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FaunaClassifieds Site HELP & Feedback Forum Anything of a nature concerning this website, moderators, admin, or anything having to do with how it is being run, should go here. Criticism is welcome, but abusive antagonism is not. THIS IS NOT THE FORUM FOR FEEDBACK CONCERNING BUYERS AND SELLERS! Such posts are ONLY allowed as replies to classified ads posted by the specific member involved in a specific issue with you.

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Old 06-10-2010, 12:22 AM   #111
Originally Posted by TripleMoonsExotic View Post
As far as the screenshots of the chat...

Doesn't Rich have chat transcripts? I remember when their was a stink about something going on in the chat on Cornsnakes.com Rich was able to pull the transcripts, review it, and bring the hammer down on a few members.
Actually no, I do not capture logs from the chat. In the incident you are referring to over on CornSnakes.com, someone else sent me that transcript that they had captured themselves while in chat at the time. Interestingly enough, one of the members I brought the hammer down on was the one who sent me that transcript.

The chat software does have the capability of capturing logs, which I did have enabled years ago, but it was filling up server space QUICKLY, and really didn't serve any useful purpose, so it was disabled a long time ago.
Old 06-10-2010, 12:30 AM   #112
Originally Posted by WebSlave View Post
Actually no, I do not capture logs from the chat. In the incident you are referring to over on CornSnakes.com, someone else sent me that transcript that they had captured themselves while in chat at the time. Interestingly enough, one of the members I brought the hammer down on was the one who sent me that transcript.

The chat software does have the capability of capturing logs, which I did have enabled years ago, but it was filling up server space QUICKLY, and really didn't serve any useful purpose, so it was disabled a long time ago.
Ooooo, ok. Thanks. It was a while ago and I couldn't remember exactly what happened.
Old 06-10-2010, 01:00 AM   #113
Originally Posted by Dennis Hultman View Post
Excuse me? I disagreed with your wording and took issue with a point you made. After your explanation, I had a better understanding of the point you were making but just disagreed with it. I didn't bring your name up in any regards. I commented on a post you made that I was puzzled by.
Dennis, I responded to this via the PM you sent me as I saw that first. I hope with my response, you see more of what I mean rather than how it maybe have come off in this thread. Feel free to post it should you feel the need to.
Old 06-10-2010, 01:13 AM   #114
Originally Posted by StrictlyExotics View Post
As for your comment on "buying everything up" I won TWO auctions. How do you consider that buying everything up? Maybe had you won two auctions out of almost 50, you would consider that buying everything up, but I sure dont. Why dont you just admit that you are STILL upset that I beat you at the buzzer on the shirts. I am sure you dont care that I won a couple of Geckos that cost me 160.00.
You know, this whole attacking Dean is just getting old... unless you have PROOF that he's done something wrong, can those that have a vendetta against him back off??? Personally, there are people in this industry/hobby/field that I dislike or disagree with, and I guess it's fair game to involve them in whatever is convenient??

Even during the auctions, people were warning me against Dean, that he was just "bidding things up" and wasn't serious... um... first of all, Dean and I were in constant contact THROUGHOUT the auctions. For the auction that went for $1000, that was the minimum that Rick wanted it to go for, and I was prepared to spend at least that for the snake and for Maggie. Dean was also interested in the snake, so it was a legitimate bidding war. Because some people thought he was insincere, he got PM's saying so, I got PM's saying so, and I even got KARMA stating so.... So WHAT if it was being bidded up??? So, because he helped bid the snake up, Maggie was going to get extra money... I fail to see what's wrong with that situation???? Dean would have won said auction if I hadn't been a vulture, waiting to outbid everyone... we all have our priorities mixed up here

Originally Posted by Kaiyudsai View Post
Finally..... something that makes sense

The money is gone...... they will never pay it back.......
This whole mess is just getting out of hand.......
Make sure you have kids, and you teach them that lesson, k? when things go wrong, just give up, it's easier.

