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FaunaClassifieds Site HELP & Feedback Forum Anything of a nature concerning this website, moderators, admin, or anything having to do with how it is being run, should go here. Criticism is welcome, but abusive antagonism is not. THIS IS NOT THE FORUM FOR FEEDBACK CONCERNING BUYERS AND SELLERS! Such posts are ONLY allowed as replies to classified ads posted by the specific member involved in a specific issue with you.

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Old 11-07-2006, 10:27 AM   #11
I know it isn't possible but it would be nice if people were limited to the amount of posts in the Boi per day. Kind of like the karma, after you have posted (for example 5) in one day you won't be able post any more until the next day. Then people would have to really consider and put thought into where they post and the shotgun posting of every thread would be greatly diminished. Maybe also make some walk away and think some more before they type again.
Old 11-07-2006, 03:14 PM   #12
Originally Posted by bamasmith
I AM LEAVING THIS SITE COMPLETELY. I have another site that I frequent because the people there are good and ARE ALWAYS willing to help others.Profanity-laced attacks are not tolerated and smear campaigns do not happen. I would really like this site to succeed and I hope all the decent people will ignore the a-holes that are on here.Do'nt reply to anything they post.It drives them CRAZY If this site could be as accountable as Bob Clarks forums, it would continue to grow.But I feel that it is too far down the drain now for that to happen.And that is a shame.I hope all of you enjoy your day.
Come back soon now ya hear..OK I tried to be polite to you in the other thread, Now you done pissed me off. This is home to alot of us good, bad, or indifferent, But the man who owns this place does his best to keep it going,Over the years there have been many changes some good and some bad but over all, This place is still a good place to be, And if you want to move on I hope you find that perfect little world your in search of.But remember always stay on the utopia pavement, There are no piles of B.S there, But if you want to live in the real world B.S is a part of life, B.S is around every turn.
Old 11-07-2006, 03:36 PM   #13
Jim O
Originally Posted by bamasmith
Profanity-laced attacks are not tolerated and smear campaigns do not happen. I would really like this site to succeed and I hope all the decent people will ignore the a-holes that are on here.
OK, first he decries "profanity-laced attacks" and then refers to the "a-holes" but the best irony is posted below.

Pot, Kettle, Black. Put them in a sentence bama boy.
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Old 11-07-2006, 03:47 PM   #14
Mike Greathouse
Originally Posted by WebSlave
Yep, and a lot have fought every decision I have made. No matter what it was.

Sorry, but there is no way to draw a line in the sand ANYWHERE without someone saying it is too far in their direction and unfair. And others will say "I saw Johnnie cross that line and didn't get punished, so why was I?" Been there, done that.

I've been doing this BOI thing for what, 7 years or more? Heck, the last few years have been like one eternal root canal........
That's exactly my point.
You cannot possibly please everyone here - ever. So why not please yourself?
You have stated in numerous threads what you want this site to be and what you want it to represent. There are plenty of people willing to help. If you need more moderators - just ask. I'm sure that you would receive more then enough offers. You do not have to do this alone.

In my opinion (and I'll stress, my opinion) the BOI as it exists today, does not represent the dream that you had for it seven years ago. There are untold numbers of good people here that have shown their willingness to help others. I'm sure that this help would extend itself to you if you only asked or even showed that you still care about what happens here.

I think it's time for the Absentee Landlord to re-establish his residence here.
Old 11-07-2006, 05:22 PM   #15
Mike every time the rules change here up pops a thread like this one.

You can't please all the people all the time so Rich just please yourself here and leave it at that. Randy
Old 11-07-2006, 06:01 PM   #16
Mark Schmidtke
I know it isn't possible but it would be nice if people were limited to the amount of posts in the Boi per day. Kind of like the karma, after you have posted (for example 5) in one day you won't be able post any more until the next day. Then people would have to really consider and put thought into where they post and the shotgun posting of every thread would be greatly diminished. Maybe also make some walk away and think some more before they type again.
Why isn't it possible? This actually sounds like a very good idea to me.
Old 11-07-2006, 06:26 PM   #17
It does sound like it would help the quality of posting. But what would stop someone from registering under an alter ego to keep talking, or talk through a friend. Who would monitor?

Every time there's a good idea, it might BE a good idea, but then there is the time cost of enforcement to consider.
Old 11-07-2006, 07:19 PM   #18
Originally Posted by ravensgait
Mike every time the rules change here up pops a thread like this one.

You can't please all the people all the time so Rich just please yourself here and leave it at that. Randy
Well actually for now, THIS pleases me. A whole lot less work and stress for me. I don't need the headaches, stress, hassles, arguments, hate mail, and just general BS I had to suffer trying to make this MY ideal of what it should be. Screw that. If I am going to get bashed no matter what I do, then why the hell not take the easy route anyway?

And I did try more moderators a while back. Anyone remember the fiasco that some of my choices foisted on me? Yeah, that was a WHOLE lot of fun for me............ not....
Old 11-07-2006, 07:22 PM   #19
Chameleon Company
Well, here's my $.02. Practicality dictates that it is not worth Rich's time to police this place with a magnifying glass. For him to do that would require that there be some compensation attached, and he has tried that, and the pay was too low. Its simple math, and Rich has better uses for his time other then community service, unless court-ordered

There is also no doubt that many view here for the drama. A few of us decide to enter the ring, but we all see the number of non-participating viewers who want to see a smack-down. So long as the mod's control a few very basic rules and modest policing, as they have, the forum can function.

People who come to the BOI with valid complaints and stick to the facts have a pretty free ride of it. Those that want to get antsy with their keyboards better be ready to rumble, and many are not (eh Evan ?). Sometimes, when a slightly bad-guy is identified, might he then be crucified ? Yes, but usually only when he/she throws a log on the fire they would otherwise rather see doused. Its "jungle rules" here, and it is effective. Despite all its shortcomings ... and you have to take the good with the bad .... bad guys are certainly outed here. For those who have not spent time in real courtroom environment depositions and actual trial, the accuser gets no break. And the bad guy does real time.

As a last point, there is no argument by most that the tit-for-tats that prolong a thread for dozens if not hundreds of posts serve little function. But the first 20 posts of the thread usually frame things up enough for anyone doing research to get an idea. People need not subscribe, read, or participate once they feel it no longer productive. That's probably the toughest discipline mastered here.
Old 11-07-2006, 07:39 PM   #20
You know, I've got a question.

What's wrong with coming here for the drama?

Do you guys watch TV?

Do you go to the movies?

Do you read periodicals, books, trade journals, what have you to pass time and maybe get a laugh?

What's the big deal if some come here just to see who's kicking sand at whom?

The bad guys do get outed and if a mistake is made along the way, the ones who really care, will step up and say, "oops, my bad," and take responsibility.

Can you really ask for much more when it's free?

I think all those who say fauna is just drama are somewhat narrowminded and that's ok, no problem at all. However, just because some choose to be that way does not obligate anyone else to follow suit.

Unless you're in The Brotherhood. I hear they have very strict rules and regulations.

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