'Serpent-Handling' West Virginia Pastor Dies From Snake Bite - Page 2 - FaunaClassifieds
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Old 06-04-2012, 03:10 PM   #11
To be honest i cant believe he has lived this long, dunno if its because hes lucky or he's so comfortable handling the snakes that they dont get nervous or agitated when being handled by him. Either way when you own or handle venemous snakes for a living, its not IF you bitten its WHEN you get bitten. And this kind of animal worship is not new in the world, religions across the globe have been practicing venomous snake handling way before this guy has, why do you think they call wagler vipers "temple vipers"? The only reason he has the attention was because it happened in America.
Old 07-01-2012, 01:18 AM   #12
If someone wants to wave a deadly snake around in the air and believe it won't bite them because the power of God. More power to them, but won't ever catch me doing that..
Old 09-11-2012, 10:45 PM   #13
Pherson Weathermon
Im a Believer in this i know its God and this man was a dear friend of mine. And he would have never said a harsh word about anybody for what they believed. That being said we still take up serpents cause the Bible says to. And its not for everyone but i know that God can give you victory over it were it wont and cant bite. And his bite was accidental anyway he had handle that serpent many times and the only reason it bit him was because he was setting down beside it and lost his balance and set on it and it bit him in the thigh. The Bible says when the hedge is broke the serpent can bite. See faith puts a hedge about you and it can not harm you but if you get the hedge of faith broke cause of something like that happening or you get your mind off God you can be bit. But if anybody wants to experience it first hand when we have another service your all welcome. But dont judge something you dont understand.
Old 10-21-2012, 11:49 AM   #14
Judgement is the ONLY thing,found here, I get in trouble for using caps , EASIER on my eyes , sorry for your loss,would love to witness your ceremony some day , as a hot keeper, would be honored......
Old 11-20-2012, 11:04 AM   #15
Me personally, I believe in the "thou shall not tempt the lord" approach. But I would also love to attend a service and see it in action. Would be a memorable experiance.
Old 12-03-2012, 10:20 PM   #16
Mike Schultz
Just because it's a religious belief does not mean it's not stupid. It's incredibly stupid, and any religion that tells its followers to do that is a very stupid religion.
Old 12-04-2012, 12:14 PM   #17
I am putting a copy of the text from the article up since there has been some recent interest just in case the article gets removed.

Link here http://news.yahoo.com/serpent-handli...opstories.html

Text Here

"A "serpent-handling" West Virginia pastor died after his rattlesnake bit him during a church ritual, just as the man had apparently watched a snake kill his father years before.

Pentecostal pastor Mark Wolford, 44, hosted an outdoor service at the Panther Wildlife Management Area in West Virginia Sunday, which he touted on his Facebook page prior to the event.

"I am looking for a great time this Sunday," Wolford wrote May 22, according to the Washington Post. "It is going to be a homecoming like the old days. Good 'ole raised in the holler or mountain ridge running, Holy Ghost-filled speaking-in-tongues sign believers."

Robin Vanover, Wolford's sister, told the Washington Post that 30 minutes into the outdoor service, Wolford passed around a poisonous timber rattlesnake, which eventually bit him.

"He laid it on the ground," Vanover said in the interview, "and he sat down next to the snake, and it bit him on the thigh."

Vanover said Wolford was then transported to a family member's home in Bluefield about 80 miles away to recover. But as the situation worsened, he was taken to a hospital where he later died.

Jim Shires, owner of the Cravens-Shires Funeral Home in Bluefield, told ABC News that Wolford died Monday. Wolford's church, the Apostolic House of the Lord Jesus in Matoaka, will host a viewing Friday and a funeral service Saturday morning. Wolford will be buried at the Hicks Family Plot in Phelps, Ky.

Officials at the Panther Wildlife Management Area had been unaware of Sunday's event until they were notified by callers after the service.

