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Old 06-29-2004, 08:24 PM   #21
Retics and burms are part of the boidae family.
ALL boas and pythons fall under this law.
Old 06-29-2004, 09:00 PM   #22
Just to let you know i emailed as well. We truely can't have this going any further.
I take these people don't realize that the only disease that "cold blood" animals spread is samenla(sorry for the spelling)? You have a better chance catching something from some ONE who is sitting next to you than a reptile. Hell maybe they should ban EGGS. They can get people deadly sick!
Ok im off my soap box now. It's just that stupidity makes me real upset! Gee go figure.
Old 06-30-2004, 12:21 AM   #23
Classic Dum's
Last year WE stopped Chicago, NOW we must stop NY State!!

New York State is trying to push a bill through that will ban all boas, pythons, hots, crocs and certain monitors. This is very similar to the ordinance we stopped in Chicago last year. This Bill has passed the assembly and the senate, its currently waiting on the governor to sign off on it and make it a law. If passed January of 05 NY State can kiss the bulk of their reptiles good bye. Yes this includes your hypos, motleys, sunglows etc. There is a clause that THEY MAY grant NY residents a permit to keep any animals acquired prior to this law being enacted. However any permits THEY MAY POSSIBLLY grant are for pets only! You are not allowed to breed. But do you really want your $5000 sunglow boa you just invested in to be a pet only? How about your spider ball python? If not we need to get active and stop this!!! I urge anyone and everyone whether you’re a NY resident or not to voice their opinion and denounce this bill. I personally ship a lot of stuff into NY, I know I am not the only one, if your just starting out in business you need to think about this because if this passes this is an entire state you’ll loose the opportunity to ever do business in. I also urge everyone to spread the word to anyone and everyone they can. Contact show promoters, breeders, supply dealers hobbyists etc. Pressure these people, they have huge mailing lists they can spread the word faster then any of us. Make them realize they need to get involved soon enough their may be no one left for them to sell their cages, light bulbs etc to. Let NY know that we will not stand back and allow them to take away our rights as responsible herpers with their blanket laws. NY is one of those states the other states look up to when it comes to legislation so you can bet money on the fact if this bill passes it WILL spread like wild fire. The ordinance we fought in Chicago last year was verbatim the one passed in NYC a couple years back. So if your sitting their thinking I don’t live their so I don’t have to worry about it. There’s your proof you better worry about it.

Below is the link to the internet copy of the bill awaiting the gov’s signature.
The below link is to a page where you can email the Gov.

To Write To The Governor:
Governor George E. Pataki
State Capitol
Albany, NY 12224
Below is a phone number where you can all and let them know your opposition to this bill. Tell them your calling in reference to bill A02684. You’ll then be asked if your for or opposed and asked for your zip code. I called today and gave them my zip and they logged my opposition to the bill even though I am a IL resident. If your moving there give them the zip your moving to.

Many of you may remember some of you may not. Last year an ordinance came through Chicago as a knee jerk reaction to monkey pox that is pretty much the same thing as the current Bill in NY waiting for the Governor to sign off. This ordinance in Chicago we stopped last year, I was told by more then one person that we would never be able to stop it. Apparently the Aldermen who sponsored the bill is a powerful person within Chicago. I was told he has been known to push ridiculous things through and make them law just out of spit for people he doesn’t like. The people I spoken to who told me we would never be able to stop him or that city wide ban, deal with him on a regular basis and have done so for years. Very best they hoped that with all our support we could get the Aldermen to at least lisen and make the ordinance somewhat sensible. Well our support did the unthinkable and we stopped him from pushing the Chicago ban on reptiles through. When I spoke to these people they made a point that they didn’t think we could win, NOT because they didn’t believe in us, they didn’t think we could win because of the people and their tactics that we were up against. They were wrong, They were in awe, all they could say was thank you and how much they appreciated what WE had done. I know they spoke for the tens of thousands of reptile people within Chicago. My point of all this is two things, number one, we can do it, we don’t have to just roll over and take it from these people. There is enough of us and when we unit we CAN change things. #2 I was told last year that these politicians wouldn’t care what anyone who didn’t live within their district thought. Well they did, whether they cared because some of them realize you or I may become a voting resident in their district, prior to the next election or because of the over whelming response we gave them, I don’t care, all I know is WE got the job done and we need to do it again for NY State.

We need to stand up and let the government know that they have over stepped their bounds. Were Americans and we have rights as private responsible citizens and I for one am tired of seeing them stripped away!
Old 06-30-2004, 12:22 PM   #24
Classic Dum's
Heres a list of people, Ive contacted who are lending a hand by contacting their costumers and letting them know they need to get involved. I have permission from each person on here to post their names.
Bob Clark
Exotic Jungle, Jay
Mark Lucas
Larry Kenton Maryland reptile farm, Harve De Grace reptile show
Casey Hulse Nature Spirits
Ben Seigel
The Lizard King Mickey Hinkle
Chicago Herp society
Lee Watson Streamwood Reptile show
There’s a bunch more people that I have spoken to, big name breeders and businesses alike that are not on the list, that as well are contacting their costumers and anyone they can think of to oppose this bill. I will update this list in time as it is growing by the hour. Many of these people are not even from NY, so if you see these guys or talk to them let them know you appreciate them going out of their way and standing up for all of us.
Please if you are placing an order today for something tell them what’s up. The company you are placing the order with stands to loose a whole state of potential costumers. Contact your favorite supply company tell them to get involved, post this on your fav forums, contact other breeders ask them to touch base with their costumers. It doesn’t matter if your from NY or not it helps, I live in IL. To those who have already taken action THANK YOU!!!!
Old 06-30-2004, 12:49 PM   #25
Classic Dum's
Ad bigcheeserodents to that list
Old 06-30-2004, 12:51 PM   #26
Randy T.
Something I thought I would add to this, when you do email make certain you sound professional and level headed in what you are trying to say.. Also it is a good idea to point out (this is for the non NY residents) that you are a potential tourist who has money that you will gladly spend in a state that does not take the rights of its citizens lightly.

