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FaunaClassifieds Site HELP & Feedback Forum Anything of a nature concerning this website, moderators, admin, or anything having to do with how it is being run, should go here. Criticism is welcome, but abusive antagonism is not. THIS IS NOT THE FORUM FOR FEEDBACK CONCERNING BUYERS AND SELLERS! Such posts are ONLY allowed as replies to classified ads posted by the specific member involved in a specific issue with you.

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Old 11-30-2004, 03:02 PM   #11
Yeah. That page is ONLY or the reputations. Imagine what all of the rest of the admin settings are like.......

I just discovered how to make the Contributors show up a different color on the display of active members. There are all kinds of hidden gems like that in this system.
Old 11-30-2004, 06:30 PM   #12
I did notice that I could see who gave me the reputation points on cornsnakes.com and that I could NOT see who gave me the points on THIS site... so it seems it is working the way you want it to.

I think also making sure that only those who are really serious can post reputation points might be a great way to avoid the problems as seen on cornsnakes.com .... those who are using it as a retaliatory system are just running it into the ground (not complaining... I read the writing on the thread.... those who wanted it back got it, flaws and all, no complaints allowed). In any case, it's a fun little thing.

Guess I better make a mental note to send in that contribution.... (heck with mental notes, let me see if I can make one right now!)
Old 11-30-2004, 06:56 PM   #13
Jeepers.... sometimes I hate it when I think I'm on the last post, and I reply only to realize I am not quite on the last post. Makes my reply seem kind of lame.

Looks REALLY complicated.

BUT I dug up an old credit card that happened to be attached to my paypal account, and hit the donation button (everyone should do that, it feels good!) and I just hope I remember to tell hubby when he reconciles the books.

Thanks again, Rich, for this site.
Old 11-30-2004, 07:16 PM   #14
Sasheena, the best way to do this is via the automatic subscription plan that I set up through this site for contributors: http://www.faunaclassifieds.com/foru...criptions.php?

It's supposed to automatically notify you when a year has elapsed and it is time to renew.

Just recently Bob Sloan registered yet again with another false name and posted his usual "stuff". I'm leaning more and more towards having some sort of minimal membership fee here in order to block that sort of nonsense. I need to think on this and run it by as many people as possible to see what will work. I ran it by the people in my "steering committee" forum here recently and most of the people that read that forum seemed to think it may be a positive step. I would hate to alienate a lot of people here by charging for access to at least parts of this site, but it is looking more and more all of the time like that might be the only solution to sweeping out the trolls.

Of course, the Contributors will always have full access. But I'm thinking of a basic access membership of something like $10 per year. Just enough to keep out the trolls, but not enough to hit anyone significantly in the pocketbook.

I have to think on this some more......
Old 11-30-2004, 07:25 PM   #15
Ken Harbart
Speaking of ol' Spongebob, was that a soft delete that I did when I "took out the trash?"
Old 11-30-2004, 07:33 PM   #16
I just clicked the "make a donation" button on the sidebar.... guess I'll have to remember myself when a year is up?

I think that I would like to be a part of the discussion in the steering committee (or wherever) regarding charging... it would be nice to see what others have said and if I have two new cents to add to the discussion, I certainly will.

For me, I think that little gizmos and gadgets and doo-hickeys and thingamajigs are perfect to encourage people to pay up. But I also feel that the only way we can have the BOI work properly is to have at least a certain level of access available to those who do not pay... those who want the in-depth stuff (and therefore use the site a lot) should pay for the privelege.

Anyway, tis easy for me to say, having finally paid, after 18 months of free-loading. But in any case, it's worthwhile. I'm sure that I've been saved at least $10 actual money, and hundreds of dollars of "salivating over ads" because I can frequently discount certain ads and never even open them, due to my reading of the BOI. Half the temptation that used to exist does not exist due to the source of the posters of the ads.

And jeepers, this is WAY off the topic of reputation points isn't it?

Still trying to figure out the reputation points system....
Old 11-30-2004, 07:56 PM   #17
Ken - yes, that was a soft delete.

Sasheena - thanks for the donation, but unfortunately the Contributors level requires a $25 donation. I had to do it this way...

If I go with something like an admission fee, the $10 would suffice for that, but I'll be real surprised if my two remaining brain cells will remember this when I finally figure out what I am going to do.

Old 11-30-2004, 08:09 PM   #18
Ken: if you talk trash on my thread I think you oughtta gimme some rep points in return...heee,heeee

Webslave: I like the idea of some sort of admittance fee before one uses the BOI. I got in a 'mood' the other day and wrote this long diatribe about kids who come on here with 5 or 6 posts to their names and just start taunting and calling names and I don't think that gets anyone anywhere. (I put the post in Hell, I don't think you saw it).

Sasheena: I love your horse avatar, it's beautiful.
Old 11-30-2004, 08:14 PM   #19
Yeah, it's getting to the point where there is going to need to be a gate across the entranceway. To give you an idea of what we have to put up with, here's a partial quote from Bob Sloan (under a new registered alias) that Ken just deleted recently:

Me included - and YES - this is Sloan you assholes ! Keep kicking me off and I'll bombard this ****ing website with so many posts it'll shut down. Try me assholes. I've got hundreds of dial up numbers to choose from. Kiss my ass Bitches !
I guess I should thank Mr. Sloan for being up on the list of suitable incentives for me to finally and seriously consider what I need to do.
Old 11-30-2004, 08:15 PM   #20
The only problem I see with charging to use the BOI is that it becomes less of a tool than it is. Ah well, this isn't the right thread for that discussion.

As for the avatar... it's a "dragonhorse" I painted on the computer, miniaturized of course. I had a bunch on the computer once upon a time... I'll post some on the general BS forum...

And as far as the $25 to be a contributing member, that'll have to wait ten days until we receive our christmas bonus. One thing I found out.... it's bad enough to be a teacher (you make no money)... worse to marry one also (together you make less money) and really the pits, financially, to suddenly become the parents of a 14-year old (kids EAT)..... Dunno if there's a poverty level below our current one!

But the state of arizona does send some of its tax money direct to teachers, so our bonus check is but 10 days away. s'okay if I make up the difference in ten days Rich?

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