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Police Blotter General notifications about thefts, breakins or and cases where animals or materials are stolen. Photos of the merchandise taken can be posted to help with recovery.

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Old 08-13-2002, 06:47 PM   #101
John Apple
after reading all of this dribble and accusations , lets not forget the bickering...I was wondering wasn't there a thread for The Neil and Dave war???
Old 08-13-2002, 07:10 PM   #102
Gary Walsch
Well Dave it looks like you are going to continue to ignore what everyone is saying to you and you are going to continue with all the he said she said crap.  I don't know you from atom but the way you are handling yourself I promise I will never do business with you under any circumstances.  You have a lot of shady ways about you that could be the way you are and mean nothing or it could mean you have a reason for acting that way.  I totally agree that the facts should be presented in a clear manner to help expose the guilty party and I think that is what everyone here is looking for, not a soap opera beteen you and Neil.  It seems that when you ask a question Neil will answer you, on the other hand you can't say the same thing for yourself.  I think everyone is tired of all the bullsh*t that has been going back and forth here and would like to just get to the bottom of things.  The funny thing about this thread is that there is actually more posts of people expressing their disgust with all the crap then posts concerning what is really going on, that in it self should tell you something.  Neil ...... you may as well give it up as I think we all know no matter how simple of a question you are asking you are not going to get a straight answer, we are just taking up bandwidth ( myself included ).  All I can say is one thing and that is I am real glad I don't live or do business in the Tampa area.  And another thing ....... I agree with an earlier post where it was said that if everyone had a suspicion of who was doing the break ins they should band together and do something about it,  If everyone feels the same person(s) is responsible then ban that person from your stores or quit wholesaling them animals and bannish that person(s) from your local reptile community.  In this business reputation is or at least should count for a lot.  If you all feel so strongly then act on it, because if you continue to let this person(s) do business within your community you have no one else to blame for future problems but yourselves.

Gary Walsch
Sunshine State Reptiles
Old 08-13-2002, 08:58 PM   #103
First off yes I did call Peg's and talked to Lil not Peg. Dave never said anything about a green truck i did.
I talked to Det. gleaton and was told it was a good idea to talk to Peg and clear the air up. I was informed that i was the one who did the burgerly with Dave. So I called while I was at work after I talked to the Det. I instructed Lil how to get on the board and find out how to read the posts.
I have not talked to Ray, Jenny, Neil or Peg (the only time I did was with lil and that was on thursday) I never clamed to work for for Amazon. I said I was there alot and knew what was in the store and also told her that Amazon was one of the best store in Tampa. Yes im in with Dave and thats how it will stay we are friends and thats it.
I'm also friends with Angie the woman who runs the store I have nothin to hide from her or anyone else.
Also Ray you were the one who called me and asked me if Dave had any ABP or ABfor sale because joe called you. I aslo told you I would call him and get right back with you and I did do you remember what I said (he told me he didn't have any).\
Also Dave called me Back about 15 min later and told me you called him and asked him the same thing and he told you no.
If I knew anything about the burgerlys I would be more than happy to tell everyone.
One more thing Mr. Parker from game and wildlife was in Amazon the other day and I did talk to him. He told me yes they did have a video tape of who did it and no Me or Dave was no a suspect in any of the burgerly's.
If all you want to say im talking to you go ahead you all know it's a lie anyway, why you would go around and tell people im talking to any of you is beyond me and im getting really tired of hearing my name from people that you (Neil,Jenny,Ray,Peg) are saying im saying that Amazon Has your snakes That I won't have anything to do with Dave. I said I wasn't going to do anymore shows untill all this sh*t was taken care of.

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This email has been sent from Neil Gubitz - The Snake Pit via Ikonboard.


------------------------------------------------- does the saying go?? ...If you lay down with dirty dogs...youre gonna get fleas!!

If that is the way you want to be known in the herp community (being perceived partners with Dave)....youre making the biggest business mistake of your life!

Seriously...if you want ANY respect from your peers, I would strongly suggest that you cut your ties with him!
And IF IF IF you had ANYTHING to do with the burglaries around here...I wouldnt want to be in your shoes....ALL you had to do was corroberate Julies story and this whole thing would have been finished...but you want to STICK with Lawson...fine! Just dont expect any help from the rest of us.....

BTW...Thank you so much for coming over LIKE YOU PROMISED to look at my A/C....I now see where your loyalties lie....and as such....Im sorry to say, but youre no longer welcome in my store....Neil
And, personally...I dont care if you show him this!


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That is a e-mail I received from Neil last night what does it all mean. I could care less about coming in your store the only reason I did was because of Angie along with alot of other people that use to buy feeders from you. Also I did not promise I would fix your a/c I said I would try and stop by to look at it that was before all this sh*t I found out you were saying.

You can think what you want I really don't care, if I was guilty I guess I would be in jail now wouldn't I be Oh yea the same thing goes for Dave if he was guilty he would also be in Jail.
Why would I corroberate Julies story if it isn't true. It's called I love Dave and he won't take me back so i'll try and screw him and before you ask yes I was here when The final break up took place because it happened here. so if this dosen't help clear thing up with all of you I don't know what to tell you.

Sorry its so long but im tired of people using my name and they have no reason too
Old 08-13-2002, 09:02 PM   #104
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I was informed that i was the one who did the burgerly with Dave</td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'>

Not by Det gleaton but other people
Old 08-13-2002, 11:25 PM   #105
Julie saw the snakes that Dave loaded as you were all heading to the Raleigh show. She knows who they belonged to, where they had been hidden and who they were sold to. She also had proof. As for the break up, she left him, not vice versa. If this were not true, why did she have to get a restraining order out on Dave, in 2 counties? (Like several other people have had to do.) Because he was staulking, calling her work, calling her apartment complex, etc. You were with him at Raleigh. Didn't he sell a salmon boa to the guy set up next to him? It was kept hidden under the table until the show was almost over. She came forward with the information to get a lenient sentence, the authorities go easier on the one that will give up the information. She felt it was just a matter of time before law enforcement found out about it anyway.

