Bad deal with Bobby Pruett and Ty Young!!! - Page 2 - FaunaClassifieds
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Old 10-14-2003, 06:16 PM   #11
Originally posted by Bobby Pruett
I sent the funds to Tys paypal after I recieved them.
Wether you SENT money to Bobby Lee or you used the refund option.

1. there would still be a paper trail.
2. The money still comes out ofyour account.

Either you guys were just having an off day and were having a hard time getting things together...... Or you really wanted to mess with them by making them lose 3%
Old 10-14-2003, 06:38 PM   #12
Bobby Pruett
Originally posted by Ritchie Luna
Wether you SENT money to Bobby Lee or you used the refund option.

1. there would still be a paper trail.
2. The money still comes out ofyour account.

Either you guys were just having an off day and were having a hard time getting things together...... Or you really wanted to mess with them by making them lose 3%
I no longer had there funds in my acount. I sent them Tys paypal ID so they could send a Request funds to Ty. Mr. Lee sent the request and Ty paid.Sorry but 3% of $500 isnt worth stealing.
Old 10-14-2003, 07:09 PM   #13
"Life's A Bitch"

Regarding Bobby Pruetts remark stating that I said "lifes a bitch"
in reference to Ty Youngs supposed deaths among friends AND family, I NEVER said "life's a bitch" I spoke with this Ty Young and told him I can sympathize with his losses, but I preferred to get a refund rather than getting the Gecko. He got enraged when I interupted his long speal of excuses for why I wasn't getting what I paid for when it was supposed to be here.
He and Pruett already proved that they couldn't deliver on their end of the deal and there was absolutely no signs that they even planned to ship the Gecko out within the next day or so.
In short, I knew this was going to be the old "Sorry I burned you, but I had a death in the family" B.S.
When I called Pruett back he found it humerous that this Ty Young had the need to say my partner and I were c*ck suckers because we were concerned about our investment!
REALLY professional and appropriate Ty and Pruett. LOL
Pruett is trying to do some damage control on his reputation by saying that my partner and I deserved to be treated in a rude and unprofessional fashion by Ty Young and himself because of a lack of regard for Ty's personal problems.
Bottom line is I offered my sympathies, but sh!t happens and one thing has nothing to do with the other. I never said "life's a bitch"!
The money was sent, the animal wasn't, and in between I had to deal with two A-holes to get my funds back and then they make a bunch of excuses as to why they burned me out of the 3%!!!
Times are tough, and these guys are pulling scams like this!
As I said before, losers of the highest order!!!

Old 10-14-2003, 07:33 PM   #14
Bobby Pruett
This is nothing but a JOKE

Originally posted by blee
Regarding Bobby Pruetts remark stating that I said "lifes a bitch"
in reference to Ty Youngs supposed deaths among friends AND family, I NEVER said "life's a bitch" I spoke with this Ty Young and told him I can sympathize with his losses, but I preferred to get a refund rather than getting the Gecko. He got enraged when I interupted his long speal of excuses for why I wasn't getting what I paid for when it was supposed to be here.
He and Pruett already proved that they couldn't deliver on their end of the deal and there was absolutely no signs that they even planned to ship the Gecko out within the next day or so.
In short, I knew this was going to be the old "Sorry I burned you, but I had a death in the family" B.S.
When I called Pruett back he found it humerous that this Ty Young had the need to say my partner and I were c*ck suckers because we were concerned about our investment!
REALLY professional and appropriate Ty and Pruett. LOL
Pruett is trying to do some damage control on his reputation by saying that my partner and I deserved to be treated in a rude and unprofessional fashion by Ty Young and himself because of a lack of regard for Ty's personal problems.
Bottom line is I offered my sympathies, but sh!t happens and one thing has nothing to do with the other. I never said "life's a bitch"!
The money was sent, the animal wasn't, and in between I had to deal with two A-holes to get my funds back and then they make a bunch of excuses as to why they burned me out of the 3%!!!
Times are tough, and these guys are pulling scams like this!
As I said before, losers of the highest order!!!

Buyers beware of what? I like how you say you would rather of had a refund. You still wanted the gecko and Ty told you he would refund your money because you were a complete jerk on the phone. If I was going to rip you off I would have kept your money and you wouldnt have gotten anything. I dont have to *run damage control* on my rep. Every order went out today and others next week. You have to give respect to get respect!

Old 10-14-2003, 07:46 PM   #15
Just a question on brokering.
Don't even know if I should post here.

When a friend brokers my animals for me.....should he have the animals or should I? Should he get a percentage of should he not?

Because if you "brokered" his animals.
And the payment went to you then him.
And if he had the animals.
To me that says it was not brokered for him.
Rather it was just listed for him. Because it does not sound like you got a percentage either.

It sounds like the whole amount went to TY.
TY had the animals therefore it was not being brokered.
Rather it was being listed for him.

And that is against KS TOS.

Also why did he have to play phone tag?
He sent YOU the money so it should have been YOU to refund him.
Then he was sent to TY for the refund. Then back to you then back to TY.

He is absolutely right in posting Buyer beware. He did not get his animal. Then after all that he got the run around when it was time to get the refund.
Old 10-14-2003, 07:47 PM   #16
Bad deal with Bobby Pruett and Ty Young!!!

