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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 11-19-2008, 11:22 AM   #1551
Originally Posted by deborahbroadus View Post
I wouldn't touch the set up, and more so would not touch it if someone was running it that exhibited that amount of lack of judgment to continue supporting David after everything he did.

The ones that were supporting him and didn't see what he was doing as stealing...if they were to take over the Reptster website, I would STILL stay away from it.

I can understand someone feeling loyalty to a particular forum (we all know how family-like they can become) or even to the original concept of Reptster. But to continue blindly supporting the man behind the idea, even after the rotten core is exposed.... It doesn't look good.

And even if that weren't an issue...anyone taking over Reptster is going to inherit a serious debt of credibility and trust in the community, at the very least....and likely some very real debts from creditors. I haven't heard, but would not be surprised in the least to find out that FedEx is not the only one after David for monies owed in the name of Reptster.

Anyone wanting to pursue this would be wise to start from scratch with their own good name and build their own bridges with companies like FedEx and UPS. Yes, it'd be a long, hard haul to start from scratch on an endeavor like this....but taking over Reptster would be worse than starting from'd be starting from like.... -1000.
Old 11-19-2008, 11:31 AM   #1552
Double LY
I don't know Gerry from Adam, but he seems to have a pretty good head on his shoulders and willing to be upfront about the entire mess. I'm interested to see if there was EVER an agreement with FedEx or if there was/is ANYTHING anything in the works with UPS. My personal belief remains that David had no contracts with anyone and FedEx dropped him because he was violating their terms by being a third-party shipper. I also believe he heard through the grapevine about UPS negotiating with others and played that card giving him some time while he hoped to fade quietly into the woodwork, remaining a decent businessman to all the "sheeple" that still remain loyal to him.

Gerry has posted that he knows of $1500 - $2000 owed to people on the site. This includes the Reptile Radio banner/stand and a "handful" of people who are owed for cancelled FedEx shipments. Before ANYONE decides to jump in and "save" Reptster, they better make sure they have some deep pockets. Who knows how many people have attempted to communicate with David regarding overcharges/refunds due and received no response? If Reptster gets taken over by someone else, any of those people can come to the new owner demanding the same. What if the suspicious credit card activity that has been posted here is due to the lack of security on the Reptster site? What if said activity continues after the site is transferred to a new owner? Will people even think about David Young in a few months/year from now or will the finger get pointed to the new owner?

This just seems like WAY too big of a gamble to me. If someone else wants to create a third-party shipping site, more power to them. However, I believe the "Reptster" name/site should be allowed to die. In my opinion, there's just too much baggage and bad reputation to overcome.
Old 11-19-2008, 02:19 PM   #1553
Originally Posted by Double LY View Post
I don't know Gerry from Adam, but he seems to have a pretty good head on his shoulders and willing to be upfront about the entire mess. I'm interested to see if there was EVER an agreement with FedEx or if there was/is ANYTHING anything in the works with UPS. My personal belief remains that David had no contracts with anyone and FedEx dropped him because he was violating their terms by being a third-party shipper. I also believe he heard through the grapevine about UPS negotiating with others and played that card giving him some time while he hoped to fade quietly into the woodwork, remaining a decent businessman to all the "sheeple" that still remain loyal to him.

Gerry has posted that he knows of $1500 - $2000 owed to people on the site. This includes the Reptile Radio banner/stand and a "handful" of people who are owed for cancelled FedEx shipments. Before ANYONE decides to jump in and "save" Reptster, they better make sure they have some deep pockets. Who knows how many people have attempted to communicate with David regarding overcharges/refunds due and received no response? If Reptster gets taken over by someone else, any of those people can come to the new owner demanding the same. What if the suspicious credit card activity that has been posted here is due to the lack of security on the Reptster site? What if said activity continues after the site is transferred to a new owner? Will people even think about David Young in a few months/year from now or will the finger get pointed to the new owner?

This just seems like WAY too big of a gamble to me. If someone else wants to create a third-party shipping site, more power to them. However, I believe the "Reptster" name/site should be allowed to die. In my opinion, there's just too much baggage and bad reputation to overcome.

Old 11-19-2008, 02:23 PM   #1554
Looks like Gerry made up his mind...


Joined: 14 Mar 2008
Posts: 1864
Location: So FL
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 1:06 pm Post subject: I must apologize as this will be my last post on this site. I will not be taking any part of Reptster nor do I want to be associated with it at this time. Good luck to everyone!

As mentioned in my "Last day as Admin thread"....this has nothing to do with the members here as you all have been great! I could not ask for a better group of friends!

If anyone wants to contact me they can reach me at:
Old 11-19-2008, 05:35 PM   #1555
Southern Wolf
it would be interesting to know what he found out..... must have been something... since he was semi considering taking on the site. This is just a guess on my part.... but Id be willing to bet David couldnt produce the contracts with UPS or FedX.

This however is prob the best thing he can do.... which is distance himself from David/RIPster..... He seems to really have a head on his shoulders... it would be a shame for the crap that is stuck to RIPster then gets flung onto him.
Old 11-19-2008, 07:17 PM   #1556
critical bill
You'd really have to be dead from the neck up to even consider that the place could be salvaged.

Repster is dead. David Young is full of dung. Rest In Peace-ster.
Old 11-19-2008, 07:22 PM   #1557
Suncoast Herpetological
The fact that he has not made a post on his own site in 3 weeks should definitely tell you something.