I hope they don't pass this thing..

Old 06-30-2004, 01:41 PM   #27
The Gov has mail......
Old 06-30-2004, 02:06 PM   #28
Classic Dum's
Thank you to everyone who has written in. Heres my letter and please dont correct my grammer. We dont all have to be english majors to be taken seriously, I hated english class.

Hi I am writing in regards to bill # A02684. I would like to oppose this bill and let you know why

I am a responsible herper(reptile owner) I have been doing this for 15yrs+. I have owned anything from corn snakes(small and harmless) to 16ft 200pound+ Burmese pythons. I have also owned large monitors some that topped out over 5ft in length and rattlesnake and puff adders. I no longer keep any venomous animals or monitors as I have two children ages 1 and 2.5yrs. Never have I endangered the safety or health of others. safety has always been the key word with me. I have always had proper handling equipment and caging. My caging has always been costum professional built cages with locks. This caging in most cases the individual cage cost me several hundred more then the animal residing in it. I spent the extra money as I felt it was necessary as a responsible owner. Never in my 15yrs have I or anyone else been harmed by any of my reptiles. Most of the caging I currently own were purchased from a company in Buffalo NY. Ive spent thousands over the years on supplies(light bulbs, handling gear etc) with companies located in NYC. All of that money your wonderful state collected taxes on. If ths bill is enacted as law the state will loose hundreds of thousands of dollars every year in revenues, possibly millions. In times like these where the economy is not at its best neither the state nor private citizens who responsibly own and sell reptiles or products can afford a blow like this.

Also I want to point out that with my track record I don’t think your very concerned with my self and others like myself who make up the bulk within the reptile industry/hobby. Your concerned with the minority and few people who put peoples health and lives at risk with irresponsible actions. Legislation such as this doesn’t effect the people you are most concerned about. Odds are that if you are concerned with them now they are already breaking the law in some way and will continue to do so in the future whether this is passed or not. When laws like this are passed the only people they effect are responsibly law abiding, voting, citizens such as myself. In most cases the people they are directed at will go “under ground” with their irresponsible actions which only costs the state more money in time and effort that must be spent to catch them. Also if this is passed You need to be aware of the thousands of businesses that will be put in jeopardy. When the sate looses those tax revenues who will float the bill for enforcement. I am sure NY state law enforcement is stretched thin enough as is. My suggestion is this instead of taking away the rights of responsible citizens such as myself why not enact legislation that would be helpful? To the state and the public as a whole. If someone with a dangerous animal puts other citizens lives and safety at risk make mandatory stiffer penalties. Lets say someone who owns a large python or a big cat that houses the animal in a flimsy homemade cage. If this animal were to escape and bite someone The owner faces a fine of no less then $2500. Also you could make it mandatory that any animal on the dangerous animals list be implemented with a pit tag. It’s a microchip inserted under the skin of an animal about the size of a piece of rice This can be done in less then 2 minute’s by any vet. You hold a little handheld device within 10 inches of the animal and it will read a number much like the SS# every person in this nation has. That way these dangerous animals could be traced back to the owner. These are just a couple ideas that would allow you to protect your citizens without interfering with the rights of responsible people and at the same time both of these ideas would draw more revenues for your wonderful state. Stiffer fines means more money for the states law enforcement and if people were required to pit tag all dangerous animals that means more revenues for the states through the taxes collected from vets. Also once an animal is tagged their could be a $10 registration fee per animal. If there is anyway I can help please contact me. Please I urge you to rethink this bill and veto it and request the sponsors right a bill that doesn’t interfere with the rights of people such as myself.
Jason Sweigart
A concerned possible future resident of the great state of NY
Old 06-30-2004, 02:31 PM   #29
Thumbs up

Ok as A New Yorker I was the First One To call Albany This Am.... I know this Because I kept trying Till Their Voice Mail Stopped picking determanation, And Im Really GLAD " Jason" Brought this to my Attention if he hadnt I would never of Known about this Bill as a small time breeder(this year starting) and a long time owner of Boas and Pythons I hate all the Hype About Oh you have a Big snake its gonna get loose and eat my dog or cat or my kid...etc or the they cause dieseae(sp?) And Jason that was well writen letter Thank you and Major KUDOS to all the major players in our hobby Who are out there in support THANK YOU KINDLY
Old 06-30-2004, 02:37 PM   #30

Oppps forgot my name

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