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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 01-03-2013, 09:13 PM   #221
The accidental breeding and the escaping was not my fault. Those two snakes were the ONLY snakes that EVER escaped in my care in the 2-3 years of keeping them. The Jungle male was the only one to pass away too.

My snakes are not given improper husbandry. They are given the best care I can provide. Wait, I don't have to explain myself to you.

The snake ingested substrate. It happens. I no longer keep the ONLY snake that was on it, on it. Lesson learned. I did not kill it. Mistakes happen.

You clearly have some sort of problem with me. I don't know what that is, but get over yourself. My "continued existence in this hobby" does not concern you. There are so many people on here who actually abuse their animals and deserve that harsh comment, but I am not one of them. Get off my back. I did nothing wrong.
Old 01-03-2013, 09:14 PM   #222
For someone who has nothing to prove and doesn't care you sure are responding a lot. You have a right to respond, but when you continue to say these points it looks a little silly. I know there is a girl on iHerp right now who is 15 and 30x more responsible and honest and no one gives her crap, you're getting it for a reason.

You also are keeping snakes on pine, which that and cedar are a major no no, it's not just worth the health of the animal.

Also that pic of the snake on the carpet doesn't look like the one I remember, I'll have to see if I can find any of the screen shots, but the genetic banded as soon as I saw it reminded me of "pastel" you were auctioning.
Old 01-03-2013, 09:17 PM   #223
Actually, I am not fond of liars, or people who cannot own up to their responsibility, so I assure you, little girl, your continued existence is most certainly something does concern me as it reflects on my hobby, which I happen to enjoy and which happens to be threatened by the likes of you.

A healthy snake does not die of ingesting substrate as any amount a healthy snake would ingest is minor. Pine toxicity likely had something to do with it. As for the escaping, it was only not your fault until someone jumped on you for it, then it was a friends'.

Your stories evolve continuously to suit whatever need you have at the time, rather than remaining the original story they should be.

Rather suspect, eh?
Old 01-03-2013, 09:17 PM   #224
Dan, I will say one last time that I came clean about the ONLY lie I've told this ENTIRE thread.

I am not a bad person to do business with. I AM honest. I am NOT "dangerous".
I have done NOTHING wrong. & YES I will continue to fight your accusations all the way because they are NOT true.
Old 01-03-2013, 09:19 PM   #225
Sure Diem. Whatever helps you sleep at night. I have nothing to prove to you.

I can assure you that focusing your attention on someone who actually threatens you and your hobby would be a better use of time.
Old 01-03-2013, 09:22 PM   #226
Busy November, eh?

Originally Posted by Sierra0101 View Post
I don't know where else to turn. I am scared to death.
Stick with me guys..
I have a 2007 Jungle Boa (Male;about 5 foot, not sure if that matters...) who is very healthy, eats every other week...sheds great no health issues at all whatsoever (last time I checked).

I had him in with one of my females to breed, along with another male to get him going.. monitored of course. He's been in and out for the past two weeks (showing no interest) and I just put him back in yesterday...

Females substrate is pine shavings. In his bin, he has newspaper. He was in the pine shavings with her obviously..

I walk in about 20 minutes ago and I see his mouth kind of drooping open...I started watching him to see what was going on, then I saw some pine shavings in his mouth and something in his mouth. I thought he might be regurgitating but he hasn't eaten since mid-October, due to breeding. I took him out to observe him and put him in a bin and he starting foaming at the mouth and twisting his body. He looked like he was having some sort of muscle spasm and curling his body (uncontrollably?) up. He was stiff-ish, flexing his muscles, holding strong? Then it stopped. He closed his mouth, flicked his tongue and just relaxed..I thought he was dying. I don't know what happened, what caused this, or what to do about it. ANY help or explanation will surely be appreciated. Please, I am scared to death. Call me; text me, but do NOT pm me. I need to know what happened now, not later when I come back on. 845-665-6842. Thank you.

Has this happened to you before?

Originally Posted by Sierra0101 View Post
I am keeping my fingers crossed in hopes that my accidental breeding ends in a success.

I have a normal female 100% Het Sharp. Back in November, she a Jungle male I used to have before he died of unknown causes escaped from their cages somehow and I found them the next morning locked up. I was not intending to breed this female as I weighed her and she was less than 7.5 lbs back then.

I weigh each of my animals on the first week of each month for records and on December 1, 2012 she was 7.32 lbs. Since then, she has eaten twice (medium rats) and I weighed her earlier this morning and she is now 8.64 lbs EMPTY.

Now, either she is brewing up some babies to continue on my Jungle's family tree or she magically and unexplainably gained over a pound in the last month.

I have some pictures of her if anybody is interested but I can't post them because I am on my tablet. If anyone would care to see, please email me and I can send some photos and you can post them up. Any opinions also?
Old 01-03-2013, 09:36 PM   #227
it is the same snake. When you find pictures, look for patterns. I promise you it's not the same snake.

Also, I was planning on leaving this thread to die out after that last post, but I can't stand when people call me a liar when I am telling the truth. I am not keeping my snakes on pine. Every single one of them is on newspaper. I had one snake on pine because 1. she doesn't do well on newspaper & 2. i was told kiln-dried pine was fine to keep them on. She is doing fine, and I learned a lesson from the other snake that passed away. It just sickens me when someone tells me I killed the snake. That is beyond insulting because my snakes are my children. They mean the world to me & I give them the best care I can to the best of my ability. Telling me I killed it is like telling a parent that they killed their child by letting them eat peanuts before they knew they were allergic. Lesson learned right? It doesn't work that way. It hurt my feelings.

