Terri Sommella Fire and Ice Dragons -- Nightmare - Page 22 - FaunaClassifieds
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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 02-10-2005, 01:39 PM   #211
Just case others do not know, all this cmpregistry and board stuff is hers, it was her proposed marketing gimic 2-3 years ago when she started, since she is a dog breeder. She made them up.....something like that is only as good as the honesty/integrity of the person running it or adding anything on it. But just TRY and get the parentage of ANY of her breeders! (cough) tickle in my throat... Can she tell anyone the parentage of her breeds that produce the babies you buy? will not admit she bought them and did not raise them during her 15 years breeding (thats really 3, if that). Her lines are the same as many others, a mixture of lines with no clue if parents being breed are not actually silbings or other related lines.

Lets see, I think I will make myself:

Owner of Einstien Dragons, since mine are so smart.
CEO of IQ Reptiles International, living in Fl its easy to go to Bahamas
Advising Consultant to Special Species, University of Wisconsin, I did help advise them on a grant funding request and write one of the areas for it
Major contributor to Dr. Elloitt Jacobson, paramyxo research (that was one heck of a gift basket and he let me eat his dessert)
Can I be President of the Board of "Place name here" Sure I can, I just need to say so. That means nothing, does not make me honest or ethical, it makes me creative (maybe stupid too)
Old 02-10-2005, 02:39 PM   #212
Originally Posted by CheriS
Just case others do not know, all this cmpregistry and board stuff is hers, it was her proposed marketing gimic 2-3 years ago when she started, since she is a dog breeder.
I already said that!
Old 02-12-2005, 03:47 AM   #213
Exclamation Screamer!!!!!


Could you send us a pic of your newest dragon from Fire & Ice. I was concidering purchasing another one, but everyone I have e-mailed or talked to do not have anything that I am looking for.

Would appreciate it, before I go out and spend another $400.00


Old 02-12-2005, 03:52 AM   #214

That is so true. The only sad thing about it was that I fell for it.

By the way all my beardies are doing well. Thank-you and Stacey for all your help. Luv Ya's

Old 02-12-2005, 05:47 AM   #215
Unfortunately We refuse to sit by and Listen Quietly

It is and shall remain Sunshinedragons Policy not to Post, Reply to Post, Defend or Admonish anyone posted. Yet It appears to me as more people get a thrill from trashing then complemeting.

When something goes wrong everyone writes regardless of the industry or situation. When people go above and beyond to help or do something good very few people take the time to write or give credit.

If I was Terri i wouldn't give this issue the credibilty by responding either.

We have been private breeders for ten years, and just went public last year. Regardless of the amount of money or the situation the intial post spoke to it shocks me that there is a gang lynching going on, and you expect Terri to step out on the porch to be burned at the stake.

Terri Picked every single Dragon we ever bought from her, and so Did Kevin Dunne. Both of them did an incredible job as they both have wonderful Breeders, and stock. No one controls genetics, and no one can control the health of livestock. I had a Heartattack, who should I blame, some people get the Flu, and die, others Cancer. Why would you expect more from an animal. Gauranatee what.....that you can control genetics, life or death, sickness, or disease, or how a person takes care of a living thing.

We also recieved animals that looked great to begin with and didn't develop the way we hoped. Thats life. Get on with it, or do you all have nothing better to do with your lives than trash people. This is like reading the National Enquirer. You may get 1000 people that have great experiences, and one that doesn't, and the BOI becomes like accusing someone of Rape. Even if it is not accurate, it remains in peoples mind no matter what.

We will leave you with this thought, yet we will not break policy ever again by posting, replying or replying to a post, so write what you may, don't expect a response. And to Terri I wish you, and every person only the best. You deserve it, you have quality Dragons, you do the best you can to maintain and deliver the best Possible animal you can develop, and they are beautiful, as well as unique.


To be nobody but yourself,
in a world which is doing its best,
night and day,
to make you everybody else,
means to fight the hardest battle
that any human being can fight -
and never stop fighting.

- E.E. Cummings

...I will, however, share one quote that has stuck with me and could describe me and how I feel about life.

"...It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes up short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat..."

Bruce Kalish
Old 02-12-2005, 10:35 AM   #216
I started reading this last post and to say the least, I was shocked when I looked at the name at the side info: Name : Lauren Scheller

never would I imagine that Lauren would condone some of the actions of Terri or how she has treated some buyers immediately AFTER the sell, then I saw it was signed by Bruce Kalish on Lauren's account and her name UNDER his. I understand that Lauren is an employee of yours, but really your own account should be used to voice your opinion.

