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FaunaClassifieds Site HELP & Feedback Forum Anything of a nature concerning this website, moderators, admin, or anything having to do with how it is being run, should go here. Criticism is welcome, but abusive antagonism is not. THIS IS NOT THE FORUM FOR FEEDBACK CONCERNING BUYERS AND SELLERS! Such posts are ONLY allowed as replies to classified ads posted by the specific member involved in a specific issue with you.

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Old 05-25-2007, 01:57 AM   #11
Originally Posted by Wilomn

I often know I'll get points for what I've said and if that's the case I have nothing to say about it.

I'm not trying to play both ends against the middle here, just get a better impression of what you mods think.
Well Wes, this is an issue all by itself. So let's address it, shall we.

WHY do you get the warning points? Do you have any idea? Is it because the rules and guidelines of this site are too strict for you? Are the mods who enforce them interpretting the rules and guidelines unfairly or inaccurately? Or is it just because you purposely choose to flaunt those rules?

Or is there another reason?

You must have some idea of the destructive nature of your attitude, but still you persist. You delight in bumping heads with me even though you cannot possibly have any better idea than I do about what is best for this site. Are you this way with the people you work with at your regular job? Do you tell your bosses how they should change the way to do their business because you believe you have a better idea? Do you read the employee's handbook just so you know what it is you have to do in order to violate those guidelines written inside? Do you have trouble holding down a steady job?

In a similar vein, why do you continue along that path you are when you must realize that it will place me in the position of having no other choice but to ban you from this site? What is to be gained by you in this pursuit? I don't think anyone doubts that I have and will ban someone from here. And I believe that some people are pretty much taking wagers on how long it will be before you are given the heave-ho. Obviously you must want to be here, otherwise you would not. You have paid more money in fines than any other person so you could come back from suspensions. You were banned "permanently" and yet came to me asking to be let back on. So why engage in mannerisms that are guaranteed to get you thrown out of here yet again? What is the point? Especially since I have learned my lesson about you, and this time, come hell or high water, it's for good.

Yeah, I know in the past you have referred to this as a "game". But what fun is a game where the only possible outcome will be your losing something that is obviously of value, or at least interest, to you? This site has gone through a LOT of changes over the years, but apparently the one main constant here is that Wes will ALWAYS get warning points, no matter what. So apparently regardless of the changes, they STILL haven't been good enough for you to keep from being warned about your actions.

Honestly Wes, as I have mentioned before, I do like your style in dealing with the bad guys. But in many respects your negatives are overcoming the positives. I REALLY don't want to boot you out of here, but if you give me no other choice, I WILL take it. I know you say you don't care, but your actions belie those statements. If you didn't care, you would NOT keep coming back.

You really don't have very many more pieces on the board in your game, Wes. Play them wisely.....
Old 05-25-2007, 02:18 AM   #12
Rich, perhaps when you say game you are thinking more along the lines of a Parker Bros. endeavor.

It's a little different for me.

Accept the fact that I do value this site. I can live without it. I did ask to come back, scant weeks before you let EVERYONE you had ever booted come back. You try to make it look like something it wasn't. I asked to come back, you acceded my request and I thanked you for it.

I did not, and was accompanied by many of your members, believe that I deserved to be booted when I was. Had I actually deserved it I seriously doubt I would have made the request. I have my own reckoning that I go by Rich, what is deserved and undeserved and I try to keep it even. I felt you owed me one. I asked for it, twice I believe, and you must have felt similarly because you granted my request. Since you granted my request, since you must have had at least some of the same thoughts about my not deserving to be booted, why do you keep trying to make it look like something it wasn't? You didn't HAVE to let me back. You did because, I think, you too keep a reckoning and you too thought I had one owed to me.

That or the post count really was down and you just wanted me back to bring it up. That seems rather unlikely, about as unlikely as me actively wishing harm to your site, so I discount that thought out of hand.

You know some of the changes you have made to this site were changes I was fairly sure you would make in responce to my game playing. That in itself is reward enough to play. I thought you would know and understand that. I'm sort of surprised that you didn't. Unless of course, you are just playing me now, which is always a possibility. I don't think so though.

By the way, check your logs and see which mods I've questioned and why I've questioned them. IF you're openminded you may be surprised at what you see.

I am trying to play wisely, as you have suggested. In that vein do you think it wise to give free reign to mods like mr. clark and mr. frank? Where do you draw the line and take back the bought mod levels? How far down does one have to drag the other good mods before you take action? How many of your mods have to publicly disagree with the actions of one or two of their bretherin before something is done?

What kind of game is it when it's rigged for the house? How do you change the house rules when the house makes those rules? How would YOU get the rules changed if they were unfair or made the site look bad? Probably not by taking the same actions as I have but what if mine and yours arrived at the same end? What then?
Old 05-25-2007, 02:30 AM   #13
Wes ,Please refrain from using my name to sidetrack the issue at hand .It is quite evident from the last few posts that neither I or any other mod has anything to do with your problems .Thank you
Old 05-25-2007, 03:03 AM   #14
Originally Posted by Wilomn
Rich, perhaps when you say game you are thinking more along the lines of a Parker Bros. endeavor.

It's a little different for me.

Accept the fact that I do value this site. I can live without it. I did ask to come back, scant weeks before you let EVERYONE you had ever booted come back. You try to make it look like something it wasn't. I asked to come back, you acceded my request and I thanked you for it.
No, you are wrong about this. You asked to come back in both March and June of 2006. I did not lift all bans and suspensions until Christmas, 2006. YOUR ban was lifted on July 3rd.

