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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 01-11-2007, 01:29 AM   #171
Scott Ashton

What day did you get back home from HEH?

11/27 or 11/28?
Old 01-11-2007, 01:30 AM   #172
Not only not making sense Ritchie, it's downright fishy.
Old 01-11-2007, 01:39 AM   #173
Here are some emails, take them for what they are worth.

Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 19:50:18 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Dan Magano" <fuscusking@yahoo.com> Add to Address BookAdd to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
Subject: Re: Albino Female
To: "David Beauchemin" <david_beauchemin@highendherps.com>
I have never even seen a pastel ceylonese, but I can picture it and that sucks. The hardest thing for me is about 4 years ago I had one of the worst fear of snakes you have ever seen. This Albino female came in as a rescue and was extremly sick. She was the first snake I ever touched in my life, and changed my whole perspective on the species. It was the hardest loss I have ever had. I have only lost like 5 out of the 35 or so I have had, but it tore me apart. She was the main attraction of my reptile programs and now she is gone. I have snakes that I like better, but none that did so much for the species and for me. Well if you want those make me an offer on all and I will think about it, but I am drunk right now so I will not offer a decision till next week, These are like kids to me, but I have so much going on and I feel that they are not being cared for like I want. Let me know. Dan.

Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2006 12:09:38 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Dan Magano" <fuscusking@yahoo.com> Add to Address BookAdd to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
Subject: Re: Albino Female
To: "David Beauchemin" <david_beauchemin@highendherps.com>
I did good today lol. My friend was delivering his female supertiger he just sold in Rhode Island, so we stopped at regal retards, oh!!! I mean regal reptiles, and of course as soon as I walk in the door the lady is holding a decent size Albino and I was crushed. Then I went and looked at some bloods and that is always fun. Its good to see that regal still has one of the best mite breeding programs on the planet. When they say mite free, its only because they dont charge for them lol. I will never buy anything there again, although I almost borrowed money off my friend today. They had a dying baby Rock, and I almost bought it becuase it looked so awful. If nothing else I would buy so it could die in peace. It had bugs in the box with it, stuck sheds, dehydrated, awful looking!!!! They dont like Rocks up there so they dont take care of them. They are stuck in the mindset that they are evil. Go buy CH or WC burms and see that they are just as evil. Anyhow I will consider what you said, maybe even work out some type of breeder loan for a while who knows. I will see how I feel at the beginning of the week. THese back to back loses really killed me, plus I had to bury them next to my blood I lost about 2 years ago, who was my all time favorite snake. He was old, but loved to go everywhere with you, loved people and was so friendly. So its always rough going up there. I'll be in touch. Dan.

Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2006 09:05:01 -0800 (PST)
From: "Dan Magano" <fuscusking@yahoo.com> Add to Address BookAdd to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
Subject: Re: collection
To: "David Beauchemin" <david_beauchemin@highendherps.com>
I completely understand where you are coming from, and the only reason I have offered them to you is that you do care. I know you are running a business and trying to make money, but unlike most you dont do it at the compromise of your animals. The albino burm was a rescue who had yoyo with respitory problems for a long time. She had been to the vet and such, had all different meds and had become fairly immune to them. As for the black stuff that came near the end, I still dont know what that was, but she had been away from my other snakes at a seperate building for about 2 months before she passed, as soon as I noticed signs of her URI coming back. As for the retic, him and the tiger were still in quarantine when he passed as I had just gotten him less than a month before. The only snake exposed to him in any way was the tiger female, who is still in quarentine now, because I have been paranoid. She has been drinking normally for a retic, and definately going to the bathroom normally lol. Her temperment has stayed even, and she has been eating normally as well. I have seen nothing change since day one, except that she is gaining weight nicely (3 lbs in 7 weeks or so). THe reason for such a gain is the last owner did frozen thawed and she doesnt like it, and will only eat it if she is very hungry. I have been giving her fresh killed rabbits, and she loves them. She will eat three at a time if you let her. In the 7 weeks I have given her 10 or so and she is doing great. All of my other stuff I have had for a while. I got the pair of borneos in March, the older male water python in February, the younger one may of 05, the female has been in my care for over 4 years, the afrocks I have had for at least 6 months, if not much longer. The other retic has also been in my care for about 3 or 4 years. Like I have said these have always been treated like my kids, and I never deny them proper care. I take blame for the albino burm, only for not putting her down at the beginning of this last fight with her illness, I was selfish to think I could save her. Any other info you need feel free to ask. If I do this, I will drive them down to you, and you can inspect each animal if neccesary. I would rather see them off anyway, as they will be deeply missed, I just need to fix my personal life, and its tough to do with all this responsibility. Thanks again, Dan.

Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2006 12:09:54 -0800 (PST)
From: "Dan Magano" <fuscusking@yahoo.com> Add to Address BookAdd to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
Subject: Collection
To: "David Beauchemin" <david_beauchemin@highendherps.com>
Alright, none of this is trying to rush towards a decision either way, but I am going to fill you in on my plan of action so that you understand why this is semi time sensitive. There is one of two things that will happen,
1.)You decline to take them, and I move as planned on Wednesday-sunday, and piece them slowly over time, or maybe keep them depending on my financial situation.

2.) You decide to take them and I like the offer, I cancel taking this apartment, drive down to MO, make a quick trade and meet you in Louisiana, come back up here and give my Burm to a friend I know will take him, sell the balls and bloods, give the pastel back to my friend who gave him to me, sell my car, get a new one and move out of state.

My lease is scheduled to be signed wednesday at 6pm, so I would like to be able to give her 24hrs notice if possible. So please take your time, but at the same time if I could know by wednesday morning at the latest that would be awesome, because if I am going to get rid of them there is no need to move into a house I hate. I am only moving there because she is allowing my snakes. All I will have left after all this is the Ball I bought for my best friends son which I promised him I wont sell, she cant take him because she is afraid of snakes and he isnt even three yet so he cant take care of it. Thanks again for all of your help, and taking time out of your day to offer me help, advice and whatever over the course of the last few months. Either way I thank you also for considering this, and I look forward to hearing from you. Dan.

Here are a few emails from myself to Dave pre deal. Dan M.
Old 01-11-2007, 01:55 AM   #174

Ok, first off when I started getting snakes I was working/volunteering at a rescue and some snakes I got there, and the ones I purchased were kept there as well. I then moved to a friends where I rented two rooms. One for the snakes and one for myself. When money got tight and I could not afford both, I lived in the car and gave the snakes their room. I have not lived with my mom in several years, but due to owning snakes could not go back when I had no where to go ( I am 22 so I have been out of my moms house since 18, except for a several month stay in between houses and to house sit once). I eventually lost the place I was keeping the snakes due to a personal conflict with my landlord/friend. I moved them all to my friends basement and slpt on their couch and payed them 50 a week plus all increases in utilities. Their landlord came over saw the snakes and said if they were not gone by Monday, my friends had to move(this was on a friday I believe). You can check I had post on several sites looking for someone I could pay to board my snakes locally and I would come and care for them daily, search it on here, although I may have removed it, dont remember(would have been early september some time). No one responded, and that post actually led to the loss of my kingsnake account becuase they said I was advertising and I argued with Ginger over there and she kicked me off. I was lucky enough sunday niught to get in touch with a friend with a full basement at her businees who let them stay there temporarily against her landlords wishes. If I am such an awful person or a liar I do not think that all these people would help me at their risk. Finally time ran out there and my friend moved stuff around in his own bedroom and snakes room to allow my stuff to stay there. At this point I had a lot of personal demons and decided that if I truly cared about my animals they would be best in the hands of someone who could give them proper care. ALso as far as breeding, it is hard to cycle snakes and keep them interested in breeding when you are moving every month or so, and in different cages, and atmospheres. Also I have never bred before, they were pets, and future breeders when I was ready for the challenge. The two female balls that cycled did it on their own, no temp drop at all. They are also not big enough to breed (800 grams and 450 grams) nor are they old enough (19 months). I also didnt have the manes to invest the money to make the money, when your broke, you are broke. I agree the decision lost me a lot and a lot of potential income, but for the sake of my animals I do not regret it. My only regret is selfish regret that I dont have them anymore. I will always miss them and they will always be loved, but for now pictures and updates will have to suffice. Hope this answered everything, oh and I got back to CT on tuesday AM about 230, have no idea what the date was, but the tuesday after thanksgiving. Take care, Dan M.
Old 01-11-2007, 02:06 AM   #175
Gee someone drive down and take a picture of the guy !!! Doesn't anyone here live in the area??

Laura, Dang you get right to the point or points don't ya!! and don't pull any punches. My kind of lady

I've been watching this thread and it would sure seem to me that HEH could make this easy on themselves and answer the blankity blank questions. I'm like most here the lack of info from HEH makes them look tuna'ish ..Randy
Old 01-11-2007, 02:17 AM   #176
Originally Posted by ravensgait
Gee someone drive down and take a picture of the guy !!! Doesn't anyone here live in the area??
Great idea!!

Laura, Dang you get right to the point or points don't ya!! and don't pull any punches. My kind of lady
You bet ya, 110%.