You know, you sound an aweful lot like Dave. Why did you bring up a green truck? To get Lyman into this mix? You've been to Dave's? Tell us about the breeding facility, the white bus? What kind of investigator would actually tell you if you were in fact a suspect? Not a good one!
Got anything to say to me, you know where I live, you know my number. And Dave DID call me and tell me he had a 9 foot burm, because in YOUR words: he sold the 13 foot abp.
Old 08-13-2002, 11:30 PM   #106
Hi Jenny,
&nbsp;Can you elaborate on this...
&nbsp;"She came forward with the information to get a lenient sentence, the authorities go easier on the one that will give up the information. She felt it was just a matter of time before law enforcement found out about it anyway."

&nbsp;Maybe I missed something, if you can, please explain....
Old 08-14-2002, 12:04 AM   #107
Dave Lawson
Yes Jenny please do tell.I did ask her to pack up and leave and boy did she leave with my baby balls,burms,some dragons and savannahs.Then she move into someone elses home and they ask her to leave.Then the fun started and she told the police a staory and they checked it out and found no truth to the story.

I was wondering about something,who started the story of me having a 13' abp for sale anyway.What person was the first to mention it in this thread? not me. Has anyone seen a ad I posted saying I had one for sale? No Where are all these pet store owners that say I have offered a 13' abp to them?

People keep saying post the proof that I have one for sale and I keep saying that I do not have one for sale.I was ask to find one by a wholesaller he wanted a 16' The one I found was more then he wanted to pay so I did not get it and that is that.
But Mr. Gubitz keeps insisting that I have offered it to everyone in Tampa but he still post no names and none of them are here saying I did.

The only thing that I ask is to please don't convict me until Neil presents some kind of proof I think that is my right.Everytime something happens Mr. Gubitz is quick to say I did it and the same 2 or 3 people chim in.The cops have a video tape of the people doing one of the robberies and Neil said that it is very telling don't you think that if it were me I would be arrested by now?

Now I have been ask why I go to the Detectives when my name is mentioned? I can answer it simply,I believe in going to the horses mouth so when I hear Detective so and so is investigating me I call him.What is posted on this forum is only the tip of the iceburg for the past 4 months or so the same 3 people have been trying to start crap for me here in Tampa.How many people have received a privite message, e-mail of prone call from Mr. Gubitz talking trash about me?

For right now I am going to leave this mess alone and let everyone have their fun.
Old 08-14-2002, 12:08 AM   #108
Darin Chappell
Here's my problem with this whole mess -- It involves about six or seven people who all live and work in the same area. &nbsp;At least two of them are beyond my trust completely. &nbsp;The others are all on the side of one or the other of those I find untrustworthy (which causes me to question their statements as well), and all we still have from BOTH sides is "he said, she said!" &nbsp;Are we really spinning into the abyss of who it was that broke up with whom?!? &nbsp;What is this 7th grade for crying out loud?

Most of us have no idea who any of you are in real life, and there is no way for any of us to know for certain who is telling the truth. &nbsp;Of course that's why reputations built on complete honesty and forthright behavior are so precious to us. &nbsp;Both of the main characters in this ongoing garbage party have blown their credibility in my estimation, so any further questioning based upon the idea that "we have to get the dishonest people out of the industry" is moot unless that means both people get jobs at Mickey D's tomorrow.

What really cracks me up is all of the people who are taking one side or the other, calling the dreaded enemy a liar, sticking up for "the right side" and putting their own reputations on the line in the process. &nbsp;Some of you may really know these people involved, but if you would honestly look at all of the information available on the BOI, after about three years' worth of reading you'd have to agree that both people have lied, twisted, misrepresented, and slaughtered the truth on multiple occasions.

Speaking of old sayings involving dogs, how does that one go? &nbsp;Dog bites me once, shame on him; dog bites me twice shame on me? &nbsp;Yeah, something like that!
Old 08-14-2002, 12:22 AM   #109
Neil Gubitz
Well, Dave, here you go again....answering a question with another question....I did notice, however, that you "conveniently" didn't even mention the Albino Boa in that mini diatribe of you really think this "I don't know what's going on", "why's everybody picking on me", "naive" attitude is fooling anybody?

Personally...I think you know darn well that it was MY Salmon Boa you had under your table at the Raleigh show!...ya know...the one that was STOLEN in my latest burglary? Or is that a figment of everyone's imagination, too?

Why don't you just answer the question about where you got the ALBINO BOA?? And I'll be happy to leave you alone! ....Neil
Old 08-14-2002, 07:42 AM   #110
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Why don't you just answer the question about where you got the ALBINO BOA?? And I'll be happy to leave you alone! ....Neil
</td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'>

sh!t how about another question....
where did you get that salmon boa?

Hey Dave.... I do not know who did what to whom with what instrument and what store....
But I do know this. &nbsp;Everytime a break in occurs...rumors of you having an animal just like the stolen animal surfaces.

Not only that...

But it seems everytime a break in are in the middle of it all pointing fingers at everyone else.

I will give you an example.

Neil's break in. &nbsp;Of course Neil is going to be discussed....because it was his store...but there you were in the middle of it all.

Now peg's break in.....There you are in the middle of it all...AGAIN

Seems everyone in Tampa is looking at you. and maybe pointing to you....
Welp everyone except your "VERY GOOD" friend Jason.

I guess starting this thread backfired on you.
So if I were you....I would just disappear.
at least for a little while

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