Jeane Best- River City Reptiles (Bad Guy) - Page 17 - FaunaClassifieds
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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 12-07-2008, 09:22 AM   #161
Chameleon Company
OK. There were no lip marks. And neither of us ever went to the canvas. Tough thread to be wishing holiday cheer on though ! You should call sometime ! 75 here today.
Old 12-07-2008, 04:58 PM   #162
Good Morning. This is Wendy. I will do my best to answer what I can no matter how not relevant it is here. This thread title has nothing to do with me. Thus seeming unfair to Jeane, but since this is where the matter resides I will address it.
It appears that most of the content of discussion about me revolves around my personal and private life. I will address that first so maybe we can all get back to what this site was meant for. The discussion of things relevant to reptiles.
Yes I did do porn from 1990- 1998. Somewhere in the ballpark of 200 movies.
Yes I have been arrested multiple times. Imprisoned once for kidnapping, and assault. My record reflect those 2 felonies as well as 3 forgeries.5 felonies total if we are keeping count. In Washington forgery is a charge far different from Identity theft. I have never been charged or convicted of such a crime.
Yes, I have been associated and linked to Aryan Nations. I dated someone who was a member of that organization and I have tattooed a number of National Socialist.
No, I am not a drug addict, and never have been.
No, I have not ever stolen any monies from a customer, never not refunded a customer if needed, nothing even remotely of the sort. I have an income. A decent one at that. I have no need to steal from anyone. You can say alot about me, but not that I am a thief.

The only thing I will add to my whirlwind of a social life is that I live with no regrets. Many mistakes, yes. Things I can never change. But no regrets. Everything I have experience in my life has made me into the woman I am today. I can live with that woman. I wake up every morning satisfied with who I have become.Weather or not you care for me as a woman personally really isn't all that important. Unless you have some far fetched dream of taking me home to mom, I don't see why it is important what I do in my bedroom.
On to the business at hand. I have had ONE bad thread here on fauna about a PURCHASE I made where I received dead animals on arrival. ONE. Never any issues with the geckos/animals I have produced or sold.The health, quality, and care I give to the geckos I raise is far better than the care I give myself. I would personally challenge anyone to say otherwise about any gecko I have produced, have, or have had.
I have not ever owned, breed, or sold Dragons or Rankins. Any subject matter about them is not relevant to me.
I have expanded my hobby into a business and offer my community something they have never had before. A real reptile shop.I have invested alot of my time and my money into the care, husbandry, and quality of animals I have here. The entire business is on the up and up. Anyone is more than welcome to stop by and check it out. I am trying to do something positive and productive with my life.
You don't have to like me, I'm not asking you too. But it sure would be nice if you'd stop dragging the last 20 years of my life through the mud. I need no reminding of who I am and where I have been. I live with it daily.
If you have any questions related to reptiles, and or my shop, please feel free to ask. I have nothing to hide. If you have any personal questions about my personal life not relevant to reptiles, please keep them to yourselves. From this point on my bedroom door is closed to you.
Wendy Childs
Old 12-07-2008, 05:29 PM   #163

Old 12-11-2008, 07:38 AM   #164
Wendy, so you were not banned from RA for photo shopping pictures of normal cresties and selling them as morphs on the auctions? And is it not also true that Joe C. came and bailed you out and slimed his way into getting you unbanned there? I mean we are wanting all of the truth here.
Old 12-11-2008, 02:22 PM   #165
No, not true.

I was banned for overwhelming customer request. Never any mention of photo issues. In fact he said he apologized that he felt it a need to do since so many people from here that are cross overs to there wanted it so.

I understand his need to weigh on account against multiples as a financial concept.

The ban was later lifted. Again, I wasn't really given a exact reason why. Not that it mattered. I didn't list after that. Until recently, I did list a few things last month. The traffic on that site isn't anywhere near what it once was.

No one has ever accused me of photoshopping pictures,that's a new one, but somehow I am not suprised. It's always something new.

Would you like to know my favorite food or color also?
Old 12-11-2008, 05:56 PM   #166
Not true Wendy? So you did not have a thread on the feedback fourms on RA on how someone bought a morph from you that when they got it was a normal?

And Joe C. did not help in getting you back in after the ban? Also do you have the email where he apologized?
Is it also not true that Joe came to see you after his good deed?
Old 12-12-2008, 02:14 AM   #167
Bobby, my friend.....please tell me that you aren't actually expecting any kind of straight and truthful answer to those questions....
Old 12-12-2008, 09:52 AM   #168
I am unaware of any thread on a forum from what?......................over 3 years ago, about any photos. Maybe i was in prison when that lie started? I dunno. Maybe I dont have the time you have to keep tabs on all the lies.

I have not ever photoshopped any photos.

How would one go about adding morphs to a so called normal crestie anyways? What is a "normal"? I have never hear that term used with cresties.For example, how do you take a flame and make it a extreme Harley? Impossible.

I have in fact meet Joe in person. He came here on business, stayed at the davenport hotel. Brought geckos he got from Clark. Discussed a gecko super breeding project deal with me. We didnt come to terms, and he left.

Again BOBBY, you are attempting to dig into my personal life. I think I have mentioned that is off limits now. Who is coming to see you for xmas?

Those are the straight truthful answers Cat!

Anything else?
Old 12-12-2008, 09:53 AM   #169
What is RA anyways?
Old 12-12-2008, 04:44 PM   #170
RA = Reptile Auctions.

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jeane best, reptile addictions, wendy childs

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