I've been watching this thread and it would sure seem to me that HEH could make this easy on themselves and answer the blankity blank questions. I'm like most here the lack of info from HEH makes them look tuna'ish ..Randy
No Randy!! But if you buy a animal from them and have a question, don't expect to get any answers. It does not seem to be one of their strong points.
Old 01-11-2007, 02:45 AM   #177
Dr Owens
Originally Posted by fuscusking13
I swear on everything I have which isnt much that everything in that statement is true. If neccesary I will post my bank statements and anything else you would want as proof. I can also give you phone numbers of people I rented rooms from and slept in their driveways and showered at their house. You can talk to my own mother who will tell you I did that because she doesn't allow snakes in the house and her and I dont get along under the same roof. I as i have said am honest with nothing to hide, and my faults as a person are no exception.
I respect the fact that you would be willing to go to such measures to defend your honor and reputation.

Why do you suppose it is that David isn't willing to take even the most simple of steps to do the same?
Old 01-11-2007, 08:31 AM   #178
John E Dove
I have read and re-read this thread and have yet to see where anyone has had any problems with the products or services of David & Tawni Beauchemin or High End Herps.
There have been accusations that they may be misrepresenting themselves in some way but beyond using the “Inc” in their name, indicating that they are a corporation of some type, I still have not seen any proof that they are bad guys in any way.

Has anyone received a sick or misrepresented animal from these guys?
Has David & Tawni Beauchemin or High End Herps failed to honor their TOS to anyone?

I am not considering making any purchase from them at this time because I have little or no interest in most of what they deal with but given what I have seen here so far I would not have a problem buying from them because no one has offered any evidence/proof that they are anyone other than who they say they are or that they have ripped anyone off in any way.

They won’t show their EIN?
So what, perhaps the “Inc” was used as a figure of speech and they are not an actual corporation.
A slight misrepresentation but a deal breaker? LOL.
IMO that makes them as dishonest as someone who speeds down the highway.

I breed and sell a few reptiles here and there, I have no business license, no EIN, etc. By claiming them as a product of my farm I avoid the taxation and governmental complications of paperwork I had when I did have a business that I had a license for.
Am I a bad guy for this?

They won’t answer questions for this board?
Again, So What. No one has proven they have done anything to anyone and to be honest if someone came at me like this thread has come at them I would not answer either.

The inquiry was on their business practices as High End Herps and at this point I am still waiting to see a bad report on their product or service.

To get back on topic, has anyone had a bad experience with High End Herps?

John E Dove
Old 01-11-2007, 09:00 AM   #179

Originally Posted by Dr Owens
I respect the fact that you would be willing to go to such measures to defend your honor and reputation.

Why do you suppose it is that David isn't willing to take even the most simple of steps to do the same?
I am willing to because I feel it is important to me, and you have very few things in the world that arent materielistic, and honor and reputation are two of those things. Why David doesn't want to is something only Dave can answer. I do believe that he feels that this thread is not justified and does not deserve an answer. If it was me in his shoes I would answer them only to keep my good reputation, and put my personal feelings to the side, but everyone is entitled to an opinion, and no one is required to answer anything to anyone of us. So it is what it is, not much you can do about it, other than sit and here and speculate and dwell. Have a great day, Dan M.
Old 01-11-2007, 09:17 AM   #180
Laura Fopiano
Originally Posted by fuscusking13
I am a little confused, I come on here and pour my heart and soul out, and you tear it up and say that I think people here are fools is incorrect. If I truly felt that way I wouldn't bother coming in here. I have a lot of respect for everyone, normally including you.
You're confused?? Dan, had you taken these heart felt moments to the python's forum on this sight, there are a number of folks here that would have helped you out. Many I am sure are a lot closer to your resisdence.

Originally Posted by fuscusking13
I swear on everything I have which isnt much that everything in that statement is true. If neccesary I will post my bank statements and anything else you would want as proof. I can also give you phone numbers of people I rented rooms from and slept in their driveways and showered at their house. You can talk to my own mother who will tell you I did that because she doesn't allow snakes in the house and her and I dont get along under the same roof
I as i have said am honest with nothing to hide, and my faults as a person are no exception. I can admit my mistakes and only hope that others learn from them. As I said I have a lot of respect for you guys, and why there are differences in opinions from time to time that does not mean that thatopinion changes.
PLease don't........we all have our own personal horror stories. Find a 12 step group, share your expereince strenght, and hope, but for god sakes....keep it off the BOI!
Originally Posted by fuscusking13
I am curious why you feel I am a fool, and why I think those on here are.
Okay, I'm going to type this real slow so you will understand....reread this whole thread as many time as you need to, then borrow a clue, and ask me again.

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