Lauren from what I know cares first and foremost about the well being of the animal, not the business of them. Lauren would never make a promise than not live up to it or applaud someone for doing the same. I could not see her agreeing with ripping off people, reneging on a posted and spoken guarantee, changing that guarantee when asked to abide by it or yelling and condemning the buyer when they are so desperate for help they have to turn to others, because the person that sold them the dragon disappeared at the first problem...within days!

Bruce, your are entitled to your opinion and everyone will gladly read them and consider your viewpoint of the ethics of others. If you agree with them, it allows us to learn more about the type of person you are and that is valuable information to us too.

I do not think you read this thread, as there are MANY compliments about other breeders, many people that bought from Terri and others have voiced their opinions and those are compliments to those other breeders. It's not the quality of them, they are the same line that Kevin Dunne has as most came from him just within the last 2-3 years, including her claimed credit for the citrus line he developed. It's the misrepresentation of them, herself, follow up with the buyer and HER purchase guarantee SHE reneges on.

When post appear in dozens of places by dozens of others all having the same issues and response from a breeder, there is a problem and its not a lynching mob. 1 + 1 = 2 no matter how you want to look at it.

She may not have answered the initial complaint or did the right thing by them and others in the past, she got away with that and profited by it, someone else lost....but you know what? This thread has served a purpose as it a wake up call to her... change or you will be exposed, live up to your promises or others will call you to task on them, this is not a get rich quick marketing plan anymore and your reputation will suffer, lies get exposed as more people learn the truth about your "years" of breeding and lack of expereince. All things you, me and every breeder in this country need to realize. There is also info on here to help her with some of the problems that she experiences when animals are shipped that she can change her way of doing things and help them adjust, if she is half as savey as she claims she is, she will listen and try them... for the sake of the animals and new owners.

If we hear no more of these severe adjusting problems, misrepresentations and people feeling they did not get what they paid for or were told and ripped off over her guarantee, then maybe she learned something too. (She did change the guarantee during this, so it should be easier for her to live up to it) It will not make right what she did to others in the past, but maybe the future and the dragons will be better for it.

Whether you approve of the BOI or not, its not going away, it's growing and being used by not only new buyers everyday, but by other sites and forums linking to the information here when someone inquires.
Old 02-12-2005, 12:29 PM   #217
Lauren Scheller & Sam Craver Sunshinedragons

Lauren, and Sam Run Sunshinedragons. The views posted we personal views by myself Bruce Kalish
Old 02-12-2005, 01:28 PM   #218
Originally Posted by Sunshinedragons
Lauren, and Sam Run Sunshinedragons. The views posted we personal views by myself Bruce Kalish

WHAT THE HELL ?????? How can you post your viewpoint under someone else's name? Is there some reason you can't have your own account? This is absolutely unheard of !!!!! If you are an employee, expect a termination...if you are their kid, expect a good kick in the rear! Absurd to the next level !

Old 02-12-2005, 02:06 PM   #219
Originally Posted by Sunshinedragons

No one controls genetics, and no one can control the health of livestock. I had a Heartattack, who should I blame, some people get the Flu, and die, others Cancer. Why would you expect more from an animal. Gauranatee what.....that you can control genetics, life or death, sickness, or disease, or how a person takes care of a living thing.

We also recieved animals that looked great to begin with and didn't develop the way we hoped. Thats life. Get on with it, or do you all have nothing better to do with your lives than trash people. This is like reading the National Enquirer. You may get 1000 people that have great experiences, and one that doesn't, and the BOI becomes like accusing someone of Rape. Even if it is not accurate, it remains in peoples mind no matter what.


To be nobody but yourself,
in a world which is doing its best,
night and day,
to make you everybody else,
means to fight the hardest battle
that any human being can fight -
and never stop fighting.

- E.E. Cummings

...I will, however, share one quote that has stuck with me and could describe me and how I feel about life.

"...It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes up short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat..."

Bruce Kalish

I don't even own a Bearded dragon nor am I part of the community of keepers but If I was going to purchase a Dragon it sure the hell wouldn't be from soemone that treats her Dragon business like a puppy mill.

YES....One can control the health of their livestock. YES......One can control the genetics of their livestock. How in the world do you think that you get all the different morphs?

NO guarantees? A good dog breeder will guarantee health of their dogs. Why not for a $500 dragon?


I don't think Teddy's quote was intended for the hardship's that bearded dragon breeders endure. What a joke!

Old 02-12-2005, 02:07 PM   #220
Hello. This is Lauren Scheller. Sorry about this confusion. The account Sunshine Dragons is the account for the company and is used strictly for posting advertisements. All of our names were on it, as the advertisements do not express any individual opinions. Bruce did not think about the fact that all of our names might come up under his personal post. We have a policy of not posting under the acct for the business. Sorry about any confusion. Those were Bruce's opinions and do not say how i feel about the situation. Thanks everyone

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