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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 09-05-2015, 09:35 PM   #221
Originally Posted by schaumda View Post
You will find bad guy threats about nearly everyone in the business. But only unhappy customers post this. The same sellers might have 99% happy customers that don't make bois. That's why I why I would never judge without asking or writing with a seller personally.
What says a lot about a seller and his ethics, is how he behaves when things go wrong. That is why reading the 1% is important. If a seller goes out of his way to do whatever he can to make things right, readers will see this and likely his reputation will not suffer.
On the other hand, if his responses to a buyer who has problems with the transaction are unprofessional, future prospective buyers will take note.
ALL sellers will sooner or later have issues, it is how those issues are handled that shows what the seller is really made of.
Old 09-06-2015, 12:12 AM   #222
Originally Posted by schaumda View Post
Just some things: Writing I would not answer is incorrect. I was asked in this whole threat some questions and as long as I could I answered. But I am not going to post here without having any information. This is a thing between you and Garrett. And I don't see the need to comment anything I am not involved in.
What I can say is there is a waiting list for the sungazers longer then the amount of animals. It is not my part to make any presells or note names. But as Garrett correctly wrote in the add: There is no promised time nor are the animals in the US. And he writes no deposit needed! In his last adds, I see nothing incorrect about dates of deliveries. Because: How fast Export Cites are issued in Europe is not in our hands. Sometimes for "common" species it goes very fast. Sometimes it takes month. What they do is a background search of the animals history incl. legal status of the breeding stock. That can take a few days or a long time if other EU countries authorities are involved. For Varanus for example it goes quite quick, that's why we love to work with them. Clear legal animals that are traded world wide in bigger amounts.
Pakistan is a completely other topic and please don't mix that up, as you try, with animals that I am importing to the US.
When I read"shady" imports on animals imported to the US with legal paperwork approved by German authorities and USFW I just have to laugh. Especially people making this comments here know better.
I really appreciated that user posting here even appologising for mixing this threat here with a very nice good guy threat about me. And I accepted that apologies. So I would kindly ask you, not to involve me here in a situation between you and Garrett.
I can understand both of you are stuck in a situation that makes both of you feel really bad. I highly recommend you both take the phones, don't write massages making your both situations even worse. Honestly, guys, just talk. And find a solution. Whatever. A new deadline or whatever.
Garrett and me have quite a lot happy customers on what they get and how we work. Sure, not every deal about Cites works as fast as planned. Sometimes a paper takes so long, that animals come in the next shipment (we ship often). But until now, everyone ordering and waiting a bit longer got at least a small present for waiting longer. Or if he/she doesn't want to wait, just got deposits back if there was a deposit. And its only a very few cases that someone has to wait a bit. And important: Everyone ordering knows the estimated arrival times and no exact date. Because there are too many circumstances that no one in the business can influence.
But again: This is for animals from Germany to the US. You will find no one who was not happy afterwards. Don't mix me into this deal you have with Garret. Thank you.
Anyway: As I like most commenting here have nothing to add to this threat that helps you and Garrett, please ask me any further questions in a PM or give me a call or WhatsApp or else.
Thank you Markus,

You did a much better job explaining the transaction between Myself and Mike than I did on my first statement on this BOI.

Mike has sent me money before to import animals from Austria. I believe around $3,000. That import also took along time and we lost a few animals. That I took care of applying his credit for the dead animals to this transaction. Mike also has other friends that import. He knows how long importing can take.

I spoke to Mikes mom on the phone several times. They said they were hurting for money and asked if I could send them some money back. I didn't have mikes money as I wired it all along with my money to Pakistan. I sold a few of my personal animals and sent Mike and his mom $1,500.

Mike called shortly before posting this BOI saying he really needs the money for bills etc. I told him that he agreed to this and he knew it takes along time…but I would see what I could do. I offered a few people to buy Mikes animals at his price to keep, sell with a profit etc. One guy was considering it but decided to go in another direction. I kept mike in the loop the entire time on this.