I have done nothing wrong. I confessed to the ONLY lie I told this whole thread. The rest is the truth. I am done with this. I am not "dangerous." I am not a bad person. I have never scammed anyone, nor do I plan to. I come through on the deals I make. I am not a liar. I am just an enthusiast looking to learn more about these beautiful creatures. But instead, I'm getting bashed and attacked on here for doing nothing wrong. I am not bothering you. All I ask is that you don't bother me. Isn't crushing my hopes and dreams enough? It seems you guys get your kicks out of attacking people who do nothing wrong and for what? Do you feel good about yourselves? I've done nothing wrong. You people are bullying me. I am not going to sit here and type out every single detail of my life because it is not your business and it doesn't matter. You are using everything you can against me. I am not threatening anything or any of you. All I want to do is be left alone. I am done attempting to explain myself to you because you don't believe anything I say anyway!

Go pick on someone your own size. Bye.
Old 01-03-2013, 10:01 PM   #228
Originally Posted by Sierra0101 View Post
The accidental breeding and the escaping was not my fault.
Really? Please explain who the culprit was.
Old 01-03-2013, 10:01 PM   #229
Just how do you know what my size is?

You want to be left alone because you do not want to be reminded that you are a liar, contributed to a snake's death and should not really be involved in taking care of reptiles, much less breeding them.

That is all.

Had you no guilt, nothing I say would matter.
Old 01-03-2013, 10:14 PM   #230
Dennis Hultman
Originally Posted by Pythonbreeder99 View Post
Ok, let me chime in here. Although I know not what this thread is related to nor who this boagirl is, but I can speak for Sierra, I have been talking to her about herps for the past few months and she asked me to jump in here because it's obvious you guys are attacking her. Sierra is 16 years old and has been keeping reptiles for about 2 or 3 years, no offence to her but she's a noob. We all were at one point and we all screwed up before we made it to where we are today. I am 18 and have been doing this since I was 6, when I signed up for the site I was about 15 and I (like her) said stuff to make myself seem older and more reputable, when you were that age you did it too. Nobody wants to buy anything from a 15 or 16 year old. Especially a higher end snake, I've seen people on this site RIP APART kids who tried to seem as reputable as someone who's been in the industry for 20+ years and it always seems like the second they mess up somebody jumps all over them then dozens of people join in. Yes Sierra messed up, yes I've messed up, and don't lie to yourselves because we've all messed up. Let bigons be bigons and continue with your fauna browsing. If anybody has had DIRECT problems with Sierra then the appropriate thing to do would be to continue the conversation between you and Sierra instead of making all of you look like children yourselves by blowing up on a very public forum, and killing this poor kids dreams. I'm sure none of you would be fond of a dozen or so people attacking you for one or two minor mistakes that were made in the past. If Sierra isn't doing anything directly to you then what makes it okay for you to take shots directly at her? That was my 2 cents.
That is all sweet and sounds wonderful Cody but there is a few more things to consider. This is very much a business site not a playground.

Age isn't as important as maturity level. There are many minors here that conduct themselves professionally. I have done business with some and would with others.

This section is for feedback good or bad with sellers and buyers. It is risky enough doing business with anyone online. Add the facts that your dealing with a minor that you have less options when you are trying to resolve a problem, people have a right to know.

Heck, go read the first responses in this thread and the replies from this users account. I wouldn't buy from someone with that attitude no-matter age.

Your name is very important. Regardless if it was just her or her and her girlfriend, she lied several times, has little knowledge about what she/they were selling. The public has a right to know this things. It's not about just attacking someone as you suggest.

That is just big pile of crap. It's not about killing some kids dreams (also garbage) or just two minor mistakes. It really isn't about her either.

Its about Jane or John Doe putting forth their hard earned money and buying what they paid for. That's why this site began in the first place.

This seller has had attitude, lied, been disrespectful to peers, potential buyers, sellers and to this site that she wishes to use.

To tell people to quietly address any problems and not post does nothing for this community. If problems can't be resolved then it needs to be posted.

This all happened in the last what 7, 8 months? Sure she is young, new and the person who typed many of the posts under this account lacks a lot of maturity. She can improve her standing if she wishes. Many have done it right here. Admit the mistakes, learn, be honest and don't sell anything that you don't know about.

Nobody is here to crush kids dreams but the buying public also has a right to know who they are dealing with particularly if something goes wrong.

Right? Don't I and everyone else?

I hope she succeeds if she wants to stick around. It's good for all of us.

You are right. We were all young and all of us made mistakes. If you learn from them and improve then you can move on. I wish her good luck.

She's young a new and made some mistakes. True. She also acted immaturely and lied.

If she's honest , shows maturity and learns, she will have no problems here.

Just look at the so called admittance to a lie " I admit I lied ,
going to hold this over my head, right"
Still immature. It's not the only lie here and instead of saying sorry and working on gaining respect, went right to victim status for being caught telling falsehoods.

She wins by doing better. Telling people just to shut up because she is a kid does her no good.

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