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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 06-26-2011, 11:21 PM   #161
Originally Posted by akonitony View Post
1) I will not post off-topic post in the BOI.
2) I will not post off-topic post in the BOI.
3) I will not post off-topic post in the BOI.
4) I will not post off-topic post in the BOI.
5) I will not post ...
Did somebody get a spanking?

Seriously though, is the OP just going to hide or is he going to man up?
Old 06-26-2011, 11:32 PM   #162
Nope, I don't see the OP returning any time soon to respond. He's the one whose been "spanked" and he has no reason to return.

So ... how 'bout we let this thread just wither & die since it really is has no substance; nothing to offer in the way of buying/selling; has gone completely OT and has basically served the purpose of (rightfully) totally discrediting the OP.
Old 06-26-2011, 11:36 PM   #163
Originally Posted by Katie.Shinkle View Post
Did somebody get a spanking?

Seriously though, is the OP just going to hide or is he going to man up?
I'm thinking: hide like a rat in a big tub full of hungry monitors saying "I am a piece of pine bark, I am a piece of pine bark".

Dude! I went to bat for you. C'mon. Man-up already. Don't be lizzard chow. You pooped in your bed, but we'll help you clean yourself up - ok, I mean you can help yourself get cleaned up...

*Must... stay... on.. topic...*
Old 06-27-2011, 03:20 AM   #164
JEEEEEEEEZE what a stupid thing to post in the BOI about. Its hard to stay on topic when the original post was so far off topic from the intent of the BOI. I actually asked a mod the same exact question as I am bad at navigating forums and couldn't find the reason although i already had a good idea. I recieved the same response while it may come off as harsh i fully understand the reasoning with the mass amounts of PM's they were probably recieving they probably had the answer copied so they can paste it into the responses. I appologized for waisting the time of the mod and that was the end of it. Imagine the time everyone could have back had this person handled it in the same manner. Pardon this but what a rediculous post!!!!!!!!!!!!
Old 06-27-2011, 04:49 AM   #165
You know, it's really a shame he just hides like a coward. There was another thread today I was posting in, and one of the participants was a 15 year-old seller who was being hounded by the buyer basically because the dragon that was sold was possibly an inch shorter than the guy had estimated in the advertisement. Well after about 5 or 6 pages, the OP (buyer) realized he was on the losing side, so I posted something like what I posted here about a apology, which at first the guy scoffed at (I think I would rather sand-paper a bobcat's butt in a phonebooth than have to apologize publicly), but about a page or two later, and after he cooled down a little, according to him, he had thought about the situation, and wrote the kid a graciously sincere apology. What did the kid do in return? He basically apologized as well for any misunderstandings. There wasn't any 'told-u-so', or any more hostility. We all exchanged underwear and sang Kumbayah, had a group hug, and now all is lovely to look at and delightful to hold. All because the OP was man enough to admit he screwed up and was not perfect.
BTW, I also coined a new term for the syndrome where someone posts a bad-guy BOI thread prematurely without thinking it through: Premature-e-postulation.

Ahhhh - I crack myself up...
Old 06-27-2011, 10:51 AM   #166
Originally Posted by zoologicalpets View Post
So, I have a simple issue with replying to inquiries on my advertisements...I forward my question/concern to the moderator as I'm sure is appropriate and here is the reply I get back..

ME: Why is it that whenever I try to "post-reply" it tells me that I do not have sufficient privlidges? I utilize the PM but I would also like to use the before mentioned option as I should be able to.

FAUNA: From: WebSlave
The Feedback Forum is your friend....

ME: "The link provided was inaccessible to me and the part that I could get to just went on-and-on about BOI stuff"....My email reply was: What does this have to do with my question?...can I just get a straight answer without having to decipher the inner-meaning of the boi chat....I just want to do business.

FAUNA: Did you read the thread I provided a link for?

ME: It just ran on with people bitching about the boi...

FAUNA: Read it again, please, and TELL me what the very post in that thread
> that I made SAYS in relation to the problem you contacted me about.

ME: Just forget it...I thought this could be a simple fix but all this back and forth is taking longer than it should have....I wonder though, if I were a contributing member would I receive this level of service?

FAUNA: And yet you continue to waste my time rather than READING and trying to comprehend the thread I pointed you to. The answer to your original question is there, but you seem to be having quite some difficulty
grasping it.

Sorry that I am apparently unable to get through to you.

Translation, "I need someone to hold my hand" "and since you hurt my widdle feewlings I won't become a contributing member now"

Awwww, tough $@#&!

Becoming a contributing member would be more to your benefit then to this site's benefit, but hey it's your decision and you have every right to screw yourself. Good luck selling anything by limiting yourself by NOT being a contributing member.
Old 06-27-2011, 03:49 PM   #167
Men, have you had problems in the past with poor online performance? Have you ever had a time when you wished you could have held out a little longer before you started that BOI bad-guy thread? Have your partners ever mentioned to you that they wish you could have held off a little longer before making a complete mess of your reputation. What you could be suffering from is premature-e-postulation, a completely preventable condition that is common among individuals ranging in age from 7 to 70, and can be cured with a new treatment option known as apologetics.
Yes apologetics has been found in several clinical trials to cure premature-e-postulation in both men and women! No more wishing you had just held off a few minutes longer and thought about what you were actually typing away. No more banishment to unknown places where less-than-savory individuals roam. No more hushed whispers behind your back by people who actually do think before they type. Yes with your first treatment of apologetics, you'll notice a 'load' taken off your shoulders. You'll be able to hold your head up high knowing the next time you post, it probably won't end early with people laughing at you rather than with you.
How do you get started with apologetics? Well that's easy. No 800 #. No money down. No payment plans. Just two easy words to type: I'm Sorry. There, now doesn't that feel better?

Disclaimer: Apologetics is not for everyone. Only those who possess true character may benefit with this treatment option. Apologetics is dose-dependant. In other words, just because you use apologetics once does not license you to make a butt out of yourself afterwards. Those using apologetics may feel a slight tingling sensation and feelings of euphoria afterwards. It is ok to operate automobiles and heavy machinery while on apologetics - in fact it is encouraged. Please allow 15 minutes minimum to pass after taking first dose. Side effects may include a better self-image, increased friends, and mustache growth.
Old 06-27-2011, 04:52 PM   #168
Sounds like another/new scam from the Cult of $cientology to "Dianetic$", etc.

I'll stick to behaving myself so I don't HAVE TO apologize!!
Old 06-27-2011, 05:05 PM   #169
Originally Posted by SamanthaJane13 View Post
Sounds like another/new scam from the Cult of $cientology to "Dianetic$", etc.

I'll stick to behaving myself so I don't HAVE TO apologize!!
Sounds to me like apologetics is not for you (spoken in game announcer's voice)
Well perhaps you might benefit with the trubbl meter:

I have two, but sometimes the batteries run down a little...
Old 06-27-2011, 05:15 PM   #170
OK gang, time to cease with the sideline posting here. The OP has apparently abandoned this thread and ridden off into the sunset, and I think everything that needs to be said, already has been said.

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