The BOI will be coming to an end on 02-02-2020 - Page 29 - FaunaClassifieds
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FaunaClassifieds Site HELP & Feedback Forum Anything of a nature concerning this website, moderators, admin, or anything having to do with how it is being run, should go here. Criticism is welcome, but abusive antagonism is not. THIS IS NOT THE FORUM FOR FEEDBACK CONCERNING BUYERS AND SELLERS! Such posts are ONLY allowed as replies to classified ads posted by the specific member involved in a specific issue with you.

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Old 10-14-2019, 11:37 PM   #281
Originally Posted by The Magic maker View Post
In actuality the BOI and this site as a whole was my guilty pleasure. Most breeders never wanted to admit that they were on here, however couldn't resist in indulging once in a while to get the "scoop" on the drama. Eventually this site will succumb to the lack of traffic and persistent maitenence costs. I just hope there are some type of archives for all that was the BOI. Best wishes to all of the staff and those who remain
I seriously doubt it. Too many people will still appreciate a site where they can still advertise their animals for sale FOR FREE, or worry about getting their account yanked because of pressure by certain groups to stop allowing the sale of animals here.

But if it comes to pass that this site dies completely because the majority of the membership (and even those who never even bothered to register) wanted the BOI and nothing else, but were not willing to help support it, and no one else remains, then so be it. I can wash my hands of this and sleep like a baby afterwards.

And FYI, sorry, but no. There will be no archives set up for what used to be the Board of Inquiry. Can't have your cake and eat it too.
Old 10-15-2019, 11:20 AM   #282
Originally Posted by Lucille View Post
Aww come on. You're not going to let us play with the foreign based parrot vendors a little first before turning them over to the mods for the coup de grace?
Yeah, I know some people enjoy teasing the obvious scammers, but if you don't mind, just report the post to alert staff about it. Your posts in any such thread would be deleted anyway, and I would rather not have legitimate members postings deleted if I could help it. It offends some people having their words vanish, and that is not my intention.
Old 11-01-2019, 08:44 AM   #283
One last ditch effort to rectify this issue ....

I'm guilty of not paying my fair share, I admit, and I'm sure there are many others that think like me. Back in the good old days, prior to the internet, a few of us would get Faunaclassifieds in newspaper form as we waited patiently for our monthly herp price lists in various shades of pink green yellow etc etc etc.. Big thanks Tommy, Bill and Louis! This was all for free and I guess we got guilty of thinking everything should continue status quo. Those Proprietors never asked us for a dime for receiving their monthly price list... And they knew we were looking forward to it. Especially Tommy's comments around Christmas time for certain animals being "stocking stuffers" for certain annoying members of the family. I dare not share that price list with that annoying member of the family!

I would like to propose a way for us to redeem ourselves, and help the herp community at the same time. We all know costs have gone up in everything and you should not be burdened to sholder this alone. Only you know what you need in order to make this work without also burdening our younger members in the herp community that may not have money to spend on a service that you were performing without complaint.

The Proposal would be that you will request a certain number of new memberships purchased between now and January 2020. ... Note that I state "new memberships" as some of those in the herp Community have already purchased their memberships for the year. Also, I mention number of memberships rather than a particular category or sum of money, because not everyone has the same income as the next guy or gal. If you should happen to get that predetermined number of memberships (which you will discose to us) between that time frame and now then you will keep your efforts involved in Fauna classifieds going "full steam ahead".. With absolutely no changes .... which includes keeping the BOI.

Hopefully this proposal will satisfy any need for income to pay for the tangibles to keep this site up. We do realize that you are doing this for the love of herpetology and the animals and not just to make a buck. It takes a lot of effort in managing this and we all appreciate your help.

Please give the herp community a chance to help you and help ourselves at the same time. My money and I await to hear your decision. If there are any questions feel free to email me. Lunch is on me if I meet you one day.

Fraternally yours in the Herp Community,

Charles Ball
Old 11-01-2019, 10:53 AM   #284
Big Time Reptiles
Originally Posted by ChondroPy View Post
you will keep your efforts involved in Fauna classifieds going "full steam ahead".. With absolutely no changes .... which includes keeping the BOI

What changed you mind about thinking, and saying "To many of you new kids on the block who have nothing better than to write on this stupid forum"

I realize that was 13 years ago, but I'm a staunch believer, that a leopard doesn't change it's spots, so why "keep this stupid forum" known as the BOI?
Old 11-01-2019, 02:04 PM   #285
Originally Posted by ChondroPy View Post
One last ditch effort to rectify this issue ....