I told Mike that, I have a shipment coming in from Mexico that I paid for in December 2014 that should come in and when I sell the animals that I would buy his animals from Pakistan. He couldn't wait. (That shipment still has not arrived)

Mike started to get belligerent and demanding that I send him some money, even payments. I listed a few of my personal animals for sale to help him out. A few days later, He sent me a text saying that he need money and he couldn't even buy his daughter a birthday present. I felt bad and took more animals out to photograph to sell when I get a notification on Facebook that Mike posted a new post on the Uromastyx site. I check out his post's and its his new banded Uromastyx and other uromastyx that he just bought. This infuriated me..and is in my opinion as low as you can go.

I pulled all the adds of my personal animals and told Mike to sit back he's in this deal for the long hall. He of course threatened a BOI and here we are.

Pactrick's last few comments are exactly why people don't want to comment on the BOI. He was look for anything to talk bad about Markus and Markus had nothing to do with the deal that Mike and I have. Pactrick said I didn't answer all of his questions on some geckos that I had for sale, and now he is harassing me on my person page. (I have reported him to the mods) This guy is so but hurt that he didn't get the geckos that I sold he has not even know what this BOI is about. Check out his post #183 he thinks this transaction is about reptiles from Germany.

Vannesa Lane gave me bad Karma months ago. I didn't even know about this Karma thing. My square turned red one day…and I though cool, I like red. I was trying to find out if I could turn it blue when I discovered that she gave me negative Karma on an add I had for earless monitors. She said they were smuggled because she read an old article on them. She didn't send me a private message asking. "I though those were illegal or I read this article etc." and I would of politely given her the current facts on the animals. She did a drive by passive aggressive move IMO. I check out her BOI and I found a out with the comments on it that she has done this many time to people. I reported it to the admins and they did nothing. I did it back to her and Whooooo. This girl does not like the taste of her own medicine. If you check out all of her post she thinks she is the game warden and unofficial moderator of this site, and one of her hobbies is to attacked people on this site

Alexander D. Mckelvy (occidentalis) I meet in a similar was as I did with Vanessa Lane. I posted an ad on FB for some Saba Island Iguanas. He posted on the ad that I was selling regular green iguanas as SABA's even though I have cites documents. I also posted a study from saba island and the Accueil Réserve Naturelle St. Barth, a study is on it's way to scientifically establish the Saba Black Iguana as a distinct subspecies of the Green Iguana (Iguana Iguana), only found on Saba. The team from St. Barth, visited the island from November 24th to 26th, to measure, weigh and take DNA samples from a number of specimen. 8 individuals were caught, but immediately released after the sampling, and no harm was done to the animals. The DNA samples will be analyzed in France and it is hoped that we will soon receive evidence of the uniqueness of the subspecies. He said this study was BS. I had several people come in and defend me, it started a fight and I was asked by the mods to delete the ad and re-list it.

Lynn Peterson (big time reptiles)In Lynns post #147 He sates "you don't know me from Adam" Lie #1 for Lynn: Lynn has sent me several e-mail (I still have all of them)inquiring about animals etc. He's even called me. Also in post #147 he states Lie #2 that mike is NOT he friend. but if you check Lynn's profile you can see that he IS a friend of mikes

Hillary Kotilainen (combatwombat) come on the BOI thanking goodness for seeing this BOI before she was just about to buy an animal off of me. When I offer to send her the animal to her without spending a penny, risk free….she changes her mind. I click on her PUBLIC profile and see her and Lynn are private messaging. Hummmm….

4 other people posted that are friends of Mike and Lynns. Can they be bias? I think not.

Chris Kennard: Professional BOIer you can't compete with this guy. It took 3 pages to figure out the time difference from the US to Germany. This guys a pro and I will not compete with him.

With the people that posted on this BOI. I have only had sales with 2 people in 8 transaction 6 going on 7 with Markus and 2 with Mike. All of the completed transaction went great with money in the $50,000 range. As I stated in my first statement Mike will get his lizards, Is that a scammer? Because importing takes a while. I think not. As importing goes, I don't have an exact date on the shipment but hoping soon. Ill say it again this is a inaccurate BOI claim of scammer. Mike will get his lizards and ALWAYS would of. I will post the shipping document when the come in along with the fedEx shipping to Mikes house. Just for fun I will also post a current background check that I did for a job promotion that will show ZERO CONVICTIONS.