Originally Posted by Wilomn
I did not, and was accompanied by many of your members, believe that I deserved to be booted when I was. Had I actually deserved it I seriously doubt I would have made the request. I have my own reckoning that I go by Rich, what is deserved and undeserved and I try to keep it even. I felt you owed me one. I asked for it, twice I believe, and you must have felt similarly because you granted my request. Since you granted my request, since you must have had at least some of the same thoughts about my not deserving to be booted, why do you keep trying to make it look like something it wasn't? You didn't HAVE to let me back. You did because, I think, you too keep a reckoning and you too thought I had one owed to me.
LOL! Yeah.... right. No Wes. You deserved to get booted. Many times over, actually. And you WERE booted many times over via suspensions and paid the fines to come back.

Your first request for reinstatement in March of 2006 was denied. Then in late June you had obviously been keeping tabs on things here and asked if my rollback of the rules included letting you come back on. Since you (and others) had been banned or suspended for infractions that no longer existed when I rolled back the rules, I felt this was appropriate. It most definitely had no sort of "I owe you one" flavor about it.

Originally Posted by Wilomn
That or the post count really was down and you just wanted me back to bring it up. That seems rather unlikely, about as unlikely as me actively wishing harm to your site, so I discount that thought out of hand.
Actually traffic was slow at that time, and certainly may have been an influence. One thing you do bring to the plate is some substantial entertainment value. And at the time, that was what I felt most people wanted here. But I think it is growing old and people are tired of the reruns.

Originally Posted by Wilomn
You know some of the changes you have made to this site were changes I was fairly sure you would make in responce to my game playing. That in itself is reward enough to play. I thought you would know and understand that. I'm sort of surprised that you didn't. Unless of course, you are just playing me now, which is always a possibility. I don't think so though.
Ah, the grand master Wes. Making yourself a pain in the ass in order to get rules put into place against pains in the ass.

Originally Posted by Wilomn
By the way, check your logs and see which mods I've questioned and why I've questioned them. IF you're openminded you may be surprised at what you see.
Thanks, but no thanks. Been there and done that in the past just to find that the complainers were more interested in complaining rather than really accomplishing anything constructive. When such complaints are filed in the future, the complainant will weigh heavily in how seriously I take the complaints.

Originally Posted by Wilomn
I am trying to play wisely, as you have suggested. In that vein do you think it wise to give free reign to mods like mr. clark and mr. frank? Where do you draw the line and take back the bought mod levels? How far down does one have to drag the other good mods before you take action? How many of your mods have to publicly disagree with the actions of one or two of their bretherin before something is done?
Not your department, Wes. That's a management issue that I will deal with as necessary. I judge the mods by how they do their job here. Not by what other people think of them personally.

Originally Posted by Wilomn
What kind of game is it when it's rigged for the house? How do you change the house rules when the house makes those rules? How would YOU get the rules changed if they were unfair or made the site look bad? Probably not by taking the same actions as I have but what if mine and yours arrived at the same end? What then?
Seriously Wes, you expect me to fall for that one? You, magnanimous Wes, are willing to throw yourself on the sword in order to sacrifice yourself for the betterment of FaunaClassifieds??

Oh man, I'm going to wet myself............
Old 05-25-2007, 03:52 AM   #15
Originally Posted by Wilomn
Do you mods feel that I have intimidated you? Would you hold off dinging me for some reason?
No, Wes, you have not intimidated me - and, just for the record, I have never been the recipient of harsh PMs, emails, or negative Karma for my dealings with you.
Old 05-25-2007, 09:52 AM   #16
You know Rich, as cynical as I am, I think I have a better outlook, a willingness to see more possibilities, than you do. And that, Oh Great and Magnanimous King, is pretty damn sad.
Old 05-25-2007, 10:44 AM   #17
Originally Posted by Wilomn
Do you mods feel that I have intimidated you? Would you hold off dinging me for some reason?

If I see something that deserves a warning I always check and see if the poster has received warnings on it prior to when I saw it. If I feel that they've had sufficient warning points on it, I let it go. No point in piling more on if it's not something super serious.
Old 05-25-2007, 11:22 AM   #18
Originally Posted by Wilomn
You know Rich, as cynical as I am, I think I have a better outlook, a willingness to see more possibilities, than you do. And that, Oh Great and Magnanimous King, is pretty damn sad.
Well Wes, that is certainly a debatable matter of opinion. Actually a quite humorous one. From your own words you are implying that you have a low opinion of your own outlook and find it sad to think someone else's could be lower than yours...... Obviously you feel that by saying someone has a lower outlook than you that this is a slap in the face to THEM. Which does nothing more than to show everyone your own opinion of yourself.
Old 05-25-2007, 11:47 AM   #19
Originally Posted by WebSlave
Well Wes, that is certainly a debatable matter of opinion. Actually a quite humorous one. From your own words you are implying that you have a low opinion of your own outlook and find it sad to think someone else's could be lower than yours...... Obviously you feel that by saying someone has a lower outlook than you that this is a slap in the face to THEM. Which does nothing more than to show everyone your own opinion of yourself.
WHERE do you get this stuff? LOW? Opinion of myself? I'm the most arrogant bastard on the site.

Mabye you have a different definition of cynical than I do.

You seem to speak of "implications" frequently.

Why is that?

Well, whatever floats your boat I reckon.
Old 05-25-2007, 12:45 PM   #20
Ed Clark
Wes, to answer your question...No you dont intimidate no one here, not even the girls!

You walk a fine line my friend, normally with both feet over it.
Originally Posted by Wilomn

Do you mods feel that I have intimidated you? Would you hold off dinging me for some reason?

I'd really like to know.


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