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FaunaClassifieds Site HELP & Feedback Forum Anything of a nature concerning this website, moderators, admin, or anything having to do with how it is being run, should go here. Criticism is welcome, but abusive antagonism is not. THIS IS NOT THE FORUM FOR FEEDBACK CONCERNING BUYERS AND SELLERS! Such posts are ONLY allowed as replies to classified ads posted by the specific member involved in a specific issue with you.

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Old 11-17-2005, 01:11 AM   #11
Originally Posted by PaulSage
Don't get me wrong, I miss Wes's posts a lot, too. I do not, in any way, feel that he was targeted though, and I don't blame the moderators for Wes's banning. If anything, I'm a little mad at Wes for getting himself banned. In my opinion, that's exactly what he did. Damnit Wes.
Yea, unfortunately he DID do it to himself. He knew where the line was drawn..

It's a shame.
Old 11-17-2005, 01:15 AM   #12

How many warning points did Wes have under his belt? Do you think he was a stranger to the fact that there are rules here? Do you think I was NOT lenient ENOUGH with him? How many times do I need to tell someone that enough is enough? And when they continue to prod at the line I've drawn on the sand, should I just keep drawing a different line or do I finally come to the realization that I either HAVE to do something, or I might as well do nothing at all?

Yes, I like Wes. And yes I appreciated his insight and humor. And yes, I do miss his posts as well.

But my likes are neither here nor there. Just as I cannot make up reasons to ban someone just because I don't like them, nor can I ignore reasons TO ban someone just because I happen to like them. Wes kept pushing the envelope until it just broke.

The situation with Lucille was NOT the cause of him getting banned. It was only one incident in a long line of them that finally triggered that event. If it hadn't been that particular incident with the "loosewheel" comment, it most certainly would have been another soon enough, which I think very few people can honestly deny. The background between Lucille and Wes and the names they choose to use is immaterial. I am NOT going to investigate every situation on this site where warning points, at face value, appear to be warranted. Quite simply put, "loosewheel" sounded derogatory to me, and that is that. If this had been Wes's ONLY warning point or there has not been a lengthy history of his mangling someone's name in just such a manner in order to make it sound derogatory, then I would certainly be inclined to agree that I acted harshly. But quite frankly, I just do not believe that is the case here at all.

Wes is an intelligent adult. I am certain that his English comprehension skills as well as the ability to understand motivations, both of his own and of other people, are well enough on par to be able to understand the paths he chooses to take. If FaunaClassifieds became a place he could not adapt to, then quite certainly I am not about to modify my position and direction of this site in order to adapt to him. He had his own choice to make in how he acted here, and I had no real choice but to assume that he was asking for what he got. ANYONE who can say that he had not been AMPLY warned is being WAY less then truthful with themselves as well as with me.

And if ANYONE wants to stage a protest because of this decision, then knock yourself out. If you feel the need to choose between "Wes" and "this mess", then go ahead and choose.
Old 11-17-2005, 01:44 AM   #13
LOL Rich, I have no intention of having a sit out, thought it was said in jest and laughed over it, silly you
You are absolutely correct in all you say, makes perfect sense, and yes, maybe Wes would have gotten banned in the future, I just do not believe that it should have been this. Like doing something illegal you go to jail pay the price and go on. Wes' suspensions were just that, he had to paid, as I look lol, he paid dearly. Not bad money for a guy who supposedly lives in a trailer with his uncle If he has paid his price should he be penalized again for them by including them in this situation?
I am hoping that Lucille herself will admit to the pet names, as she called him "your royal pollackness". It was in play, if in fact she does admit that will you re-consider that in this instance, this one instance a mistake was made?
That is a fair question. If he is to be kicked off, which as you say sooner or later, it should be from something he REALLY does or says something derogatory. Personally I think that would at least be a compromise.
Was hoping you'd see the humour in what I wrote, lol. By the way, place looks pretty damn nice, though kind of lost, have to get used to it.
Old 11-17-2005, 02:23 AM   #14
If Wes makes a full confession, and is repentant, can he be redeemed?
Is the door firmly and permanently closed?
Granted, there are a few others who have been banned or suspended (long term-their choice) who are not nearly as well liked and there is no group lobbying for their return. But, Wes is well liked by many. Is there any value in lobbying on his behalf? At all?
Old 11-17-2005, 02:51 AM   #15

I know that Neil got banned permanately twice and he is back. Maybe something can be worked out? I understand the rules, but we are still free to have opinions, just so the BOI isnt cluttered.
I know when I have something to say this is the forum I go to.
I just think it is kind of double jeopardy to have him pay the price and keep paying for it verbally. Eh, as he would say.
Marcia the gecko is doing great, and I love him dearly, have figure out where to pay my ten bucks, found out I couldn't post on your thread on BOI so I wrote here knowing you would read it lol
Old 11-17-2005, 08:31 AM   #16

I am in agreement about Wes I have nothing but the highest respect for him.But IMHO If Wes Did the redemption thing would this site really benefit from a Lobotomized Wes I don't think so..... This site lost one of the Great Ones Again
Old 11-17-2005, 09:54 AM   #17
Sorry, but that's just the way it is. Yes, I know I relented on Neil's case, and look how it is now being thrown up into my face. So you are asking me to do that again? Thanks, but no thanks. When I stated I was going to get tough on enforcing the rules, I meant it. If Wes was just trying to see how far he could push things, well now he knows. And so should everyone else who thinks they might be close to that line as well. NO ONE is indispensable here. No one has carte blanche to do as they please with no repercussions.

This site will get along just fine without Wes, so get over it. If you feel the need to correspond with him, try email. But if YOUR remaining here is contingent upon Wes coming back here, then we will possibly miss you as well.
Old 11-17-2005, 01:52 PM   #18
Rich, with no disrespect I asked you to think about it, or if there is a compromise, not to just bring him back. Honestly, I think you are taking this thread more seriously then I even intended. I just wanted to set the record straight on that particular thread as I knew the skinny on it.
I am here because I choose to be here. I have never bought an animal online except for on fauna. I do not break rules and I can come and go as I please.
There are many people on here that I like and respect. Talking to Wes last night I understand he is ok with this, it was me who knew certain things. I tell it like I see it.
I go to TRR as well and can see Wes there. No biggy.
I just wanted to set the record straight about the name thing. This is sound off and I did exactly that.
I have been very civil, saying bye bye was just out of place. I know you think too bad, but again that is my opinion. I have been a long time member here, in good standing.
If the coin is one sided, so be it.
Old 11-17-2005, 02:20 PM   #19
Golden Gate Geckos
I don't understand why anyone that has been banned from Fauna would even want to come back.
Old 11-17-2005, 02:49 PM   #20
Originally Posted by Golden Gate Geckos
I don't understand why anyone that has been banned from Fauna would even want to come back.
That is so true

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