Old 09-06-2015, 06:21 AM   #223
So Garrett you think that posts like this are helping your case? You sir are a sociopath. You will not admit to any wrong doing, you refuse to take responsibility for any of your actions, and worst of all, you blame the people you have victimized(or tried to victimize) for all the problems that you have created for yourself. Seriously you should just give Mike his money(maybe pay him back out of pocket?) and find a new hobby.

I am going to leave all your comments on my wall for ALL to see and immortalize them here in this thread with a screenshot. What are you hoping to accomplish conducting yourself in such manner? Why do you keep deleting the BOI links to this thread that I post on YOUR wall? Is that your pathetic attempt at damage control? Garrett you are your own worst enemy! Maybe you should NOT be posting in ANY public forums until you work through whatever emotional/behavioral issues that you have. Funny to see you projecting yourself on my wall. Lol, I am the crazy one who is obsessed with you? You spent your entire Saturday trolling/posting on my profile wall, sending me ridiculous PM's, and reporting me to the mods for things that I can not even begin to imagine. How do you think potential cutomers view your behavior here in this thread? Oh and how long do you think Markus is going to sully himself and his reputable business by being associated with someone like you? Cheers Garrett!
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Old 09-06-2015, 07:49 AM   #224

Readers here have more snap than you give them credit for. It is obvious that your reviews of individuals, above, are ad hominem attacks by you, designed to try to manipulate subsequent readers because the posts of those reviewed above nailed you on the actual issues (which you are avoiding).

Originally Posted by Frogman11 View Post

Chris Kennard: Professional BOIer you can't compete with this guy.
You can't seem to compete with anyone who brings up actual issues.
Old 09-06-2015, 01:54 PM   #225
Originally Posted by Frogman11 View Post
Vannesa Lane gave me bad Karma months ago. I didn't even know about this Karma thing. My square turned red one day…and I though cool, I like red. I was trying to find out if I could turn it blue when I discovered that she gave me negative Karma on an add I had for earless monitors. She said they were smuggled because she read an old article on them. She didn't send me a private message asking. "I though those were illegal or I read this article etc." and I would of politely given her the current facts on the animals. She did a drive by passive aggressive move IMO. I check out her BOI and I found a out with the comments on it that she has done this many time to people. I reported it to the admins and they did nothing. I did it back to her and Whooooo. This girl does not like the taste of her own medicine. If you check out all of her post she thinks she is the game warden and unofficial moderator of this site, and one of her hobbies is to attacked people on this site
I gave you negative karma because I was aware of how you handled questions to the previous classifieds ad you posted about Borneo earless monitors. You reposted the ad after someone else questioned their legality. I gave you negative karma (which, by the way, was pretty tactful because it's hidden from the public). The rest of those red chiclets you accomplished by yourself.

You resorted to ad hominem attacks, going so far to use coded curses (delta bravo? that's cute), on my BOI page. I responded explaining my point of view, no insults directed at you. You responded back with an even more scathing comment.

The other comments were not harassment. If anything, it was scammers trying to get back at me (sort of like what you're doing) for questioning their actions. Someone was trying to sell a cribo and first had it labeled as an eastern indigo snake, then as a Texas indigo snake. That's pretty sketchy, isn't it? The other person was begging for free lizards because she didn't want to spend any money on them. Yes, I got an infraction for that one because I did post on her classifieds ad. I accepted that discipline with dignity.

This thread, however, is about you. You, sir, have so far not displayed a lick of dignity or respect for your fellow herpers, blowing things far out of proportion, and resulting to childish, vindictive attacks when asking questions.

The quality of your business is not judged by the 99% of positive sales... it's judged by how you handle the 1% of those that go wrong. So far, you are utterly failing in that 1% and then some.

Perhaps if you weren't so good at playing the professional victim and openly antagonizing and being passive aggressive (you did far more than any of us, leaving false BOI posts, visitor messages on profiles, and false negative karma) to anyone who questions you, the tone of this thread would've been very different.

