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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 05-20-2019, 03:01 AM   #11
Make no mistake, Lucille is a well know person in the industry, and for reasons nobody would ever be proud of. I believe even Charles Mansion has some
Integrity and class, at the very least, that Lucille could never match up to. Lucille is known as the women, who sits at home, all day, and all night, she will do anything, and say anything to be acknowledged - unfortunately, her hostile ways have made any possible comeback of reputation impossible.

She has mislead and confused buyers and sellers everywhere. And caused so much chaos, confusion, and most heart breaking, she has caused death by way of suicide.

Speaking of suicide, Fauna has allowed Lucille to hijack every single post, and confuse issues, muddy the waters, and cause so much destruction, that even when Lucille was begging folks to support Fauna, she was humiliated and laughed off the post.

I do not ever wish death on someone, but with Lucille’s loneliness, her disgusting ways, and her tormenting presence, if she is really as old and washed up as I’ve heard, I do hope she can just get out of her suffering and pass on.

And then her little puppets Chris Kennard, and a hand full of other ”live in mommy’s basement” key board warriors. So tough behind their hidden handles. So tough in their moms basement, like Will Farrel screaming “mom, where’s my meatloaf”!!! Never have I even encountered a more sick, impalpable, repulsive, disgusting group of folks. Then when I call them the correct name that applies to sick Lucille, I get blocked by the page for “name calling. Again, the owner has allowed this, nobody would allow, someone as disgusting as Lucille to ruin his business. But this Fauna guy does, bless his heart.

Then she always rants about how her critics are calling her big and powerful - no women, we are not, we are calling you gross, disgusting, and the mention of your name enclose immediate response of the gag reflex on 99% of the community.

I’m just guessing here - married? No way, Lucille, no way. Kids? - none that she knows of and certainly none that talk to her. (Except for her handful of puppets here on this doomed platform.) any life outside of this forum, of which she had destroyed? Nope. None.

What a miserable existence, what a stomach churning, vulgar, lowest form of humanity, heartless, misguided, phsycopath who will say anything to get a person to come back on and argue with her. She will beg, she will call your place of work, she will even offer up her old, titanic body, just to have someone come on this ruined platform, and argue with her, even if for one last time. And Chris Kennard, and the puppets of whom follow this women around - well, what’s there to say? They stay hidden for a reason. If we could
Compare me, or most any of the folks they attack in real life, it would be shocking to reveal who is attacking who. - But as everyone know, Fauna is useless now. Lucille has scuttled the biggest platform in the world, all by herself. And nobody had paid a bigger price, than the poor guy that owns this website. Seems like a nice man, but maybe did not study business management like some of us others have.

Little Nicky too - one of Lucille’s little puppets, another volunteer working from mommies basement, no education, no wife, no life. Just uses big words to sound educated, but doesn’t know articulation and ends up sounding like he is incompetent.

Lucille was a mistake, her dad should have pulled out. But that didn’t happen, and now the world has had to suffer the misery of her existence. But she has caused two suicides. She is in the crosshairs of one major criminal investigation. And again, the poor owner of this doomed sight, and his insurance company will have to deal with more fallout from Lucille, the disgusting Lucille. Misleading, lying Lucille. Assuming he does not get dragged into the reckless endangerment charge looming over Lucille’s Gran Jury price. Last I heard he is now trying to profit off the suicides, and the egregiously shocking behavior.

It’s okay, say what you will. One day, Lucille will stand before the pearly gates, and she will be denied, just like when she begged for money on FB. But instead of running back to Fauna, (the only place she is welcome). - she will be forced to go behind her sentence, of an eternal hell. And maybe her pitiful little puppets will follow, but unlikely.
Old 05-20-2019, 03:33 AM   #12
What’s funny, is right now little Nicky is working on sending me
an infraction. Lol - so he can feel some authority with his volunteer work. And Lucille is wondering why am I calling her so big and powerful? Lol - and all
The little elf’s are texting each other - saying how do we get Chris? Lol - let me help clear this up, you’ve done everything you can to get Chris, and you’ve only provided PR that has proven valuable.

And also, I’m bigger and stronger than you, I’m smarter than you, I have a reason to live and exist. Thriving business’, and ventures. I have it all. And despite your little, discreet attempts to try to “outdo me” - the facts are, you cannot.