Because they spent the money, and don't have it to pay back, we're supposed to just let this go????
Old 06-10-2010, 01:19 AM   #115
Originally Posted by kmrkvicka View Post
You know, this whole attacking Dean is just getting old... unless you have PROOF that he's done something wrong, can those that have a vendetta against him back off??? Personally, there are people in this industry/hobby/field that I dislike or disagree with, and I guess it's fair game to involve them in whatever is convenient??

Even during the auctions, people were warning me against Dean, that he was just "bidding things up" and wasn't serious... um... first of all, Dean and I were in constant contact THROUGHOUT the auctions. For the auction that went for $1000, that was the minimum that Rick wanted it to go for, and I was prepared to spend at least that for the snake and for Maggie. Dean was also interested in the snake, so it was a legitimate bidding war. Because some people thought he was insincere, he got PM's saying so, I got PM's saying so, and I even got KARMA stating so.... So WHAT if it was being bidded up??? So, because he helped bid the snake up, Maggie was going to get extra money... I fail to see what's wrong with that situation???? Dean would have won said auction if I hadn't been a vulture, waiting to outbid everyone... we all have our priorities mixed up here

Make sure you have kids, and you teach them that lesson, k? when things go wrong, just give up, it's easier.

Because they spent the money, and don't have it to pay back, we're supposed to just let this go????
LoL Katie, I am still upset I didnt get ONE of those boas, preferably "Son of Sam". Needless to say, the wife was MORE than happy I didnt win but had I won at anytime, the Wise's would have had more of my money and less of yours.
Old 06-10-2010, 02:03 AM   #116
I do want to clear one thing up brought to my attention... Not for one minute did I ever think, or feel, like Dennis was implying that I was somehow involved. What I meant when I brought up his name was that I felt it fueled some peoples fire regarding me, like Christina for example.

I want to also state that I have NO ill will towards Dennis, Deborah, or Brian and would hope that other people follow in my footsteps as well. All that they tried to do is/was try to help people get the money due them. Honestly, if I felt that I could convince Christina to pay the monies owed via a private chat, I would have done so myself.

I may have handled it a little differently, but that is neither here nor there. The Wise's have been banned from Fauna and I applaud Webslave for doing that. I am personally letting this drop and I will no longer let it affect me. All I want out of this is for the Wise's to go down for what they did. I dont want anyone to take my side, feel pity for me, or be mad at the parties (other than the Wise's) involved. There is NO sense in the division of all of us members over something we are all on the same side about.

Please, I beg everyone here, to just let it go and leave it where it lies. No one has put me up to this except myself. This has been hard enough on Rick, Maggie, and their families so for their sake, lets let it go and focus on the problem at hand.

Brian and/or Deborah, should it become MORE than what it was (or is) I trust that it will end up in the BOI should it need to be right?
Old 06-10-2010, 02:11 AM   #117
Originally Posted by StrictlyExotics View Post
Brian and/or Deborah, should it become MORE than what it was (or is) I trust that it will end up in the BOI should it need to be right?
Originally Posted by WebSlave View Post
So let me make this easy on everyone. Now that Christina has been banned from this site, any messages from her via a third person are no longer welcomed to be posted here.
I don't think it is going to end up on the BOI.
Old 06-10-2010, 03:13 AM   #118
This thread has accomplished absolutely nothing positive in fact it deflected what the subject was about "Jeff & Christina Wise".

Lets get back on track people.
Old 06-10-2010, 03:39 AM   #119
Ummm - Steve.....this isn't the BOI thread. It was here to address a specific issue, so it didn't further disrupt that thread. I think it accomplished that goal as well as could be expected.
Old 06-10-2010, 03:51 AM   #120
Originally Posted by hhmoore View Post
Ummm - Steve.....this isn't the BOI thread. It was here to address a specific issue, so it didn't further disrupt that thread. I think it accomplished that goal as well as could be expected.
I know it was advised to start this thread here so not to disrupt the BOI thread but I haven't seen anything constructive in this thread, and IMO it was more disruptive than anything. Better here than the BOI thread but what a waste of energy.

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