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FaunaClassifieds Site HELP & Feedback Forum Anything of a nature concerning this website, moderators, admin, or anything having to do with how it is being run, should go here. Criticism is welcome, but abusive antagonism is not. THIS IS NOT THE FORUM FOR FEEDBACK CONCERNING BUYERS AND SELLERS! Such posts are ONLY allowed as replies to classified ads posted by the specific member involved in a specific issue with you.

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Old 01-22-2019, 12:24 PM   #21
The BOI is in such a TAME place compared to how it was 10 years ago! if you think it's bad now you have no idea how it used to be and what a MUCH calmer and more rational place it is now.
Old 01-22-2019, 12:32 PM   #22
Mike Schultz
So when people toss allegations and accusations against a business, that business will have to pay in order to add their side of the story?
Old 01-22-2019, 12:50 PM   #23
I have been a long-time lurker, hardly ever posting. That aside, I find FC in its entirety to be extremely useful, along with being extremely well-run and moderated.
Facebook "BOI" groups are total trash and I never look at them.
Rich, thank you for the years of dedication you have put into this site.
Robert Walker, I have enjoyed the few times we sleuthed together.
To the rest of the moderating team, exceptional work.
I cannot afford to be a Contributor, so I shall say that I will dearly miss this site.

Thank you all.
Old 01-22-2019, 12:59 PM   #24
Originally Posted by oddonesonly View Post
The integrity and accuracy is far too often no more than petty jealousy and name calling.

After an outrages incident this summer. I had decided to stop contributing to fauna.
Most threads start with someone posting a legitimate complaint about a transaction gone sour.

Unfortunately, some threads deteriorate into mudslinging and petty behavior. However, that reflects negatively on the maturity and integrity of the poster, not the site.

What outrageous incident happened this summer, that caused you to withdraw your support?

Thank you
Old 01-22-2019, 01:27 PM   #25
I'm sorry that you had to come to this Rich, but I think it is a good incentive to get people to contribute. So many don't realize how much work, time, and money goes into keeping a website up and running. The BOI has gotten me refunds I never would have gotten without it, and saved me from bad deals a few times as well. It is definitely valuable to me. I had let my contributor status lapse this past year, due to my husband losing his job and a death in my immediate family; it just wasn't on my radar.
I will definitely be re-instating it now though.
Old 01-22-2019, 02:28 PM   #26
Dro B
You should upgrade the site so that people can log in using thier facebook accounts like many sites are doing today that would revive many areas of this site and bring in new users.
Old 01-22-2019, 03:35 PM   #27
Originally Posted by Mike Schultz View Post
So when people toss allegations and accusations against a business, that business will have to pay in order to add their side of the story?
There was a lot of discussion about this back in 2009 in those threads I mentioned in post #11. Basically I bent over backwards to offer free temporary access to people placed in that situation. And at one point I even offered a 10 year membership level for $10. Seems fair, no? Complete waste of my time and energy. So no, I am not doing that again.

The lowest level membership cost here to gain access to the Board of Inquiry after 02-02-2019 is $25 per year. So let me get this straight. Instead of just paying the $25 to help out this site, they would want ME to jump through hoops for them? Do I have that right? I fell for that last time.
Old 01-22-2019, 04:49 PM   #28
No matter the situation/circumstance, nobody can make all people happy and, certainly, not all people at the same time.

I am one who does not want to see the BOI, here at Fauna, go away.
Although some people may not like it, and, yes, some feathers may be ruffled from time to time, it is the best run, & best set up, BOI that, currently, exists.

On the BOI, I don't always agree with how some people act, &/or with everyone's opinions, but, for crying out loud, I don't blame the BOI for the posts of ~Individuals~. However, there are those who, ignorantly, do so. Pity.

As for those who cry lawsuit, it is not the BOI who posts "bad guy" (or "good guy", "info", "etc.") threads. It is ~individuals~ who do.
Regardless, those individuals are well within their rights to do so. There is nothing illegal, in posting one's experience, wherever they wish to do so &/or all over the world for that matter. No lible exists as long as what has been posted is the truth.
If someone does not want to ever see their name/business posted, as the subject of a "bad guy" thread, it is simple. Don't screw over any of your customers.
If it turns out that an honest mistake was made, all that needs to be done is to quickly rectify the error, or compensate for it, and you come out smelling like roses.
If it turns out that a false, or frivolous, complaint is posted, they are ~very quickly~ smelled and outed. No problem.
It is ridiculous for the threats of lawsuit, or the filing of a lawsuit, to occur.

That said, I really understand your thoughts, and reasoning behind what you are going to be doing with the BOI, Rich ... and I support you.

Fauna is a great site in general. Although I'd like to have the BOI continue on, I will remain a paid member, with or without the BOI (should it ever go away some day) for as long as Fauna is still running (or as long as I am, whichever goes first LoL).

I am a paid member of both Fauna and Paying more at so as to have my own forum there (wonder if that would work here?).
Anyway, I would like to raise my contributer level (pay more) here at Fauna. Probably next month?
Only thing is that I wonder, if I were to do so (let's say next month), what happens to my current membership, which does not expire until Oct.? Will the higher level paid membership start as soon as I pay for it, and move expiration to that earlier date (a yr. later, of course), and simply erase my current membership (and paid $)? Something else?

Old 01-22-2019, 05:02 PM   #29
Originally Posted by Mike Schultz View Post
So when people toss allegations and accusations against a business, that business will have to pay in order to add their side of the story?
People spend a ~lot~ more money on things that give them nothing more (and I mean nothing) than a temporary joy or satisfaction.
If there were a false complaint, and I had proof of it, you can bet it would be worth it, to me, to pay a measly $25 to defend my name & rep.
Just my thoughts.
Old 01-22-2019, 05:55 PM   #30
I think there should be a one month membership or even a one day pass available to those responding to an allegation that there is a thread about them. There doesn't even have to be a thread, people might prank others and just say there is a thread. People need to know what they are responding to, what they are up against.

I forecast that there will be a LOT more people sharing accounts with friends to see what is going on, if there is not a little flexibility built in here from the start.
Others might disagree with me, that is OK, it won't be a first. But it just seems a tad unfair to not even be able to see an allegation without having to pay for a one year membership, especially if one is innocent.

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