I guess it's official...Repster's Dead.
Old 11-19-2008, 07:33 PM   #1558
Actually, I am flabbergasted that something like this could have happened in just two months. There HAS to be a lot more to this then any of us really know at this point.
Old 11-19-2008, 08:50 PM   #1559
Originally Posted by WebSlave View Post
Actually, I am flabbergasted that something like this could have happened in just two months. There HAS to be a lot more to this then any of us really know at this point.
I totally agree, especially in light of the fact that Reptster was up until recently bragging about their great service system with Fedex and then all of a sudden, Fedex is considered a terrible carrier just because of a reported few random incidents. Obviously this was all just a smoke screen to cover what the real issue is, something we may never know the depths of.

I think it's safe to say that several of us don't believe at all that Reptster dropped Fedex and in fact that it was the other way around. Considering the fact that there are still people that have paid for shipping through Reptster and have had their packages declined by Fedex logically would mean that Reptster was receiving the initial payments and then paying (or not paying) their Fedex shipping bill once a month or whatever cycle they might have been on. If Fedex was indeed refusing packages under Reptsters account because it had gone delinquent on paying it's bills, how long would it take for Fedex to wait for that account to have accumulated charges before actually suspending it?

Let us hypothetically state that Reptster was on a once a month billing cycle with Fedex and that Fedex would suspend a delinquent account after 60 days (if someone could clarify this, I would love to know the specifics) of non-payment. Now lets assume, using lowball figures, that Reptster was shipping 1,000 packages a month for $35 each. That's $35,000 a month x 2 for a total of $70,000 in Davids pocket. That's an awful lot of money in just a 2 month period and for lowball figures. So, we're still left asking, why did Fedex suspend his account and if it was for money owed, just how much money are we talking about?

Which then begs the question, if David is just packing it in and calling it quits, when now after all this hype over UPS? There were lots of claims being made that there were programmers working on the new software to use UPS and empty promises over the last several weeks on Reptster's site about UPS coming online only to be further delayed. But again, why all of the hype if David is so quick to pack it in so quickly?

I'll be honest here. While I do not know if this has anything remotely at all to do with this latest turn of events, I contacted my Fedex rep and talked to him at length about the growing need for reptile shipping and the conversation then turned to his interest in all of the reptile forums and how large the industry really is. At one point, Reptster was brought up and I emailed him links to several different forums including the BOI to enlighten him and his peers on the situation as we are exposed to it. Could it be that this information was passed on higher up within Fedex and immediate action was taken against Reptster and somehow inadvertently caused UPS to see the risks associated with doing business with Reptster causing them to terminate whatever dealings they might have also had? Of course this is all conjecture, but seeing how everything that has happened with Reptster has happened so quickly amidst a myriad of disenfranchised customers and so many deceptive lies, I really don't find it all that hard to swallow.

I'm just happy that Gerry (sssnakes), who really seems to be an upfront and honest guy, has finally decided against taking on Davids problems by acquiring Reptster. Considering that Gerry has been publicly advising people about the current status on Reptster, and even prior to this meltdown, telling people to get their own Fedex certification, I'm sure that's put a thorn in Davids side. No wonder he offered Reptster to Gerry, to burn the last guy that was trying to help the customers that David has been screwing over. I'm curious about the legal ramifications should anybody take over Reptster while possibly in collections with Fedex. I would assume that David could possibly walk away clean leaving that mess to the new owner. If that's the case, then that sums up what a scumbag David has been all along.

But there's just one more little thing that kind of interests me. If David is wanting to get out of reptiles completely according to Gerry (ssscales), was this something that basically happened overnight in Davids mental frame of mind? Did he just get so burned out trying to screw people and getting fingered out that he just didn't want to deal with it anymore? If so, then why did he bother buying Tom Pecanic's BRB's? Was he just buying these snakes to resell them to gain extra money?

To be honest, prior to ever hearing about Reptster, I've never heard of David Young. Has he been into reptiles or the industry prior to this whole Reptster debacle? If so, does anybody know the specifics? Or did David just wander into this industry seeing a potential to pull off a scam and then take the money and run which seems to be the modus operandi at this moment. I'm really curious about David's background prior to Reptster.
Old 11-19-2008, 08:55 PM   #1560
Dennis Hultman
Originally Posted by deborahbroadus View Post
I wouldn't touch the set up, and more so would not touch it if someone was running it that exhibited that amount of lack of judgment to continue supporting David after everything he did.

The ones that were supporting him and didn't see what he was doing as stealing...if they were to take over the Reptster website, I would STILL stay away from it.
Originally Posted by JudyC View Post

I can understand someone feeling loyalty to a particular forum (we all know how family-like they can become) or even to the original concept of Reptster. But to continue blindly supporting the man behind the idea, even after the rotten core is exposed.... It doesn't look good.

And even if that weren't an issue...anyone taking over Reptster is going to inherit a serious debt of credibility and trust in the community, at the very least....and likely some very real debts from creditors. I haven't heard, but would not be surprised in the least to find out that FedEx is not the only one after David for monies owed in the name of Reptster.

Anyone wanting to pursue this would be wise to start from scratch with their own good name and build their own bridges with companies like FedEx and UPS. Yes, it'd be a long, hard haul to start from scratch on an endeavor like this....but taking over Reptster would be worse than starting from'd be starting from like.... -1000.
I have had many conversations with Gerry the last few weeks and I would have been willing to stick my own neck out and support him and reptster if David was removed and Gerry received what he asked for in the takeover. I don't offer my support frequently or lightly.

As I'm sure Kelly can tell you he was trying to help with her situation from the beginning. He has been trying to help with the banner return to BT and Larry.
He has been trying to help return the funds to the customers that received nothing. All from someone who has no control over the actual shipping activities, software or funds.

He was very upfront with his posts and in my conversations with him that full disclosure of contracts and getting everyone taken care of ASAP if he were take the site over. Nothing hidden from the public. I believe him to be an honest, trusting person that was mislead and then taken advantage of.

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