I'm guilty of not paying my fair share, I admit, and I'm sure there are many others that think like me. Back in the good old days, prior to the internet, a few of us would get Faunaclassifieds in newspaper form as we waited patiently for our monthly herp price lists in various shades of pink green yellow etc etc etc.. Big thanks Tommy, Bill and Louis! This was all for free and I guess we got guilty of thinking everything should continue status quo. Those Proprietors never asked us for a dime for receiving their monthly price list... And they knew we were looking forward to it. Especially Tommy's comments around Christmas time for certain animals being "stocking stuffers" for certain annoying members of the family. I dare not share that price list with that annoying member of the family!

I would like to propose a way for us to redeem ourselves, and help the herp community at the same time. We all know costs have gone up in everything and you should not be burdened to sholder this alone. Only you know what you need in order to make this work without also burdening our younger members in the herp community that may not have money to spend on a service that you were performing without complaint.

The Proposal would be that you will request a certain number of new memberships purchased between now and January 2020. ... Note that I state "new memberships" as some of those in the herp Community have already purchased their memberships for the year. Also, I mention number of memberships rather than a particular category or sum of money, because not everyone has the same income as the next guy or gal. If you should happen to get that predetermined number of memberships (which you will discose to us) between that time frame and now then you will keep your efforts involved in Fauna classifieds going "full steam ahead".. With absolutely no changes .... which includes keeping the BOI.

Hopefully this proposal will satisfy any need for income to pay for the tangibles to keep this site up. We do realize that you are doing this for the love of herpetology and the animals and not just to make a buck. It takes a lot of effort in managing this and we all appreciate your help.

Please give the herp community a chance to help you and help ourselves at the same time. My money and I await to hear your decision. If there are any questions feel free to email me. Lunch is on me if I meet you one day.

Fraternally yours in the Herp Community,

Charles Ball
Sorry Charles, but that boat has already left the dock.

I said early on in this thread that if I saw an overwhelming effort on the part of the membership (past and present) to keep the Board of Inquiry, that I would reconsider my decision to shut it down on 02-02-2020. That just has not happened, and now just three months away from the shutoff date, I can't see how anyone could still retain any illusions that this is going to happen now.

I know I have waved this red flag several times in the past, and I guess I just wasn't being taken seriously. Or people just did not care one way or the other. And quite likely I am not being taken seriously now, with people thinking that something will come along to get me to change my mind or this is just some ploy to try to pressure members into forking out more money to "save the day". Honestly, folks, I have seen the light and taken this as clear evidence that it is just time for the Board of Inquiry to exit, stage right. I sure as heck don't need it at this stage of my life so why keep on fighting against the tide?

Yeah, money is an issue, and always has been. Not particularly just for what is needed for the upkeep and maintenance required to keep this site afloat. And considering the possibility of substantial legal fees that would have to be expended to defend a member's desire to post something unflattering about someone else. But it is much more than that.

Members: 145,248, Active Members: 18,827
In the past 365 days, only 18,827 registered members out of 145,248 have bothered to even come back here just to drop in and look around. So that is telling me that 126,421 registered members don't even find this site worth visiting casually any longer. I am no longer even interested to know why that is. It just IS.

That is fine. I get it. Newer bells and whistles, with flashing lights and addictive treats offered by other sites have drawn many of them away. I've always known that this was a possibility, even a probability, so I can't claim to be surprised that it has happened now.

The Board of Inquiry was my offering to you all to try to help people when they found they had problems with their dealings in this industry, and had no where else to go that had any hope of a resolution. It is obviously no longer perceived to be needed or of use to the majority of the membership, and with that in mind, I will gladly take this weight off of my own shoulders. I have done all I can do, and all I am willing to do to help people in that respect. I guess far too many people didn't realize that this was a two way street and how important their support, not just financially, but in bulk numbers of just interested parties that were needed to apply the force of peer pressure on someone who was obviously in the wrong in some transaction being discussed.

As an aside, please do not bother to contact me about any issues you may have in your dealings. I cannot help you, and cannot even suggest anything that may be of help to you. Not trying to be mean about it, that is just how the truth of the matter will come across in any discussion I would have with you about your problem.

