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Old 06-03-2006, 01:25 AM   #151
Originally Posted by WebSlave
I take it you read the rest of this thread. Are you saying that if those people said those things to and about you, and you were in my shoes, you would just allow them to stay?

Well as much as I know most of the people who were banned , are really good people. Im gonna have to go with Rich on this one.

This is HIS site , whether you like it or not. I do think he had a very good reason to do so. Like he said , put yourself in his shoes.

Rich , this might be irrelevant, but I have to say it , whether it gets me banned or not:

Do something about Lucille

This lady is the biggest hypocript I have ever seen , deleting peoples post of a certain nature , when allowing others of the same nature to stay , maybe she has something against some people???

This lady chooses to abuse her "powers" (lol) , at others expense , and i can see by the amount of posts and threads she has started , she just has no other life.

I said what I said , take it for what it is.
Old 06-03-2006, 02:28 AM   #152
Originally Posted by Fedawg
Well as much as I know most of the people who were banned , are really good people. Im gonna have to go with Rich on this one.

This is HIS site , whether you like it or not. I do think he had a very good reason to do so. Like he said , put yourself in his shoes.

Rich , this might be irrelevant, but I have to say it , whether it gets me banned or not:

Do something about Lucille

This lady is the biggest hypocript I have ever seen , deleting peoples post of a certain nature , when allowing others of the same nature to stay , maybe she has something against some people???

This lady chooses to abuse her "powers" (lol) , at others expense , and i can see by the amount of posts and threads she has started , she just has no other life.

I said what I said , take it for what it is.
Lol Derek
Old 06-03-2006, 02:29 AM   #153
Originally Posted by perefalcon
That's It I Can't Stand It Anymore You Are An Arrogant Ass, Just Ban Me I'm Done Here, I'm Sorry I Ever Wasted My Time Here, You Don't Care About Other People Opinions All You Care About Is The People Who Suck Up To You. I Have No Use For People Like You
Old 06-03-2006, 04:04 AM   #154
ummm... wow! I don't post here much but I read up on the forums just about everyday. Alot of the people that were talked about on the other forum, if they weren't talked about they'd probably be defending the "other" side. Just an opinion don't shoot me!
Old 06-03-2006, 07:03 AM   #155
Don't Shoot Me -
ummm... wow! I don't post here much but I read up on the forums just about everyday. Alot of the people that were talked about on the other forum, if they weren't talked about they'd probably be defending the "other" side. Just an opinion don't shoot me!
Well I wasn't talked about. There really isn't a defense for the "other side" even they wanted it kept secret. They would have been happy to be closet back stabbers.

That's It I Can't Stand It Anymore You Are An Arrogant Ass, Just Ban Me I'm Done Here, I'm Sorry I Ever Wasted My Time Here, You Don't Care About Other People Opinions All You Care About Is The People Who Suck Up To You. I Have No Use For People Like You
You've now got your badge. You can go to the other site with your head held high. I don't know if you'll get banned here but if it were me I wouldn't give you the honor.

On my little site, I may be owner, but I do not have control over booting people. My administrator does. If someone calls me a bitc^ somewhere else, but has provided my customers with some good info, and are a valuable informational asset, I will want to ban them for personal reasons, but my admin people would say, but...they provide good info and we would discuss it and they would overrule me
So what you're proposing is kind of a sliding scale. The more you contribute the more you can be an AH. Say these people were nobodies in the leo forum. Would anyone care, or come to their defense? I think this whole thread would be about what a$$es they are and if they don't like fauna they can stay where they are and good riddance.
Old 06-03-2006, 08:32 AM   #156
It's a pity that something like this happened and everyone started reacting based on emotions rather than logic. I think the thread on the other site was mean spirited, but I'd seen similar threads about members on the hell forum in the past (main reason I never went there). Ultimately this will hurt Fauna and the leo forum most of all.

I can't help but see a parallel between what happened a few years back to the KS Leo forum. There was a mass banning of a bunch of the most knowledgable people. They settled here and others followed. By banning them and stripping them of their moderator positions, others who wish to take advantage of their knowledge will be forced to go elsewhere. On KS the number of posts on the leo forum plummeted and it's been in steady decline.

As hurtful, as some of the things said were, I think that the best thing for this site would have been to ignore it. Other forums have sprung up since I've been on fauna, they enjoy a brief period of popularity, but gradually everyone gravitated back over here since most of the posts were redundant in the first place. I think that the same thing would have eventually happened here.

As long as the name calling didn't occur here, the mods / members were fulfilling their duties, these bannings should not have occurred.


P.S. I would have been really hurt, had I seen my name on a list like that, posted by people I thought were my friends. There are individuals that rub me the wrong way, but I recognize that there are probably just as many people out there "putting up" with me. If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all (and if you can't do that, make sure it stays private).
Old 06-03-2006, 08:47 AM   #157
Originally Posted by perefalcon
That's It I Can't Stand It Anymore You Are An Arrogant Ass, Just Ban Me I'm Done Here, I'm Sorry I Ever Wasted My Time Here, You Don't Care About Other People Opinions All You Care About Is The People Who Suck Up To You. I Have No Use For People Like You
I bet In ten minutes i will see a post elsewhere saying " I really told him off over there, see what I did, please pat me on the back!!! Can i be one of the gang here now??"