All you can do is go on this sight, and further ruin it. I see ppl can post again, because nobody was willing to pay.

This is a note to the owner ....... I’ve heard good things about you. I don’t know you. I don’t want to know you. Yes, you have lost a VERY powerful platform on your website, because you allowed disgusting, lifeless, clueless, desperate trolls to tell you how to run your business, and for that, you have lost a lot. I’ve heard, a whole lot.

But, it’s never to late, if you can shake these ticks off your BOI. And run it your way, or hire someone with business management skills to help you. I believe you can be salvaged. But everyone automatically associates Fauna with Lucille. And that’s like saying everyone associates Fauna with being shot in the head. I mean, she literally make folks want to die -
So why have her as your mascot? I just don’t get it. And you have acknowledged your failing, and here I am, telling you why!

I know many many ppl in this community, and, well I will not repeat how the community views Lucille, because it’s beyond vulgar, vermin, and foul. Then she gathers her little puppets to hang up on someone, and still, she is just a no life, low life, piece of shit.

Go ahead little Nicky, block me. Fauna is a sinking ship anyhow, and maybe you can flex your little muscles as a volunteer in your mother’s basement. But just remember, your still a loser, even folks you believe are friend, have made no attempts to cover the fact, you are a loser, and Lucille is your puppet master.

So carry on, I’m signing off. Don’t make any deranged attempts to track me down and lure me back on. Yeah, yeah, go on and talk about how amazing you guys are to each other, pat each other on the back, and try to make each other feel better from my giving you a big does or the truth.

And hopefully you can form a little, you know, support group for vermin trolls. Lucille -
I can honestly say you disgust me beyond words, you are the nastiest, most misleading, deceiving, ghastly, disgusting, gag reflex activating, most vile form of animal
life I have ever encountered. May you continue your work, in lying, and cheating, and volunteering your own time, to humiliate innocent people, and work hard to make folks feel like their life is not meaningful, or valuable. Your not a head doctor, your observations and “diagnoses” are often the most deranged and most fucked up opinions I’ve ever heard. One thing is for sure, you suffer from every mental anguish ever known to the rat species of which you come from.

When you come here, next, and start rambling on like the dumb senseless old bitch you are - like you have all the answers, and you have it all figured out, and you have your little mommas basement puppets supporting you. Just remember, at the end of the day, everyday, and forever, the very few folks who may think of you, will only remember an old washed up disgusting vermin. Well, never mind Lucille, what am I saying - fact is, nobody does now, or will ever think of you. Or care what kind of total bullshit you have spewed from your disgusting old pie hole.

Have a good day now, and ta ta!!
Old 05-20-2019, 04:04 AM   #13
Originally Posted by calebroad View Post
What’s funny, is right now little Nicky is working on sending me
an infraction. Lol - so he can feel some authority with his volunteer work. And Lucille is wondering why am I calling her so big and powerful? Lol - and all
The little elf’s are texting each other - saying how do we get Chris? Lol - let me help clear this up, you’ve done everything you can to get Chris, and you’ve only provided PR that has proven valuable.

And also, I’m bigger and stronger than you, I’m smarter than you, I have a reason to live and exist. Thriving business’, and ventures. I have it all. And despite your little, discreet attempts to try to “outdo me” - the facts are, you cannot.

All you can do is go on this sight, and further ruin it. I see ppl can post again, because nobody was willing to pay.

This is a note to the owner ....... I’ve heard good things about you. I don’t know you. I don’t want to know you. Yes, you have lost a VERY powerful platform on your website, because you allowed disgusting, lifeless, clueless, desperate trolls to tell you how to run your business, and for that, you have lost a lot. I’ve heard, a whole lot.

But, it’s never to late, if you can shake these ticks off your BOI. And run it your way, or hire someone with business management skills to help you. I believe you can be salvaged. But everyone automatically associates Fauna with Lucille. And that’s like saying everyone associates Fauna with being shot in the head. I mean, she literally make folks want to die -
So why have her as your mascot? I just don’t get it. And you have acknowledged your failing, and here I am, telling you why!

I know many many ppl in this community, and, well I will not repeat how the community views Lucille, because it’s beyond vulgar, vermin, and foul. Then she gathers her little puppets to hang up on someone, and still, she is just a no life, low life, piece of shit.

