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FaunaClassifieds Site HELP & Feedback Forum Anything of a nature concerning this website, moderators, admin, or anything having to do with how it is being run, should go here. Criticism is welcome, but abusive antagonism is not. THIS IS NOT THE FORUM FOR FEEDBACK CONCERNING BUYERS AND SELLERS! Such posts are ONLY allowed as replies to classified ads posted by the specific member involved in a specific issue with you.

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Old 11-23-2002, 02:39 AM   #11
Gary Walsch
Maybe I am wrong here but I feel that list should be a heck of a lot longer. I would hate to see things end there. Rich is there a way of updating that list ? C'mon everyone cough up one stinkin dollar !

Old 11-23-2002, 02:45 AM   #12
Uhh, Gary, except for three donations that came in today, it IS uptodate.

And I'm going to add them just as soon as I finished his message.
Old 11-23-2002, 02:33 PM   #13
Gary Walsch
Don't mean to be a pest Rich it's just that IMHO that list should be a lot longer from all the people who use this website. There are 71 people on that list ( unless I miscounted ) and you said that there was actually three more that you have not added yet, which would bring the total count to 74 ( respectively ). Now if there are about 3,000 active users then IMO that is a really small percentage of just over 2%. I don't think it would be unreasonable to ask for 10% of the active users to step up.

Take a minute and think if this was a paysite ............ C.mon kick in a buck or two !! Where are you going to get this much entertainmnet, information, etc. for free ? This is a great site and if you didn't agree then you wouldn't keep coming back !!! Think about how much you might miss this site if Rich just got tired of doing everything and paying for everything and said " SCREW IT " or how stupid you would feel if because of expenses it was turned into a paysite and then just for the priveledge of posting an animal for sale it cost you say $50 a year to be able to do that when you could have done that for free ?

Old 11-23-2002, 02:55 PM   #14

Don't be so hard on people. I am actually VERY surprised as many people have donated as they have. I had several people suggest I do this for quite a long time now and thought it would be a waste of my time to even try. But when advertisers began dropping out, I REALLY got worried.

If all of the people saying they are working on banners to advertise here come through with their promises, then I will be a happy camper and won't have to sweat it about the bills I have to pay for the server. I got the cheapest server with the most 'oomph' that I could afford, so with a few extra bucks, maybe I could get one with a little more beef. And I would REALLY feel a whole lot more secure if I could afford to have nightly backups done of the server. But that additional $1000+ per year is hard to swallow.

Anyone out there know how to set up a mirror site? If I could do a nightly copy to a backup server, I would feel a lot better. You all do realize, that if the hard drive crashes on the server, then ALL of this could be lost? I have been doing SQL dumps of the database, but I don't have a clue if that will be sufficient to bring it all back or not. Certainly having to rebuild and reinstall everything from scratch will be one major headache. Fortunately, hard crashes aren't all that common (I specified an IBM SCSI hard drive on the server), but they do happen.
Old 11-23-2002, 06:32 PM   #15
Glenn Bartley

I have a confession to make, and it shames me to do so.

There I was starting to get upset, because I had been checking the General Business Discussions and the Discussions About This Site forums pretty frequently to hopefully see some thanks posted for the donations. I, of course, did not see such a posting on those forums. Yes that bothered me somewhat; and now it bothers me and shames me even more that I was getting upset over nothing (as usual). I guess I never would have imagined that thanks would be posted here in the BOI, but when I think of it in retrospect, I guess this is the appropriate place. Afterall, this is the forum in which we either call em bad guys or good guys, and I guess you posting your thanks here is your way of calling us good guys.

Sorry I doubted your gratitude even for a moment. I really should know you better by now, you are a class act. Thanks for the nice thank you note to everyone. It has been a pleasure to help you out because your site certainly has been a worthwhile diversion and has helped me out a few times.

Best regards,
Glenn Bartley
Old 11-24-2002, 11:39 AM   #16
Thumbs up


I wish I could say my logic about where to post this thread was that deeply thought out, but I thought the BOI would be best simply because it is the most heavily traveled forum on this site. And I really wasn't sure this would be appropriate at all, since not everyone really wants to be publicly thanked like this.

I have to admit I am pretty humbled by the number of people whom have contributed. The uncountable number of times I have gotten frustrated by some of the shenanigans going on in this site and some of the hurdles I have had to overcome just keeping this up and running have several times gotten me VERY close to throwing in the towel. And I thought that although a few people might miss the entertainment, nobody would really give a damn one way or the other.

But to see how many people have been willing to dig into their pockets and help when things were looking kind of bleak, has been a real eye opener for me. When several advertisers in a row dropped out, I really thought the show was over with. I would have hated to think I wasted all my time and effort with this site, but I was fully prepared to accept that and let it go.

Again, thanks everyone............
Old 11-25-2002, 10:37 PM   #17
Glenn Bartley

I pay over $60 a month (maybe over $70 by now my wife takes care of the bils) and I think I spend almost as much time on your site as I do watching the premium channels I pay so much for! It was definitely worth a donation. My wife might not agree, but she does not have to know everything, and I am pretty sure she would think my time and money better spent here than on a porn site!!!!!

This site is well worth a donation now and again. Thanks again for the wonderful site.
Best regards,
Old 11-25-2002, 10:40 PM   #18
Glenn Bartley
Oh boy I am tired. What I meant to say was I pay a lot for cable TV, and this site is a lot better than most of the junk I pay so much for to the cable company - so why not help you out for all your hard work to give us something I and others truly enjoy. Keep up the great work!!!!!!!
Old 12-28-2002, 01:44 AM   #19
Try this to fix spacing problem w/tables


Here's a link to use to deal with that spacing problem on the board:

Just do a cut and paste into the java app, then hit the button, then cut and paste the result back. These boards handle hard returns weird.

Hope that helps. I might be broke, but I can donate info. =)


Old 01-05-2003, 06:09 PM   #20
Talking Not much in life is free!

Thanks for all the hard work. As anyone knows that read my posts for Rob@RK Reptiles, I am a single mom with a sick child. I came up with a donation and I sure hope more people do too.
Don't take what is free for granted, the freedom might be gone someday. My son and I both read the posts (except I won't let him read all the jokes) and I enjoy the site. I like having somewhere to check for honesty about who to deal with and help with problems.
Candy King

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