I think you should take notes from how Markus conducts business. You obviously have a lot to learn.
Old 09-06-2015, 02:20 PM   #226
Originally Posted by Frogman11 View Post
Thank you Markus,

You did a much better job explaining the transaction between Myself and Mike than I did on my first statement on this BOI.

Mike has sent me money before to import animals from Austria. I believe around $3,000. That import also took along time and we lost a few animals. That I took care of applying his credit for the dead animals to this transaction. Mike also has other friends that import. He knows how long importing can take.

I spoke to Mikes mom on the phone several times. They said they were hurting for money and asked if I could send them some money back. I didn't have mikes money as I wired it all along with my money to Pakistan. I sold a few of my personal animals and sent Mike and his mom $1,500.

Mike called shortly before posting this BOI saying he really needs the money for bills etc. I told him that he agreed to this and he knew it takes along time…but I would see what I could do. I offered a few people to buy Mikes animals at his price to keep, sell with a profit etc. One guy was considering it but decided to go in another direction. I kept mike in the loop the entire time on this.

I told Mike that, I have a shipment coming in from Mexico that I paid for in December 2014 that should come in and when I sell the animals that I would buy his animals from Pakistan. He couldn't wait. (That shipment still has not arrived)

Mike started to get belligerent and demanding that I send him some money, even payments. I listed a few of my personal animals for sale to help him out. A few days later, He sent me a text saying that he need money and he couldn't even buy his daughter a birthday present. I felt bad and took more animals out to photograph to sell when I get a notification on Facebook that Mike posted a new post on the Uromastyx site. I check out his post's and its his new banded Uromastyx and other uromastyx that he just bought. This infuriated me..and is in my opinion as low as you can go.

I pulled all the adds of my personal animals and told Mike to sit back he's in this deal for the long hall. He of course threatened a BOI and here we are.


This is the real meat of your post and what we've been requesting for a while. If you had foregone the previous unnecessary drama you initiated with me and with others, the thread probably would've gone in a different direction. Like Lucille said, the people you've been attacking in this thread are generally folks who have their heads on straight. But, they always say to fear the wrath of a good man...

It does sound, now anyway, that you tried to be patient with Mike. As you and Markus both explained, imports can take a while. I would be angry as well if someone said they were financially poor off and then purchased new animals using money you raised specifically to help them out.

As far as the smuggling convictions go: that by itself is not a deal breaker for business. However, it does make those of us who are aware of your history (like I was prior to your posting of the Borneo earless monitors... I actually read the traffic report on you when it came out, because, as an assistant professor and certified associate wildlife biologist, I keep track of these things) rather nervous when we start seeing previously protected animals for sale.

It is obvious that there is a lot of bad blood between you and Mike. I think Mike made the first misstep here. I think, had you not had gone to such lengths to generate bad blood between you, me, and the other members who are actively posting in your BOI, that those who are calling you to task now would've probably sided with you initially. However, when we see someone deflecting questions, attacking others, misdirecting attention away from the issue at hand, and being, quite honestly, a jerk, we tend to see a cover up rather than any desire to actually solve a problem.

It's obvious now that Mike has no desire to do business with you. Since it seems your funds are still tied up in Pakistan, I would save up money from other sales you are conducting with Markus and pay Mike off to just be done with the whole fiasco. Then, perhaps with an apology or two to the people you've worked very hard at trying to discredit for no real good reason in here, you can start working on repairing your reputation.
Old 09-06-2015, 03:52 PM   #227

Originally Posted by Frogman11 View Post
Thank you Markus,

You did a much better job explaining the transaction between Myself and Mike than I did on my first statement on this BOI.

Mike has sent me money before to import animals from Austria. I believe around $3,000. That import also took along time and we lost a few animals. That I took care of applying his credit for the dead animals to this transaction. Mike also has other friends that import. He knows how long importing can take.

I spoke to Mikes mom on the phone several times. They said they were hurting for money and asked if I could send them some money back. I didn't have mikes money as I wired it all along with my money to Pakistan. I sold a few of my personal animals and sent Mike and his mom $1,500.

