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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 10-29-2003, 03:49 AM   #181
Honest, I have NOT twisted anyone's arm to come here.

If you find the BOI a waste of time and not worth the mistake you made in gracing us with your presence, then please find the exit door and use it. Go on to other more fruitful websites and have them get all tingly with your presence there. I am sure Mensa is just beating down your door trying to get your attention up there in that big ivory tower you are sneering down at the rest of us from.

If you can't help make this a better place by doing something constructive with your time here, then consider the keeping of your lame brained, off topic remarks to yourself as an excellent first step in that direction.

At least I am trying with the BOI to make things better. What have YOU done?

Besides bitching here in public, that is.
Old 10-29-2003, 04:11 AM   #182
Yeah right Derek, now you get all serious and raise real issues but if you did not notice you are guilty of all the crap you cited. You jumped into this thread with nothing to contribute. You were the one calling us names. You are the one stroking his own ego with that holier than though post previous to this one. It is always great to swing things around and attempt to change the emphasis now but why weren't you concerned with the future of this business prior to your recent post? Why haven't you posted anything to attempt to get people to rally to save this industry? I know that I work hard to get people involved and to fight anti reptiles laws. So does Rich. So does Jason. So lets see, you are guilty of the things you criticise others for doing and you attack the people who are doing what you are whinning about not doing. Great job Pal. Keep up the good work.
Old 10-29-2003, 08:29 AM   #183
Bringing up a nude picture sent a year ago? What does that have to do with this thread or even reptiles for that matter?
1. Showing the actions of one of the protagonists. (that is what it has to do with this matter)
2. His "wife" started a thread about me and commented on the pics that were sent to me. So it was his wife who brought up the pic discusion to the BOI
3. Yes it was a year ago. Adam talks about his NERD ball python (which he never bought from a show, because adam does not buy from shows) from over a year ago. So why can't I talk about stuff from a year ago.

4. How long ago did Jason win the TV? Everyone still talks aabout it.

Are you all still talking about me? What a year later and still the blah blah blah about Adam and what he did, said, bought or didn't buy?
UUUMMM Adam I saw a couple recent posts where you were still talking about your albino ball from a year ago. And I was also showing that you say one thing and do the EXACT opposite. (in other words LIE)

Do you really care still, I mean YEAH if you're still posting but why?
Ritchie, if you ever see this in my profile:

2916 (4.62 posts per day)
So are you saying only you can post and discuss things from over a year ago? Your profile won't reach that high because you get banned and sign on with a new screen name 2-3 times. Then keep posting. Then those screen names get banned and then you sign up with a new one.

As for the picture of my wife, you brought it up,
You brought up my wife and kid first. If you look I was just laughing at the way you tuck tail and run when you realized Jason had the proof

Much healthier for a married man with kids
hhhhmmm I spend time on the net posting replies and YOU say it is unhealthy. Should I take advice on family matters from a guy who sends his wife's naked pics to complete strangers over the net . Should I listen to him preach to me on what is healthy and what is not
Old 10-29-2003, 09:35 AM   #184
Darin Chappell
"Could have sworn I left this thread.....but okay..I am back since my name was mentioned."

Sorry, if I dragged you back into this, Ritchie. It's just that Adam made the statement that your posts (whenever they had been made) were causing him to modify his behavior to a certain extent so he wouldn't say anthing that would make him look bad (may be too late for that, but that's another discussion I suppose!).

I was merely providing a synopsis of the whole thread. I wasn't trying to suggest that anything was necessarily current. In fact, that was kind of my point. This whole thread is really a bunch of "Same Stuff, Different Day" material, IMHO.
Old 10-29-2003, 10:07 AM   #185
Python Dreams
You are looking for attention in all the wrong ways... I don't think I have ever seen someone so attention starved, just running back and forth with differing viewpoints and never really making any sense. If a Ball Python over $1000 is such a joke why in the hell did you buy a 100% het Albino Ball? You were hoping to produce Albinos going for $2000 to $3000.... Why would you do that if your such a purist? The whole argument about $20,000 Ball's ruining the industry is ridiculous. It has to do with rarity of each particular animal. If their was no market the price would never maintain. Why does that bother anyone so much, other than jealousy? Their are plenty of Ball Pythons going around for even under $10.00. Wouldnt you think the people importing 1000's upon 1000's of captive hatched animals are ruining the Ball Python industry more making babies virtually worth nothing, which in turn makes them disposable pets to the general public? Also, anyone on here that imports, owns a pet store, breeds in large numbers, or owns high end animals is doing it for the money. That has nothing to do with their love of reptiles. I think it is great that their is a chance for people to make money at doing something they love. It does not mean that your 15 snakes are being kept better or cleaner than mine or anyone else's. Why in the world would you send out naked pictures of your wife to someone you dont know over the internet? The way you sway back and forth and get so heated in an argument, then come back and say you dont even care, then you'll find God (don't know if youve done that yet, but probably), along with the picture thing just shows one very unstable individual. You really should try and set a better example for your child... At least hope that he never has to read any of your posts.
Since I found a reason to post on this thread I also want to agree with something Evan said earlier. I check the Ball Python Classifieds on Kingsnake everyday as do most that are into Ball's. I also saw the adds from Gilbert for an albino Ball. I just skipped over the add and would never consider it. For all I know this albino is absolutely perfect in every way along with how it is being kept. He might have the best shipping practices known to man. But after reading someone who has shown an unstable personality and an ability to get caught up in the middle of serious dramas.... It is just much easier to avoid them entirely.
This is not an attack on either of you just a little constructive criticism.. I don't think anyone asked for my advice, but I can only handle reading so much of this.. :-)
Thanks, Tom Baker
Old 10-29-2003, 12:28 PM   #186
Adam Block
Round and round we go. I make a comment and you deduce all these things from it. Now I'm an attention-starved purist? This is just starting to be funny.