I am sure we are going to see more of this for a while why people try to make martyrs of themselves in order to highten their stature elsewhere. there will be a"group" of people i am sure that will shouting from the roof tops "Look at me, I told them off and got banned from fauna" as if it will be some kind of status symbol for them to carry around for life. I bet some of them will look back in a few months and say "why the hell did i do that?". I sure it feels good right now to run with the pack but you may have second thoughts later when things cool down and you want to be a part of other things here.

But these people should remember a few things. If Kelly's site doesn't stick around for the long run, Where will you go to talk about your leos? Whats happens when someone decides to put a bad guys post on the BOI about you?? your banned and cant even defend yourself!! What happens when potential customers read all this and decide not to do business with you for ethics reasons.

Some of you in the gecko community may see this as" Take Kelly's side or Rich's side" so everyone will know where you stand. A few have already done that. Didn't anyone ever teach you about burning bridges?? You never know what can happen in the future and if you burn the bridges you cross you may not have anywhere to return to.

I have leopard geckos, I participated in the hayden funds on both sites (fauna and TSE), I like Kelli and Marcia, and Jeanne and a whole lot of others in the leopard gecko community. I visit the leo forum on a regular basis and enjoy the photos and conversation. I belong to many many other reptile sites besides this one. I don't know how everything thats happening now can possibly be good for the leo community or for the reptile community in general.
Old 06-03-2006, 09:40 AM   #158
Sounds to me like an ego has gotten out of hand. I'll leave it up to everyone to decide for themselves whose it is. I have my thoughts on it...
Old 06-03-2006, 10:12 AM   #159
Chameleon Company
I have read both threads ....... phewwww !

Griz writes (in the other thread):
They say that character is who you are when nobody is looking.
This is in the context that those participating in the other thread thought it was blocked from public view. It is one of the most poignant and accurate statements I have read lately. Well put Bob!

Wendy, you write this, from earlier in this thread:
I got pulled as a mod but not banned, I mentioned 4 people that are members here that I do not always like, none of them mods just regluar posters. If Id of said it here in HELL it would have been fine so I don't see why I can't say it other places.
You also mentioned me as a "friend" with whom you had major differences. We have traded views on the phone, in threads, etc, and not always in agreement. One thing I would expect of a "friend" would be to keep the negative gossip and feelings out of a public forum, while a "non-friend" would be under no such expectation, but maybe that's just me.

Here's the rub. Wendy, you seem to create a class distinction, between "mods" and "just regular posters", as if criticizing the lower class should be more acceptable than the upper class. While I don't agree with the concept of HELL, the mods forum where they bash members, etc, lets just use your own characterization. If mods are "special", and deserving of more respect, then I would say that it is a fair implication by your own words that more is expected of them, and how they conduct themselves relative to us common folks. That is where you fell short, although I do not think you should have lost your mod status, just been warned, as I also think respect should not be a 2-tiered system. I also think HELL is a bit of a double-standard quandary for that reason, as well as the mod-forum if it is used as a place to bash us common folks.

While Rich and I have had our disagreements, I have no problem with his rationale. It both amazes and amuses me that people think that "free-speech" carries some guarantee of no-accountability for what is said !
Old 06-03-2006, 10:22 AM   #160
I honostly dont think is has anything to do with egos. i think it has everything to do with someone getting thier feeling hurt by a situation that happened a year ago when it wasnt the other persons intention to do so.
The whole thing is one big misunderstanding. On one hand you have a person that had a terrible loss and was and is very emotional about it and didnt want or need any critisism or doubt placed about them in thier personal ordeal. On the other hand you have a person that was trying to do what was best for thier site and was drug into a situation that he couldnt have very much control or say over and had everyone best interest, not just his own at heart..
Things were said and taken out of context on both sides and alas we end up here, where yet again the reptile community in general will suffer in the long run. I am sure this will has a ripple effect for a long time to come.
Even though I dont think that "they" thought anyone would ever find out about what was being said on that forum, they must of considered that fact when they posted it there. I dont know what Her long term plan was with that forum but if she did indeed plan on taking all her friends and supporters with her to that site she should have been upfront with rich about it and resigned herself as a mod if Rich felt it was a conflict of interest. if that would have happened everyone could have walked away with thier feelings, morals and ethical principles intact, all could still be members of both sites, the reptile community would have another site to visit and enjoy the hobby without this entire fiasco dragging everyone into a who's with who battle drawing lines in the sand.
If anyone can point out to me how this whole situation can possibly benefit the leo family or the reptile community in general I would love to hear it.
I would rant some nore but I have to head to the Hamburg PA show now to go spend all my money on some new aquisitions and make some new friends. I guarentee you atleast one person bring this situation up with me while I am there!!

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