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SOUND OFF!!! Ever have something REALLY bugging you and nowhere to vent about it? Well, this is the place. It does not have to be fauna oriented at all! Get it off your chest right here.

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Old 04-29-2004, 04:41 PM   #11
Darin Chappell
Wow. That's a really, very shallow perspective on people. I have to say I feel rather sorry for you. That's a tough way to go through life, whether you realize it yet or not,
Old 04-29-2004, 04:56 PM   #12
j tyler
What would be your alternative ? I presented a system that, assuming all things being equal, suggests you pick the person you find most attractive. What would you do under those circumstances? Intintionally pick the individual who is least appealing to you? Mind you also, a preference tool may be superficial, but it may also produce the best results.
Old 04-29-2004, 05:16 PM   #13
Darin Chappell
My alternative would be to try to form impressions on some facet of human existance beyond physical attraction. There are so many people with whom I come into contact on a daily basis in my business, and many of them are less than "Hollywood types" in appearance. However, if I look for the good qualities, there are things about each of us that can be "attractive" without appealing to a sense of physical acceptance.

I realize that we are all drawn to certain "types" of individuals by their appearances. That is why it is rare to see unattractive politicians and the like. However, that is a portion of human behavior that might be best avoided, rather than wallowed in. At least, in my opinion.

You are certainly entitled to my opinion, but you really cannot be surprised to learn that a majority of older people disagree with your assessment. What you have to decide is if we are biased toward our opinions because we are all fighting the middle aged spread, or are you biased toward your perspective due to youth/inexperience/a lack of maturity or whatever else may be the case.

Don't get me wrong. We all have biases, but the trick is to recognize the good in people in spite of our biases, not according to them as if they served as any true standard of judgment.
Old 04-29-2004, 05:49 PM   #14
om kalthoum
Hello James Tyler -

Will you please post a full body photograph of yourself? Also, if your girlfriend or boyfriend agrees, would you please post a photo of that person also?

Just for the sport of it, I’m guessing you are not married and that you are between the ages of 15 and 25, but I could be wrong!

Thank you.
Old 04-29-2004, 08:14 PM   #15
Originally posted by Darin Chappell
However, when I was 20, I was rail thin. All the men in my family are "big guys" as far as the eye can see. When I hit 30, all of the exercising I did was no longer good enough. I quit smoking about that same time frame, and gained about 40 pounds seemingly overnight. Do I need to lose weight? Yep. Am I going to do so any time soon? Who knows? Doubtful.
Darin, I can totally relate. When I was 20, I came out of Marine Corps boot camp after three months weighing just 155lbs at 5'10". Now at 32 almost 33, I hover between 190 and 200lbs and nothing I do seems to help. It's life, and probably genetic.

j tyler = Ever see the movie Shallow Hal? You are destined for a lonely, miserable life with that attitude.

My wife is only 5'4" and was very petite when I met her. When she was pregenant, she gained almost 50lbs. It did not matter one bit to me. I was never more in love with her or attracted to her than during that time. I guess its the pregnant thing.. She lost all the weight and more in less than a year. She actually weighed less than when I first met her. Did it matter? Nope. She could have kept it all on and it wouldn't have changed the way I felt and still do for her. You need to look beyond the superficial and look at/find what really matters.
Old 04-29-2004, 10:05 PM   #16
Darin, Dennis...you two are wonderful! How come all the good ones are already married?? LOL!

On a lighter note, I'm still trying to figure out what I was saying while that picture was snapped...That was the only one I had that was of me standing, full body, and of course, I've got a stupid expression on my face. LOL!! The way my retic wanted to go this way and that, I could have been saying anything!

I too am looking forward to seeing your picture, Tyler.
Old 04-30-2004, 08:41 AM   #17
j tyler
I would post a pic, but you people would'nt want to judge someone by their appearence would you? So why bother?
Old 04-30-2004, 04:30 PM   #18
I would post a pic, but you people would'nt want to judge someone by their appearence would you? So why bother?
Possibly there are other people that share your opinion on the importance of physical appearance, and you wouldn't want to deprive them of the opportunity to comment on yours, would you?
Old 05-02-2004, 06:14 PM   #19
Python Dreams
Their are many sides to this argument. Their definitely are some factors that could lead to someone being obese such as thyroid problems, etc... But I have to say that I see so many people that are extremely obese or just even slightly heavy that are downing all sorts of food at McDonalds and topping it off with a diet Coke. Even as far as diabetics, isn't it generally the diet that leads people to this medical problem? And as far as doing everything you can to lose weight, some how I doubt it. Since the human body actually works best and is most healthy in a state of slight hunger (never eating to fullness), and working out would be very prevalent to maintaining a good figure, I would like to know what your diets are? You would like to see a pic of Tyler so we can decide and judge him, well I would like to know exactly what everyone here has been doing to slim down. It is very easy to place blame on outside factors other than ones own life for the blame. Even babies in tests have shown a preference for those who are easier on the eye, its genetic. With nothing else but your eyesight to judge a person, you can make some assumptions. IF someone is extremely overweight they probably (excluding certain medical conditions) are an out of control, non-disciplined, individual that is not happy and dealing with food to make up for it. I would place them in the same class as drug addicts or alcoholics. To look at it is also very unnatractive and to be honest sometimes just downright disgusting. BUt I do not believe that anyone for any reason should be made fun of or pointed out in public, but they also shouldnt expect people to see past their lack of control, similar to the man you avoid due to all the track marks on his arm.
Tom Baker
Old 05-02-2004, 07:41 PM   #20
In no way am I HUGE, but I have always been rail thin. Then I made the mistake of going to Cancun where I was drugged and, well, let's just say things got ugly. I am now on medication to help me deal with the post-traumatic stress and anxiety, and it has increased my appetite a great deal. I am hoping to decrease the amount of meds once I graduate but I am sick of people who judge a book by its cover. Get a clue. People all have a different history. Give em a break.

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