small white dots on my rainbow? - Page 2 - FaunaClassifieds
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Old 06-04-2013, 01:56 PM   #11
these are the closest pics I can get without loosing focus

Old 06-06-2013, 03:04 AM   #12
Some scales are now pushed out/protruding, correct, in exactly the same locations as the white spots were? I would keep on with the Betadine baths, but would consult your vet about the spots. If there are more than just two or three, that seems systemic in nature, and they are probably therefore better addressed with an injected antibiotic that can treat the whole animal.
Old 06-06-2013, 09:13 AM   #13
2 pic requests.
- a shot of the enclosure as it is right now (no cleaning, tweaking, or moving things)
- a clear belly shot

Since you didn't ask about my previous post, did you know what I was talking about? Or did you research it? If so, did you make changes, accordingly?
4 days later, the pic requests are largely for my information...feel free to disregard them.
Old 06-06-2013, 09:31 AM   #14
Originally Posted by hhmoore View Post
2 pic requests.
- a shot of the enclosure as it is right now (no cleaning, tweaking, or moving things)
- a clear belly shot

Since you didn't ask about my previous post, did you know what I was talking about? Or did you research it? If so, did you make changes, accordingly?
4 days later, the pic requests are largely for my information...feel free to disregard them.

Yes I researched the heck out of it actually lol is there a balance of humidity i should be trying to attain that is different? When I researched rainbows previously to acquiring my 2 babies ( I have another in a separate enclosure) I found you want a temp gradient of 85 hot spot to 75 cool end and for babies a humidity of over 90%. My substrate is cocohusk, I have a medium size dog crock for her water dish and a total of 3 hides one of which is a moist hide with damp (but wrung out ) spagnum moss. I am using a RHP for heat that is connected to a vivarium electronics Tstat. For humidity I have tubing installed with a mist head connected to my monsoon which I have on an external timer. The air is moist in the enclosure but the substrate is not wet or damp to the touch.

I will put up pics in a few after I finish my coffee I do have srift wood in the enclosure however it has been washed, baked and then sealed with aquarium silicone because I didn't want to chance and mold growth with the humidity needed for BRBs.

I did not get a chance to go out to the store yet ( I have 4 boys under age 7 ) so I don't have paper towels so I have just been diligently cleaning her cage out. The first day I noticed this I removed her to bathe, removed everything from her cage, washed in diluted bleach, rinsed well, let dry removed all of her substrate and washed the enclosure out and put in brand new substrate once it was dried.
Old 06-06-2013, 09:52 AM   #15
I tend to be careful about giving online treatment advice; especially since accurate diagnosis is difficult without being able to examine the animal, and because everything is so dependent on the accuracy of the information provided. (That wasn't a poke at you). If it is blistering, there are several reasons it could have started...and a few different treatment options. That's all I'm comfortable saying until I can check out the new pics. Or maybe it's just because I haven't had my tea, yet.
Old 06-06-2013, 10:06 AM   #16
cold side

hot side

whole enclosure

When I took her out today i noticed she is deep in shed.
Old 06-06-2013, 10:14 AM   #17
Originally Posted by Alida View Post
When I took her out today i noticed she is deep in shed.
That's okay, the belly shot will still tell me what I need to know.
Old 06-06-2013, 10:23 AM   #18
Originally Posted by hhmoore View Post
That's okay, the belly shot will still tell me what I need to know.

eek forgot about the belly shot LOL here it is

Old 06-06-2013, 10:46 AM   #19
My opinion, and advise based on that opinion. Take it for what you think it's worth.

Her being in deep shed is actually helpful at this point. A few random blisters are generally not something to get overly excited about, as there can be multiple benign reasons for them forming in high humidity enclosures. I'm not saying ignore them; but treat and observe without stressing yourself or the snake. If they get worse/spread, that becomes a different issue.
Personally, I think betadine baths are a waste of time - mostly because I don't want to put them in enough solution to actually cover the effected area; but also because I don't want to add extra moisture to a potential problem. I'm more inclined to just dab some betadine on the spots with a cotton swab. (additional comment deleted - decided that information isn't necessary in this case; and isn't something I would encourage most people to do)

If this is just a little simple blistering, and not an indication of an underlying problem, she should be fine after the shed. If those same spots are noticeable, or there are more of them, a vet trip is recommended. If they're gone, you may or may not need to make some changes to your set up - it kind of depends on WHY they appeared, which isn't always easy to isolate. No sense going through all that until we see what happens with the shed, though.
Old 06-06-2013, 11:03 AM   #20
Thanks so much! That puts me more at ease! This is my first high humidity snake and I got worried as I have never seen spots like these on my BPs or corn


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