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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 06-03-2004, 03:29 AM   #11
Intense Herpetoculture
It's so funny because I work at Keith's shop and Sloan was the store joke for several months, I'm just glad we got some laughs out of all of it. Man, we had some good names for him. We even made a bet about Sloan's "Patternless" and I told Keith Sloan was full of S*ht ever since he mentioned the great success he had with Fea vipers he had in his collection that came from Burma, oh and the albino gilia, the list goes on. Keith was ready to lay cash in Sloan's hand, but nope, Sloan never produced and it was looking more and more like Sloan was trying to rip off Keith's collection, like he had in the past. I just wish he tried, Keith would have killed and skinned him dry. So Sloan, do you know where you have been all these years? I surely do, Keith, Earl, Tim, and Micheal know as well. Oh, did I forget to mention I won the bet?
Old 06-03-2004, 03:52 AM   #12
Intense Herpetoculture
Oh look what I got in the e-mail box from Sloan, ohhhh, I feel honored I boiled his blood.

This is a message from Alterna Ranch at FaunaClassifieds Forums ( ). The FaunaClassifieds Forums
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This is the message:

....and I'll kick your b*tch a*s right out of Texas.

Hmmm...wonder if that is a threat, oh wait, it is, Sloan, do you mind calling the police for me, or do I need to do it myself?
Old 06-03-2004, 09:07 AM   #13
Earl H. Turner
Thumbs down Scarey Sloan !!!!!!!!

PLEASE check my last post for Reptile Locators--it pretty much sums up my feelings toward this "basua"----means trash in Spanish. I will bet you that ol Bob is busier then a one-legged man at a butt kicking contest when it comes to telling tales and making up lies !!!! As far as the threats, I would take any and all threats SERIOUSLY and report them immediately to the Del Rio Police Department--#830-774-2711 or the Val Verde Sheriff's Department--830--774-7513. A threat is a criminal act and should not be looked at otherwise. Who knows what is on the mind of an individual these days ????!!!! You sincerely better look into this matter in a serious vain. I have never seen anyone else make these type of terrioristic threats on the BOI. That's because most of the members are decent folks and have a much better mindset than this loudmouth who constantly berates and threatens people ------ I will bet, that wouldn't be the case in everyone knows, some people are very brave when distances and/or a non-face to face situation is at is a different story if in fact, it occurs on a personal basis. I would still alert the authorities as it is SERIOUS Have a good one----Earl Turner
Old 06-03-2004, 03:35 PM   #14
Emailed threats of bodily harm

Are considered a 3rd degree felony in most (all?) states. I had some joker email me (& my wife - whata bada$$ huh?) threats & notified the proper authorities. It is a good reference in case you do ever come into contact w/ the low-life.
Old 06-03-2004, 04:50 PM   #15
Tim Cole
Talking Legal Action...How I became involved...

When Bob Sloan said he had patternless atrox for sale. He was asked if they were from my stock since I started them in 1995. When he tried to sell them for $5000 dollars a pair people asked for proof and he was offended. My responce to this was that he needed to document and photograph the animals to convince people this wasn't a scam.

Here's my previous post on the BOI:

Interesting thread going here. Especially, since my name has come up.
Bob, I've never heard of you and would certainly not buy animals sight unseen from you. You're so wrong about Michael, it makes me laugh. He drove to my house in Texas from Ohio to buy some snakes from me. And you say he's not serious!
As far as patternless atrox go. I've done my homework and have PICTURES, VIDEO, WITNESSES, AND DOCUMENTATION
for my animals which have produced F3 animals. All of the patternless I have KNOWN of have not successfully bred until mine produced.
I'm not saying yours haven't, but these days you need to prove yourself due to scammers out there. Asking for proof is not unreasonable. It's forums like this that prove my point! You can ask what you want, but people are going to check up on you and want references. Since this thread started
I 've heard interesting rumours about who you are and this info would definitely keep me from trusting you.
Lots of people out there selling anmals they do not have. Can you blame people for being careful? If these animals were so common, a lot more would be in collections.

Bobs responce to this went to Keith Northrup and not me. Here is his responce and threat to me:


>Fist of all....I never care what anyone thinks or believes. Tim Cole is
>an asshole with a big mouth and if ever we meet - I'm going to shut it
>for him !!!
>There is no possibility of a scam or rip-off cause I've never once asked
>anyone to send money for these snakes sight unseen and I would NEVER
>expect anyone to do so. There is no way for you to get scammed because
>I'll be standing there with 2-4 patternless atrox and you'll be holding
>the cash/trade animals. A rip-off is not possible.
>As for be honest, this patternless thing is just not on the
>top of my list right now. I'll get them to you and the snakes within the
>next ten days or so.

>Part of the reason I have not made a real effort to get this stuff done
>with these patternless is due to all the negative feedback I've gotten
>about them. Tim Cole has told Earl Turner I'm a liar and do not have them
>at all. Tim Cole better hope I never cross his path cause I'll kick his
><font color=red>[**censored**]</font>ing ass all over the Great State of Texas and you can tell him I said
>so ! I hope to see him this year at one of the HOT shows so he can say it
>to my face. He won't cause like most people in this hobby - he's just
>another loud mouth chicken <font color=red>[**censored**]</font> ! Then, when I talk to you, sometimes you
>seem serious and others you seem to back track. I also went on
> and contacted anyone selling rattlesnakes. I got a lot of
>replies, but no one with any money to buy so no real interest. Some
>asshole from The Snake Machine named Michael seemed to think I wanted him
>to send $5,000 sight unseen. Another obvious dumbass ! I never asked him
>for money. He talked to Tim Cole who told him I was a liar, a thief and
>did not have them and that it was a scam.
>Bob Sloan

I never told Michael that Bob was a liar since I've never spoke to or met Bob. My conversation with Earl about Bob was Earl telling me about Bob not the otherway around!

