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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 04-15-2008, 06:39 PM   #141
forwarding information

Originally Posted by Dan Scolaro
The buyer was justified to be concerned of IBD, although consultation indicated that it was more likely that one snake clung to the other and unfortunately strangled it a bit.

IBD cells would be present if one snake strangled another snake, and as expected, the report did show IBD cells.

Despite live arrival and the other animals were healthy and continued to show proper health, the customer was provide an immediate cash refund for more than half the purchase despite the snake arrived alive.

The snake that caused the strangluation never showed any sign of IBD nor has any from the same litter and it has been months, so a disease can be ruled out. However, if it were indeed a true case of a disease, the buyer was well informed he would be compensation. But as is the case, it was not a disease, and it has been months, and the issue is closed.

Dan made the above post (about a different transaction, with a different customer) in the thread he started about the OP of this one...I thought it might better serve the inquiring readers if it was in a thread about Dan.

Dan, are you really trying to claim that the IBD found in that boa was caused by its being strangled by a snake it was packaged with?? (Remember, you already stated in the above post that the report DID show IBD)
Old 04-15-2008, 06:49 PM   #142
Jim O

Perhaps you can point us to some scientific literature to back up your claim that "IBD cells would be present if one snake strangled another snake, and as expected, the report did show IBD cells.".
Old 04-15-2008, 06:56 PM   #143
Once again I'll submit this for a background for those of us that are not familiar with IBD
Inclusion Body Disease (IBD) of Boid Snakes:
Boa constrictors and several species of pythons are most commonly affected by IBD. Boas are considered to be the normal host for this retrovirus because so many (up to 50% of those tested) are infected and they can harbor the virus for years without symptoms. Early symptoms, possibly precipitated by any factor causing immune suppression, include a history of unthriftiness, anorexia, weight loss, secondary bacterial infections, poor wound healing, dermal necrosis, and regurgitation. In essence, IBD should be considered in every sick boa. Typical findings in the acute phase of the disease include leukocytosis and a normal chemistry panel. As the disease progresses, white cell counts tend to decline to subnormal levels. Blood chemistry results are variable depending on how debilitated and dehydrated the boa becomes, but organ damage may appear. As the disease becomes chronic, some boas will exhibit neurologic symptoms ranging from mild facial tics and abnormal tongue flicking to failure of the snake to right itself when placed in dorsal recumbency and severe seizures.
Pythons are thought to be an abnormal host to the IBD retrovirus because the course of disease is more acute and neurologic symptoms more profound. In most pythons the acute symptoms that boas exhibit will be missed, and they will be presented with severe neurologic disease. While the active disease can linger for months or more in boas, most pythons die within days or weeks of the onset of clinical signs.
Exposure to this retrovirus appears to be due to a transfer of body fluids. Breeding, fight wounds, and fecal/oral contamination are common ways of transfer. Casual handling of an infected specimen and then a normal specimen does not appear to create enough viral exposure to cause infection. However, any immunocompromised reptile may be susceptible under the right circumstances. The snake mite is assumed to be responsible for the spread of the virus in large, well-maintained collections.
A tentative diagnosis is based on the history and clinical signs. Blood work will vary depending on the stage of the disease, but few diseases in snakes will cause such elevated white cell counts in the early stages. On blood smears, inclusion bodies are frequently found in the cytoplasm of leukocytes. One strain (3 strains have been isolated) of the virus frequently produces inclusion bodies in the cytoplasm of erythrocytes. The inclusion bodies are highly suggestive, but not 100% reliable. A definitive diagnosis is obtained via biopsy of internal tissues in which the characteristic inclusion bodies are found, eg, the liver, kidney, esophageal tonsils, and stomach. An ELISA is being developed.
IBD is not curable, and many clients may choose euthanasia. However, individuals may elect to isolate their snakes and treat with supportive and palliative measures. It is essential to educate clients not to sell infected specimens or their offspring, as this has caused the disease to spread worldwide.
Old 04-15-2008, 07:16 PM   #144
Mooing Tricycle
Just Reposting my post on the appropriate thread now.

Dan, I Seriously hope you have had your animals tested for IBD if in fact the buyer DID get a vet report that confirmed the presence of IBD. IBD dosnt just randomly appear because a snake killed another. it is a DEADLY disease that has destroyed MANY collections and is highly infectious * right word?*!