Go ahead little Nicky, block me. Fauna is a sinking ship anyhow, and maybe you can flex your little muscles as a volunteer in your mother’s basement. But just remember, your still a loser, even folks you believe are friend, have made no attempts to cover the fact, you are a loser, and Lucille is your puppet master.

So carry on, I’m signing off. Don’t make any deranged attempts to track me down and lure me back on. Yeah, yeah, go on and talk about how amazing you guys are to each other, pat each other on the back, and try to make each other feel better from my giving you a big does or the truth.

And hopefully you can form a little, you know, support group for vermin trolls. Lucille -
I can honestly say you disgust me beyond words, you are the nastiest, most misleading, deceiving, ghastly, disgusting, gag reflex activating, most vile form of animal
life I have ever encountered. May you continue your work, in lying, and cheating, and volunteering your own time, to humiliate innocent people, and work hard to make folks feel like their life is not meaningful, or valuable. Your not a head doctor, your observations and “diagnoses” are often the most deranged and most fucked up opinions I’ve ever heard. One thing is for sure, you suffer from every mental anguish ever known to the rat species of which you come from.

When you come here, next, and start rambling on like the dumb senseless old bitch you are - like you have all the answers, and you have it all figured out, and you have your little mommas basement puppets supporting you. Just remember, at the end of the day, everyday, and forever, the very few folks who may think of you, will only remember an old washed up disgusting vermin. Well, never mind Lucille, what am I saying - fact is, nobody does now, or will ever think of you. Or care what kind of total bullshit you have spewed from your disgusting old pie hole.

Have a good day now, and ta ta!!
Wow! Impressive rant. Chris "bleeding anus" Davis the smartest,strongest,toughest, most wealthly man who ever lived. Looks like those court ordered anger management classes are really helping. Interesting enough though, your wife is the bread winner in your family and you are a wanna be cop security guard. Pretty funny to see you back on the BOI posting a bunch of rambling gibberish even after you said you would never come back. Did FB delete all your crappy reptile groups? Seems odd that you lay awake at night thinking about Nick and Lucille and then you come here to project your insecurities. Im sure everyone who reads your post is relieved that you came here to set the record straight. LMFAO!
Old 05-20-2019, 08:00 AM   #14
Everyone who can manage to express himself with sanity and a firm grasp on reality, please step forward.


Not so fast, Chris Davis.
Old 05-20-2019, 09:07 AM   #15
Chris has several threads here on the BOI where he has been caught in various scams, I believe the most recent one has him not paying for or completing a trade on turtles after giving the other party the runaround for years.

I do believe he is upset that I and a number of others have pointed out that he needs to complete his deals as promised and stop scamming people. I think his problem is that the BOI is working as it should, and after reading the threads about his business shenanigans people are probably choosing not to do business with him.
Originally Posted by Emery Aranda View Post
it’s obvious there’s a lot of people who don’t like her.

True. Many of them are bad guys who have tried to scam innocent people and as a result of BOI threads in which I and many others participate in, have been shown for what they are.

I would expect that some scammers would like nothing better that to somehow get people to gloss over what others write in their bad guy threads. I have no financial stake whatsoever in the outcome of these threads, but Chris certainly seems to be profiting at the expense of others when he doesn't pay for his turtles or complete trades by giving the other party what he has promised.

It certainly would be to his benefit if he could get reader attention focussed on me or others of his choosing and deflected away from his own poor behavior.
Old 05-20-2019, 09:17 AM   #16
Great Lakes Snakes
I find it humorous how hypocritical this post is. Not only are you heavily putting down a woman whilst claiming you're for anti-bullying in your bio... but you're proving that you yourself are a toxic, sick, disgusting, human being just by wasting your petty efforts on making this post. You say she sits here day and night waiting for acknowledgment, but you're the one making posts at 3am on Fauna thinking about her and ranting like a 12 year old who lost his Xbox privileges. Grow up. I may not know much about Lucille; I've seen her here plenty of times, but in all honesty, I have never seen reason to dislike her. She has always been a sweetheart to me, and the only times I have seen people have problems with her are when they get angry because she brought up great points against them -- and then they throw a tantrum like a child. This post is utterly pointless. What are you truly hoping to accomplish here? The only people that will listen to your obsessive rantings and base their opinion of Lucille on this post alone are weak, fragile followers with no drive to think for themselves. Everyone else, on the other hand, will use reason. You have to be one pathetic waste of space to take the time... at 3am... to make an entire thread about how much you despise someone while narcissistically claiming you are worthier than them. You have massive ego issues, my friend. I'd recommend using your time a little more wisely and finding some peace with yourself. It would do you good.
Old 05-20-2019, 09:30 AM   #17
Great Lakes Snakes
Originally Posted by calebroad View Post
Make no mistake, Lucille is a well know person in the industry, and for reasons nobody would ever be proud of. I believe even Charles Mansion has some
Integrity and class, at the very least, that Lucille could never match up to. Lucille is known as the women, who sits at home, all day, and all night, she will do anything, and say anything to be acknowledged - unfortunately, her hostile ways have made any possible comeback of reputation impossible.

