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Old 04-23-2012, 05:52 PM   #11
Very nice setup, best advice (and most obvious) ive ever gotten when keeping ackies (and monitors in general) is keep em hot and feed em alot!
Old 06-12-2012, 03:33 PM   #12
raise temp 80-150
raise humidity over 60% constant.

your fluctuations are most likely caused by the holes in the ceiling of the cage.
Old 06-12-2012, 05:27 PM   #13
Ed Clark
165*f is way to high.shoot for 130*f a little higher or lower is good also.they can handle a night drop to the mid/low 70*f's.

Set your uvb and basking lights on a timer with 12 hours of light.if your cage is in a cold room you will need another heat source such as a heat mat or night heat bulb.

Ackies are very hardy captives that will adapt to different conditions.
Old 07-15-2012, 02:10 PM   #14
A simple homemade 'stack' would add some extra hides....Ackies in particular tend to enjoy these.

My Ackie really likes a piece of PVC tube angled into the dirt, its by far his favorite spot (about 85 degrees there). I don't like how it looks in his box buy I cant bring myself to take it away, and it gives him a chance to get full darkness, I run lights 24/7. If you want to do a day/night cycle you could look into ceramic bulbs. Use one of each and throw them on a timer.

You can see my stack and the PVC tube below, the white in the soil is a calcium fortified sand btw...Good luck Ackies are so much fun!!

Old 07-15-2012, 02:19 PM   #15
I've never ran light cycles and never an issue...
uvb at all either.
Old 07-15-2012, 08:10 PM   #16
Hey guys, thanks for the replies. I haven't been on here much lately. With the exception of 1 toe on each of the front feet losing the tip (probably back from when I was having trouble with humidity which I feel bad about), everything has been going great. He/she is now about 4 months and 1 week old, has grown from 4.5" to 12" eating great, shedding great, and getting used to people (me more so than anyone else, but still okay around others). Seems to be pretty happy and healthy. I have to run right now, but later tonight I'll post all the details, some pictures, and a few other minor things I'd like to run by some of you more experienced ackie keepers. Thanks again!
Old 07-17-2012, 07:50 AM   #17
Sorry about the recommendation for the stack in my earlier post. Seems like you know about them...and love your enclosure by the way.

May I ask what and how often you are feeding?

Maybe a pic of the little guy? I'd like to see that toe too!
Old 07-17-2012, 11:08 PM   #18
Sorry again for not replying too quickly. I'm now working two jobs and going to college, so I've been very busy lately. Anyway, I'm not too sure where I left off, I think I might have posted a separate thread after I got the ackie. I'll just cover all the basics from before then give all the updates.

So everything went well for the first couple days. Then, it kept getting stuck between the base and where the doors meet of the enclosure. So I put some styrofoam between it and that solved that. Then, it figured out how to climb the walls where they met at the corners, it braced itself on each wall and shimmied up the corners haha as impressive as that was, it was a problem. It kept getting out this TINY opening at the top where the doors met. So I boarded that up and solved that. . . I thought. I hadn't seen it for 3 days, but I figured it was just burrowed. It burrowed under the stack that's bolted into the enclosure, so I couldn't move it to make sure, but after the 4th day of not seeing it at all, I decided to take the dirt out to make sure it was okay. I took all the dirt out and it wasn't in the enclosure. Found it under a shoe shortly after, so it had been escaped for anywhere from 1-4 days After that I realized the large enclosure was not going to work out for a baby. I ran out to the petstore on a sunday, got there about 15 minutes before they were closing, and bought a 40 gallon long breeder tank and a bunch of new accessories etc.

Since it's been in the smaller tank it's been doing much better. It has a screen top, but I put duct tape all over it and just left openings for the light to get through. Still having some problems with humidity though, when I just mist it makes the humidty skyrocket for a few hours, but then burns up real quick and goes back to about 55% When I pour water in and mix up the dirt it usually makes mud for a few hours then levels off at about 75% humidity for the next few days, then back to 55%. So I don't know what to do. Maybe I used too much sand or something in the substrate mixture, or I should add some leaf litter or more peat moss.

It was burrowing for awhile, but hasn't for about a week. Sometimes it makes it's own, and other times I try to start one for it. I make about an inch deep hole with my fingers and it will finish it.

It's eating 5-10 large crickets a day. (usually about 6-8) dusted with calcium and vitamins each feeding, and 1 day a week or just whenever I need to go get more crickets I feed it chopped pinky/fuzzy mice. When it was still younger I cut the pinkys into 3rds, and the fuzzies accordingly. Now I cut the pinkies in half length-wise. It tends to sleep like crazy after mice, so I don't feed them very often, I skipped them this week. It also doesn't like mice that much now, maybe 1 or 2 little slices, then it loses interest.

It spends a lot of time playing with it's reflection / trying to find ways to escape. (i can't tell which it is haha)

After switching to the smaller tank I've been using light cycles, but while I had lights on 24/7 it kind of developed it's own sleep schedule. It acts nocturnal now. It sleeps all day and gets up around 8:00 pm every night, does it's thing, and is usually sleeping by 6:00-10:00 am. (I turn lights on at 8pm and off at 8am) I just want to know if this is okay to do. It's getting enough sleep and still has a 12/12 cycle, it just seems to prefer getting up at night. I have uvb on it at night also, so I personally don't see any harm, but I would like some others opinions. (at one point it burrowed for 3 days, so to test it, i left the lights on 24/7 again after the second day it was burrowed to see if it still wanted to be awake at night and asleep in the morning, and it came out of the burrow at 8:30 pm the 3rd day)

That's about it. Last thing, the only other concern I have other than trying to keep humidity up still is what I think to be sneezing. Every now and then, maybe once or twice every couple of days, it makes a sneeze type noise. I've looked it up and seems to be a warning sign of respiratory infection, but it shows absolutely no other signs of RI. It's very active, eating normally, not sluggish, no discharge, no mouth bubbling, no wheezing. . . could it just be a sneeze from dirt or something getting into the nose? Or maybe it's not even a sneeze and I just don't know what it is. Doesn't seem to be any certain time, just random times. Any thoughts?

And at this time I don't have any good pictures of the front feet to see the missing toe tips, but I'll try to get some in the next few days. It's still leery of my cell phone when I try to take pics or video. I'll post a link to photobucket with a bunch of pics and videos shortly.
Old 07-17-2012, 11:34 PM   #19
the thing that sucks about using a tank is that your light is external and you are losing most of your heat and humidity...don't worry about venting as of yet.

an adult should have the foot of dirt, you can get away with less with a baby.

a simple piece of plywood with the light mounted inside the cage should fix your issues.

if your room recieves natural light at all, you are providing a light cycle already. I never ran light cycles or uvb for my ackies but they never hurt.

Make sure your temps are a bare minimum of 75 ( I like 80)- 150 degrees.

a baby should be lower (130-140)

and as said before....heat them and feed them.

I like roaches over crickets because roaches don't tend to bite your animals as quickly as crickets do.
Old 07-17-2012, 11:44 PM   #20
Here's the photobucket album: There's 2 short videos, they're kind of choppy, when it gets more used to me holding things up in front of the tank I'll use a better camera for videos, and 8 pictures showing the tank setup and day 1 being here with me to 4 months old.

If it doesn't work for some reason let me know and I'll just post some in the thread.

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