Mike called shortly before posting this BOI saying he really needs the money for bills etc. I told him that he agreed to this and he knew it takes along time…but I would see what I could do. I offered a few people to buy Mikes animals at his price to keep, sell with a profit etc. One guy was considering it but decided to go in another direction. I kept mike in the loop the entire time on this.

I told Mike that, I have a shipment coming in from Mexico that I paid for in December 2014 that should come in and when I sell the animals that I would buy his animals from Pakistan. He couldn't wait. (That shipment still has not arrived)

Mike started to get belligerent and demanding that I send him some money, even payments. I listed a few of my personal animals for sale to help him out. A few days later, He sent me a text saying that he need money and he couldn't even buy his daughter a birthday present. I felt bad and took more animals out to photograph to sell when I get a notification on Facebook that Mike posted a new post on the Uromastyx site. I check out his post's and its his new banded Uromastyx and other uromastyx that he just bought. This infuriated me..and is in my opinion as low as you can go.

I pulled all the adds of my personal animals and told Mike to sit back he's in this deal for the long hall. He of course threatened a BOI and here we are.

Pactrick's last few comments are exactly why people don't want to comment on the BOI. He was look for anything to talk bad about Markus and Markus had nothing to do with the deal that Mike and I have. Pactrick said I didn't answer all of his questions on some geckos that I had for sale, and now he is harassing me on my person page. (I have reported him to the mods) This guy is so but hurt that he didn't get the geckos that I sold he has not even know what this BOI is about. Check out his post #183 he thinks this transaction is about reptiles from Germany.

Vannesa Lane gave me bad Karma months ago. I didn't even know about this Karma thing. My square turned red one day…and I though cool, I like red. I was trying to find out if I could turn it blue when I discovered that she gave me negative Karma on an add I had for earless monitors. She said they were smuggled because she read an old article on them. She didn't send me a private message asking. "I though those were illegal or I read this article etc." and I would of politely given her the current facts on the animals. She did a drive by passive aggressive move IMO. I check out her BOI and I found a out with the comments on it that she has done this many time to people. I reported it to the admins and they did nothing. I did it back to her and Whooooo. This girl does not like the taste of her own medicine. If you check out all of her post she thinks she is the game warden and unofficial moderator of this site, and one of her hobbies is to attacked people on this site

Alexander D. Mckelvy (occidentalis) I meet in a similar was as I did with Vanessa Lane. I posted an ad on FB for some Saba Island Iguanas. He posted on the ad that I was selling regular green iguanas as SABA's even though I have cites documents. I also posted a study from saba island and the Accueil Réserve Naturelle St. Barth, a study is on it's way to scientifically establish the Saba Black Iguana as a distinct subspecies of the Green Iguana (Iguana Iguana), only found on Saba. The team from St. Barth, visited the island from November 24th to 26th, to measure, weigh and take DNA samples from a number of specimen. 8 individuals were caught, but immediately released after the sampling, and no harm was done to the animals. The DNA samples will be analyzed in France and it is hoped that we will soon receive evidence of the uniqueness of the subspecies. He said this study was BS. I had several people come in and defend me, it started a fight and I was asked by the mods to delete the ad and re-list it.

Lynn Peterson (big time reptiles)In Lynns post #147 He sates "you don't know me from Adam" Lie #1 for Lynn: Lynn has sent me several e-mail (I still have all of them)inquiring about animals etc. He's even called me. Also in post #147 he states Lie #2 that mike is NOT he friend. but if you check Lynn's profile you can see that he IS a friend of mikes

Hillary Kotilainen (combatwombat) come on the BOI thanking goodness for seeing this BOI before she was just about to buy an animal off of me. When I offer to send her the animal to her without spending a penny, risk free….she changes her mind. I click on her PUBLIC profile and see her and Lynn are private messaging. Hummmm….

4 other people posted that are friends of Mike and Lynns. Can they be bias? I think not.

Chris Kennard: Professional BOIer you can't compete with this guy. It took 3 pages to figure out the time difference from the US to Germany. This guys a pro and I will not compete with him.