"We did not know that this event was happening, and if we had known about it or if we had been asked for permission, permission would not have been granted," Hoy Murphy, public information officer for the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources, told ABC News.

Hoy said West Virginia state park rules prohibit animals other than dogs and cats on the property.

While snake-handling is legal in West Virginia, other Appalachian states, including Kentucky and Tennessee, have banned the practice in public spaces.

Snake-handlers point to scripture as evidence that God calls them to engage in such a practice to show their faith in him. Mark 16: 17-18 reads, "And these signs shall follow them that believe: In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues. They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover."

Wolford told the Washington Post magazine in 2011 that he is carrying on the tradition of his ancestors by engaging in snake handling.

"Anybody can do it that believes it," Wolford said. "Jesus said, 'These signs shall follow them which believe.' This is a sign to show people that God has the power."

Wolford said watched his own father die at the age of 39 after a rattlesnake bit him during a similar service.

"He lived 101/2 hours," Wolford told the Washington Post Magazine. "When he got bit, he said he wanted to die in the church. Three hours after he was bitten, his kidneys shut down. After a while, your heart stops. I hated to see him go, but he died for what he believed in.

"I know it's real; it is the power of God," Wolford told the Washington Post Magazine last year. "If I didn't do it, if I'd never gotten back involved, it'd be the same as denying the power and saying it was not real.""

After re-reading this article, I have more opinions. I don't think there is anything wrong with any religion as long as it is a peacefull religion. I will admit I'm not a very religious person, but disagree with free handling of hots with the belief a bite is unlikely or impossible for any reason. Many people keep hots without incident for many many years as long as a safe protocol is taken(means no fee-handling). I am still fairly new to the hobby and have far less experience than many people that have been here for years, but I'm sure many or most of those people would disagree with this practice. He should have gotten immedieate medical attention. I would get care before the side effects kicked in even if it was just a scratch. I'm not comepletly against what he did(I don't agree though) but I feel that he should have gotten help rather than wither away as he did. I feel that there is a higher power. But, That higher power gives everybody the capability to help each other. In that sense, we are all powerful in one way or another. I don't mean powerful as in a god, but the power to help and assist any way we can. People just need to unite and stand together in bad situations like this to prevent the loss of a life. I don't feel that any God from any religion that anyone believes would want an inocent person to die like this. Please nobody take any of this the wrong way. As I stated, I'm not a very religous person, but don't want to put down anybodies beliefs down. I feel he has every right to express his feelings in this manner even if I wouldn't do it. This is America and everybody should be able to express their views.

Old 12-04-2012, 08:50 PM   #18
Mike Schultz
If some pastor passed around a revolver and had his followers play roulette with it, he woukd be crucified by the media. But passing around one of the united states' most dangerous reptiles and hoping it doeant bite anybody is ok?
Old 12-05-2012, 08:09 AM   #19
I don't say I approve what they do. What I mean is, they should have that right to do so. I'm not ok with any venomous snake handled like that any more than a revolver. They have a right, though,(in my opinion) to express their religious beliefs. I would never ever do it myself and it seems that it is mainly a past time for some religions to pratice snake handling. It's a very risky position that any person doing so puts themself into and I do not approve it. I just don't believe it's my job to tell somebody else their religion is wrong. If they do that, it hurts me that it can effect the laws, but I can not trample anothers religion for their beliefs.

Old 12-05-2012, 10:17 AM   #20
Just because it's a religious belief does not mean it's not stupid. It's incredibly stupid, and any religion that tells its followers to do that is a very stupid religion.
Mr Schultz,
Most people (I'm not so sure about you) can take a side in a discussion/debate without being so overtly abusive toward the other side. If this is "the real you", I suggest that you start giving more consideration to the consequences of your posts before you click Submit. You've made anti-gay comments, crude sexual comments, probably derogatory racial comments, and now it's religion. I really can't see any reason to continue being tolerant of your antics.

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