She has mislead and confused buyers and sellers everywhere. And caused so much chaos, confusion, and most heart breaking, she has caused death by way of suicide.

Speaking of suicide, Fauna has allowed Lucille to hijack every single post, and confuse issues, muddy the waters, and cause so much destruction, that even when Lucille was begging folks to support Fauna, she was humiliated and laughed off the post.

I do not ever wish death on someone, but with Lucille’s loneliness, her disgusting ways, and her tormenting presence, if she is really as old and washed up as I’ve heard, I do hope she can just get out of her suffering and pass on.

And then her little puppets Chris Kennard, and a hand full of other ”live in mommy’s basement” key board warriors. So tough behind their hidden handles. So tough in their moms basement, like Will Farrel screaming “mom, where’s my meatloaf”!!! Never have I even encountered a more sick, impalpable, repulsive, disgusting group of folks. Then when I call them the correct name that applies to sick Lucille, I get blocked by the page for “name calling. Again, the owner has allowed this, nobody would allow, someone as disgusting as Lucille to ruin his business. But this Fauna guy does, bless his heart.

Then she always rants about how her critics are calling her big and powerful - no women, we are not, we are calling you gross, disgusting, and the mention of your name enclose immediate response of the gag reflex on 99% of the community.

I’m just guessing here - married? No way, Lucille, no way. Kids? - none that she knows of and certainly none that talk to her. (Except for her handful of puppets here on this doomed platform.) any life outside of this forum, of which she had destroyed? Nope. None.

What a miserable existence, what a stomach churning, vulgar, lowest form of humanity, heartless, misguided, phsycopath who will say anything to get a person to come back on and argue with her. She will beg, she will call your place of work, she will even offer up her old, titanic body, just to have someone come on this ruined platform, and argue with her, even if for one last time. And Chris Kennard, and the puppets of whom follow this women around - well, what’s there to say? They stay hidden for a reason. If we could
Compare me, or most any of the folks they attack in real life, it would be shocking to reveal who is attacking who. - But as everyone know, Fauna is useless now. Lucille has scuttled the biggest platform in the world, all by herself. And nobody had paid a bigger price, than the poor guy that owns this website. Seems like a nice man, but maybe did not study business management like some of us others have.

Little Nicky too - one of Lucille’s little puppets, another volunteer working from mommies basement, no education, no wife, no life. Just uses big words to sound educated, but doesn’t know articulation and ends up sounding like he is incompetent.

Lucille was a mistake, her dad should have pulled out. But that didn’t happen, and now the world has had to suffer the misery of her existence. But she has caused two suicides. She is in the crosshairs of one major criminal investigation. And again, the poor owner of this doomed sight, and his insurance company will have to deal with more fallout from Lucille, the disgusting Lucille. Misleading, lying Lucille. Assuming he does not get dragged into the reckless endangerment charge looming over Lucille’s Gran Jury price. Last I heard he is now trying to profit off the suicides, and the egregiously shocking behavior.

It’s okay, say what you will. One day, Lucille will stand before the pearly gates, and she will be denied, just like when she begged for money on FB. But instead of running back to Fauna, (the only place she is welcome). - she will be forced to go behind her sentence, of an eternal hell. And maybe her pitiful little puppets will follow, but unlikely.