With the people that posted on this BOI. I have only had sales with 2 people in 8 transaction 6 going on 7 with Markus and 2 with Mike. All of the completed transaction went great with money in the $50,000 range. As I stated in my first statement Mike will get his lizards, Is that a scammer? Because importing takes a while. I think not. As importing goes, I don't have an exact date on the shipment but hoping soon. Ill say it again this is a inaccurate BOI claim of scammer. Mike will get his lizards and ALWAYS would of. I will post the shipping document when the come in along with the fedEx shipping to Mikes house. Just for fun I will also post a current background check that I did for a job promotion that will show ZERO CONVICTIONS.


As far as my first transaction with garret was from An ad he posted he would he importing animals from a source in europe who also had uromastyx i shortly got in contact with him asking if the breeder was Juergen Schmidt he told me yes and wanted to split shipping cost bringing them here i told him i wanted all the princeps he had available which was 9 at the moment garret told me the total he needed to buy all 9 including shipping was around $5600 so i wire transfered him the amount from my bank to his i paid him in novemeber and got the animals in February which of the 9 that i ordered 1 died in shipping process so i was only receiving 8 out of 9 from two diff clutches when they landed garret told me 3 weren't doing good and died i got a total of 5 only when he shipped to me. I told him i wanted my refund of the 4 dead which was $2000 from Juergen schimdt. In between that deal back in january told me about the hardwickii that he had a a contact and everything was legit with cites paperwork and if i wanted some before landing they were $1000 a piece or $1500 after landing but not once was i ever informed as being his partner i then wire transfered him $6000 to him for 3 pairs and told him once they landed i would buy another pair in person when we were suppose to meet for exchange. Now back to the princeps deal i kept asking for my refund from garret when was juergen gonna refund me and was always hesistant to issue a refund until i emailed juergen myself and informed him i wsnted my refund for the 4 that died he told me he would wire money to garret , garret got upset that i emailed juergen saying i was throwing things off, he finally got the refund from juergen but wouldn't refund me at all because he kept saying i wanted a extra pair of Hardwickii so why refund me when i was gonna get them anyway i told garret many times i would pay him in person when they got here but for now i needed my $2000 from juergen he refused to refund me until my he had a conversation with my mom over the phone were we told him keep $500 as a deposit for the hardwickii but send us back $1500 that we needed to pay for some personal family issues we had going on he sent the money that same day this was back in march i can check records to check exact date. In april my 5 princeps started dying off for no appearant reason i asked multiple princep keepers and followed there advise and they still died not to mention the people who got princeps like me from the same shipment all lost majority if not all of there princeps like me. Of coursed i was screwed that they died after the 30 day health guarantee garret offered . This was back in april timeline so i was constantly asking garret the progess of the hardwickii since it was 4 months in of payment and way past expected date that he told me back in Jaguary ( original landing date was february for Pakistan) i would follow up with him every few weeks and was always the same answer , wasnt until late may he told me he would give me his group of yucatan mexican spiny tailed iguanas that according to him are worth over $7000 i told unless i had Legal Cb paperwork shoowing proof that they were that there was no way i could replace my money i paid him back in january i spoke to many different people asking estimates for a group like that and they all told me they were worth around half of what i paid him but garret got upset saying i was jewing him down like he mentioned in one of the screen shots i posted . I told him if he had any luck selling anything and was always the same responce of no. Told him i needed the money back in june but he would always blow off the issue it was really infuriating that someone told me he had just imported animals and had listed them as sold i confronted him and he said he had no money to refund me at all , as far as the uromastyx that garrets claims i bought with the money he refunded me is a straight "BS" lie he claims that all the animals i would post on the " uromastyx club "on facebook are new but yet they are animals i have owned for years he then is all pissed off that i bought one banded uromastyx that i posted on there which i bought from selling some of my own animals. I then again asked garret for money but always the same answer of him not having money but yet he claims to have animals sold on his ads worth thousands thats when i warned him and still he refused that is why i started this BOI thread on him this is were we are at now.
Old 09-06-2015, 11:05 PM   #228
Chris Kennard
Originally Posted by uromastyx13 View Post