I do not take threats lightly and I understand that legal actions are in the works for Bob. Since he has taken it upon himself to threaten me I am also getting on the wagon to see this individual put back to where he came from. PRISON!

I have never met, threatened, or spoken to Bob to warrant such treatment.
Old 06-03-2004, 04:57 PM   #16
bud mierkey
Unhappy read his first post

Well I guess now Sloan Is a enemy of mine.
I did not know of him until his first post.

I looks like a direct threat to me?

-read the reptile locators self launched thread.

We also know why he posted it.
we know who made him post it.
It is not hard to figure this one out.

So do you all think its a threat?
Old 06-03-2004, 06:13 PM   #17
Ken Harbart
Plain and simple, Sloan is a putz. I'm not impressed by his tales of albino gilas, nor am I impressed by his pattern of criminal behavior.
Old 06-03-2004, 06:25 PM   #18
Alterna Ranch
Talking Reality

First of all, I did not threaten you BUDHOLE ! I merely invited you down for a talk with Shawn and myself. And YES, you did accuse Randy of causing the murder of Katy Harris. I read your post. You are a liar. So is Earl Turner.

Reality in Texas is order for any LE dept. to file a case if you are threatened by someone, you must have FOUR documents and or recordings before they will even investigate it. You people are sure quite full of yourselves aren't you.

As for Tim Cole - me thinks the <font color=red>[**censored**]</font> in the woodpile here is one Earl Turner himslef. You see, Earl has always liked to stir up dirt on someone, but is alaways your greatest buddy on the phone and in person. It stems from pissing himself when confronted by a MAN ! Earl and several other recent untruths........gee Bob, I found an albino suboc on 277 pasted to the road and I sent Soderberg up there and he caught one ! And all this time I thought it was another collector who got the first albino suboc !??
Then....gee Bob, I caught an annulata/alterna cross in the second "S" curve and "Campbell" came and took photos of it. Actually it was Les Hughey who caught it Earl. Seems Earl takes credit for any and everything around here. And then Earl posts here that he does not know Les, but told both myself and another local that Les is a petophile and should stay away from him. Then Earl has tried to run Randy and his family off the road while collecting and even pulled a gun on them - his kids in the VAN ! That seems to be much more of a threat than anything I've said and a complaint was filed but it did not warrant any charges ! So good luck to any of you who want to try that with me.

My position is this.....I don't sell snakes any longer. I don't deal with morons like you any longer. I hunt EVERY FREAKING NIGHT and am collecting alterna like candy ! So far 18 this season, and all of mine are here for those who know me to see. Randy saw most of them yesterday. If you want to take this as a threat - so be it............If you run your mouth about me - you will be called out on it if EVER I see you down here and you will either back it up or piss yourself like Earl does. Your choice. Your best bet is to forget I exist !!! FYI
Old 06-03-2004, 06:28 PM   #19
Alterna Ranch
Talking Hey Ken Harber

When are you and Earl and Bud gonna have a threesome ????

You're an A$$hole....say it to my face please !
Old 06-03-2004, 06:42 PM   #20
Alterna Ranch

I never told anyone I had an albino gila. That rumor was started by Dwain Collings from Tuscon 20 years ago that I supposedly collected one in a cave in Mexico. Gee....Dwain was shot full of holes by AZ police in a drug raid gone bad.

The leucistic annulata was collected by a girl in Dallas. I do not have it. She does. I've seen it and got her three fems from Juno Road. I also directed her to Applegate for info, but she said he was of little or no help.

Tim....Earl was the one who told me that you called him about me having patternless atrox and said I was a liar and didn't have them. But when I talked to Earl he bad mouthed both you and Keith as two people to avoid. He also told me to Avoid Ryan in Lubbock as he is a crook too. Said Ryan showed up and dropped off a baby albino viridis that was missing its tounge. He said he's had to force feed it ever since. You see Earl Turner will be your best buddy on the phone, but bad mouth you to everyone else he talks to. It is how Earl gets his jollies. If you were that old, FAT, and ugly - I guess anything fun would do ! You may have gotten yours in '95, but I've had mine since '87. Call the Tyler Zoo - I donated an adult female to them because she kept killing every male I tried to breed her with. I know where they come from and the EXACT four dens where I can go Spring and fall to collect them. Sometimes I only find a few - sometimes I find a lot !
Most likely Earl is the real instigator of the rift between you and I.

One final thought for you are liabel for statenments made about someone which can be proven false. I can and will file a lawsuit againt fauna classifieds for libel if I see anything further here that is false in regards to me. I can and will file suit under the "Long Arm Statutes" we have here in Texas. Say what you will, but you will either have to show up and defend it(which costs you time and money) or you fail to show up and I get a directed verdict for judgement(which costs you time and money). There are only two things in this world people understand.....take money out of thier pockets or a good butt kickin' ! Fortunately - I'm VERY capable of BOTH !

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