I find it humorous how hypocritical this post is. Not only are you heavily putting down a woman whilst claiming you're for anti-bullying in your bio... but you're proving that you yourself are a toxic, sick, disgusting, human being just by wasting your petty efforts on making this post. You say she sits here day and night waiting for acknowledgment, but you're the one making posts at 3am on Fauna thinking about her and ranting like a 12 year old who lost his Xbox privileges. Grow up. I may not know much about Lucille; I've seen her here plenty of times, but in all honesty, I have never seen reason to dislike her. She has always been a sweetheart to me, and the only times I have seen people have problems with her are when they get angry because she brought up great points against them -- and then they throw a tantrum like a child. This post is utterly pointless. What are you truly hoping to accomplish here? The only people that will listen to your obsessive rantings and base their opinion of Lucille on this post alone are weak, fragile followers with no drive to think for themselves. Everyone else, on the other hand, will use reason. You have to be one pathetic waste of space to take the time... at 3am... to make an entire thread about how much you despise someone while narcissistically claiming you are worthier than them. You have massive ego issues, my friend. I'd recommend using your time a little more wisely and finding some peace with yourself. It would do you good.
Old 05-20-2019, 09:34 AM   #18
Great Lakes Snakes
Ignore the double reply. Still getting used to Fauna. ��
Old 05-20-2019, 09:36 AM   #19
Originally Posted by calebroad View Post
What’s funny, is right now little Nicky is working on sending me
an infraction. Lol - so he can feel some authority with his volunteer work. And Lucille is wondering why am I calling her so big and powerful? Lol - and all
The little elf’s are texting each other - saying how do we get Chris? Lol - let me help clear this up, you’ve done everything you can to get Chris, and you’ve only provided PR that has proven valuable.

And also, I’m bigger and stronger than you, I’m smarter than you, I have a reason to live and exist. Thriving business’, and ventures. I have it all. And despite your little, discreet attempts to try to “outdo me” - the facts are, you cannot.

All you can do is go on this sight, and further ruin it. I see ppl can post again, because nobody was willing to pay.

This is a note to the owner ....... I’ve heard good things about you. I don’t know you. I don’t want to know you. Yes, you have lost a VERY powerful platform on your website, because you allowed disgusting, lifeless, clueless, desperate trolls to tell you how to run your business, and for that, you have lost a lot. I’ve heard, a whole lot.

But, it’s never to late, if you can shake these ticks off your BOI. And run it your way, or hire someone with business management skills to help you. I believe you can be salvaged. But everyone automatically associates Fauna with Lucille. And that’s like saying everyone associates Fauna with being shot in the head. I mean, she literally make folks want to die -
So why have her as your mascot? I just don’t get it. And you have acknowledged your failing, and here I am, telling you why!

I know many many ppl in this community, and, well I will not repeat how the community views Lucille, because it’s beyond vulgar, vermin, and foul. Then she gathers her little puppets to hang up on someone, and still, she is just a no life, low life, piece of shit.

Go ahead little Nicky, block me. Fauna is a sinking ship anyhow, and maybe you can flex your little muscles as a volunteer in your mother’s basement. But just remember, your still a loser, even folks you believe are friend, have made no attempts to cover the fact, you are a loser, and Lucille is your puppet master.

So carry on, I’m signing off. Don’t make any deranged attempts to track me down and lure me back on. Yeah, yeah, go on and talk about how amazing you guys are to each other, pat each other on the back, and try to make each other feel better from my giving you a big does or the truth.

And hopefully you can form a little, you know, support group for vermin trolls. Lucille -
I can honestly say you disgust me beyond words, you are the nastiest, most misleading, deceiving, ghastly, disgusting, gag reflex activating, most vile form of animal
life I have ever encountered. May you continue your work, in lying, and cheating, and volunteering your own time, to humiliate innocent people, and work hard to make folks feel like their life is not meaningful, or valuable. Your not a head doctor, your observations and “diagnoses” are often the most deranged and most fucked up opinions I’ve ever heard. One thing is for sure, you suffer from every mental anguish ever known to the rat species of which you come from.

When you come here, next, and start rambling on like the dumb senseless old bitch you are - like you have all the answers, and you have it all figured out, and you have your little mommas basement puppets supporting you. Just remember, at the end of the day, everyday, and forever, the very few folks who may think of you, will only remember an old washed up disgusting vermin. Well, never mind Lucille, what am I saying - fact is, nobody does now, or will ever think of you. Or care what kind of total bullshit you have spewed from your disgusting old pie hole.

Have a good day now, and ta ta!!
Dude, Your sick. I don't know Lucille but when you spread hate like that you lose all credibility.
Old 05-20-2019, 10:10 AM   #20
Edit: You're*

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