Info Ashley Caspillo-SakaraGT4/Sakara *Possible Buyer Beware!* - Page 15 - FaunaClassifieds
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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 12-09-2010, 09:31 AM   #141
Mites haven't been shown to be present in all collections where IBD was present, therefore mites aren't the ONLY mode of transmission.
Old 12-09-2010, 09:46 AM   #142
Thumbs up

It is not 100% on any finding on how IBD is transfered. The one thing we can all agree on is that if you find IBD syptoms or have what you believe to be a case of IBD in your collection you should lock your snake your down until you can prove to be clear. Don't assume it is all right and keep buying and selling snakes. That is reckless and indangers a lot of of collections that are just trying find another good snake for their collection. I agree is sucks we have to be worried about such a horrible disease but the fact remains it is present and we need to do everything we can to stop the spread of it as well as offer any and all research to figure out how to control or eliminate this horrible disease.
Old 12-09-2010, 09:51 AM   #143
oh yeah i know. my point was, i distinguishing my points of transmission vs. contagious methods of acquisition.

i do know that mites cannot and are not ruled out as a potential method of transmission. mainly for the fact that, we do not know if the snakes that have been infected have never been exposed to mites prior to showing signs. meaning, if we have a collection and a new snake is brought in, that is 6 months later shown to have ibd (via convincing lab results), even though the snake was mite free from the time brought into collection, to the time it died, what we dont know is, had that snake ever been treated before for mites at anytime in the past. unfortunately, most sellers (especially flippers) get snakes in, treat them for mites quickly and get them sold as soon as possible to make room for the next one.
thats my point, there are too many variables and unknowns (as of right now) to say anything for certain.

whats the incubation period ? to my knowledge, we dont know that either. i know there are at least a couple studies that have been done in controlled environments where a snake that has ibd symptoms and was tested consistent with ibd through liver biopsy, that was put into a collection of burmese and ball pythons and other boas, over a 1 year period (i belive) and not every snake of each species contracted it. the boa that tested positive was mite free at the time.

so, is all incubation period, is it contagious by contact, is it contagious by breeding then passed on to offspring, is contracted by "third party" host (ie, snake mite)?

these are all things that are known yet fully.
Old 12-09-2010, 09:53 AM   #144
and to add, i do believe that if a lab report from submitted tissue comes back, sample analysis is consistent with ibd, i believe that that animal has it and all proper actions should be taken with the rest of that collection (should there be one).
Old 12-09-2010, 10:19 AM   #145
Originally Posted by reticguy76 View Post
and to add, i do believe that if a lab report from submitted tissue comes back, sample analysis is consistent with ibd, i believe that that animal has it and all proper actions should be taken with the rest of that collection (should there be one).
Agreed wholeheartedly.
Old 12-09-2010, 06:36 PM   #146
Your words Ryan...

"im still not fully sold that it is "truely contagious" "

My words...Contagious.
By contagious, I mean something that spreads rapidly. I believe that's how it's used medically as well, although with bigger words involved. Be it the flu, laughter, or IBD, they are contagious, they can spread, and they can spread fast.

Why else would we agree so much on the precautions and measures you must take if you suspect or know it's in your collection? And for the most part, not all of it, I agree with what you have said. Just figured being in the vet field for so long, you woulda known the word.

Anyway, I've had 3 very good friends that have had to destroy their collections due to IBD, and how quickly and easily it spread to uninfected animals. Hell, BW Smith practices better quarantine then some vet clinics I've seen, and it got by him, and infected his whole collection save one animal!

I'll have to stick with definitely contagious.
Old 12-09-2010, 07:27 PM   #147
With all due respect to the nature of the conversation, and it's relativity to the thread, I think things are straying too far from the topic of this thread. The BOI is not the place for an in depth discussion of IBD.
Old 12-09-2010, 10:48 PM   #148
Anyway, I've had 3 very good friends that have had to destroy their collections due to IBD, and how quickly and easily it spread to uninfected animals. Hell, BW Smith practices better quarantine then some vet clinics I've seen, and it got by him, and infected his whole collection save one animal!
I remember reading about BW's experience, and his, as well as Adrya's cases are what has driven me to start this thread. I think we all know SOMEONE who has managed to unwittingly purchase a less-than ideally healthy animal.

I'll admit I was upset when I first learned there was a report indicating IBD and all the evidence to show QT was lax, and Ashley was conducting business as usual.
I originally chalked it up to ignorance, assuming she just didn't realize the seriousness of the situation.

At this point, I feel it's relatively safe to say she's been adequately informed, and IMO it's inexcusable to continue the sales/breeding projects, and act like there's no problem on an assumption.
Maybe there isn't IBD. I really hope not..if there IS, there could be a LOT to answer for.

Since she seems to have no intentions of removing ads, is still proceeding with breeding, and intending to vend at shows, the only thing I suppose that can be done, is to direct people here and let them make their own decisions.
Old 12-09-2010, 11:14 PM   #149
ummmm... I did remove ads? If I missed any somewhere then I must have forgot I posted them elsewhere... and I already said I pulled all my breedings? and obviously won't be vending since I don't have any breedings now... So yea... If I missed one, I'll have to see where it was
Old 12-09-2010, 11:19 PM   #150
and also... IF I should be canceling all my breedings and such, as I have, and going to be testing my animals and Kyle's animals when Dr. Jacobson's student comes back in January, should Yvonne not do the same? She is still breeding her animals with the intent to sell them this year... So I feel it's only fair to make notice of that as well... I mean, if I'm in the "spot light" shouldn't she be as well since her animals were with mine and breeding with mine? I don't know if that should be a separate thread or not? But just pointing that out there

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