I was Bobby Lee’s partner in this deal for the AFT #5 and handled the details of the transaction. I have to say that this was a very shady deal!
I first contacted Bobby Pruett of Arboreals Etc.on Thursday of last week about the male Albino Fat Tail #5. We agreed that the price would be $535 Shipped and that he would ship the gecko out this past Monday (Oct. 13th). Bobby Pruett said that he would email me on Monday to confirm with me that the gecko was shipped and to give me the tracking number. At about 4:30 pm or 5:00 pm on Monday I hadn’t heard from Bobby Pruett as promised so I emailed him to make sure he did ship the gecko. He replied saying that he wasn’t shipping today (Monday) and that he will ship the gecko out tomorrow (Tuesday) with no apparent reason as to why. When I asked him why there was a change in the shipping date he replied by saying that it was a holiday and that’s why he didn’t ship the gecko. He also said that he told a friend of mine that the geckos were still with Ty and that he was doing Ty a favor by posting the geckos for sale (I don’t know who this friend is, it wasn’t Bobby Lee, and why was he telling other people about a deal between him and I????). More excuses as to why the deal was going sour. He said that if I had a problem to contact Ty for a refund. I tried calling Ty twice and he never answered the phone.
Fed Ex was open for operation on Monday, so I questioned him about his saying that he couldn’t ship during the holiday and he got upset and that is when he said it was due to a death in Ty’s family, Quote” Well if you must know Ty's mom died so sorry if I couldnt plan for that. Feel free to look it up in the Boise ID newspaper. Again sorry if your gecko wasnt on the top of my things to do list.”
And then seconds later I got this email Quote “My bad Ty already buried his mom. Now another person close to him gets buried. Sorry for personal problems that come up unexpectedly”

At this point I knew the deal was definitely not going to happen and that is when I told my partner what happened and he contacted Ty and got his attitude and name calling. So, Ty asked us to email Bobby Pruett the email address in which he could send the refund to. We called Bobby Pruett to verify this with him and he said that we needed to send Ty a “Request for Payment” through Pay Pal. Now I completely felt like I was getting the run-around! He said it was because he didn’t want to lose out on the 3% fee that Pay Pal charges and he didn’t want Ty to loose the 3% either (nice of him to think of his customer!). I told him I felt that I shouldn’t have to loose the 3% and he said that I wouldn’t if I did it the way he was suggesting, needless to say I was the one who got the 3% charge taken out.

By 11:30 p.m. I still did not have the refund, so I emailed Bobby saying that I will wait until 10:00 am the next morning and if I didn’t have the refund I would contact Pay Pal and my credit card company to resolve the issue. The refund was in my account when I woke up this morning.

By the way, I contacted Pay Pal about their refund policy, and if he would have refunded our money via the refund button, he would have gotten his 3% fee back as well as us.
Now we are out the 3%. We would have to return his refund, then he would have to refund our original payment sent to him on Thursday via the refund button as explained to us by a PayPal rep. That’s the only way we could have gotten our 3% back and at this point I really don’t think I can trust sending the money back to him. My partner and I went through enough crap just to get back our funds MINUS the 3%. In my opinion that is stealing money.

Just trying to give everyone a heads up.

If any one is interested I have saved all emails between Bobby Pruett and me.

P.S. I was standing right next to Bobby Lee during his conversation with Ty, and Bobby Lee in no way was a jerk, he was very calm and never even raised his voice to Ty. Ty on the other hand was yelling so loud that I could hear him 2 feet away.

We said what we had to say, let the truth be known.

Thank you
Old 10-14-2003, 07:51 PM   #17
Actually I should really not comment on the brokering thing.

What I would like to see is an explanation from Jeff B.

It is his site. It is his site the animals are being "brokered" on.
It is also his TOS that says no listing of other peoples animals.

To me that also means no brokering. Because brokering IS listing other peoples animals.

Unfortunately even though I wrote to him asking if my friend can broker my animals for me........he still has not responded back.
And the reason I felt like asking him is because I am not allowed to have an account on KS. Therefore I do not want my friend lsoing his account just because he wanted to make extra cash selling my animals.

So I take my comments back on the brokering least until I can get a further definition of terms from Jeff B
Old 10-14-2003, 08:01 PM   #18
I've purchased from and traded animals with Bobby Lee and he's always been great to work with. He's always been nothing but pleasant when I corresponded with him by email or talked to him on the phone.
I know this thread isn't about Bobby Lee but since Bobby Pruett is making him out to be belligerant or difficult to work with I figured I'd share my experience with him, which has been the exact opposite.
Old 10-14-2003, 08:08 PM   #19

Why did you not get the geckos once you realized that a sale had been consummated? Certainly that would have been the right thing to do not only to protect your integrity but to insure that the sale would go through smoothly. I guess you and your friend deserve each other, but do us all a favor and get out of the gecko business. Its unbelievable how a simple transaction, over a lizard could get so screwed up. JERRY TRESSER
Old 10-14-2003, 08:12 PM   #20
Perhaps he was too busy playing collector for tim over at arboreals of the rainforest.

Wes Pollock

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