Trust me, I've spent far more on snakes then I've ever made. If I produce pieds this year, I'll sell them just under market price, however they aren't worth anything close to that if you ask me. I like the snakes so I work with them; I don't need the money however and don't care if they breed.

At least I am trying with the BOI to make things better. What have YOU done?
Rich, you're doing more then trying but I'm sure the BOI has taught you something about human nature. Everybody loves to watch an accident but nobody wants to be in one. The BOI has shown me just how many people would cause one if they could.

I've been able to do a fair enough amount of good on the BOI since I've been allowed back and that makes me feel good. The site is in no way a waste of time and I never meant for that to sound like that.

The part of this site that brings out the side of people that causes threads like this are what is a waste of time unless you can control yourself and remember to keep emotion out of it.

Ritchie, whatever, you post 4.6 times a day, justify it however you want. I mention a ball python dying in one thread and you have to bring it up here, um okay. You have to visit porn sites and post pictures of another mans wife to get your needs met or whatever, fine, I don't really care about your sex life so just drop it. I'm happy my wife’s picture made such an impact on you but it's time to keep that to yourself.

While the picture was nude it was no more so then a woman in a swim suit, you couldn't see anything Ritchie and the photo was posted in the BOI by my wife. See how everybody else has gotten over that? Ritchie, let it go, for that matter, I think you might be best of to not respond to comments I make because you can no longer seem to deal with me in a unemotional manner.
Old 10-29-2003, 02:21 PM   #187
For those who's English is a little rusty...

If you would like to go back and reread my previous post I INCLUDED myself in everything I was talking about. The word WE is inclusive and was used for that purpose. Stroking my ego? Here are the factors that are contributing to my 'holier than thou' ego.

1) $8.00/hr. at a job with no benefits that I have been employed at since 9-13-98. I shovel reptile crap for 40 hrs. a week to save $.10 on mice and get a 20% discount on all supplies but terrariums and dog food.

2) 12.9% interest rate on a "new" car because my credit is in the crapper. Not to mention the EXTRA $70/month on insurance.

3) Nice apartment, rent split 3 ways; me, my girlfriend, and my girlfriend's brother. The typical American family setting.

4) Broken ankle, no health insurance. Wonder how much this will cost? Sure hope those Okeetee corns double clutch!

5) Fat, overweight, out of shape and over 30(by a few weeks).

6) As Adam pointed out, an engineering degree that has basically become a joke to me and my friends.

I own nothing, I owe everything, I know everyone wishes they were me. Did I call you names, Evan....yep. Am I guilty of what I was complaining about...yep. Maybe they were uncalled for, probably were.

It does me no good to try to "rally" faceless people staring at words on a computer screen into fighting for the herp hobby. No one knows or cares who I am. The people I do deal with on a daily basis at the petshop are the ones I try to inform about the ups and downs of the reptile trade. Hopefully what I say to them will get them started in the right direction and maybe it will be passed on to thier friends and family. Every so often I take some of my herps to local schools for "show and tell". They get to see that reptiles, amphibians can be gentle and easy to care for pets. We have school "tours" come through our store to see all of our animals, not just the reptiles. I try to make sure that all of them leave knowing that reptiles are not all evil and that most are great pets. We have vet techs come into the store twice a year to get "acquainted" with reptiles and amphibians and what to expect when people bring exotic pets into the veterinarian's office that they will be working for. They get to see the nice bearded dragons and rosy boas, but they also get to handle the 100lb. Burmese python and the pure evil blood python. I guess to make a rambling story short, these are the people I want to have a positive attitude towards the reptile industry as I interact with them every day.

I am not here to force my ideas on anyone or spread my huge ego around. I am stating my opinion just like everyone else. If my opinions are wrong or unpopular, I won't be suprised.....but I won't lose any sleep either.

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