You dont SEE IBD until it is too late, and in boas * not sure about pythons* it can remain hidden for a decent amount of time. Ask ANYONE who has had this disease within their collection before, its not something you skirt around and make excuses for!

I am concerned for all the people who have gotten animals from you, and who they do business with too, unknowingly possibly passing this on to others! this is NOT some stupid joke! this is peoples livelihoods and lifetime long commitments/collections.....
Old 04-15-2008, 07:23 PM   #145
wow Dan! forget talking abot my skinks!!! This issue is way more improtant.

The last thhing I have to say is this: Dan I will send back the skinks for $675.00 +shipping....Do you agree? Peace to you and your family. I hope you get your reptile problems (IBD) figuered out.

The OP Luc Cauthorn
Old 04-15-2008, 07:54 PM   #146
critical bill
Several people have PMed me to ask for the documentation. I have placed this information, email, photos, vet report, in one other persons hands who is a member here on fauna for verification purposes only. If you doubt what I posted is true and accurate you contact Alicia Holmes - MooingTricycle and ask her to confirm that what I posted is the truth.

No offense to anyone else that has asked for the info, but I was asked to keep this confidential and I have so far betrayed that trust. That doesn't make me feel good but I did it for the right reasons as I'm sure you all can see that. This is a very serious situation considering the volume of business Dan has claimed to have done annually (2,000+ sales) and I think Dan needs to do a great deal of explaining to do to a great many of his customers with some very legitimate concerns.

Alicia, if you get a chance, please confirm what I sent you as true and accurate as I presented it to be on the other thread involving Dan. Thank you so much for looking it over.
Old 04-15-2008, 07:55 PM   #147
critical bill
Hey Dingle Berry, I see your reading. Youre up next pal!
Old 04-15-2008, 08:05 PM   #148
Dan Scolaro
There was no disease to transmit. The snake that strangled the other turned out great and healthy as the other when it was shipped.

Great snakes, quaility service. What else can you ask for.

Old 04-15-2008, 09:13 PM   #149
I guess I will consider myself one of the ill directed idiots, Dan, since I brought your quote back to this thread. Now, I don't know you from Adam, and I generally stay out of these things on the BOI...but if you (everyone) will humor me for just a moment, I'd like to clarify something. Dan, if you would, please take a look at exerpts from 3 of your recent posts...noting the highlighted comments.
Originally Posted by Dan Scolaro(in the other thread
E2M: Wrong again on the shipping as the pet shop repacked the stuff. Neat virus information though. Proves the snake did not have any diseases to transmit. Thanks but I knew it anyway.
Originally Posted by Dan Scolaro (a few minutes later, in this thread)
There was no disease to transmit. The snake that strangled the other turned out great and healthy as the other when it was shipped.

Great snakes, quaility service. What else can you ask for.

Originally Posted by Dan Scolaro (just a short time later, again, in the other thread)
What else do you want me to say?

The snake squeezed the other snake and that was all. Those ill directed comments by the other idiots are fooling no one. There was no disease transmitted or disease in the first place, so what is your problem?
I guess it is the idiot in me that doesn't let me understand, since YOU were also the one that said
Originally Posted by Dan Scolaro
The buyer was justified to be concerned of IBD, although consultation indicated that it was more likely that one snake clung to the other and unfortunately strangled it a bit.

IBD cells would be present if one snake strangled another snake, and as expected, the report did show IBD cells.
You followed with this
Originally Posted by Dan Scolaro
Strangled means the one snake clung onto the other apparently squeezing it tightly and almost demised it during shipping. And am not sure how their bodies adjust to produce such cells but it obviously did despite the one doing the choking and the others from that litter never showed any diseases.
So, you started out saying that the report did show IBD, then said that you don't know how those (IBD) cells are produced...THEN, you insist that there was never any disease - not once, but 3 times in under an hour.
Which time(s) were you lying?

(please understand that I don't think any of us bought your suggestion that IBD was caused by the boa being strangled in transit - that kind of stupidity is enough to cause most of us to write you off, even without the other nonsense)
Old 04-15-2008, 10:04 PM   #150
Chuck (Liar, Coward) Kimmel,
Bring it on!


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