So it is what it is. The Board of Inquiry will be coming to an end and closing for good on 02-02-2020. Based on all the evidence presented by the responses and reactions known to me since I started this thread, there is nothing that can happen that will change that decision. Yeah, I know some people think that I am just being an MGA trying to shake down people for more money. But you can go ahead and keep thinking that if you like. Makes no difference to me. If anyone believes that any money I made off of this site even comes close to being worth the headaches I have had to endure because of it, then you are extremely deluded. There are so many other things I could have done with my time spent here.

To all of those people who will miss the BOI and wish they could still have it to help them, I am truly sorry. Surely there will be someone else who will think creating a Board of Inquiry themselves is a real grand idea. Maybe they will even be able to run it better than what I have done here, and able to retain the support needed to keep it running and effective. Seriously, more power to them. It is a monkey on the back that I wouldn't wish on anyone and can only wish them good luck with that burden they are willingly taking on.
Old 11-01-2019, 02:25 PM   #286
Hi there Moderator...

I am sorry that I did not see this earlier. I just chanced upon it by accident and did not know we were in such dire straits of you shutting it down. I would highly suggest giving it the old College try and post the situation in brief on all of the classified categories. For example as you notify us about "abusive add bumping"... Right below that add in a statement about payments needed to keep bBOI active.... or simply State those who pay will be able to still play.

I am sure there are quite a few of us that still appreciate your efforts in keeping that going. It gives us a choice on whether we will consider dealing with a vendor or not... At least we'll have some information to weigh that decision. This is just my two cents in the matter but if you inform everyone at least we will all know whether folks give a damn about it or just too not interested in paying money to keep this open.

A little more policing of the statements that are made would help as well, to help keep those who post on the BOI as a hobby as their social outlet and who have nothing beneficial to offer.

Please consider all of this before shutting it all down.

Charles Ball
Old 11-01-2019, 04:35 PM   #287
Originally Posted by ChondroPy View Post
Hi there Moderator...

I am sorry that I did not see this earlier. I just chanced upon it by accident and did not know we were in such dire straits of you shutting it down. I would highly suggest giving it the old College try and post the situation in brief on all of the classified categories. For example as you notify us about "abusive add bumping"... Right below that add in a statement about payments needed to keep bBOI active.... or simply State those who pay will be able to still play.

I am sure there are quite a few of us that still appreciate your efforts in keeping that going. It gives us a choice on whether we will consider dealing with a vendor or not... At least we'll have some information to weigh that decision. This is just my two cents in the matter but if you inform everyone at least we will all know whether folks give a damn about it or just too not interested in paying money to keep this open.
Been there, done that. Have had an announcement highlighted in blue in ALL forums since early January.

Originally Posted by ChondroPy View Post
A little more policing of the statements that are made would help as well, to help keep those who post on the BOI as a hobby as their social outlet and who have nothing beneficial to offer.

Please consider all of this before shutting it all down.

Charles Ball
Sorry, but apparently most people don't understand the legal aspects of running something like the Board of Inquiry. You have to be careful about how you "police" a forum of that nature, because if you make the wrong step, you then take on legal responsibility for what anyone else posts there. For instance, you cannot pre-filter statements made. You cannot judge which statements are factual, and which are not. You cannot be a judge and jury at all. I am certain that a lot of people who wanted to sue me over the Board of Inquiry had their attorney check it out and found that they had no ground to stand on exactly because of the way I run it. Matter of fact, about a year or so ago I paid yet another attorney to analyze the BOI and how I run it to make certain I was not running afoul of any changes that might have been made to laws concerning such things. It got gold stars across the board.

This is not as simple as it may seem at casual inspection.
Old 11-17-2019, 01:13 PM   #288
Ed Lilley
Just saw this, Fauna is a great site, always glad to contribute prices have always been reasonable
Old 11-17-2019, 03:03 PM   #289
Originally Posted by Ed Lilley View Post
Just saw this, Fauna is a great site, always glad to contribute prices have always been reasonable
Thank you.

Hopefully it will be considered by most people as being just as great of a site without the Board of Inquiry.
Old 12-02-2019, 10:23 PM   #290

Has the idea of "passing the torch" of an archived domain of the BOI into another party's responsible hands of consideration?

It will be a great day for scammers when the BOI is shut down. The thought greatly troubles me; so much history wiped clean, as if it never occurred...

I would like to note, I greatly appreciate the Board of Inquiry- in the respect of it serving as a valuable tool to research potential sellers (and buyers). I realize I may be the minority, however I utilize it often.


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