As far as my first transaction with garret was from An ad he posted he would he importing animals from a source in europe who also had uromastyx i shortly got in contact with him asking if the breeder was Juergen Schmidt he told me yes and wanted to split shipping cost bringing them here i told him i wanted all the princeps he had available which was 9 at the moment garret told me the total he needed to buy all 9 including shipping was around $5600 so i wire transfered him the amount from my bank to his i paid him in novemeber and got the animals in February which of the 9 that i ordered 1 died in shipping process so i was only receiving 8 out of 9 from two diff clutches when they landed garret told me 3 weren't doing good and died i got a total of 5 only when he shipped to me. I told him i wanted my refund of the 4 dead which was $2000 from Juergen schimdt. In between that deal back in january told me about the hardwickii that he had a a contact and everything was legit with cites paperwork and if i wanted some before landing they were $1000 a piece or $1500 after landing but not once was i ever informed as being his partner i then wire transfered him $6000 to him for 3 pairs and told him once they landed i would buy another pair in person when we were suppose to meet for exchange. Now back to the princeps deal i kept asking for my refund from garret when was juergen gonna refund me and was always hesistant to issue a refund until i emailed juergen myself and informed him i wsnted my refund for the 4 that died he told me he would wire money to garret , garret got upset that i emailed juergen saying i was throwing things off, he finally got the refund from juergen but wouldn't refund me at all because he kept saying i wanted a extra pair of Hardwickii so why refund me when i was gonna get them anyway i told garret many times i would pay him in person when they got here but for now i needed my $2000 from juergen he refused to refund me until my he had a conversation with my mom over the phone were we told him keep $500 as a deposit for the hardwickii but send us back $1500 that we needed to pay for some personal family issues we had going on he sent the money that same day this was back in march i can check records to check exact date. In april my 5 princeps started dying off for no appearant reason i asked multiple princep keepers and followed there advise and they still died not to mention the people who got princeps like me from the same shipment all lost majority if not all of there princeps like me. Of coursed i was screwed that they died after the 30 day health guarantee garret offered . This was back in april timeline so i was constantly asking garret the progess of the hardwickii since it was 4 months in of payment and way past expected date that he told me back in Jaguary ( original landing date was february for Pakistan) i would follow up with him every few weeks and was always the same answer , wasnt until late may he told me he would give me his group of yucatan mexican spiny tailed iguanas that according to him are worth over $7000 i told unless i had Legal Cb paperwork shoowing proof that they were that there was no way i could replace my money i paid him back in january i spoke to many different people asking estimates for a group like that and they all told me they were worth around half of what i paid him but garret got upset saying i was jewing him down like he mentioned in one of the screen shots i posted . I told him if he had any luck selling anything and was always the same responce of no. Told him i needed the money back in june but he would always blow off the issue it was really infuriating that someone told me he had just imported animals and had listed them as sold i confronted him and he said he had no money to refund me at all , as far as the uromastyx that garrets claims i bought with the money he refunded me is a straight "BS" lie he claims that all the animals i would post on the " uromastyx club "on facebook are new but yet they are animals i have owned for years he then is all pissed off that i bought one banded uromastyx that i posted on there which i bought from selling some of my own animals. I then again asked garret for money but always the same answer of him not having money but yet he claims to have animals sold on his ads worth thousands thats when i warned him and still he refused that is why i started this BOI thread on him this is were we are at now.
After reading this I have to wonder why you would do business with someone when all the animals in your previous transaction died.
Old 09-07-2015, 08:54 AM   #229
tim brophy
These importers/exporters seem to treat animals that died as commodities. Whoops, four died! Holy moley, for every live one that you receive, how many die in transit? Whether they go straight from Pakistan to U.S., or to Germany, then to the U.S., somebody along that chain opens a box with dead lizards. What a way to make a living.
Old 09-07-2015, 09:23 AM   #230
Chris Kennard
Originally Posted by tim brophy View Post
These importers/exporters seem to treat animals that died as commodities. Whoops, four died! Holy moley, for every live one that you receive, how many die in transit? Whether they go straight from Pakistan to U.S., or to Germany, then to the U.S., somebody along that chain opens a box with dead lizards. What a way to make a living.
According to the OP, most, if not all of the shipment died.

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