thread down. Other well respected herpers saw his post and advised the same. Jerry said I was trying to ruin his sales. Jerry then took me off his Facebook friend list and started putting almost daily blogs about me. He was saying things like (Friends sent me the copies) I was a terrible father. I was a grown man who lives with my parents and sleeps on their couch. Saying I had burned so many people in herp deals and then would list names of people I’ve never dealt with or even better didn’t know. He said he was gathering everything he could to bury me. Jerry has stated many times now I make my living manipulating and lying to the people I deal with. He must have been typing in front of a mirror. He was spewing venom non-stop. I tried contacting him to now avail. I grew tired of being bullied by this guy I retaliated and pushed back with details of his current illegal activities. Jerry will not stop attacking someone until you stand up to him. Over the past two years Jerry (As seen in all the threads above) burned many people in his deals. Then would attack the victim. Just like he did Stu. All of his fallouts he blamed on myself and Mitch. Never once did myself or Mitch contact anyone about Jerry.

Jerry would not stop. Myself and Mitch have literally been blamed for dozens of Jerrys fallouts. Jerry was contacting anyone who had an interest with zonata in Ca. Jerry would ask them to collect several zonata and send them to him. Unfortunately, a few did but most did not. The ones that would not would feel Jerry’s wrath. He would turn things around and tell them they were up to illegal activities and were out to get him. Yep myself and Mitch were blamed for that too. Soon Jerry had a falling out with EVERTONE in CA who worked with zonata. He goes to shows in New York and proudly tells people that the guys on the west coast are his stooges. Never in my life in the herp community have I’ve heard of someone that has a problem with all of an entire coast of the Western U.S. Any rational person would stop and think maybe the problem lies within himself, not everyone else but, Jerry doesn’t think that way. Jerry is the school yard bully. He will pick on you and when confronted run to the teacher and cry about how his being picked on. Then behind your back attack you with vigor (Like he does on Facebook to the people he thinks can’t see his blogs) just like he did on this thread when he thought he was sending a private message to what he thought was the moderator of the BOI. “Blast him” he says he will do to Stu. Classic Jerry the tuff guy that hides. While this thread has been going on Jerry has been sending threatening emails and leaving voicemails (Out of respect for them and also fear of even more retaliation from Jerry which they have expressed I will leave their names out) to anyone that he can contact about their bad deals (Jerry screwing them) being made public. Jerry says he hasn’t had the time to respond yet he’s been logged into this thread almost non-stop since the beginning.

I’m sorry I’ve made this so long. With all said so far I’ve barely scratched the surface on him. Jerry is a mentally unstable person. When we were friends he wanted to send me New York Cheesecakes. The last conversation I had with him was to “Not cross him or he will send me something else in the mail” I don’t take threats. In several emails I’ve sent him I’ve told him what he his and what I think of him. I’m glad now after these years of putting up with his abuse many others have come out and expressed their dealings with. Stu, any respectable businessman would refund the money. If you play this game with herps, there’s going to be a time when a deal goes bad or you have an unhappy customer with their product. These things can pretty much always be solved. Jerry has made himself very clear with his conducing attitude towards you how he really is. I’m sorry you have been “Krused’. No deserves that.

Old 03-01-2012, 06:56 AM   #110
Jerry, maybe you could pick up stamp collecting or metal detecting?

You're done here.

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